Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1328 After Pregnancy 23

After notifying everyone around him, Luo Quan got a little free time.

In the room, she started the live broadcast and was ready to answer some fans' questions.

Fans must have countless things to say at this moment, and the comment area under their own accounts has probably been maxed out by them.

If you don't broadcast a live broadcast to a place where you can talk, I'm afraid it will drive them crazy.

"Good afternoon everyone, long time no see."

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, the number of online viewers had already exceeded the sky, so Luo Quan directly cheered him up.

"Luobao, you really gave us a big surprise this time."

"Why are you talking about such a big thing now?"

"There's no need to hide it from everyone. This kind of thing is a great event no matter how you look at it. Are you still worried that if you tell everyone, some fans will lose their followers?"

"One thing is true, Luo Bao may lose some fans when she is pregnant. After all, some fans only like girls."

"Haha, I'm just fine with this."

"Isn't it so weird that each operating system shakes?"

"Is Luo Bao pregnant with a boy or a girl? Have you decided on a name?"

"I feel like my baby will be very good-looking in the future."

"Nonsense, with Luo Bao's good looks, it's impossible for the baby to be ugly."

"It would be even more powerful if the talent is better than the talent."

"Haha, how beautiful is that? I'm afraid it will be indescribable."


"I can't wait to see the baby. How long will it take for the Holy Son to be born?"

"It usually takes twelve months for a pregnant woman in the Universe to go from conception to delivery. Luo Quan was born in a border area of ​​the Universe. The genes of the stars in the Universe are different, so the pregnancy period should be shorter."

"In the past, the Virgin Mary's pregnancy period was much shorter than that of pregnant women of the same race, almost half the time. For Luo Quan, it is estimated that it will not exceed half a year."

"Half a year! Will the baby be stunted?"

"Think too much. The Holy Son is a chosen person blessed by Heavenly Father. In terms of bloodline alone, there are few in the entire world who can compare with her. His talent is absolutely outstanding."

"If that's the case, I'll be relieved."


Obviously, Huanyu's fans were mentally prepared for her sudden pregnancy because of her status as the Virgin of Luoquan.

So when the news came out, everyone was shocked, but they quickly accepted the fact.

After accepting the fact, fans even started talking about what happened after the baby was born.

For example, will the baby be like her in the future, full of artistic cells?

Or have a superior IQ and become a technological pioneer leading the progress of the race.

Even before she was born, Luo Ning had already been given countless paths, and it seemed that all of them led to a bright future.

However, Luo Quan feels that it is too early to discuss these things, and he feels that it is very unfair to help children make life decisions in advance.

Parents are not the child themselves, so how do they know what she likes and what she wants to do?

Therefore, Luo Quan will not give any guidance to her children. What industry she wants to engage in in the future depends entirely on her own preferences. This is the freest life.

Of course, freedom does not mean doing whatever you want.

Luo Quan can allow children to do whatever they want, but the benefits must be within the scope of the law.

She was not prepared to spoil her child into a unruly and willful little fairy.

She does not need to have a saint-like heart to save all sentient beings, but at least she must have a correct outlook on life and know what is right and what is wrong.

Although this is only the moral bottom line that a person should adhere to in society, in this era, the three views have become a bottom line worthy of praise.

Because too many rituals have collapsed, people's outlook on life has been greatly impacted.

More and more examples tell people that doing bad things does not necessarily lead to retribution. On the contrary, it is even possible to become wealthy.

Murder and set fire to the gold belt, repair the bridge and repair the road without corpses.

This has been the case since ancient times. If you think of yourself as a bad person and eliminate your moral bottom line, you will feel that the world is so vast.

Therefore, those who stick to the bottom line and survive within the rules are so precious and noble.

Luo Quan hopes his daughter will become the latter.

Of course, there is no need to tell fans about this.

After all, the environment of the world is completely different from that of the earth. It is rich in resources. If an ordinary person is determined to be a rice bug who does nothing, the government is fully capable of raising you to be fat.

