Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1338 Just a technical adjustment

Chapter 1338 Just a technical adjustment

The visa is still being processed, but Luo Quan has already arranged for people to prepare the filming scenes and props.

Luo Quan has made so many movies that he has already established a special team to be responsible for most of the work before and after the filming of the movie.

There are many things she needs to control inside the camera. As for things outside the camera, she has to rely on assistants to help. After all, no matter how powerful she is, she is only one person. She only has one mouth and two hands, so what she can do is limited.

When she first debuted, there was only one thing she needed to do, and that was to make a good album.

In an era when singer-songwriters are generally capable of writing, arranging, and composing, this task is not that difficult.

Therefore, the days when Luo Quan first debuted were the most relaxing. After finishing the album, he could post updates online and interact with fans, and he had a lot of time to browse his mobile phone and play games every day.

But now it’s no longer possible. Tens of thousands of people from both companies are looking at her for food, and so many games, movies, TV series, and website operations are waiting for her to make decisions.

Even if you can arrange all these things properly with your super high work efficiency, it has almost become a luxury to want to relax as unscrupulously as before.

Just like now, after the live broadcast every day, she will spend a lot of time dealing with company affairs, and she doesn't really have much leisure time for herself.

Of course, Luo Quan would never complain about being too busy at work, after all, it was her own choice.

And it is true that she was no longer just a salted fish who found it difficult to even turn over as fans complained a long time ago.

If she was so determined, she would have announced her semi-retirement from the industry as early as the day she made enough money, and then would go on to sing and live stream. How could she do all the other things that followed.

On the one hand, it is for the rewards given by the system, and on the other hand, she wants to start a career of her own.

My uncle has a good saying, what you love is your life.

Luo Quan's current life is actually what she loves.

The good news is that if she had said the same thing, she probably wouldn't be criticized by her friends.

Luo Quan's current reputation at Station B has really reached the point where thousands of families are living Buddhas. Who wouldn't praise her when they see her?

This is somewhat contrary to the reputation of current Internet business owners.

For example, there are many CEOs of video websites, game planners, and social media. Which of them is not used by their users every day?

Before Luo Quan accepted Station B, his uncles and aunts were also scolded for a long time.

Now that she is at the helm, the reputation has reversed almost overnight.

On the one hand, she is already very popular, and on the other hand, the measures she has taken in the past few months have indeed improved the user experience of Bilibili by several levels.

Everyone has a weighing scale in their mind. Anyone who has used something will know whether it is good or not.

As long as it is really a good thing, unless it is someone with ulterior motives, then who would deliberately discredit it, I am afraid it is too late to praise it.

Therefore, those bosses who are scolded should think more about whether they did something wrong.

However, Luo Quan has not yet entered this stage of feeling good about himself.

After many domestic bosses become successful, they always like to have some eloquent talks and give pointers to young people, as if they want to tell them what success is and how to succeed.

If this approach was done at the beginning of the century, there would certainly be no problem.

Because people at that time believed that as long as you work hard, you can make a lot of money and become a boss. If you can't make money, it just means you don't work hard enough.

Therefore, even if some bosses fart, they will smell good, and if they make some violent comments casually, they will be criticized and praised as sober in the world.

However, it is no longer possible to use this method of teaching now.

Today's young people have been exposed to the Internet since they were in their early teens. They have read and understood a lot. They may still have certain cognitive limitations about life and the world, but their strong personal consciousness also makes them extremely hate being preached by others.

It's okay for parents to lecture you. After all, they are close relatives, and no matter what, it's for your own good.

I can still accept the teacher's preaching, because the teacher's bounden duty is to preach.

As for other people, what qualifications do you have to preach to me?

This is why it is so difficult to convince someone on the Internet today.

Rational discussions among netizens alone are not possible, and Internet gentlemen like Beng Dianle are always criticizing the six arts. The language environment has already been very bad.

Now, suddenly, the president of a certain company pops up and talks to you about success and ideals in a arrogant manner. At the end, he also says that today's young people don't work hard.

