Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 136 Dancing with the Lion

Chapter 136 Dancing with the Lion
Today's shooting mission is in the wild, on a grassland near Johannesburg.

The lions used in this filming were provided by the South African National Zoo. Before the filming started, the crew had already built a square barbed wire fence on the grassland. After a while, the lions would be put into the barbed wire fence, and then the camera would shoot through the barbed wire fence.

These lions are in a semi-wild state at the South African National Zoo. The breeders will keep tracking them, but most of the time they let them live on the grassland by themselves, and the restraint they can play is relatively limited.

Especially when the lions were just released, one of the breeders was scratched immediately.

Although these lions have no intention of attacking and just want to play with the breeders, the claws of the big cats are too sharp, and even an unintentional touch will immediately drip with blood.

The injury of the breeder also made the hearts of the rest of the crew beat. Looking at the relatively docile lions in the barbed wire, everyone frowned tightly.

Before the filming started, director Wu Jin reminded everyone on the crew: "

Turn off all devices that may emit harsh sounds, especially mobile phones, and do not mute them if they can be turned off.

The other thing is to remember the escape route. Even though the barbed wire is so strong, if the lion is really crazy, the barbed wire will not last long. Before the breeder anesthetizes them, everyone can run as fast as they can. "

It’s okay if you don’t say these things, but everyone will feel even more uncertain when they say it, but there is no way, this is work, and those who can be called by Wu Jin to film must be first-class professionals in the industry, and dedication is the top priority.

Not to mention filming through barbed wire, even if the barbed wire is removed, it should still be on.

Don't think that this is an exaggeration, just in the crew of Wolf Warriors 2, the actor who cameo as the commander of the battleship played Wu Song in the Water Margin when he was young.

In pursuit of reality, in the classic scene of Wu Song fighting a tiger, the crew asked the actor to beat a real tiger!

Although this tiger was brought from a circus and has been domesticated by animal trainers for many years, and its teeth and claws have been sawed off, it is still a tiger no matter what. Now, which little fresh meat dares to personally go to battle?
Don't talk about what he thinks, his fans will kill the person who brought up this convenience in the first time.

But the older generation of filmmakers dared to do such a thing, which is why all the movies and TV shows were classics.

Wu Jin also wants to use this kind of professionalism to polish Wolf Warrior 2, but apart from professionalism, his fans care about the safety of the crew, so no matter what, safety measures must be in place.

In addition to the barbed wire, there are several hunters holding anesthesia guns outside, as well as a fire truck. If there is any movement, the fire truck will spray high-pressure water cannons to suppress the lions and ensure the safety of the people on site as much as possible. .

Of course, these are contingency plans for the worst-case scenario. Under normal circumstances, these lions will not go crazy. The crew prepared fresh zebra meat for them. After eating and drinking enough, they are more willing to turn over and bask in their bellies. , I don't want to answer people outside the barbed wire.

After explaining the precautions, the crew officially started shooting.

All the focus of this scene is basically on Luo Quan alone, and Wu Jin just sits on the off-road vehicle to watch the play, and she plays it all by herself.

The plot is connected to the previous one. After the two left the slums in an off-road vehicle, they drove on the endless African prairie.

Leng Feng received a mission to go to a Chinese-funded factory dozens of kilometers away to pick up Chinese citizens stranded there.

Rachel asked Leng Feng: "Are you going to a Chinese-funded factory? I think we should go to the American consulate. There are marines there, and it is the safest place in the world."

Rachel's words and expressions all reveal her pride as a citizen of the lighthouse country and her trust in the US military.

Leng Feng smiled and said, "The Marine Corps is the best special force in the world."

Rachel nodded in deep agreement.

Leng Feng changed the subject: "But why didn't they come to pick you up?"

Rachel waved her hands helplessly, and leaned back on the chair: "I've already notified them."

"What about people? How do you notify them?"

"I @their Twitter account."

Leng Feng glanced at Rachel, his eyes were full of jokes.

Unconvinced, Rachel called the U.S. Consulate in an attempt to get help, but the answer she got was: Welcome to call the U.S. Consulate, unfortunately, we have closed..."

"Fuck!" Rachel, who was furious, just said a classic American curse, and slapped the phone on the fender in front of her.

The innocent mobile phone was thrown from the ground, which shocked both Leng Feng and the little black girl Lisa.

Looking at Rachel who was covering her face to calm herself down, Leng Feng said lightly: "When I came, all the warships from various countries had already evacuated. When I stood on the pier and looked out to the sea, among the countless distant masts, I saw a side The Star-Spangled Banner."

Rachel glared at Leng Feng fiercely when she heard this.

