Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 169 Strength

Chapter 169 Strength
Ps Thank you Qi Qi for my rewarded book currency!
After a brief discussion, the final assessment level was also announced.

In the Seine Five, Lin Yuxiao is A-level, and the other four have two Bs and two Cs.

It can be seen that the grades of the instructors are relatively strict. Don't be angry, the performance of the two graded C is not much worse than the other two, but they are a full grade behind in the final grade.

When the students saw that the famous Seine River had only one A, they all exclaimed:
"Isn't this too strict?"

"Dancing so well, just an A?"

"I think if I go up, I'm not as good as the one with two C's?"

"It's over, it's over, it's going to be F now."

Hearing the discussion from behind, Jin Zihao turned his head to look at the girls, his handsome face was gloomy:
"Do you think this selection criteria is too strict?"

How dare the students say yes, they all shook their heads like rattles.

"Let me tell you, this program is called "Creating Girls' Generation", the purpose is to select the most powerful girl group in China, and Wen Xia will form a group with you in the future.

I'm not afraid to tell you that Teacher Wen Xia has always wanted to compete with those Korean girl groups as a Huaxia girl group, and you are the group of people who are most likely to help her realize this dream. This is why we are so strict reason.

I know that some of you may not have a good foundation, and there is a gap compared with Wen Xia's previous teammates, but there is no gap that cannot be made up through hard work.

The most important thing is that you have confidence in yourself, those who don't have confidence are not qualified to be Wen Xia's team members! "

Feeling that Jin Zihao's tone was a bit harsh, Zhao Yining hurried out to smooth things over: "The women's group competition is very fierce, and now we have strict requirements on everyone, and it's actually for your own good. Don't think that we are just sitting here and talking without back pain. But before we debuted, you may not have imagined the hardships we have suffered.

We can talk about these things with you when we have time later, but from now on, I hope that everyone will make corresponding psychological preparations, treat this assessment and even the entire program as one thing, and work hard do it well. "

One of the two mentors sings bad faces and the other sings red faces, but what they say is from the bottom of their hearts, and they have only one purpose, which is to let the students understand what they are here for and what they want to do.

The effect seemed to be pretty good, and the students finally understood it completely, and shouted in unison: "Yes, teacher!"

The assessment continued, and the third group was Moonflower's six-member group. The instructors were sitting tight. This group should be regarded as the strongest combination in the entire program.

"Hi teacher, I am Yue Wei, a trainee of Moon Flower."

"I'm Xu Yuelin."


After the six people introduced themselves in turn, they stood still and looked at the teacher with a smile.

Those who come out of big companies are different. These six trainees are qualitatively different from other academies in terms of mental outlook. , the time is not too long.

But after all, he is a trainee who came back from South Korea, so there is definitely nothing to say about his professional ability.

This can be seen from their confident smiles.

"Yue Wei and Xu Yuelin should have practiced for a long time, right?" Jin Zihao asked
Although they belong to the fourth-generation idol group, he is not familiar with Yue Wei and Xu Yuelin, but he has cooperated with Chu Xiang many times, and he has never met on a variety show in Korea before.

Yue Wei nodded: "I have been a trainee in Korea since the first day of junior high school, and I have been a trainee for almost five years until my debut."

Xu Yuelin said: "I went there in the second year of junior high school, and it's been almost four years."

The answers of the two made many students on the stage completely unexpected, one for five years, one for four years, you must know that they are all girls around 20 years old, excluding the ignorant childhood and elementary school, Yue Wei and Xu Yuelin almost put their most precious The time of youth was devoted to the training of the women's team.

"Being a trainee at such a young age?"

"Five years, I myself have lived less than four years."

"It's no wonder that people can debut, I only started as a trainee last year."


Jin Zihao held the microphone, turned his head to look at the surprised students behind him, and said, "Now that we've reached this point, let me tell you about the hardships we have suffered in Korea.

When we trainees came to Korea, we were basically thirteen or fourteen years old, that is, when we were in junior high school. Wen Xia should be the oldest girl in our group when she entered the industry. She is one of the rare girls who graduated from junior high school. People with professional qualifications were considered highly educated among us at that time. "

Everyone laughed, Wen Xia feigned anger: "Why do I feel that you are mocking me?" She raised her hand as if to hit her.

Jin Zihao quickly hid to the side: "No, I'm just praising you for your high education."

Ella smiled and glanced at Luo Quan next to her: "The true master is sitting here."

Luo Quan just smiled without saying a word.

After playing around, Jin Zihao continued: "After we started working as trainees in Korea, we had no more than nine hours of rest every day, and we had to get up early every day to practice dancing and singing, and there was a big exam every month. .

The boss of the company sat in our position during the exam. They are not like us. They will joke with you, just stare at you with a straight face, as long as you do not perform well, you will not be used after today. "

The students covered their mouths in surprise, it was more strict than they imagined.

"We're actually fine. After all, the four of us from Huaxia came to the same dormitory, and our appearance crushed most people, so there was basically no possibility of being eliminated." Speaking of this, Jin Zihao seemed a little complacent.

Zhao Yining smiled and said, "That's just pretending."

Jin Zihao squinted at him: "What is pretending, it's what it is!"

The students booed and booed constantly on the stage.

Jin Zihao continued: "The environment for boys is actually not that bad. Girls are the most competitive. Let Wen Xia talk about it next."

Wen Xia took over the conversation: "Let's just give a very simple example. When I first entered the trainee dormitory, there were ten people in a dormitory, plus eleven of me. In two years, all the eleven people except me gone.

As far as I know, there were more than 70 reserve trainees of Sweet girl at that time, a total of eight Datongpu dormitories, and only five people made their debut in the end. "

When the students at the scene heard this, they were in an uproar.

Finally, Jin Zihao said seriously: "So, don't think how strict and cruel we are now. Compared with the real strictness, our level can only be regarded as playing tricks."

All that should be said has been said, and the students who can listen naturally have further hope. At this point, everyone has basically given up the idea of ​​wanting to fish in troubled waters.

On this stage, only strength can speak!

(End of this chapter)

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