Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 178 Mysterious Guests

Chapter 178 Mysterious Guests
"Create Girls' Generation will welcome a mysterious guest!"

Click on this trending search and you will see a black figure, quite tall, but because the body is all black, it is impossible to tell who it is.

The official blog of "Creating Girls' Generation" just invited a mysterious guest to the show, and the word "super popular" was also used.

Because the first episode hasn't been aired yet, most of the people on the official blog are melon eaters, and everyone is curious about who this mysterious guest is.

Wen Xia, Jin Zihao, and Zhao Yining are already the ceiling of popularity of domestic idols, but the mysterious guest can still be called super popular in front of these people, which is very intriguing.

In the comment area, everyone also mobilized their collective imagination and listed a lot of domestic celebrities who are currently very popular.

These people are no longer idols. They are either domestic first-line celebrities who have acted in many popular TV dramas, or powerful singers with many classic songs. They are generally over 30 years old.

In terms of popularity, they may not be as high as Wen Xia and the others who are frequently searched, but they are stronger than Wen Xia and others in terms of coffee, Weibo fans, and iron fans. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are super popular.

But after listing these people, I found that there are basically few people who can be matched. Because these people are very popular, the announcements are generally continuous. Currently there is no schedule to participate in "Creating Girls' Generation".

And the people who came back from Wenxia Weibo made bold guesses under this hot search:

"Could this mysterious guest be Leon?"

"It's possible. The Lyon native is in the capital right now. I just don't know if he celebrates Luo Quan's birthday and is free to participate in the show."

"You have to ask Wen Xia to find out, after all, the three of them are together now."

"I don't pay much attention to the European and American circles, so I ask weakly, who is Lyon?"

"The hottest girl idol in Europe and America right now, with tens of millions of followers on Twitter and Instagram, and the most handsome girl in the world this year!"

"Sounds like a dick."

"It's actually Huaxia's little fresh meat, but this meat is not ordinary fresh."

"He is a talented person. He sings and dances very well. He has come to many concerts in the United States. Tickets are hard to come by."

"As far as his status is concerned, he is indeed a super popular idol, but can he really be invited? It is difficult to recruit a second-tier American star in China."

"It stands to reason that you can't invite them. At present, there is no example of a first-line star coming to China to be a flying guest on a show, let alone a super first-line star like Lyon?"

"It's hard to say, at least there is a relationship like Luoquan here, and being able to come here to celebrate my sister's birthday shows that the relationship between the siblings is very good."

"It will take at least a week to know the result. The first episode will start broadcasting tomorrow."


Netizens were chattering. Although some people had already guessed the truth, few people chose to believe it. With so many celebrities in the entertainment industry, no one could tell who this mysterious guest would be.

But what is certain is that the popularity of the program "Creating Girls' Generation" has completely risen. It has been searched so many times before the broadcast, and the official Weibo of the students has also been certified one by one. , although not much money has been noticed for the time being.

In short, but how is this show doing, at least when it starts broadcasting tomorrow night, there will definitely not be fewer people watching it.

On the other hand, Lyon and Luo Quan's first collaborative single "Seorita" has also been launched globally simultaneously.

Before this, Universal Records had done a lot of preheating for this song. After its release, the number of downloads directly airborne to the top of the Billboard charts, and finally squeezed out "We will rock you", which had occupied the top spot for several months.

Then came rave reviews.

"Facts have proved that Luo Quan has already mastered pop music, and any song is a masterpiece."

"This kind of sweet love song Luo Quan is too easy to control. Is her voice so fascinating?"

"The chorus between Luo Quan and Leon has an indescribable sense of fit."

"Although the song is short, the content is very rich, the melody is changeable, the arrangement is also very good, and the whole song is completed to a very high degree. This is a good song worthy of an award."

"Then again, Luo Quan's English song isn't worth it."

"Except for "Faded", I actually think it's a song that maximizes the characteristics of Luoquan's timbre, like the sound of an ancient siren. It's a pity that the melody of the song is too single, so it doesn't really please the academics."

"It is said that Luo Quan plans to release an English album this year. She has released an album in Japanese and Chinese, and the reviews are very high. I wonder if she will surprise everyone this time."

