Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1292 The new album is coming

Chapter 1292 The new album is coming

It's the end of the year, and internal entertainment has been noisy for a year. As the old year is coming to an end, it has finally calmed down.

Of course, the lull is also compared to the time at the beginning of the year. The period around June was really full of troubles.

As for now, we can see some hot news from time to time.

For example, half of the rock industry is getting divorced. This time no one will compete with him to grab the headlines.

In addition, Japanese comics have been in constant turmoil recently.

In just one month, three extremely popular Japanese comics have released one after another, making a group of comic fans miserable and major forums and communities in a state of quarrel.

"Giant", "One Piece", and "Spell" are half of the most popular comics at the moment.

The first one has been completed, and the next two are nearing the end.

Japanese manga authors always seem to like to do things that disgust readers when a good story is about to come to an end.

It seems that not doing so would violate their original intention of creating comics and fail to reflect their artistic attainments.

The author of "Giant" completely overturned the protagonist's personality at the end and negated all his previous efforts, turning him into a complete clown.

He also asked the popular heroine to marry someone else, and then accompanied by Huang Mao, she would carry the child to visit the protagonist's grave.

Once this series of operations is performed, it is like adding two spoonfuls of defense to a pot of delicious food when it is about to come out of the oven.

Most of the ingredients are still delicious, but if you taste them, you will still spit them out.

And the thought of such a delicious dish containing a reply makes people feel physically nauseous.

In comparison, the author of "One Piece" is slightly better.

He just made the life experience of an important supporting character a little miserable. For example, his parents died when he was young, and his childhood sweetheart was insulted and gave birth to a baby for him to take care of. In the end, in order to save the baby, he was forced to become a person without feelings and thoughts. slave.

Ironically, those who enslaved him and those who insulted his childhood sweetheart were the same people.

Putting this together, it does seem a bit difficult to overcome.

The key is that the chain reaction caused by such a painting has caused many characters in One Piece to collapse.

At present, all Hainanese fans are quarreling over this matter, and the confrontation is extremely sharp. It can be called the most controversial plot in recent years.

Of course, compared to heavyweight comics like "One Piece" and "Spell", it is still slightly inferior.

The recent plot of "Spell" has been so bad that it has already formed several memes on the Internet, such as 2.5, I didn't feel sad for xx's xx for a moment, I'm really sorry that I didn't make you feel happy, etc. etc…………

The ability to create memes is the best among comics this year.

As for how outrageous this plot is, I can’t explain it in just a few words.

To sum it up, the author made the power ceiling in the comic die like a clown, worthless, without tears, and even made people want to laugh.

If the plot of "One Piece" is still controversial, then the plot of "Spell" unified all the black and white people, making them unanimously feel that this work is terrible.

The reason that supports them to continue reading is to know how bad this author can make his work.

If it can reach a new level of excellence, uniqueness, and new heights, it will be regarded as a tombstone in the history of Japanese comics.

In the future, when people pass by, they can spit at the place where it is to show their respect.

This is what comic fans are thinking right now.

"Actually, it's really hard to understand why these authors would come up with such disgusting plots. Don't they know what fans want to see?"

"This is what creators are like. In Japan this is called psychopathy, in China it is called literary youth."

"Some people create works just to disgust people, but they didn't expect that the disgusting works would become popular, but this does not affect the author's original intention of disgusting people, and the author is even more excited when he thinks that it can disgust so many people."

"Those who defy nature will always be punished by God. Just wait, there will be retribution sooner or later."

"Indeed, there used to be a painter who specialized in painting NTRs. He was very good at making disgusting people. But in reality, he was really cheated on by his wife. After breaking his guard, he switched to painting pure love."

"His wife cheated on him because she knew he liked ntr, so this is actually a kind of pure love."

"Hahaha, can you still understand it this way?"

"This is the first time that someone has explained the meeting in such a fresh and refined way. You are a talent."

"It's not that I won't retaliate. The time has not yet come. All those disgusting authors should learn from it. Those who are green will always be green. If you disgust others, you will be disgusted by others sooner or later in the future!"

"Yes, things are changing!"


Because of the plots of the three comics, fans had extremely heated discussions in Luo Quan's live broadcast room.

But this is normal. After all, the Two-dimensional concentration at Station B has always been very high, and Two-dimensional related news started to ferment the fastest.

In addition, this continuous extraordinary work is really overwhelming, and all good things can only come in one day.

Facing the fans' questions, Luo Quan thought for a while and commented: "If the creator doesn't say it himself, it will be difficult for the audience to analyze it.

Just like Shave Girl, you think this is a tender drama about redemption.

But the characters of the male and female protagonists were thought up by the author while he was squatting on the toilet. He wanted to be as casual as possible, and by the end of the story, he himself felt sick.

If the author hadn't said these things himself, would you have guessed them?
In the same way, the plots of these three anime may have been created by their authors at the drop of a hat. They may not be malicious, or they may be deliberately disgusting. If you want to find out, you can only ask the author himself. "

"Promise me, Luo Bao, that you will never make such a mistake in the future."

"I can't imagine how I would feel about the harem story Luo Bao wrote before. If the heroine was ntr, I would probably collapse immediately, right?"

"Think too much, Luo Bao is not such a boring person."

"Indeed, Luo Bao is famous for liking happy endings."

"That's not what happened in the movie "Sea"."

"Although "The Sea" is a bit tragic, the ending is still good, but the process is really miserable."

"To be honest, Luo Bao told everyone from the beginning that this is a tragic story. You should be mentally prepared before clicking in."

"Tragedy only happens occasionally, comedy is Luo Bao's normal state."


Luo Quan smiled and watched the fans' discussion for a while, and then said: "Heavy themes can often bring about deeper memories, but in order to prevent everyone from being deceived, I usually inform you in advance, so as not to suddenly break your defenses. .

