Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 16 Makeup

Chapter 16 Makeup
"You're picking around, are you going to go out?" Wen Xia asked curiously when she saw Luo Quan carrying out a lot of clothes.

Luo Quan nodded distressedly: "That's right, the record sold out yesterday, and the company temporarily printed 50 copies, and asked me to attend a record signing event this afternoon. There must be a lot of media and fans asking for it." Come, shall I not dress up to attend?"

"Didn't your company tell you some basic common sense of artists?" Wen Xia asked, spreading her hands.

"What common sense?"

"Aren't these things prepared by the agent?"

"I only signed a record contract, and I don't have an agent... um, if I have to say there are, there are really one by one, but I don't really want to trouble people."

Wen Xia rolled her eyes: "The agent is there for trouble. That's what people do. You can just call. Why are you being so polite?"

"Then I'll give Miki-kun a call." Luo Quan said and opened the phone's address book. Sanmu was the only man in her address book, and the other was Lin Zheyuan.

After the call was made, it was quickly connected.

"Hey, is that Miki-kun, where are you now?"

"I'm on my way to your house. The company has already arranged a makeup artist and clothes for you to attend the signing ceremony. Get ready, I'll be there soon."

"Okay, I'll go downstairs right away!" Luo Quan hung up the phone and put all his clothes back.

Wen Xia said: "Look, isn't this coming to pick you up directly, you are hot now, even if you don't sign a brokerage contract with Sony, you can still ask for all kinds of requirements, you must know that you are an old mother who can only lay golden eggs. Chicken, it's baby."

Luo Quan glared at Wen Xia: "You are the old hen!"

Luo Quan packed up his things and walked to the door to put on his shoes, and said, "Do you want me to bring you something?"

"I want to eat Kobe beef~~" Wen Xia was lying on the tatami, acting like a cat.

Luo Quan spit out: "I still eat Kobe beef, I haven't eaten it before, just wait, I'll see where I can buy it."

After that, he went out the door.

After waiting on the side of the street for about five or six minutes, Miki drove his Toyota to the side of the road, and Luo Quan opened the door and got on it.

Miki smiled and said, "Congratulations, Miss Quan Shui, now the whole internet is discussing your record, Director Ishimura said that the company's first four-platinum album this year must be yours!"

Luo Quan said politely: "This is all due to everyone's efforts. By the way, apart from the signing ceremony this afternoon, are there any other arrangements for the next time?"

Miki nodded and said, "Of course there is. After the signing ceremony, we will be ready to go to the Music Station to make the list. It is the most famous music program in Japan. The guests who can appear on this program are all the hottest singers or singers. The group, if you can perform well on this show, it will definitely make your reputation go to the next level!"

Luo Quan said excitedly: "So I'm sure I can be on this show!"

"Of course, your record has been recognized by quite a few music magazines and music critics. The Music Station program team sent an invitation to the company this morning. I hope you can participate in the program three days later as a guest."

"I must prepare well when I go back!" Luo Quan replied with a smile.

She has heard of Music Station. It is the most watched music program in Japan. It has been broadcast for 30 years and thousands of episodes. In the eyes of the general public, its influence is even greater than that of the Japanese Oricon. !

This is a great opportunity for her to expand her popularity. She must seize it no matter what. The Japanese people place great importance on the strength of an artist. She must not go wrong on this show!
After driving for 10 minutes, the two arrived at the headquarters of Sony Records.

Sony Records, whose full name is Sony Music Entertainment, is a music business group under Sony Corporation of Japan. It owns up to 31% of the world's most music copyrights. From Asia to Europe and the United States, countless kings and queens are signed artists of this company. Looking at the whole world, it is also an undisputed entertainment giant.

Compared with the long-established superstars of this company, Luo Quan is just a young singer who has just started, and he is not even a signed artist.

But today, Sony Records held a special signing party for her little singer, and dozens of media and reporters will be present.

But before that, she needs to change her clothes and put on makeup.

Under the leadership of Miki, Luo Quan came to the fourth floor, was pulled into a room by a female staff member, and began to prepare for makeup.

