Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1310 Good News Bad News

The beautiful young woman wears a bun. Although she is bare-faced, she still looks gorgeous, giving people a charming and charming feeling.

However, her figure is more eye-catching. The fullness in front of her body stretches the entire top out of shape, and a few buttons work very hard to hold on to their posts, as if they will collapse on Xia Xia's face at any time.

After seeing Xia Tian, ​​she showed a polite smile: "I am Misaki Akizuki who just moved here. We will be neighbors from now on. Please take care of me."

"My name is Xia Xia Yu, please take care of me!" Xia Xia nodded gently, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

After returning to the house, he closed the door gently.

At this time, the game system also appeared in front of the players.

[The second strategy target appears!

Name: Akizuki Misaki

Age: 27 years old

Height: 169cm
Body: G Cup
Personality: A perfect young woman like Yamato Nadeshiko, gentle and virtuous, obedient to her lover, very fond of children, exuding the glory of motherhood.

Note: Because her husband died suddenly and mysteriously on the wedding day, she was regarded as an unlucky person by her husband's family. In grief, she had to leave her hometown and live in seclusion in Adachi Ward, Tokyo. She had a slight tendency to commit suicide.

Food hobbies: She likes all food cooked by her loved ones.

Weaknesses: When she was a child, her father was imprisoned for theft, so Misaki Akizuki had a unique habit of stealing. She would always steal small items uncontrollably and then secretly return them.

Strategy analysis: Using her love for children may be able to achieve special effects. 】

The barrage started popping up at this time:

"As expected of the goddess strategy system, the ones marked are not ordinary women."

"This is like telling you all the weaknesses. You can choose the key options correctly with your eyes closed, right?"

"I guess there must be a difficult mode. There will be no system and every choice will be exciting."

"Haha, I can already imagine the scene where the protagonist steps on N boats and is taught how to be a human being by Hatao."

“Kanasimi oh~~~~”

"Haha, this is a familiar melody."

"Brother Cheng died so tragically."

"You laugh at Brother Cheng for dying early, Brother Cheng laughs at you..."

"Speak out."

"If you speak out, you will be banned."

"Let's be honest, which one is the most likely to lead the male lead, the president of the queen, the cowardly colleague, or the married woman's neighbor?"

"Suzumiya Kaoru, the more you love someone, the more likely you are to go to extremes when betrayed. After all, she is just your lover, and you are her everything."

"Damn, that makes sense."

"Luo Bao shouldn't do such a bad job, right? Shouldn't he just marry into three equal parts?"

"I'm being conservative. This is just the prologue. There may be many more girls in the future."

"Think about how many female artists there are in Quanshui Entertainment now?"

"I wiped it, and my saliva started dripping!"


When fans encounter this kind of situation, they are always extremely positive, chatting to the point where the entire screen is covered in barrage, forcing people to unblock it.

However, Luo Quan was in the middle of the update and began to let himself go:

Xia Tian lay on the bed and stretched out happily.

In his mind, he was thinking about how to defeat President Chiba and what shameful things he could do after defeating him.

In addition, Misaki Akizuki, this poor woman with a poor background, must have a hard time living alone. If there is a chance, she should knock on the door and send warmth.

After being flirty like this for a while, Xia Xia turned on her phone and started scrolling through Twitter.

At this time, it’s the player’s time.

After reaching the progress of defeating President Chiba just now, the player got two opportunities to randomly draw, and he didn't know what he could draw.

With a thought, the lottery begins.

The two gray light balls in the inventory immediately shattered, and streaks of golden light bloomed from the cracks, illuminating the player's surprised smile. (ps. The real explosion rate is based on the actual situation of the game, this plot is for reference only)
It turned out to be a double yolk egg, so lucky.

"Congratulations to the player, you have obtained 2 gold character fragments. Collect three to unlock the character card. Since this is a novice draw, I will give you an additional character fragment and successfully unlock a character card!"

