Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 134 Explained

Chapter 134 Explained
"Do you really dare to sue the villain first?"

"You two must have had a good time in Africa!"

"It's been mixed together in only two days, it's really fast enough."

"For Zhao Shu's sake, let me remind you that Luo Quan was born in 98, you can't play with her."


"I'm really disappointed in you. From now on, your fans will turn black."

At such a time, when the public opinion is pitying Zhao Shu, Qin Yi's speech is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire, and everyone obviously does not buy his account.

As for Luo Quan, he has a bad physique, it's just a small scene.

At this time, it was watching interesting videos on Youtube, and it didn't know what was happening on Weibo until a transnational video from Wen Xia came over.

"Hey, why are you calling me when you have time?" Luo Quan was just smiling after watching a video of me committing suicide by a foreigner.

Wen Xia was angry: "You are quite happy, you and Qin Yi are married, you know?"

Luo Quan was puzzled: "What kind of dog and man?"

Soon, Wen Xia sent related hot searches and comments.

After Luo Quan finished reading it, his nose almost twisted in anger: "This is a complete rumor, when did Qin Yi cheat on me! I have spoken to him less than ten words in total, and I can't even count him as a friend!"

Wen Xia was helpless: "You said it was a rumor, but now many people on Weibo think it is the truth."

"I said it wasn't them and they didn't believe me, so what should I do?"

It was just a few photos without any direct evidence, but Zhao Shu's Weibo made her look like a victim, confirming the nature of Qin Yi's cheating. Her fans were all attacking Qin Yi and Zhao Shu on Weibo. Shu.

"You don't have an account on Weibo. Let me send you a Weibo to clarify first. At least don't let passers-by get involved." Wen Xia hung up the phone without giving Luo Quan a chance to refuse after speaking.

Five minutes later, Wen Xia posted a Weibo:
"I asked Luo Quan. She said that she and Qin Yi had spoken less than ten sentences in total, not even counting as friends. I hope the media will stop spreading rumors. As for those who attack maliciously, please shut up, your family Breaking up with master is not the reason for you to attack Luo Quan!"

"Wen Xia speaks domineeringly, a strong protector!"

This is the third hot search number one tonight.

Most people know that Wen Xia will speak up for her friends sooner or later. It is well known that the two have a good relationship. Luo Quan was previously banned because she spoke for Wen Xia, but they did not expect Wen Xia's clarification to come so quickly. .

"As expected of someone wearing a pair of pants, he came out to talk so quickly. (Eat melon)"

"Lyon fans gathered around ing..."

"The whole Northwest Shanxi is in chaos!"

"Just now, Wen Xiachao's words have been overwhelmed by Zhao Shu's fans. I don't know how the battle is going."

"There's a fart battle situation, a bunch of rubbish that shatters at the first touch, and I'll have to take a screenshot later to say that we raped them online."

"That is to say, if you bully Luo Quan who doesn't have many fans on Weibo, if you put it on Bilibili or Twitter, the entire family tree of Zhao Shu's fans will go to heaven."

"I find it funny when I hear this kind of words. Is Wen Xia too defensive? Doesn't she care about the truth of the matter at all?"

"What is the truth of the matter? The truth is that Luo Quan and Qin Yi have nothing to do with each other, not even friends, they are just colleagues of the same crew, and the rest are all your own imaginations."

"After talking so much, you can't be considered friends?"

"I'm pointing at your nose and cursing a few words, so I'm your friend too? What logic!"

"So why even Wen Xia, an outsider, came out to speak out, but Luo Quan's Weibo didn't say anything?"

"Are you here to show off your IQ? Luo Quan doesn't have a Weibo account!"


Weibo is full of excitement now, everyone insists on their own opinions, Zhao Shu tries to portray himself as a victim, while Luo Quan and Qin Yi are just clarifying.

Now is the time when the rhythm is just picking up, and the enthusiasm of fans on both sides is very high. No matter which side is right, it is estimated that it will not stop in a short time.

But Luo Quan saw that the matter was quite big, so after thinking for a while, he decided to clarify the matter himself.

Soon she recorded a video and uploaded it to station B:
"I strongly condemn the rumors about me and Qin Yi on Weibo before. I just said a few words to him and did nothing else. The so-called cheating is nonsense. Some people don't want it. Self orgasm.

Also, I said a long time ago that I would not consider dating before graduating from college, and I have never been rumored to have an affair with anyone so far, and it will never appear in the future, so someone who says I am watery should pay attention , don't force me to scold you in my native dialect. "

At the end, Luo Quan pointed out a certain person on the Internet. This person scolded Luo Quan on Qin Yi's Weibo.

What's interesting is that this Weibo account is Zhao Shu's Weibo trumpet, and it's almost well-known on the Internet.

