Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 145 Wrongful Death

Chapter 145 Wrongful Death

Ps. Thanks to the book friend Qi Qi for the book coins rewarded by Qi Liu!

The moon in foreign countries is indeed not so round, but unfortunately many people in China just don't understand it, and Luo Quan doesn't expect to be able to change these people's views by himself, but there are still things to do.

The domestic turmoil gradually subsided, and Luo Quan devoted his energy to the work in Japan.

As the hottest singer in Japan at present, Luo Quan's songs have considerable market appeal.

In Japan, most anime and TV dramas like to use the songs of these popular singers as OP or ED. After the two are bound, as long as this song is mentioned, you will know that it is the theme song or ending song of a certain TV series .

This strategy can be said to be common in Japan, and it has also produced countless classic film and television hits.

But at present, the only film and television work that is bound to Luo Quan's songs is "Tokyo Ghoul", and the first season is still over.

Fortunately, there is never a lack of market for excellent songs. The second TV series looking for a bond quickly found Luo Quan. Speaking of which, she is quite familiar with the heroine of this TV series. She is Hoshino Sakura who had some festivals before.

"Use my song as OP? Or "Lemon"?" Luo Quan asked Hoshino Sakura on the phone.

Hoshino Sakura nodded: "Yes, the producer heard that I am familiar with you, so he asked me to be a lobbyist. He said the price is negotiable."

"What TV series?" Luo Quan picked up the brown sugar boiled water and took a sip.

"Unnatural death."


"What's the matter?" Sakura Hoshino hurriedly asked when she heard that something was wrong with the voice on the other end of the phone.

"It's's okay, I choked on the water." Luo Quan hurriedly wiped the sugar water off his chin with a paper, "This TV it you?"

"That's right, I've been filming this movie for a long time. It probably finished filming in early January, and it's now at the end of production."

Didn't it mean that Japanese TV dramas shoot one episode and broadcast one episode?Luo Quan was a little puzzled, but she didn't refuse Hoshino Sakura's request, and she had no reason to refuse: "You can just use the song "Lemon" and use it for money.

Hoshino Sakura showed joy: "Thank you so much."

After hanging up the phone, within 10 minutes, the authorization letter for the copyright use of "Lemon" was sent, and the authorization fee was as high as 5000 million yen.

"Let me show you, you are really interesting." Luo Quan murmured, and then went downstairs to find a convenience store to print out the contract, sign it, and wait for the crew of "Unnatural Death" to send someone to collect it.

This is already the second film and television work that I found myself in. Almost all the songs in the modern world are different from the previous life, but there is not much difference in other things. Many movies and TV series also exist.

I don't know if it's because of the principle of world line correction. After she uses these songs, the TV dramas and anime that are bound to this song will slowly come to her door.

If this is the case, then if she sings some classics handed down in film history, can she also be famous in film history like those queens in her previous life?

But now is not the time to do this experiment.

She has taken leave for nearly two months, and she has to spend time to catch up with a lot of knowledge in class. The final exam of this semester will test the knowledge of this school year, and the difficulty is definitely not low.

And this exam is related to whether you can be promoted to the second grade, which is very important.

Although as long as every class is attended, the exam is not particularly bad, and there will be no failure to repeat the grade, but after all, Luo Quan took two months off, and if any teacher pretends to be a monster and makes her fail, then it will be fine. Too bad.

So Luo Quan had to take it seriously.

But no matter how serious she is, the class time is only so little, and she doesn't usually have the habit of going to the library, so she doesn't have a lot of study time every day.

Especially after half of February, Jing Gong Masaku came to her to practice more and more.

It just so happens that the activity rooms of the two clubs are very close to each other, and various audio equipment is still ready-made. The two often sing on the same stage under the gaze of everyone.

Luo Quan didn't quite get used to it at first, not because of embarrassment, she has always been big-hearted, she just sang with the boys, and her skin is not so thin-skinned.

It’s just that she sang solo before, except for a collaborative single with Wen Xia, she never sang with others, so when she sang with Jing Gong Yazuo, there were many places where there would be rushed shots or half-beats. Happening.

Fortunately, after these few days of practice, these problems have been solved one by one.

As for the relationship, it must be much more familiar than before, at least Jing Gong Masaku's idea of ​​making friends with Luo Quan has come true.

Originally, Luo Quan didn't intend to have a particularly deep relationship with Jing Gong Ya Zuo, mainly because he was afraid of the melon fields and plums, and his identity was also relatively sensitive, until Jing Gong Ya Zuo made a heart-to-heart with Luo Quan a few days ago.