The character fragments are all here. Isn’t this the same trick as cheating Krypton mobile games? This is what the players must be thinking.

However, the answer is obviously not this.

System lottery is different from cheating mobile games. After the player obtains fragments of a certain character, the next lottery will be fragments of this character. Until they are collected, other messy things will not be revealed.

"So what are these character cards used for?" the player asked.

"A complete character card allows the host to extract the character's abilities, or works belonging to this character."

It is equivalent to if the person drawn is a boxing champion, then after extracting his ability, Xia Tian can obtain superb boxing skills.

If the person drawn is a singer, then Xia Tian can get the right to use one of her masterpieces, and her singing skills will also be greatly improved.

These abilities will have very important effects in later games, such as resigning and taking the artist route, or cultivating the girls around you and turning them into big stars, etc...

Immediately afterwards, the player immediately turned over the character card and wanted to confirm his identity.

Turning over the character card, first there was a tall and voluptuous dark figure with long hair, who seemed to be leading a song.

"who am I?"

"Luo Quan!"

In a burst of applause and cheers, the player's luck exploded and he drew the SSR character card, which is Luo Quan!
You can choose one of this character's songs and use it later in the game.

[Luo Quan, a Chinese popular female singer, her early masterpieces are "Lemon", "Fireworks", "I once thought about it all"...]

I should have thought it was Luo Quan, with this figure, this amount of hair, and such obvious and prominent features.

But the main reason is that the character card does not indicate the type. If it had been said that it was a musical female character, Xia Tian would have guessed it immediately.

"After using the card, can I choose the work of that character at will?" Xia Tian asked while holding back her joy.

"Yes, but it can only be used once, that is, to choose a piece of work."

Hearing the exact reply from the system, Xia Xia almost jumped up with joy.

As one of the representatives of the new generation of Chinese pop music, Luo Quan's talent is absolutely undoubted. Just pick one of her masterpieces and it will become popular all over the Internet.

He stayed up so late last night playing with his mobile phone. He wasn't looking at girls in swimsuits all the time. Of course he also had the music software open. None of the neon singers he was familiar with could be found in the software.

What’s even more surprising is that the social status of art practitioners in this world is higher than in previous lives.

Therefore, professions such as singers, singers, actors, painters, and writers are highly respected by the public.

Of course, the premise is that you must have real talent and practical learning.

Traffic stars like those who only rely on their appearance and marketing to become popular are looked down upon by others.

In this social background, Xia Tian quickly realized that she could make a difference.

So after completing his research yesterday, he immediately registered a company called Summer Co., Ltd.

In Neon, you can register a company as long as you are 16 years or older. The minimum registered capital is one yen. The entire process can be completed in one month at most. It can be said that there is no threshold at all.

Of course, just setting up a company is of no use. He is still an ordinary social creature with millions of debts.

But after drawing Luo Quan's character card, everything will soon change.

This talented singer has so many good works that one chance to draw is definitely not enough.

But the song "Lemon" has the potential to become popular all over the Internet, so it must be selected first.

So when he got the opportunity, Xia Xia immediately consumed it. The production process and singing skills of "Lemon" were immediately engraved in his mind.

Now that the song "Lemon" is his, all he needs to do next is find a recording studio and produce "Lemon" and it's done.

Recording studios are not uncommon in Tokyo, but the rental price may be relatively high, and I don’t know if the remaining savings at home will be enough.

This is the case in Tokyo. High income naturally brings high consumption. He, an ordinary migrant worker who cannot make ends meet, can only look at most products with wonder.

In fact, the company also has a recording studio, and there is more than one.

But these are all paid for use by employees. He now owes more than 100 million points in foreign debt and has been restricted from any high-consumption behavior.

When you punch your card at the payment machine outside the recording studio, the only text you get is "Access is prohibited".

Maybe President Chiba would be willing to help him with this, but who knows what kind of training he will have after finishing his work.

Perhaps because he grew up in a repressive environment since childhood, President Chiba has become a bit abnormal. While he longs to be M, he also plays the role of S.

