Chapter 174
Luo Quan explained calmly: "I didn't mean to contradict you, I was just stating a fact. My name was called just now, and I just stood up. Everything that happened next was not controlled by my subjective consciousness at all. , you can’t say that because I’m too famous, my classmates are discussing me, so put the fault on me, right?”

At any rate, Luoquan is also a popular music major applying for the exam. Popular music professor Shang Deyuan also became a peacemaker at this time: "Mr. Wu also wants to maintain the order of the examination room. She is famous in the college for her sharp mouth and tofu Heart, from the beginning to things and not to people.

And there is nothing wrong with Luoquan in this matter. It can only be said that this is a problem that star students will definitely encounter when they study here with us. "

Although they are both professors, regardless of Professor Wu's face, he didn't look any better because of Professor Shang's words.

Luo Quan looked at the tag on her chest, Professor Wu Fang, majoring in bel canto, no wonder......

She had heard before that there has always been a chain of contempt in the music circle, those who play classical look down on those who play jazz, those who play jazz look down on those who play rock, and those who play rock look down on those who play rock.

Bel canto can be classified as less than or equal to classical music, and pop music is included in the category of popular music. It is very natural for Professor Wu to have a sense of superiority when facing her.

Even many students who sing bel canto have a sense of superiority when facing students who study popular music. This is the case with the boy who commented on Luoquan just now, and he applied for a major in piano performance, so he is at the top of the chain of contempt .

It's said that people don't know but don't feel stunned, so it's not a gentleman. It's a pity that Luo Quan can't be a gentleman now, so he doesn't intend to just swallow his anger like this.

"Dean, you don't have any requirements for the choice of songs during the art test?" Luo Quan smiled like a flower, seeing such a face that is more beautiful than peach blossoms, even the old-fashioned old stubborn is intoxicated at this time.

Dean Zheng nodded: "Bel Canto, popular, ethnic, all are fine."

"Then I'll sing the bel canto."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, there was an uproar on and off the stage.

Luo Quan sang pop music, and the candidates in the audience basically knew this.

Luoquan pop music is very good, and the candidates in the audience know this.

But pop music and bel canto are completely different concepts. If you can sing well in bel canto, you can certainly sing well in pop music, but if you sing well in pop music, singing bel canto may not be good.

After all, no matter what despise chain or not, it is an indisputable fact that bel canto has a higher entry threshold than popular, and before Luo Quan, there was no news about her singing bel canto.

Now that she says she wants to sing bel canto, the first reaction of normal people is to feel that she is angry.

After all, Xiao Xiao is a very popular star. After receiving such a scolding for no reason, and the young man is full of vigor, he will definitely do some extreme things.

Besides, her school is the University of Tokyo, so she has the capital to make fun of the art test. After all, exchange students usually take the art test as a formality. One stop is [-] points.

Although Dean Zheng was surprised, he did not refuse Luo Quan's request, but asked, "Which song do you want to sing?"

""The Magic Flute"—the flame of revenge burns in my heart." Luo Quan spoke pure German, and most of the candidates in the audience did not understand it.

The examiners' expressions changed and they looked at each other.

"The Magic Flute" is one of the four most outstanding musicals by the great musician Mozart, and "The Flame of Vengeance Burns in My Heart" is an excerpt from it, also called "Aria of the Queen of the Night".

Because this selection needs to be completed with coloratura soprano, and it is extremely difficult, it is an aria for showing off skills, so it has always been called the touchstone of coloratura soprano.

Ordinary music students and bel canto graduates dare not touch it, because it has very high requirements on the inherent conditions of the singer, and if the physical function is slightly weak, it will be very unpleasant to sing.

Not only talent, but also the highest requirement for skills. Even experienced coloratura soprano singers in China may not be able to perform it perfectly.

Wu Fang, as a professor of bel canto at Shangyi, is still quite good. She can sing this section, and she can be ranked relatively high in China, but compared with those foreign masters, the gap is obvious.

So when she heard that Luo Quan was going to sing "Aria of the Queen of the Night", her first reaction was to just smile.

And the few students who reacted under the stage were discussing in low voices, laughing and laughing.

"It's a complete hoax. At her age, I haven't seen anyone who can sing the Queen of the Night's aria clearly. It's good if she can read the lyrics clearly and pronounce them accurately." The boy who had just commented on Luo Quan put his hands together Hold your chest and speak with certainty.

Next to him, a fan of Luo Quan said: "I can't say for sure, Luo Quan's singing skills are still very good, the scene is very stable, the voice is also in good condition, and the treble quality is very full."

"Is pop music and coloratura soprano the same thing?" The boy smiled and said very firmly: "If she really sings well and doesn't break her voice, I'll screw my head off!"

The Flag has been established. Although this Flag is a bit ruthless, everyone basically feels that it is impossible to realize it.

Because the pieces that Luo Quan wanted to sing were too difficult for a girl of her age to master, not even for a genius!
Of course Luo Quan is not a genius, but she is better than a genius because she is a hacker.

How could she, who never did anything uncertain, humiliate herself in public?

When she completed the task before, she drew a one-day star binding card, and the bound character was the famous coloratura soprano singer in her previous life: Diana Damrao.

Although her high pitch is not the best among the Queen of the Night aria singers of all ages, it is definitely more than enough for the exam.

Although her voice is not on the same level as those sopranos who have undergone long-term and scientific training, her innate conditions can't hold back.

With her expertise in iron lungs, she doesn't have to worry about breathing problems at all. As for the treble, the highest pitch of the Queen of the Night's aria is only f3, and it's not too difficult for her now.

After using the character binding card, she also temporarily mastered Diana Damrao's soprano singing skills.

All the difficulties have been solved, what do you think Luo Quan dare not sing?

There is no accompaniment, no microphone, everything is the most simple and pure human voice. When Luo Quan's voice sang in the empty examination room, everyone's expressions changed.

(Ps. Eat with BV1qx41117ed, the effect is better.)
Luo Quan's singing voice is as crisp as Huang Ying's voice, and the treble part is round and silky, like the sound of a clear spring, without any sharp feeling.

And every transition is also smooth and natural, without any deliberately contrived tweaks.

The most important point is that her timbre is very stable from the beginning to the end, and the volume of each breath change is so small that it is almost inaudible. The control of this breath can kill the former candidates in seconds.

The most shocking thing is her long vibrato at the end, Luo Quan effortlessly maintains the original key (pitch) of the song, the quality is simply perfect.

After singing a song, Luo Quan didn't even blush or breathe, but just bowed to the examiners.

After a brief silence, the entire examination room burst into thunderous applause!

(End of this chapter)

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