Even Luo Quan himself would be criticized for making such a statement, let alone those capitalists who have almost no fan base?

Netizens are being polite if they don’t point their fingers at you and scold your eighteenth generation ancestors. Now the Internet is talking about real-name system, but only the real-name IP address is used, so netizens still don’t have too many scruples when speaking, and they can say anything. come out.

The good news is that Luo Quan cannot currently enjoy this kind of "VIP-level" treatment.

In the eyes of her netizens, she is now a conscientious entrepreneur who can enjoy the shade under the street lights.

But if he doesn't perform well in the future, he will probably be sent to the Jiaofang Department.

Sometimes Luo Quan feels funny when he sees these remarks, thinking that only this group of people can do such a job.

Fortunately, she usually only makes critical comments during live broadcasts and never does anything like being a teacher, so her current reputation is pretty good.

Netizens don't like others preaching to them, but they are still very interested in making other people's embarrassments worse, and they are very interested.

No, fans are clamoring for critical comments from Luo Quan as soon as she returns.

According to common sense, when a fan shouts "Rui Ping", it must be a celebrity whose house collapsed. You must first go to Weibo to take a look.

However, today's Weibo is calm, either some trivial social news, or some marketing copywriting of someone in the entertainment industry with great traffic, great, beautiful and sexy.

"There's nothing happening here?" Luo Quan looked at the camera suspiciously, "No one has demolished the house. Why do you want me to criticize it?"

"It's not here, it's station B."

Fans are swiping their screens.

Luo Quan then opened the hot search on station B again.

There is indeed a celebrity on the hot search, but I don’t know if it counts as a house collapse.

The protagonist of the news is He Jie, the famous eight-time Go champion and a well-known abstract blogger on the Internet. He broke through the circle by fighting against women and has always been called his true temperament by netizens.

The object of his real affection this time was Huaxia Youwei's new electric car. He posted a message saying that this thing was too expensive, and mocked those who posted comments saying it was cheap. How many people could afford it.

Then because this sentence caused dissatisfaction among many Huaxia Youwei fans, the two sides started a scolding war. They cursed and cursed He Jie for offending his fans again, and directly announced that the comments would be deleted, the comments would be punished, the defense would be broken, and he would quit and run away. The set operation is completed in one go. Luo Quan spent half an hour carefully looking at what happened, and finally found that it was quite funny.

To be honest, the brand Huaxia Youwei has a really good reputation in China.

People who like it love it so much that they think it is the pride of a domestic brand and everyone should support it without any thought.

People who hate it also think that it consumes patriotic enthusiasm, engages in moral kidnapping for a product, and the price of the product is inflated, so they quarrel with it whenever they encounter it.

Luo Quan feels that both arguments have their own truths. This brand has its good sides, and of course it also has its bad sides.

Although she has advertised this brand before, she will not be biased because of this. She will praise and praise when it is due.

Of course, if she was being bullied because she received money, she would also go for maintenance.

In such an environment, Huaxia Youwei's public opinion on Station B is also mixed. Some videos are all praise, and some videos are all ridicule.

As a major abstract art anchor at Station B, He Jie is usually very yin and yang Chinese, promising, innocent and so on.

But because everyone doesn't like these, his yin and yang will naturally gain support. This is because he is following the wave of public opinion, so he is pushed higher and higher.

But this time after he became yin and yang, he overturned.

But the core reason is that he ridiculed fans for being poor. A group of poor students have to rely on their parents for living expenses. As a result, they advertise a car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is really funny.

To be honest, Luo Quan felt that there was nothing wrong with what He Jie said, but his words were too intense and direct, which sounded harsh.

However, it was originally his character to speak out, and everyone was used to his low emotional intelligence.

If we just fight each other like this, it will lose popularity in a few days.

On the Internet, people’s tempers come and go quickly.

As a result, He Jie, as an abstract person, was arguing with his abstract fans. He was the first to break the defense, and then deleted the comments and all the fans of Aoe B station. In the end, they all cut off and ran away, and it was too bad to leave one for himself to come back. Room for money.

