Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 156 Years later, we are friends

Chapter 156 Ten years later, we are friends
ps Thanks to book friends with silver hair and purple pupils who are soft and cute for rewarding book coins!

No matter who you are too enthusiastic about, it increases the probability of not being cherished.If there is no excessive joy, there will be no extreme sorrow. ——Osamu Dazai, "No Longer Human"


At Narita International Airport, Luo Quan was looking at his ticket in the airport lobby, and there was still an hour before boarding. Luo Quan was hesitating whether to say goodbye to Jing Gongya now or tell him after Huaxia.

As a friend, it's really not good for Luo Quan to leave without saying goodbye, but the biggest reason why she left without saying goodbye this time is actually because of him.

It can only be said that his special status caused the current situation, but if he was born in an ordinary family, Luo Quan would not be in such a hurry to return to Huaxia.

There were not many people at the airport at night, but there were quite a few. Most of them were people who got off the plane and left the airport. From just now until now, Luoquan has seen four couples quarreling and breaking up at the airport.

This can be regarded as a unique spectacle at Narita Airport. There is a special Japanese word for it called "Narita Breakup".

It is about couples or couples going out for honeymoon, and then after returning, they can't wait to break up and divorce directly at Narita Airport.

All the problems come from the travel life, the collision of the two worldviews, whether the souls of each other are compatible, the result will be known soon through this short time together.

And at this moment, Luo Quan was not the only one watching the lovers quarreling and breaking up, Jing Gong Masaku even came earlier than her.

At this moment, he hadn't slept all day and night, his eyes were bloodshot, and the beard stubble gradually climbed up his angular handsome face, his face was full of sadness.

The night before yesterday, he memorized countless interesting stories, repeated countless humorous jokes, and rehearsed countless ways of talking, all in order to make Luo Quan feel good about him.

As a result, he didn't find her when he went to school the next day. He searched all the places he liked to go in Luoquan, but he couldn't find her.

In the end, it was Director Kawamura of the teaching office who inadvertently revealed Luo Quan's whereabouts to him.

Luo Quan has completed the procedures for returning to China as an exchange student, and the final exam papers have also been completed with excellent results.

Like a bolt from the blue, Jing Gong Masaku's mind buzzed suddenly when he heard this, and his body took two steps back in a sway. At this moment, he only felt the world spinning, and even Director Kawamura's concerned inquiries gradually moved away from him.

At this moment, Jing Gong Masaku felt that he was abandoned by the whole world, and the unspeakable sadness seemed to stab a sharp knife into his heart, and the severe pain in his lungs seemed to be torn apart, making him suffocate .

I don't know how long it took before Jinggong Masaku came back from his trance, thanked Director Kawamura coldly, and left the school like a walking dead.

Fortunately, Aozora Inoue met him on the road. Seeing that he was in a bad state, he immediately drove him home, otherwise something might happen.

After Jinggong Masaku's father found out about this, he sent two servants of the royal family to him, telling him that these two servants were proficient in Kyokushin Karate, and they were masters with a fifth-degree black belt, and it would not be a problem to win Luoquan.

As for how to make a decision, it's up to Jing Gongya to do her own business. Anyway, as long as no one is killed, his grandfather can suppress it.

After being anxious all day, Jing Gong Masaku's mind was empty, and he kept thinking about where he lost.

If he can't figure it out, Jing Gong Masaku will easily fall into a dead end, and it's not surprising that he will do something at that time.

No one else can help you with this kind of thing, you can only rely on yourself.

Fortunately, Jing Gong Masaku was not ordinary after all. It took only one day to walk out of the shadows. When he set off for the airport, he looked at the red clouds entering the evening sky, and he murmured softly: "People are born with sorrow because of love, and sorrow is born because of worry." Fear, if separated from love, why worry and fear?"

Rather than being open-minded, it is better to say that you are cheering yourself up.

Jing Gong Yazuo came to the airport one step ahead of Luo Quan. When Luo Quan came in, even though she was wearing sunglasses, he recognized her right away.

Jing Gong Masaku will never forget that graceful figure.

When the crowd gradually thinned out, Jing Gong Masaku finally mustered up the courage and walked towards Luo Quan.

"You stay here, no matter what happens, don't come here." Jing Gong Masaku said to the two servants without looking back.

He didn't come here to force Luo Quan.

Slowly, Jing Gong Masaku walked up behind Luo Quan, and said softly, "Luo Quan, just leave like this, why don't you tell my friend?"

Luo Quan was like a startled rabbit, her shoulders trembled, she turned around with a solemn expression: "Senior Jing Gong!"

