Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1383 Time flies

Chapter 1383 Time flies

Critically commenting on the Spring Festival Gala after the Spring Festival Gala has become a repertoire in recent years.

But one thing to say, this year's Spring Festival Gala was actually pretty good, and it didn't give people a particularly outrageous feeling.

Or maybe it's because it was so outrageous in the past few years, and if it gets a little better this year, it will make it more acceptable.

This is also very consistent with the current trend of competing against each other in all walks of life. As long as my performance this time is not as bad as before, then it will be a success.

How can I put it this year? I can only say that this year's Spring Festival Gala is quite satisfactory. The sketches and cross talk are as entertaining as ever. The other programs are not bad.

Especially the magic show, whether during or after the performance, is full of laughter, and it is considered the best show of this year's Spring Festival Gala.

But the biggest commotion has to be the "Chunchun Mountain" incident.

This matter is so popular that Luo Quan has seen it on the hot search lists on several platforms, and it is also unanimously criticized by people inside and outside the industry. This kind of situation where everyone is against the wall is really rare in the entertainment industry.

Even though there were so many celebrities who had their houses collapsed before, there were people who stood up to help and spoke out, but I have never seen anyone in the industry jump out and add insult to injury.

Maybe it's because everyone cherishes reputation.

The cause of this "climbing Spring Mountain" incident can be summed up in three words: grabbing the c position.

In a singing program performed by three male stars, it was originally scheduled to take turns to stand on the top of the stage, but one person stood on the top and never came down, occupying the most conspicuous position.

And in order to make himself more eye-catching, this man even wore a coat that was different from everyone else.

A performance like this that does not follow a rehearsal at all would be a 100% stage accident on a stage like the Spring Festival Gala, and the relevant personnel would be severely blamed.

After all, this is the biggest performance of China's biggest festival once a year. Billions of viewers around the world are watching, and the impact of any mistakes will be infinitely magnified.

If it is remedied in time on the stage, it may become a laughing point and be accepted by the public.

For example, in the program mentioned before, one of the hosts made a mistake when cooperating and failed to achieve the effect that the magic should have.

But soon another host mentioned this mistake in a joking tone, and the audience immediately regarded it as a program effect.

Later, everyone realized that this was indeed a mistake, but because of the program effect, the audience was not angry. Instead, they felt that this was the highlight of the magic show.

But it also failed to follow the script, and the nature of "Climbing Spring Mountain" was much worse.

First of all, this was not a mistake, but a deliberate act by the star who wanted to grab the c-seat. No one made any corrections afterwards. Once the incident escalated, it would be completely irreversible.

The current situation is that people in the industry and outside the industry are scolding him all over the Internet, as if they want to beat this person to death.

Of course, this matter has not yet been completely concluded, but it is foreseeable that this male star who grabs the c-seat will most likely not be able to grab the c-seat at any party in the future, because no one dares to use it.

In fact, grabbing the c-position has happened on many occasions, and many celebrities have done it.

On the promotional posters of those idol TV series, it is the hardest-hit area to compete for the C position and the top spot. It is as if the position in the middle of the poster is some kind of Feng Shui treasure, and everyone is trying their best to occupy this spot.

Then, before the show was aired, a ridiculous drama was staged on the Internet. It was only to make people laugh.

The same is true for offline parties. The drama of female stars breaking their heads and trying to squeeze into the C position has happened n times in the past few years, and it is nothing new.

But no one thought that someone would bring this kind of behavior to the Spring Festival Gala stage.

That was a place where a second- and third-tier star could run wild. Even Luo Quan didn't dare to mess around here.

After all, this was a stage watched by billions of people. If she made a fool of herself, half of the world would die. She couldn't afford to lose that person.

Of course, this matter is not without possibility of reversal.

After all, the current competition for the C position is all speculated by netizens based on the comparison between rehearsals and actual performances.

At present, no party involved has come forward to take action.

Perhaps this matter will never be confirmed. After all, this is not a violation of law or discipline. At most, it is low quality and immoral. It cannot be said to be a bad deed.

But if this male star really does this, the industry will definitely block him, and there will be no condoning of rape.