"It shouldn't be difficult. Isn't writing a song as easy as drinking water for her?"



The evaluation of "Seorita" is very high, and the data is also very good. After the popularity in the United States, the global popularity has gradually risen.

Speaking of which, this is Luo Quan's first song after "Faded" that has been sung worldwide.

This time, he took advantage of Leon's wind, and his fame made the song popular with her. Now her and Leon's names are all trending on Twitter, and they are globally influential. Even bigger than her winning the most beautiful face in the world.

Originally, she just wanted to open a back door for Junko, and wrote this song, but she didn't expect it to be an opportunity for her to become popular in the world pop music scene. This was completely unexpected by Luo Quan.

Of course, she didn't have time to watch these while she was busy with the live broadcast.

I have been busy these days, and the daily video of station B has been interrupted for many days.

In order to compensate the fans at Station B, Luo Quan plans to broadcast a two-day live broadcast to the fans.

Then, she sat in front of the computer, staring blankly at the camera, not knowing why.

"Luo Quan is streaming live, long time no see!"

"Why is the host not moving?"

"Non-prohibited screen..."

"Is this the performance art of the new era?"

"I got stuck?"

"One thing to say, watching the barrage is more interesting than watching Luoquan's live broadcast."

"Shall we just sit like this for a day?"

Luo Quan scratched his chin, and the bullet screen immediately flashed "It's moving, it's moving!", "So it's a real person, I thought it was a picture."

Luo Quan laughed at himself: "I don't know how to live broadcast, and I don't know what to do, why don't you teach me on the barrage?"

"I want to watch the house dance!"

"I can't dance." Luo Quan shook his head, "You can dress as a woman."


"Aren't you wearing women's clothing?"

"You can't even dance at home, how can you hang out at station B?"

[System prompt: Wang Mo enters the live broadcast room]
[System prompt: Yan Xuan entered the live broadcast room]
"Speaking of women's clothing, the big boss of women's clothing is here!"

"Why are the two big guys in the cosplay circle here?"

"It's awesome, I just fired the captain as soon as I came in."

Seeing the system prompt, Luo Quan immediately said, "Thank you Wang Mo and Yan Xuan for opening the captain, thank you."

Wang Mo typed on the barrage: "After becoming a classmate, you must come to our animation club for a sit."

Luo Quan nodded and said, "Definitely."

Netizens at station B were surprised when they saw this conversation:
"Student? I remember that Wang Mo was studying at Shangyi. How did you become a classmate?"

"Before Japan said that Luo Quan returned to China because he applied for an exchange student. It is estimated that the exchange school is Shangyi."

"It turned out to be Shangyi. I thought that according to the arrangement of the University of Tokyo, I would choose from Qingbei anyway."

"After all, I am a singer, so there is nothing wrong with going to a university with professional knowledge to learn professional knowledge."

"Speaking of which, when will Luo Quan's next album be released? What language are you going to sing in?"

This question is considered to be on point, and it is also something Luo Quan has been thinking about.

After thinking for a while, Luo Quan replied: "I already have Japanese and Chinese albums, so I won't release another album in a short time, of course I will write two singles from time to time.

As for English, didn’t I promise everyone before that I would strive to get a Grammy back as a Chinese, so I should make an English album next. "


"Looking forward~~"

"I hope the price is not too expensive, and the student party can't afford it."

"I will buy one for 20, and one for 200... I'd better be a prostitute."

"To be fair, the album "18" only costs 2 yuan, and I don't see much money to buy it."

"It's Yi Yun's former grass-fed album. The pirated album is more expensive than Luoquan's original album, and it sells more."

Seeing the debate on whether the album is expensive or not in the barrage, Luo Quan also said: "I will pay attention to adjusting the price of this album, and try to make it affordable for most students.

In fact, according to my original intention, I don't want to charge, but the company will definitely not agree, after all, publicity, production and the like cost money.

As for the album "18", I didn't think about making money at first, and charging 2 yuan was just a little bit of fun, and all the income was planned to be donated to poor students in mountainous areas, but I didn't expect the price to be so cheap. It didn't sell well. "


"The main reason is that Station B has resources and MVs. There is really no need to spend money on them. (Laughs and tears)"

"So don't post songs on station B next time."