Celebrities using trumpets are nothing new. When Zhao Shu was using trumpets, he was a free spirit. He dared to say anything and swear. Fans called it true temperament, but they also suffered from many passers-by. disgusted.

When Luo Quan said this, he naturally knew that the person who called her "cowardly" was Zhao Shu's, but he didn't name her by name, which was to save her some face.

Although Zhao Shu's trumpet has temporarily stopped, but her fans are still dancing, it seems that they are not very convinced:

"I know you are from Yuzhou, and so am I. Let's hurt each other, who is afraid of whom?"

"Wrote a few local songs and really thought I was a genius? I didn't even sell 20 domestic albums. I don't know where the confidence came from."

"Write it if you have the ability, I want to see what you can write."

"It means that you are good at talking. That's why Qin Yi likes you, right?"

"Zhao Shu, don't be afraid, we support you!"

I swear to the sky that Zhao Shu's fans are the most disgusting group Luoquan has ever seen. There is almost no bottom line, and they can say any dirty words.

Luo Quan quickly posted a news on station B:
"I want to spit on you, but I'm afraid my saliva will be dirty.

Wait for my diss tomorrow, don't follow me like a celebrity cyberbullying amateur, if you have the ability to get station B to block my account, but I doubt whether your IQ is enough to pass the membership exam. "

This is probably the happiest time for Luo Quan to exchange songs, and the order and payment are almost instantaneous.

She can produce the accompaniment of the song with the laptop that she carries with her. If it is recorded, she has the ready-made equipment in the crew. Luo Quan immediately went to director Wu Jin to discuss it.

"Use equipment to record songs and scold trolls?" Director Wu Jin scratched his head, and her wife Tian Yu stood beside her.

"I found out about this matter. It was reported by a reporter who followed the crew. I have kicked him out."

Luo Quan's expression remained unchanged: "The perpetrator is gone, but Zhao Shu's fans are still slandering me, I can't swallow this tone."

"Then take it and use it." Director Wu Jin didn't stop him. To be honest, this incident has caused such a big disturbance, and it has brought a lot of traffic to Wolf Warrior 2, although this is not the way he wants.

Luo Quan must have done the right thing, but did she write the song in such a short time?
Looking at the back of Luo Quan leaving, Wu Jin was very puzzled: "She hasn't posted a post on station B for half an hour, and the song was written so quickly?"

Tian Yu was a little surprised: "Didn't you find out about Luo Quan before?"

Wu Jin nodded: "Of course I understand that the popular female singer in Japan is very talented, but her performance in China is not very satisfactory."

Tian Yu said in an excited tone: "Luo Quan is not very talented. Many magazines in Japan have called her the most talented singer in Asia since the new century. She arranges an album by herself and writes ten songs for ten days. not!"

"So powerful!" Wu Jin had never thought of this.

Tian Yu smiled and said, "Believe it or not, in just 10 minutes, maybe she has already written the song scolding those sunspots?"

"I don't believe it." Wu Jin shook his head like a rattle, "I asked you to write an episode for Wolf Warrior 2, and you held it back for more than a month before it came out. No matter how fast Luoquan is, it will take four or five days."

Tian Yu blushed immediately: "Then can my level be compared with others? If you think I'm slow, let Luo Quan give it to you!"

Hearing that his wife seemed a little angry, Wu Jin hurriedly hugged Tian Yu: "I'm just kidding, no one can change the song written by my wife, just use yours."

Tian Yu showed a smile: "This is more or less..."

The director and his wife are thick and thin, while Luo Quan is still struggling to get angry and record songs for those sunspots who scold her.

Originally, Luo Quan was not a person who liked to be serious, but the mouths of these sunspots were too stinky, and one of them was unsightly. The female Bodhisattva would also raise the fire of ignorance when she saw it, let alone she was a mortal?
Of course, it would be very comfortable to curse back directly in the Yuzhou dialect, and most likely there are not many people who are her opponents.

After all, the shop on Taobao that specializes in helping others swear is also named and does not line up with Yuzhou people, which can be regarded as certified.

But in fact, this is just a stereotype of Yuzhou on the Internet. In fact, people in Yuzhou are very hospitable and generous, and generally do not swear. Most of the words that sound dirty are actually modal particles, without any insulting meaning.

Luo Quan used to be an "elegant and easy-going" person, usually she would not speak first unless someone provoked her, and now she is even less likely to swear.

After all, if a dog bites a person, will the person bite back?Of course not, Luo Quan decided to use more quality methods, such as kicking him back.

This song can be regarded as a unified response to the sunspots who once scolded her. For this reason, Luo Quan also specially called to invite Wen Xia to participate in the recording of the song.

Wen Xia is also from Yuzhou, and as the leader of the female team, her singing and rap skills are very good, enough to control this song.

Wen Xia was very happy to be invited, and gladly chose to accept.

(End of this chapter)

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