Of course, realizing the value of life and gaining social recognition are probably out of the question, but staying in your own room as a homebody will definitely ensure you have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life.

As for the earth, it is estimated that only some countries in Northern Europe with a small population and particularly good welfare can achieve this kind of utopian treatment.

For example, in Norway, in Northern Europe, even a felon who has killed dozens of people can still enjoy food and accommodation in prison that is close to that of a star hotel. When he feels bored, he can even buy the latest model. ps game console.

However, there are only a few such countries on earth. People in most countries need to work hard in order to survive, and hardship is the norm.

Therefore, these fans of Huanyu cannot understand the earth's environment at all.

Just like the emperor who said why he shouldn't eat minced meat, he couldn't imagine why there were people in the world who couldn't even afford to eat.

"I only found out about the pregnancy today. I told everyone the first thing I did after I found out. I didn't hide it from everyone."

Luo Quan first explained, and then said: "As for the baby, it is a girl. I named her Luo Ning, the lemon of lemons."

After hearing this, fans immediately started talking:

"It's a pretty artistic name, but it lacks a bit of dominance."

"Why do girls have to be so domineering? I think such a fresh and fresh name is quite good. It sounds nice and is easy to remember."

"I understand the truth, but doesn't it mean that the Virgin Mother must be pregnant with the Holy Son? Why is there a girl here? Will she still be pregnant in the future?"

"Um... let me explain to everyone, the Holy Son does not dare to refer to a baby boy. The Son here means children, so no matter whether the baby in Luo Quan's belly is a boy or a girl, he can be called the Holy Son."

"How dare you assume the child's gender? There are more than two hundred genders in the world. It is up to her to decide which category she belongs to!"


When I raise this question mark, it’s not that I have a problem, but that I think you have a problem. ” ˆ ˆ “Go somewhere else when you’re done getting mad, don’t get mad here.” "

"We are here to fight for social recognition for you minority groups, right? I advise you to be careful in your words and deeds. What the Dawn believers hate most is minority groups like you. They feel disrespectful to the Virgin Mary and the Son. Be careful of the believers opening the box line. Get real with you!"

"Haha, so annoying."


Although I don’t know if that barrage was a joke or if I really thought so, a lot of fans in the barrage came out to criticize it, and the barrage was also applauded.

There are actually many groups like this, whether on earth or in the universe, and although their number is small, their voices are unusually loud, and they always appear as victims, as if they have suffered some great grievance.

In fact, this kind of group plays its own game, and no one else will deliberately find trouble.

But they themselves are a minority group, but they hope that they can have the right to speak for the majority group, and even guide the aesthetics and orientation of the majority group.

This kind of behavior is very outrageous, and when someone scolds someone, they say they have been discriminated against.

We can only say that what kind of behavior deserves what kind of treatment.

Although it is true that a few mouse droppings spoiled the whole pot of porridge, the reputation of this group was ruined by some unruly people, but this group was particularly numerous.

Luo Quan himself didn't have any opinions on these groups. As long as they didn't hang out in front of her, it had nothing to do with her.

But now in her live broadcast room, she still dares to say these stupid and bad things. Of course, Luo Quan can't be used to it. She will just be more careful and ban her for three years.

As for the gender of the Holy Son, Luo Quan was a little confused at first.

After all, in her attempt, wasn't the Holy Son a boy? But if she was pregnant with a girl, could she still be called the Holy Son?

So just now she should have specifically asked Benjamin III this question, and the answer she got was similar to the one in the barrage just now.

The Son refers to the divine children, not just boys. As long as they are conceived by the Virgin Mary, both men and women are the Son.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the Virgin Mary will only give birth to one child in her lifetime, so the Holy Son will only have one.

We cannot rule out exceptions, but Dawn Church has not encountered them so far.

"This is probably the situation. The live broadcast time may not be fixed in the future, but everyone said before that I should participate in more shows, etc., but that probably won't work.

After all, if you are pregnant, it is not suitable for running around. "

Luo Quan briefly talked about her upcoming schedule, and fans expressed their understanding and asked her to take good care of her baby. When the baby is born, she will hold a big banquet at the Notre Dame Summer Palace to celebrate it.