Jing Gong Masaku chuckled: "Don't be so nervous, I'm not here to stop you."

Hearing what Jing Gong Masaku said, Luo Quan could only feel ashamed at the moment. In this matter, she treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

But now, Luo Quan no longer has to hide it.

"Sorry, Senior Jing Gong, I have no choice but to leave in such a hurry."

Jing Gong Masaku smiled: "I know, I know better than anyone how my father and mother got together. In the end, because of my identity, you were forced to leave Japan."

Luo Quan comforted: "It's not your fault, you just met the wrong person at the wrong time."

Jing Gong Masaku shook his head: "But I don't think so. In my opinion, you are the right person. Unfortunately, I'm probably not good enough to win your favor."

Luo Quan smiled and sighed: "That's not the reason, in fact, I have already answered this question to everyone a long, long time ago, and in a short time, I will not consider personal relationship issues.

Now I can also clearly disclose to you that this short period of time is ten years. "

"Are you serious?"

Luo Quan's expression was very serious: "I never lie, let alone lie to you with this kind of thing."

"So after ten years, I will have a chance?"

"Perhaps, ten years is just the shortest period, maybe ten years later and another ten years?"

"I'm just kidding." Jing Gong Masaku laughed, "My father will never let me wait for ten years, I am the one who will inherit the throne, well... If there is a chance, I don't mind being a Be Edward VIII."

The British King Luo Quan mentioned by Masaku Jinggong knows that he is the only king in the history of the Commonwealth of Nations who voluntarily abdicated, a modern example of loving beauty but not country.

At the beginning, in order to marry his true love, he did not hesitate to fight against the government, the Dominion government, the church and even the people. His love was as permanent and firm as a diamond.

Speaking of which, the things that should be punctured are basically punctured. We are all adults, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Emotional matters, nothing more than I love you, you love me and I love you, you just don't love me, some people are doomed to have no relationship for life, at least Luo Quan and Jing Gong Masaku have given each other a face.

"By the way, we can still be friends, right?" Jing Gong Masaku asked.

Luo Quan nodded very positively: "Of course! It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future!"

"That's good..." Jing Gong Masaku lowered his head and smiled, "Then I won't delay you any longer, go to check the ticket quickly, and wish you a smooth journey."

"Thank you."

After hearing Luo Quan's thanks, Jing Gongya turned around freely and exhaled a long breath.

The past few months have really been like a dream, like a fairy tale, but the story ended too quickly.

"Can we be friends?" This is the beginning of the story.

"Can we still be friends?" This is the end of the story.

The only consolation is that the two people in the story laughed with relief.

After checking the tickets and waiting in the waiting room for a while, Luo Quan boarded the plane to the capital.

Wen Xia has been filming on the set for the past few days, and Junzi lives alone in the house. In the past, the two of them just happened to be companions.

When Luo Quan got off the plane, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, and he took a taxi to Jiuding Mansion.

Lu Luoquan tweeted:
"I have arrived in the capital safely." She said and passed a selfie of her in a taxi.

The driver master smiled and said, "Little girl, if you don't take a picture of the driver, how can you warn potential criminals?If you take a taxi alone late at night, your heart is really big. "

Luo Quan smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I can fight very well."

The driver was a little surprised: "You can speak Chinese quite well, have you been in China for many years?"

"I am from Huaxia, so of course I can speak Chinese well."

"So you're a half-breed?" The driver of a taxi in the capital can be regarded as somewhat knowledgeable, and he can basically guess Luo Quan's hair color through the rearview mirror.

"Then where is your hometown?"


"Oh, I know that place, the hot pot is very famous..."

Compared with Japanese taxi drivers, Huaxia's taxi drivers are even more talkative. No matter what passengers are sitting behind, they can always try to talk to you, and then easily get all your personal information out .

If these drivers were to be intelligence collectors, their deterrence would definitely be comparable to that of the people in Chaoyang District, or they would be under the foot of Tianzi Ji. Luo Quan felt that everyone here was not easy.

After half an hour, it finally arrived.

The driver and Luo Quan chatted speculatively along the way, and seeing that she was so beautiful, he gave her a change, only fifty.

It is slightly more expensive than Yuzhou, but considering that the prices in Beijing are higher than other places, this is already a very affordable price.

Arriving at the gate of the community of Jiuding Mansion, Luo Quan suddenly thought of a very serious question, that is, how should she get in?

There was no key, and the security guard didn't know her, so he called Junko immediately, but the phone was turned off.

"GG!" Luo Quan was in a mess in the howling wind at night, and she couldn't function every day. Now she had to sit back and find a hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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