"Stop." As she spoke, she slammed the car's fender and shouted, "Stop!"

Leng Feng was very ungentlemanly, and directly stepped on the brakes to the end.

Rachel opened the car door with a cold face and got out of the off-road vehicle.

Here comes the climax of the whole plot.

After getting out of the car and taking two steps, Rachel found that there were all lions in front of her eyes. These lions were eating, and their mouths were full of blood.

When the movie was filmed here, the part that tested Luo Quan's acting skills the most came. She had to pretend that she was facing a pride of lions while she was separated by a barbed wire fence.

Luo Quan shook his hands and walked to the barbed wire fence, and quickly entered the state.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw a group of blood-stained lions suddenly appearing in front of her. A look of panic flashed in her eyes, her lips trembled unconsciously, and her limbs were instantly stiff as if petrified.

Lisa weakly called her name in the car, while Leng Feng leaned in the car in a leisurely manner, looking at her quietly.

After reacting, Rachel turned around decisively, returned to the car with a gentle movement like not taking away a cloud, and closed the door.

"The marines are here to pick you up." Leng Feng said with a half-smile.

Rachel didn't speak, but only used a faint smile to relieve the embarrassment and shame in her heart, her eyes kept looking out of the window, as if she didn't hear Leng Feng's teasing words.

Finally, Leng Feng stepped on the accelerator and continued to drive forward.

Originally, there was also a scene of a lion chasing a car, but this didn’t require the actors to play in person. Instead, the scene was drawn directly, and the zoo’s keeper would do it for him.

"Perfect!" Several shots were all passed through at once.Wu Jin made a satisfied voice, "Luo Quan, you are really a natural actor, you are suitable for this bowl of rice!"

Luo Quan is modest: "The director won the award, and it's all thanks to everyone."

After the lion was sent back to the car, everyone's hanging hearts were finally relieved.

Wu Jin did not expect that the two scenes were filmed in only two days, which was smoother than any previous scene, and the work efficiency was even faster than those old scenes before.

If they continue at this pace, their filming mission in Africa will be completed soon.

In view of this, in the next filming, Wu Jin did not give the staff of the crew a little vacation, mainly because there were not many shots left.

The Huazi factory is the place where the climax of the plot of Wolf Warriors 2 takes place. It is divided into two parts: interior and exterior. The interior is all shot in China, and the exterior will be subdivided into two parts.

Part of the protagonist group fights with a large group of cannon fodder from the Red Turban Army, and another part fights the boss in the end.

The former requires a large number of black extras, while the latter will have quite a few explosion scenes. These are better shot on the wide African set, so they were all completed in Johannesburg.

As the most exciting part of the whole movie, there is basically nothing about the heroine Luo Quan. She is a complete vase, and it is not her turn to go to war.

Originally, the assistant director saw that Luo Quan was so skilled, and wanted her to go online with Wu Jin, but considering that she was set as a powerless doctor in the script, and after adding a woman, Many previously designed actions had to be revised again, and the workload was too great, so in the end Luo Quan still failed to add scenes.

It can only be said that she joined the crew too late. If Wu Jin was the first heroine he sought out last year, it would have been enough to complete the revision of the script in the past few months.

It can only be said that it is not a coincidence that Luo Quan is destined to be only a vase in Wolf Warrior 2.

She didn't have much filming in the following time, but she didn't choose to go back to Japan to continue her studies.

Even if she applied for a long vacation, then she must be worthy of the leave note signed by director Hecun and spend all the vacation.

So Luo Quan stayed in South Africa with peace of mind and continued his vacation.

She spends most of the time in the hotel room, either browsing YouTube at station B, or thinking about her next plan.

Occasionally, she would go to the filming site of the crew to see director Wu Jin and their filming.

I have to say that the actors in Wolf Warrior 2 are really hardworking. Wu Jin directed all kinds of high-flying moves. Once when he jumped off a high platform, his hands were entangled in iron chains, and his entire arm was bright red. Seeing the scars, his wife Tian Yu burst into tears.

Even so, Director Wu Jin continued to shoot after briefly dealing with the wound.

Mr. Wu Hang is quite old, when he was filming a scene where he was tied up in the air, because he was put down too fast, his waist hit the ground directly, which hurt him for a whole day.

But one day later, Teacher Wu Hang continued to work with his back injury.

Apart from these two, the other male actors also had more or less bumps and bumps, but they basically got over what they could overcome, and the filming did not stop because of injuries.

With such a work attitude, Luo Quan felt that it would be difficult for Wolf Warrior 2 to explode this time.

(End of this chapter)

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