After all, if we don’t do something serious this time, in the future, everyone will do little tricks on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala to promote black and red marketing, so what’s the point?

Killing one person to serve as a warning to others is the inevitable result.

As for the current situation, even if the actor is innocent, it is estimated that it will be difficult to reverse the reputation. Now the Internet spreads too fast, and his reputation has been completely ruined in just a few days.

Now the whole Internet seems to be looking forward to him being beaten and then completely cool.

Just like the fans in Luo Quan's live broadcast room, they all asked her to comment sharply on this incident.

"What's there to criticize?" Luo Quan smiled helplessly, "If the grabbing of the C position is true, it's nothing more than the words "people die for money and birds die for food."

It's just that some people are more courageous and dare to do this on the Spring Festival Gala. How can they tolerate you?

Of course, you don’t have to worry that I will encounter a similar situation. After all, I won’t be attending the Spring Festival Gala, so I still don’t have to worry about someone snatching my c spot. "

It’s fun to listen to the barrage:

"What kind of salty thinking is this? As long as I don't do it, I won't make a mistake, right?"

"To be fair, there aren't many stars in the country who can steal Luo Quan's C position, right?"

"Despite Luo Bao's young age, her current status is not only one of the best in the country, but at least one of the top five.

"As long as she doesn't meet those particularly old seniors, she will be the leading sister."

"I think Luo Bao can go to the Spring Festival Gala next year. It's a pity not to see Luo Bao perform this year. If there were songs written by you, why would this year's singing program be so ugly?"

"Indeed, I suggested that the director ask Luo Bao directly for songs. Although she is a bit awkward in the sketch, she is still very good at writing songs."

"Let me tell you, Luo Bao's skit was embarrassing to everyone, so I can't blame her."


It can be seen that although fans have complained about the declining quality of the Spring Festival Gala, they would still be willing to see Luo Quan on stage.

And after all, the Spring Festival Gala is the most important party stage in China. With her popularity, she can get more than a dozen hot searches in one night.

This is indeed a very prestigious event, and who doesn’t want to see Luo Bao’s beauty in her prime on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala?

Moreover, a foreigner's face speaks Mandarin more fluently than a Chinese person. This contrast is indeed quite interesting.

When the time comes to hear the elders shouting in surprise, fans can also explain the origin of Luo Quan and tell them how powerful Luo Bao is. That would be so honorable.

Of course, this situation in Luoquan is really not possible this year.

I have only heard of children singing, dancing and spinning around in the Spring Festival Gala, but I have never heard of pregnant women attending the Spring Festival Gala even with a bulging belly.

But next year there will definitely be no such trouble, so fans have begun to persuade. Looking at these barrages to persuade her, Luo Quan said nothing.

In fact, Director He actually discussed the Spring Festival Gala with her before.

She has attended the Spring Festival Gala three times so far, once in the outfield and twice in the infield.

Let’s not talk about the outfield scene. At that time, she, Wen Xia and others were just becoming famous, and their popularity and status were not very high. It was already very good to be able to participate in the outfield scenes.

In the following two infield performances, Luo Quan won the first place in the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala.

This performance is worthy of giving her a permanent seat.

Originally, Luo Quan was planned to perform on stage this year, but because she was pregnant, she would definitely not be able to support the tight schedule and heavy workload of rehearsals, so the program team did not ask any questions.

But she won’t be pregnant next year, right?

In response to the two-child policy, we will not be so cooperative all year round.

So Luo Quan will definitely be free during the Spring Festival next year, so Director He sent a message, wanting Luo Quan to perform on stage.

For most celebrities in the entertainment industry, attending the Spring Festival Gala is a great thing.

As long as you don't take the initiative to mess up the party, even if you make a small mistake, the host and director can work together to fool you, and maybe you can get a hot meme that sweeps the entire network afterwards.

In short, it seems that the risk is high, but in fact the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

But the problem is that Luo Quan no longer needs the Spring Festival Gala to provide her with any visibility.

She is very popular on the Internet now, and everyone who should know her name already knows her name.

The rest are all middle-aged and elderly people who rarely or never use mobile phones and can hardly become her fans.