"Luo Quansang, I don't know why, I feel like you've always rejected me?" Jing Gong Masaku looked a bit distressed, and looked at Luo Quan with clear eyes.

"How could it be?" Of course Luo Quan would not admit such a thing.

"I probably know what you think too. You should be very afraid that I have some unreasonable thoughts about you."

Luo Quan quickly waved his hands: "I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense."

Jing Gong Masaku smiled: "An excellent girl like you is the focus of the crowd no matter where she is, and she will be liked by everyone no matter where she is. You don't have to deny this, because it is a fact."

Luo Quan smiled, but did not speak.

Jing Gong Masaku said in a deep voice: "It's a biological instinct to like a beautiful opposite sex, especially for a opposite sex like you, it's hard for a boy not to like you.

I probably understand your concerns, but in the final analysis, it's because of being too popular.Because it is too popular, more and more eyes are cast on you. You don't know how much of it is pure admiration, and how much has various disgusting purposes.

So in order to protect yourself, you simply reject all eyes and approaches, as long as you ignore them all, you won't get hurt.

After all, you are so good at karate, if you come hard, it will definitely not work, and you will cut off the soft way, so you don't have to worry about getting hurt because of other people. "

This analysis was to the point, but Luo Quan wasn't afraid of getting hurt, it was simply because he couldn't accept it psychologically.

"There are some reasons for this, but it has something to do with my family." Luo Quan explained.

Jing Gong Masaku nodded: "I won't ask more about your family, but what I want to say is that I'm not as disgusting as you imagine."

Luo Quan was taken aback: "I definitely don't have such an idea!"

Jing Gong Masaku laughed at himself: "Maybe you don't disgust me, but you certainly didn't treat me like Amuro Yuu and Yunjing Xiao, which is actually a kind of disgust.

Of course, I'm not jealous or feel wronged. After all, the relationship between people is different. I don't have much time to socialize with you. It's completely unreasonable to want to get the same treatment as the two of them.

To be honest, when I first saw you, I wanted to pursue you. I won't lie about this. I don't believe that other boys don't have this idea. "

Nonsense, during the days after that kid Yuu Amuro broke up with her, he peeked at her from behind every day. He thought it was quite hidden, but Luo Quan knew it in his heart.

It is estimated that Yuu Amuro also knew that he had no hope, so he had no other ideas in the future.

Luo Quan also understands the matter of opposite sex attraction, not to mention other people, even her past life, her eyes must be straightened when she sees her in this life, and she can't fall asleep at night if she does masturbation ten or eight times a day.

But if she was the one being raped, the situation would be different.

What Jing Gong Masaku said was actually what she was most worried about.

"But don't worry, I've given up on this kind of thinking a long time ago." Jing Gong Masaku's tone suddenly became serious: "My father is the crown prince, and he will inherit the throne within three years at the most. And I will also be crown prince.

Among the previous royal families, no crown prince has ever married a foreign wife, so I will not have any unreasonable thoughts about you.

Just like when I first met you, I simply want to be friends with you, the real kind. "

"Are friends true or false?"

Jing Gong Masaku smiled wryly and said: "To tell you the truth, among the partners I played with since childhood, I didn't have a single real friend.

They all approached me just because of who I was, were friendly to me in front of me, and scolded and slandered me behind my back, obviously I didn't do anything.

And this situation did not disappear as I grew up, but became more serious.

You see me in school, I am a senior respected by my classmates, and I am an excellent emperor and grandson, but I know clearly how these people scold me in private.

Luo Quansang, you often play Twitter, it is impossible not to see this. "

Luo Quan didn't speak.

What Jing Gong Masaku said is quite right, although he is like a master at East University in school, but on Twitter, his words can be arranged in any way, and the degree can only be excessive or very excessive.

Jing Gong Masaku sighed: "Besides, I am not even qualified to refute these words, you can only pretend not to see them, what's more, you have to apologize to these people who scolded you.

Because you are the grandson of the emperor, the whole of Japan is paying attention to your words and deeds. As long as there is a slight disqualification, the pressure of public opinion will quickly press on you, making you breathless.

It is also for this reason that I grew up without making a single real friend.In the past, no one paid, but now they don't want to pay.

I thought it was like this in the world, with the front being arrogant and the back being respectful, with one set on the surface and another behind the other, until I met you, Luo Quansang, you made me feel the only goodness left among my peers. "

(End of this chapter)

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