It’s true that the clown opened the door for the clown, and the clown is home.

In the Internet age, what is the most important quality?

That is to be able to afford it.

In today's online environment, if you want to be a star, you have to be mentally prepared to be a clown.

Today's netizens no longer have the mentality of supporting celebrities as if they were gods.

An actor is an actor, and it is us, the audience, who deserve to be fawned over. We are your food, clothing, and parents.

If you can realize this, then there won't be many problems if the celebrity or internet celebrity wants to be successful.

The most taboo thing is that the head and the rat are at both ends, the standard of the two cities, which in layman's terms is unplayable.

Abstract culture is one of the sources of the current stinky public opinion environment on the Internet. People who practice abstraction regard low quality as their true temperament, add all kinds of swear words into daily discussions, and often scold your whole family.

Precisely because of the large number, strong combat effectiveness, and relatively active nature, once abstract fans are attracted, the popularity of the anchor will be very obvious. Sometimes it only takes one night to make you famous on the Internet.

He Jie is not the first anchor to become popular through abstract culture, nor is she the last. She also plays Go, and there is another female anchor who became popular through abstraction. There will definitely be new abstract darlings in the future.

However, in addition to making people popular, abstract fans can also discredit them.

People who like to do abstract things are generally fun-loving people with almost no bottom line. They will criticize and criticize everything, including the celebrities they follow.

If you scolded them today something they all hate, then everyone will support you.

But if one day you say something that they all like, then it will be natural for you to be scolded.

Luo Quan has told his brother before that few people who engage in abstraction will end well. It is easy to invite gods but difficult to give them away, and they will definitely be backlashed in the future.

Leon also knew this in his heart, but this kid had a good attitude and felt that as long as he didn't blast his head with a sand eagle offline, it wouldn't matter at all.

After all, in the United States, he was sprayed all the way.

Compared with the death threats sent from offline, those in China who can only troll him online are as weak as girls acting coquettishly in his opinion.

There are many people who are depressed after being bullied by the Internet, but he is definitely not among them.

As for Mia, she doesn’t have any account in China. She only posts things on Instagram and Twitter. Leon’s TikTok is handled by himself.

So Lyon really doesn't care about the backlash from Abstract fans, and besides, he pays more attention to what he says now, so everything goes smoothly.

But He Jie is different. He doesn't care about scolding Huaxia Youwei. The more abstract brats are also scolding him.

But that won’t work if you are a poor guy on aoeB site.

If He Jie's fans are all rich brothers, they will probably think you are funny when they see you scolding them like this.

But no matter which platform it is on, even Zhihu, which claims to have the most elites, has the most poor people.

The gap between the rich and the poor in today's society is so big, how can there be so many rich people? Most of them are just living-students and student parties who have no worries about food and clothing, but cannot participate in higher-end consumption.

Being able to support yourself without relying on your parents is already quite good. If you can make money by yourself to play games and reward female anchors without affecting the quality of life, then you are even better.

Therefore, in such an environment where everyone is poor, you still want to tell the fact that everyone is poor and use it to attack your own fans. That is really digging your own foundation.

Some things cannot be said even if they are true.

Could she not know that Bilibili has more people but less money, and users are still having difficulty serving it?

But if you dare to say it, I will show you the stock price of Station B.

Whether you are a boss or a self-media person, figuring out where your basic base is is the most important thing.

Nowadays, you can criticize anyone you want, but you must not criticize your true fans, because they can really give you popcorn.

And He Jie made such a mistake.

It's okay to scold Huaxia Youwei, and it shouldn't be the fault of all Aoe fans.

It can only be said that it is one's own fault that things are like this now.

And now Luo Quan's fans want her to comment critically on this incident.

What can Luo Quan say?

“I don’t know what the configuration of this electric car is, but our Nikola’s electric cars are very cost-effective. If fans want to buy an electric car, you can consider our Nikola. You will not be disappointed. Meow ~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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