This is not a good thing for him.

Just now it was just a pick on the chin, who knows what will happen next time.

Thinking of this, Xia Tian couldn't help but tremble.

If you are not desperate, it would be better not to send more clues to President Chiba.

This is a bad woman who is very good at playing with people's hearts. No wonder the employees are so afraid of her.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Tian decided to make some money and find a recording studio outside.

However, I have to go to work these days and have no time to record. I have to wait until after get off work on Friday to be free. However, two and a half days, if nothing else, should be enough to record "Lemon".

Next, the timeline gradually turns.

The protagonist heroically saves a beauty twice, has dinner with a popular neighbor, gives Kaoru Suzumiya a beating in the company, and beats down workplace bullies, and is later called into the office by President Chiba to train her hard.

The pace is fast and so much happens in just one week.

Then in the new week, the atmosphere in the office ushered in a change.

For employees, Friday afternoon is the happiest, because every minute that passes is one minute closer to a happy weekend.

When the alarm clock rang for get off work, the four boys sitting in front of Xia Tian took the initiative to pick up brooms and mops and began to clean the nearby workstations.

Colleagues all looked at this scene in shock. You must know that these four are a notoriously bad group in the office, and they often take pleasure in bullying new colleagues.

Now he has become so diligent, and he has started to use honorifics when talking to everyone. This change is so big that everyone is really uncomfortable with it.

The "culprit" Xia Tian just looked at all this with a smile: "We have to attack with an iron fist and turn the ghosts into humans."

"What turns a ghost into a human?" Suzumiya Kaoru on the side didn't hear clearly and asked with his head tilted, his cute face like a curious kitten.

"I just marvel at the excellent results achieved in education."

Niaxia answered with a smile, then turned to look at Suzumiya Kaoru and found that she was wearing a retro gray beret and holding a bag in her hand with many paint tubes in it.

"Are you going to paint?" Xia Tian asked curiously.

Suzumiya Kaoru nodded happily: "The deputy director of the Human Resources Department organized everyone to go to the University of Tokyo to sketch. I have wanted to go there for a long time, and this time I can finally realize my dream."

"I didn't expect Miss Suzumiya to be a painter. When I come back next week, I'll have to appreciate your masterpiece." Xia Tian made a joke.

"No, actually my painting ability is very average." Suzumiya Kaoru said with a blushing face and modesty.

At this time, her phone vibrated.

"The deputy minister must be urging me!" Suzumiya Kaoru hurriedly picked up his school bag and paint bag, "Then I'll leave now, Natsuhi-san. See you next week!"

After saying that, he ran out of the classroom with a clang.

"What a stupid and cute girl." Xia Tian looked at Suzumiya Kaoru's back and showed a gentle smile.

At this point, the story comes to an end.

This is the content of the prologue after Luo Quan's revision. Compared with the beginning and end of the plot in the first version, this seems much more reasonable.

And the several newly added settings are also very novel.

For example, the protagonist is a time traveler, and he draws cards to obtain the right to use songs.

Fans also discussed:
"Originally, I thought this was a simple love game, but now it seems to be an open world. Not only does it have the option of working, but you can also become a big star!"

"Moreover, the character cards that can be drawn include not only female singers, but also boxers, actors, chefs, and racing drivers. There should also be supporting workplaces."

"It feels quite interesting. Is this a fusion of open world and galgame?"

"There are three heroines in the company. If we go to other industries, will there be new heroines?"

"Haha, then I can only work ten jobs. There is no reason. I just want to make more money."

"Are you trying to make money? I am greedy for the bodies of heroines, you are despicable!"

"Just kidding, aren't you greedy?"

"I'm so greedy that I'm rolling on the bed and going crazy. When can I get to play with it? Ahhhhhh!"

"It's early. I've just written a prologue for the plot, and I guess I just created a folder for the game."

"It probably won't work this year or next year, but there should be some hope for the year after that."

"Fuck, it's hard to resist now!"

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