Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 143 Charity Concert

Chapter 143 Charity Concert

"Imperial Palace?" Luo Quan was taken aback for a moment, isn't that where the Japanese Emperor lives?

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Luo Quan asked.

"It's like this. The government will hold a charity concert to commemorate the 3.11 Earthquake in a month's time. You will definitely be invited to perform at that time. What we want is for you to sing on stage with His Royal Highness the Empress Dowager."

Luo Quan was puzzled: "But I sang by myself before."

"You are now a goddess in the eyes of the Japanese people, and His Royal Highness is also very popular among the people. If the two of you can perform on stage together, you will definitely be able to raise a lot of money for this concert, because The civilians affected by the earthquake will definitely thank you."

This Yoshinosuke Maeda also considered Luo Quan's character of being soft rather than hard, and he had been trying to persuade her with good words, and he did not intend to use his status as a privileged class to force her at all.

Speaking of this, if she refuses again, it will appear that she is ignorant.

"If it is something that benefits the affected people, I can agree."

"The practice rehearsal will be left to you and His Royal Highness, please take care of me this time!" After finishing speaking, Maeda Keinosuke hung up the phone.

Just hung up here, another call came in. .

"what's up?"

"Hi Luoquan-san, I am the director of NHK (Japan Broadcasting Association, equivalent to CCTV), you can call me Yamanaka Ippei."

"Hello Mr. Yamanaka, are you calling to invite me to participate in the 3.11 charity concert?"

"You know?"

"Mr. Maeda from the Imperial Palace has notified me just now."

"Ah, then my phone call is a bit redundant... By the way, have you decided to sing any songs with Jing Gongxia?"

"The charity concert can't have a duet of love songs, can it?" Luo Quan chuckled, "Just sing "Don't Give Up", is it okay?"

"Of course no problem. This is your most popular work in Japan, so it's confirmed. I will send information about the concert to your mailbox as soon as possible. Please check it carefully."

I don't know if Luo Quan thought too much, she always felt that something was wrong behind this incident.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it. In a charity concert, inviting two very popular young people to perform on stage is nothing more than normal. It's just that Jing Gong Masaku's identity makes her a little sensitive. .

Don't think about it anymore, Luo Quan, who was tired all day, went to bed early, but the news on Twitter that she was going to perform on the same stage with Jing Gong Masaku soon became known to everyone.

This charity concert is funded by the Japanese government and organized by NHK. All Japanese first- and second-tier stars will be invited to participate. The purpose is to commemorate the civilians who died on 3.11, and also to raise donations for the victims of the previous earthquake.

There are two ways to raise money, one is to buy concert tickets to support, and the other is to scan the QR code to donate online.

All the celebrities who were invited to participate this time were paid free of charge, and all their income was counted as charitable funds raised, which is considered to be one of the few personnel affairs that the Japanese government has run in recent days.

In order to save the declining economy, the Japanese government has introduced a series of policies, but in the end they had side effects, so Japanese people often ridicule on the Internet, even if the Japanese government does nothing, it is better than such drastic reforms.

Seeing that the Japanese economy is worsening year after year, the Japanese government can only put all their hopes on the Olympic Games four years later.

The last Olympic Games helped Japan quickly recover from the mess after World War II, and jumped to become the No. [-] economy in Asia and the No. [-] economy in the world. At its most glorious time, it even claimed that it could buy the entire United States with one Tokyo.

Although it now appears that these wild words are flashbacks before the collapse of the economy, Japanese people at that time were indeed rich, and Japanese tourists can always be seen buying extravagantly in the luxury goods section of major foreign shopping malls, just as China today.

The difference is that the Plaza Accord plunged the entire Japanese economy into the abyss, and completely fell into a situation where the United States can get whatever it wants, so that people born after the 90s have been repaying debts for the glory of that golden age since birth , and this is still in 2017.

Seeing that the London Olympics is coming to an end, and the Tokyo Olympics is less than four years away, the Japanese government agrees that this is the last chance to bring Japan back to life.

Therefore, the government introduced a series of policies to facilitate the hosting of the Olympic Games, such as building high-rise buildings and sports construction facilities. In addition, it also invited investors from all over the world in an attempt to boost Japan's economy in one fell swoop with the help of the Olympic Games.

To sum it up, seeing him building tall buildings and seeing him entertaining guests, I don’t know what the final result will be. At present, just building high-rise buildings is enough to waste people’s money. If something happens to the 2020 Olympic Games Time is not as simple as the collapse of the building.

It is precisely because the Japanese government has made so many outrageous operations over the years that the public has no good feelings towards all high-level officials, including the prime minister, on the Internet.