Moreover, I have to take a long time to make such a story, so there won’t be any tragedies for a long time. It should all be refreshing and joyful comedies.

After all, real life is hard enough now, so there is no need for everyone to continue to suffer in fantasy.

Therefore, please don’t worry about the plot of Tokyo Love Story. There will definitely be no NTR content. "

Fans praised these words one after another:

"Okay, then I'll pre-order ten copies directly, and the extra copies will be given away in a lottery."

"I just created a folder. Where did you get the pre-order?" "If there is a pre-order, buy it."

"By the way, when will Luo Bao's album be released? It's the end of the year."

"Haha, after so long of preparation, you finally can't bear it anymore, right?"

"It's just for this dish of vinegar that everyone made this meal of dumplings."


Luo Quan knew that fans would urge him, but he didn't expect that they would urge him so quickly.

He obviously just filmed a movie, and he has been doing live broadcasts and updating novels these past few days. He seems to be very hardworking, so as not to make them feel like he is lazy.

As a result, after just a few days of rest, the fans' old habits started to happen again.

Her original plan was to keep it like this for a few days, and it would be December soon.

When the fans couldn't help but press for an update, she started to use her procrastination technique, saying that the album was already being prepared and everyone was looking forward to it.

It will be the New Year after a long delay. If there are still people urging you to update it, then say it will be released in the New Year, just to celebrate.

In this way, fans will definitely have no objections, and she can also delay the release of the new album until February next year, so that she does not have to be pressed for updates throughout the spring.

This plan was so perfect that Luo Quan couldn't help but want to praise his wit.

Who would have known that these fans really didn't want her to have a moment of leisure. It had only been a few days since the live broadcast, and they were already urging her to listen to the new album.

Moreover, these are the opinions of most people, and no one can be seen speaking to her in the barrage.

Facing such calls, Luo Quan did nothing particularly good except compromise.

"Okay, the new album will be here in a few days!"

Luo Quan's promise satisfied half of the people. As for the other half, they were more inclined to get paid from Luo Quan immediately.

"Luobao, the Giant animation has ended. You also published an OP for it a few years ago. How do you evaluate the ending of this animation?"

A fan spent hundreds of dollars to post a paid barrage.

After Luo Quan saw the question, he was silent for a long time.

"To be honest, this question is actually difficult to answer."

Luo Quan sighed and started talking after a long silence: "I remember when I watched Giant, I had just entered high school.

At that time, I felt that this painting was so exciting and the painting was so exquisite. It was like a god among gods.

Although many of my favorite characters died, the death of each character moved me greatly and made them feel that their sacrifices were meaningful.

I just didn't expect the final ending to be like this.

The good news is that the animation team made an imperfect patch to this terrible ending.

Maybe there are still many people who are dissatisfied, but just like human youth, it will always be full of all kinds of regrets.

Things have happened, and you can no longer expect a change. You can only say that the beginning and middle of Giant are indeed very good, and the ending is indeed terrible, that's all.

There is no need to regard it as a classic or belief in it. After all, it is just a juvenile comic for entertainment. If it can move people, it has fulfilled its mission.

As for the ending being so bad that it makes you feel that all these years of sincerity have been fed to the dog, then just remember the author's name, and you will be like a dog when you read his works in the future! "

If the previous content was emotionally stable and rationally expressed, then the last part of the gnashing of teeth proved that Luo Quan had finally broken his guard.

It's really hard not to break the defense. After all, Giant was so good before the end, but ended up like this. It's really disappointing.

Of course, Luo Quan himself is not a fan of Ashes Giant, but he just feels that it is a pity that a work that can be used as a god has been ruined like this.

If he was really angry, he would have posted a video to curse.

"Luo Bao is still really good-natured. He praises where he should be praised and scolds where he should be scolded."

"This is a calm audience perspective. If you like the content, you will be updated. If you don't like it, you won't watch it."

"That's true, but I still feel uncomfortable thinking about it now."

"Luo Bao, if you had to use a song to bring an end to the giant, which song would you use?"

"Let's play one, Luo Bao, I've been meaning to say this since just now."

"Good guys, I knew you wouldn't leave Luo Bao idle tonight. Now it's finally started, right?"

"Oh, I was still thinking of asking Luo Bao to open the game quickly, but now it seems that he will probably have to wait until the early morning to open the game."

"The game can be played at any time, but if you miss this opportunity, you won't know when it will be until the next time you let Luo Quan sing to the giant."

"It's been a long time since I heard Luo Bao make an anime op. What style are you planning to do this time?"

"Haha, Luo Bao hasn't agreed yet, have you already started to choose?"

"Luo Bao will definitely agree. After all, she is so Asasi, don't you think so, Luo Bao?"


Luo Quan just remained silent, watching these people showing their generosity to others.

Seeing that the cries were getting louder and louder, he finally shook his head and smiled: "The completion of a work is equivalent to the end of a person's life.

Whether he will be famous throughout the ages or be infamous forever depends mainly on what he did during his lifetime.

But no matter how you say it, death is a big deal.

Since everyone wants to have such a song to bring an end to the Giant series and the youthful and emotional animation you have devoted to it, then let me be the representative. "

As he spoke, Luo Quan entered a string of English words into the notepad on his computer:
"Call of silence"

It means, a silent call.

"Is that the name of the song?"

"The silent call is quite thoughtful."

"Looking at the song title, you can guess the style of the song. It should be a more lyrical slow song."

"Indeed, if it was like the OP of Sister Pao, with a deafening roar, then it would probably be a different style of painting."

"Hahahaha, how come you always make people laugh so much?"

"It's up to you to take care of the whole thing."


The live broadcast room was filled with laughter, but soon they could no longer cry.

(End of this chapter)

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