"It's over, the prostitute party wept on the spot."

"I'm not happy in an instant, woo woo woo..."

After the live broadcast for about half an hour, Luo Quan received a lot of gifts. The melon seeds were all in the hundreds or hundreds of dollars. After watching the broadcast, I realized that 100 melon seeds are equal to RMB, and the tens of thousands of melon seeds are only a few hundred yuan. , together they are not as good as one of Wang Mokai's captains.

For Luo Quan at present, this amount of money is not too much, but if he comes here once a day, it will be a considerable amount of income.

Of course, doing live broadcasting will definitely not last long. First of all, she is not good at interacting with fans, and she can't let it go. There is no program effect.Secondly, it's also because she doesn't broadcast live many times, and her fans are still relatively fresh, so she is willing to give her gifts. When the number of times increases, everyone will start prostitution for nothing.

After the live broadcast here, just as Wen Xia finished her homework, she went downstairs to Luo Quan, crossed her waist: "Luo Quan, it's time for you to pay the rent!"

"Are you kidding me?" Luo Quan didn't even look at Wen Xia, thinking she was joking.

"Do you think I'm joking with you?" Wen Xia's expression was "serious", "I pay a lot of money for such a big mansion every month."

"Do you want money, let's talk about other conditions." Luo Quan was as stingy as an iron rooster.

But Wen Xiayan said this: "Then clean up the house, you see we have lived here for so long, we haven't cleaned it much, and uncles and aunts are coming tomorrow, it's not good to look around like this, Are you right?"

Luo Quan stood up and looked at the surrounding environment. The pillows on the sofa were scattered all over the place, and the TV remote control was gone; It is also clearly visible.

Looking at it this way, it really should be cleaned up.

Originally, Luo Quan was a very hardworking person, but when he thought about the hundreds of square meters of the house, there were two floors above and below. If there was a big cleaning, wouldn't people be gone immediately after cleaning?
"I'll pay this month's rent. You're a little tired. Let's do the cleaning." Luo Quan said, asking for a WeChat transfer. She can still afford the rent of tens of thousands of yuan. This generous appearance is consistent with the formation just now. A stark contrast.

"Who wants you to pay the rent!" Wen Xia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and pressed Luo Quan's hand: "I must do the cleaning today, otherwise what will happen when uncle and aunt come?"

"It's easy to say, just the two of us can build such a big house, we can't finish it in one day!"

"How do you know you can't finish it in a day if you haven't done it?"

"Why did you buy such a big house..." Luo Quan complained and got up from the sofa.

Wen Xia gave her a white look: "Why didn't you say the house was big when you moved in?"

Complaints belong to complaints, Luo Quan still changed into a black T-shirt, went to the utility room to get a mop, a mop and a rag, and was ready to work.

But looking at the vast living room, she suddenly didn't know where to start.

Luo Quan murmured: "It's too big, I'm afraid it will take a whole morning just mopping the floor."

"I have to scan it before procrastinating!" Wen Xia came to Luo Quan's side. She had already wrapped her hair in a floral towel, looking like a capable housewife.

Luo Quan gave her a weak look, and was too lazy to argue with her.

Changing the mop into a broom, Luo Quan started sweeping the floor from the door, while Wen Xia used the rags to clean the tea table and furniture in the living room on the first floor.

The two of them don't usually do housework, so they don't move fast. After a busy morning, they just tidy up the living room roughly, and the kitchen and storage room have not been taken care of yet.

Leon and Seifert, who had woken up after sleeping, saw that they were sweating profusely, and volunteered to join the cleaning team.

But these two guys didn't do any housework at all, they just didn't help, dancing around with a mop, dirtying the place that had been cleaned before.

Under Luo Quan's yelling, the two were rushed to the kitchen to clean up the leftovers.

Lunch at noon must not be cooked fresh, only takeaway.

With the concerted efforts of Luo Quan and Wen Xia, the cleaning was not finished after all. The two of them, who had been exhausted for a long time, slumped on the sofa, not even bothering to move their fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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