But there is one thing to say, this charity concert was quite well-received, especially Luo Quan and Jing Gong Yazuo were invited to perform on the same stage.

The former is the goddess of the majority of male compatriots, and the latter is the best lover in the hearts of the majority of girls. They will perform together on the same stage. If you think about it, you will know how explosive the effect of the show will be.

The charity concert, which was not well-known at first, quickly became the most anticipated event of the Japanese people.

As for Luo Quan, he didn't pay much attention to the comments on the Internet, nor was he in a hurry to find Senior Jing Gong for a rehearsal.

It's just a song, it can be performed very well after getting familiar with it once or twice, and there is still a month to go, so it can be done in just two days, there is no need to be in such a hurry.

First of all, Luo Quan went to director Hecun to cancel his leave.

I haven't been back to school for two months, and everything seems to be the same. The classmates still greet her enthusiastically after seeing her, but the teachers seem to have changed, and she doesn't know any of these teachers. up.

After school in the afternoon, she went to the activity room of the Philharmonic Club. There were many new faces in the club, and those from the Karate Club were also there, but Hideshi Iwasaki was missing.

"Hey, the most beautiful world in our world is back." Yun Jingxiao was the first to see Luo Quan, and said with a smile.

Luo Quan laughed at himself: "Don't be joking, President, I am the most beautiful in the world, and I can't even get in the top three in the selection of Miss Dong... By the way, what is your look like?"

Not seeing each other for two months, Luo Quan found that the appearance of Yun Jingxiao and Amuro Yu had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Yun Jingxiao used to have shoulder-length flowing hair, a bit like the heroine of a Japanese romance drama in the 90s in the last century, but now the smooth long hair has become a rooster head, red.

Yuu Amuro was even more exaggerated, his hair was long and thick, and his eyes were almost covered, so he sat on a stool and pretended to be cool.

Yun Jingxiao flicked her hair: "This is the look designed for us by the company. My mohawk hairstyle is handsome!"

Luo Quan was speechless: "Your hairstyle was called non-mainstream in our place a few years ago, and many gangsters have this hairstyle."

Akatsuki Yunjing was not convinced: "But this is the rock'n' roll hairstyle, and foreign young people like this hairstyle! There are also many rock singers with this hairstyle in Japan, and there is another style called visual kei rock!"

"What clothes to wear when singing rock and roll is not the point. As long as you sing well, even if you wear a pair of underwear and a red scarf, there will still be countless people cheering for you." It's up to you, you can use whatever shape you want, so what's going on with Amuro Yuu?"

Yuu Amuro said in a muffled voice: "Fans say that men are deeper and more popular."

When Luo Quan heard this, he almost burst out laughing. He is a handsome young man, why did he believe in such nonsense?

"You two don't care about it?" Luo Quan looked at Kamiya Suzune and Miyano Natsuko, who were still in normal appearance.

Lingyin was very helpless: "Don't worry, I scolded the president on the first day he made this hairstyle, but it didn't help."

Xia Zi's eyes were also full of exhaustion: "Yu Amuro said that he dedicated his life to art, and this hairstyle will be more explosive when drumming."

The outbreak of the second disease is delayed?Luo Quan couldn't figure it out 1 times, but it's not a big problem. After a few years, they will know how stupid they are now.

"Luo Quan, are you free now?" Jing Gong Masaku's voice came from behind Luo Quan.

When Luo Quan heard this, his back tightened, and he thought that the one who should come would still come.

After tidying up his expression, Luo Quan turned around and said, "Of course I'm free."

"I still don't know what the track I collaborated with you is."

"Did no one inform you?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, "Didn't the director in the mountains of NHK tell you?"

Jing Gong Masaku smiled helplessly: "I only found out tonight that I want to collaborate with you. So far no one has told me what the track I will collaborate with you is."

""Don't Give Up", you should have heard this song."

"Of course, in the first few days after this song came out, TV stations and radio stations across the country played it on a loop."

"Then you can go back and practice. Let's have a rehearsal in a few days." Luo Quan was about to end the conversation after only five sentences.

"Okay, I'll come to you when the time comes." Jing Gong Masaku nodded with a warm smile.

After turning around, he sighed softly, his eyes looked a little lonely.

However, this emotion was quickly covered up by him, and everyone only saw his elegant and decent side, including Luo Quan.

"It's really troublesome." Looking at the back of Senior Jing Gong, Luo Quan felt a little bit of pressure.

Just by saying a few words, she saw a lot of ambiguous eyes from the eyes of the members next to her. If she suggested singing together in the future, she might develop into something.

(End of this chapter)

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