Because it's not the idol artist route, Luo Quan's dress doesn't need to be too fancy. Just like her stage name, it's as pure as spring water. The skirt she wore when she was shooting the promotional video was not bad.

But make-up, it must be taken seriously.

Because she has never come into contact with these before, Luo Quan has always appeared without makeup so far. Although she is good enough to hold the scene, if she wants to continue to develop in Japan, it is impossible without makeup.

In Japan, makeup is a skill that all girls must learn. In almost any occasion, even if they are going out to throw garbage, they must put on makeup before going out. Grandmas in their 70s and [-]s, and girls in their [-]th and [-]th years cannot do it. exception.

Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, it is the truth. In the eyes of Japanese girls, putting on makeup is a respect for others. In the streets and alleys of Japan, you can find quite a few makeup shops, which can help those girls who are too late or need makeup. used, which is very rare in other countries.

Today is Luo Quan's first time to attend such a formal occasion, and he must wear makeup before going there.

The makeup artist for Luo Quan was a fashionably dressed and gorgeous female makeup artist. She had heavy foundation on her face and thick eyeliner. She looked pretty good, but she was the only one she would look like after taking off her makeup. I know it myself.

After all, it is one of the four major sorcerers in Asia. In terms of turning corruption into magic, only Huaxia PS can be slightly better.

The makeup artist poured the makeup remover onto the cotton pad, and wiped it on Luo Quan's face. Just after wiping it twice, the makeup artist said suspiciously, "Miss Quan Shui, you don't have any makeup on?"

"No, I don't know how to put on makeup." Luo Quan was also at a loss, obviously she was going out without makeup, why should she put on makeup remover as soon as she came up, shouldn't she apply foundation first?

"I'm sorry, I saw your face so white, and I subconsciously thought you were wearing makeup." The makeup artist quickly apologized, and then wiped Luo Quan's face with a wet towel.

After wiping it off, the makeup artist sighed, "Ms. Springshui's skin is really good, her complexion is fair and delicate, and she doesn't even need foundation."

Luo Quan laughed: "Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Really, you only need to put some sunscreen and blush on the face of Miss Springs, and then you need to apply some foundation to adjust the color difference in the eye sockets, and it is also convenient to wait for eye shadow." The makeup artist dipped it from a bottle with a makeup brush. The milky white liquid was smeared on Luo Quan's face and spread evenly.

Then he touched another bottle with another makeup brush and began to apply it to Luo Quan's eye sockets.

At the beginning, Luo Quan wanted to learn how to make up, but the bottles and jars in front of her looked similar, but the effect was completely different. an act.

With the help of the makeup artist, Luo Quan's eye makeup was quickly done.

Looking at himself in the mirror who had almost changed his appearance, Luo Quan opened his lips slightly, surprised.

Her eye shadow and lip gloss are all pink, which is a typical peach blossom makeup. With her bright eyes that seem to be able to speak, the whole face becomes gentle and attractive.

Obviously this makeup is not gorgeous, it is a relatively plain makeup, but it has the effect of heavy makeup on Luo Quan's body, and every eye movement is so seductive.

"It's so beautiful!" The makeup artist couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Don't you want to be pure and pure? How can you look like a fairy after turning into a fairy?" Luo Quan pinched his chin and fell into deep thought, thinking that she could finally understand what it means to have eyes hooking people. This appearance is her My heart blushes when I see it.

"Sorry, has Miss Quan Shui put on her makeup?" Miki walked in with a white suspender dress, and when she saw Luo Quan who turned her head, she was obviously stunned.

"It's done, I'll change my skirt right away." Luo Quan stood up, took the skirt from Miki's hand, and walked into the changing room.

The makeup artist joked, "I never imagined that Miki-kun would be so rude, staring at Miss Quan Shui all the time."

Miki quickly explained: "'s just because I was surprised, don't think too much."

Soon Luo Quan changed his clothes and walked out. After getting ready, the two immediately took the car and went to the place where the record was signed today.

(End of this chapter)

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