Although Luo Quan smiled and did not agree, he felt that this matter could actually be done.

The full-moon banquet with wine and wine is also a custom for Chinese parents to celebrate newborn babies. It will be held if the family has a little bit of surplus food.

Luo Quan had never enjoyed such treatment when he was a child, but if it was for his daughter, it would still be okay to make the pomp a little bigger.

She said before that she would not pamper her daughter like a little fairy, which means she would not pamper her daughter.

But it doesn't mean that he will deliberately make his daughter suffer.

Let’s not talk about the principle of raising boys in poverty and raising girls in wealth. If you don’t spoil your own children, who will?

So no matter what, she will definitely give her daughter the best. She can treat herself badly, but she must not treat her daughter badly.

"Let's just broadcast it here. Although it's a little short, it's mainly to respond to some questions. I'll broadcast it to everyone when I have time in the future."

Luo Quan waved his hand towards the camera, and the broken meat closed the live broadcast amidst the farewells.

The people who should be notified were basically notified, and the various supplements prepared by Ye Zhining were also put into the ring and asked to be packed away by Luo Quan.

But before leaving, Luo Quan asked Ye Zhining for something else: "Do you have a magic weapon that can visually change the body shape without causing any impact on the body?"

Hearing the sound of the string and knowing its elegant meaning, Ye Zhining certainly understood why Luo Quan wanted this magic weapon.

After all, she does not have the status of a Holy Mother on Earth. If the pregnancy is exposed, public opinion will explode.

But when it comes to pregnancy, as long as you appear in front of the public, you can't cover it up.

And Luo Quan often broadcasts live. If he suddenly stopped broadcasting for several months, it would definitely arouse suspicion.

In addition, after Luo Ning was born, she also needed to be taken care of by her side at all times.

In order to prevent public opinion from exploding for the time being, a magic weapon to cover up the figure is very necessary.

And such a magic weapon is not a rare thing in the world. Ye Zhining turned her palm and took out a small necklace that shimmered with light.

It is a very delicate jewelry that will record your current body shape when worn, and allow the outside world to only see your body shape at the time of recording.

Convenient and practical, but also beautiful.

Luo Quan's eyes lit up when he saw the necklace, and he immediately took it and put it around his neck.

Although she didn't feel anything special, she still felt a lot more at ease because she didn't have to worry about others discovering her secret.

"Actually, I feel that pregnancy cannot be hidden no matter what. You can hide it if you are pregnant in ten months, but how can you hide it from Luo Ning, a living person?

It's all going to be exposed anyway, so it's better to explain the situation as early as possible, which will save you a lot of worry. "

Ye Zhining's idea of ​​​​solving problems is always so simple and crude, and she does not consider the consequences of her response at all.

In other words, she could accept it no matter what the consequences were.

But Luo Quan can't do it. Pregnancy is not something that one person can handle on Earth.

If it were revealed, the question of where the child's father is would be asked by netizens until they die.

You can't just use the Holy Mother's set, right?

Those are all stories from myths and legends. The only people who believe this is true are believers and fools.

Luo Quan didn't know how many believers there were in China, but fools certainly didn't know how to surf the Internet, so this explanation would definitely not fool them.

If there was something wrong with his own cultivation, when the golden elixir turned into Yuanying, it turned into his own child due to various complicated reasons.

If she really used this rhetoric, everyone would probably think she was crazy.

But if you don't tell the truth, then the child's father can't explain it.

This puts us in a dilemma. It seems that whether it is lying or telling the truth, it is difficult to reconcile.

However, Luo Quan feels that there must be a way to reach the mountain. If she is really discovered, fans won't scold her, right?

She herself has a clear conscience, and at the same time, she also believes in the sanity of her fans, who will not think that she is undermining her because of this kind of thing, and doing things like stripping fans and turning against her.

Therefore, Luo Quan is relatively optimistic and does not think that this pregnancy will have a big impact on her career.

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