Therefore, relying on this road to become famous has long been out of Luo Quan's consideration.

It can only be said that it still has childhood filters and feelings. After all, it still leaves so many beautiful memories, and everyone said they won’t watch it. However, when it actually started broadcasting, many people still had expectations, hoping that this year’s Spring Festival Gala would be better than before. better.

Although it now seems that the probability of this expectation being realized is low, Luo Quan feels that if his appearance on stage can give the Spring Festival Gala one more exciting point, then it is well worth the effort.

So after Director He discussed with her, Luo Quan agreed to attend the Spring Festival Gala next year.

As for singing and dancing, or continuing to act in sketches, I don’t know.

In fact, she can also perform magic or stand-up comedy, but these two aspects are basically reserved by specific people, and she probably won't be able to get involved.

Normally speaking, what the audience is most looking forward to is definitely the sketch.

After all, in the more than two decades between 90 and 10, sketches have always been a guarantee of ratings. As soon as those old faces appear, even if they haven't spoken yet, people will smile from the bottom of their hearts.

Now these old faces are gone, and the audience’s smiles have also disappeared.

Sometimes I laugh, but usually the content of the skit is so embarrassing that it makes people unable to hold back their laughter.

Luo Quan felt that she could bring happiness to everyone, but unfortunately, it would be difficult for middle-aged and elderly viewers to buy into her appearance.

Therefore, if nothing else happens, her Spring Festival Gala program next year should be singing.

If you're lucky, you can sing solo, and you don't have to worry about being snatched up by others.

But she was also worried about being called to do Tai Chi or something.

After all, this year a singer was dragged into the health-preserving boxing. Seeing Luo Quan’s truth before, he didn’t expect that these two people and things could be connected.

However, since it has set a precedent and Tai Chi is a national martial art, there is no guarantee that I will not be allowed to practice Tai Chi next year.

It is quite meaningful for foreigners to practice Tai Chi and spread Chinese martial arts overseas.

Although Luo Quan has no objection to Tai Chi, if there is only such a program, then she feels that it is overkill.

It’s the Spring Festival Gala, and when the time comes for a singing performance like “Little River Flowing Water” or “Jiu’er”, wouldn’t it directly cheer up all the drowsy people on a midwinter night?

When Luo Quan thought about this effect, he felt it was really exciting, and even thought it would be best to arrange for her to go on stage at half past eleven.

This is probably when everyone is most sleepy, and many of them have fallen asleep. The sudden sound of an umbrella on their throats is definitely refreshing.

Of course, you can only think about this kind of thing in your mind. If you really do it, you might get scolded.

In short, Luo Quan didn't intend to make any demands on what to perform in the Spring Festival Gala. Anyway, she would arrange it as the program team arranged, so as not to be like the person who went to the Spring Festival Gala and made her own decisions and ruined her reputation.

While Luo Quan was thinking, the barrage was still rolling:

"Luobao, where is mom going and when will it be broadcast?"

"I said I would accompany us during the winter vacation, but the winter vacation is almost over and I haven't seen any news."

"Is it yellow?"

"I knew this lineup would be difficult to recruit, but it's a pity."

"But Kuang Biao is quite interesting to watch. Gao Qiqiang's rise is comparable to Breaking Bad."

“How the Abbreviated Godfather Was Born.”

"Quangbiao is so strong, I look forward to the people behind me."

"I have a hunch that this TV series may generate many hot memes."

"There are already a lot of crazy jokes, almost in every episode."

"So, when will Mommy go to air?"


Faced with fans' inquiries, Luo Quan, who originally wanted to keep the news secret and surprise everyone, finally couldn't hold it in any longer and answered: "Where Are We Going Mom will be broadcast in a week, so it takes a long time to prepare." It’s a bit off, but it’s still within the plan.”

After hearing this, the fans finally calmed down.

A week can be said to be short or long.

Sometimes you don’t think about it, and it just flies by.

Seven days later, Luo Quan, as a guest, took the lead in arriving at the villa where "Where Are We Going, Mom?" was to be filmed.

(End of this chapter)

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