Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 180 1 Family of 4

Chapter 180 A Family of Four (Pay attention to the beginning!)

"What a handsome uncle!"

"This is Luo Quan's father?"

"Father-in-law, please be respected by my son-in-law!"

"The faces of the father and daughter are printed in the same mold, and they look a little exaggerated."

Eric can understand Chinese, and he just smiled when he saw these bullet screens, and said, "You guys are broadcasting live."

Luo Quan nodded: "This is my fan in Huaxia. I promised to broadcast a live broadcast on their birthday."

Eric is not a person who likes to surf the Internet, and he doesn't know much about the current live broadcast. He only knows that it is a way for stars to interact with fans.

"Then you live broadcast, I'll help your mother." Eric said, got up and walked to the kitchen.

Eric disappeared from the screen, "Father-in-law, don't go!" Directly ×50, Luo Quan thought it was funny: "Where are there so many son-in-laws, I think you guys are thinking about farting."

Luoquan turned on the live broadcast all afternoon, but there was no one in the living room most of the time, Leon and Seifert took a rest in the upstairs room, Wen Xia was going to review her homework, while she and her parents were preparing in the kitchen. dinner.

So the fans who came after hearing the news basically saw still pictures. Luo Quan thoughtfully put a selfie of himself in front of the phone camera, so that everyone would not be too bored.

"What are you guys looking at?"

"What about people?"

"I got stuck?"

These are the fans who just entered the live broadcast room.

"This is a new live broadcast method developed by Luoquan, live broadcast with photos, and then let us chat by ourselves."

"Is there such an operation?"

"Live Baocai, I found a ghost at station b."

"True still picture!"

"Facts have proved that no matter how beautiful a face is, if you look at it for several hours, you will still choose to feel aesthetic fatigue."

"No.1 domestic silent live broadcast!"

"Let's change to another photo, I've been staring at this one for hours..."

As if hearing the cries of fans, Luo Quan came out of the kitchen.

Looking at the number of viewers, it didn't drop but increased.

Luo Quan was very curious: "Hey, I thought you were almost gone, how come there are 30 more viewers than just now?"

Barrage: "Because your live broadcast effect is good."

"Indeed, with so many live broadcasts in China, this move of yours is the only one!"

"Luoquan live broadcast is always available."

"So if I look at it later, I can get another 30 more?" Luo Quan laughed.


"No! Please!"

"It's true and night-level understanding."

"It's all about Yangjian's work. After looking at this photo for a long time, it looks like a portrait of a deceased person. It highlights a voice and appearance."

"Pfft! The previous ones are too much."

Luo Quan said in embarrassment: "A job? I can't do a job either."

Mom and Dad are in the kitchen, and she is too embarrassed to sing to the big guys.

Danmaku immediately rushed to invite Luo Quan, but they were basically joking, and few of them were normal. The final plan was that Luo Quan chatted with Danmaku for a while, and answered some daily questions. question.

Then she went into the kitchen to help again, and changed a photo before leaving.

Then I changed the background of the live broadcast to something more festive. Just now, there was a white floor behind the camera, which made it look like a live broadcast in the underworld. Today is her birthday. To make it auspicious, she set up a special effect of setting off firecrackers and hanging red lanterns.

Then, the fans who came in behind were stunned again.

"Just came in, is this Chinese New Year?"

"April Fool's Day has just passed, please allow me to show you the early years."

"It was a trivial matter just now, why did it become a red matter when I came back from going to the bathroom?"

"It's pretty good, it's very festive."

"Whoever says that Luo Quan can't broadcast live in the future, I will throw the screen recorded today to him and see the effect!"

It can only be said that there are many sand sculpture netizens, even if there is nothing in the live broadcast room, it can still be full of wit and wit, not to mention that Luo Quan also put a photo of himself and added special effects to the live broadcast room.

It was quite enjoyable to watch the fans. Later, Luo Quan played his own songs on a loop in the live broadcast room, injecting some vitality into the boring live broadcast room.

Fans don't expect Luo Quan to give them a good job, they just come in to see pictures of beautiful women and listen to music to relax.

It was six o'clock in the blink of an eye, and as the camera moved to the restaurant, everyone knew that tonight's highlight was coming, and Luo Quan's birthday party was about to begin.

The first angle of view of the camera is also aimed at the big cake with a diameter of one meter in the center of the dining table.

Originally, Wen Xia ordered a small cake, but later she knew that there were so many people coming, so she re-ordered a bigger one.

As for the birthday presents, there were a few on the floor beside the dining table. Wen Xia and Luo Quan's parents each prepared a lot of presents for Luo Quan.

And Leon and Seifert also went out just now, probably to buy birthday presents.

"Aunt Luo, is dinner ready?" Seifert called out from the entrance. Both he and Leon carried a gift box in their hands. Leon's was bigger, his was smaller, and the packaging was exquisite.

"It's almost ready." Luo Ni came out with a plate of chicken soup and put it on the table.

The barrage is another carnival:
"I saw my mother-in-law again~~"

"I won't see you in a few minutes, I miss you so much."

"You are much prettier than before."

Luo Ni smiled like a flower when she saw the barrage complimenting her so much, "By the way, do you know where Luo Quan went? He was here just now."

A few seconds later, there was an answer on the phone screen:
"I was called away by Wen Xia."

"It seems that I went upstairs to change clothes."

"looking forward to."

"Thank you." Luo Ni said to the netizens, turned her head and shouted: "Leon, go and call Luo Quan and Wen Xia, they are ready for dinner."

"Okay." Leon responded, turned and went up the stairs, but he stopped halfway.

He saw a beautiful woman walking down the stairs slowly, every step swayed into a piece of music, the light shone on her, the light seemed to be alive, and the strands were dancing.And her shadow on the ground is like a painting made of light ink splashes. It turns out that there are really people who can be so beautiful that even the shadow has a kind of charm!
At this moment, Luo Quan is like a princess who walked out of a fairy tale, wearing a white princess dress covered with bright crystals, and wearing a white and red crown on her beige-blonde long hair.

Such beauty seems to come out of music, painting, and fairy tales.

"Oh, I don't know why I'm dressed so fancy, I'm going to dress up like a stage actor for my birthday!" Luo Quan said angrily, and Leon broke his skills in a second.

"It's your birthday today, don't you want to dress up nicely? It's only once a year, why don't you make it more grand." Wen Xia chased out from behind, dressed in casual clothes, with two legs on her feet. Flip-flops, in stark contrast to the well-dressed Luo Quan itinerary.

As the saying goes, people depend on clothes. Originally, Wen Xia's appearance was not much worse than Luo Quan's, but after this dress, she was immediately separated.

"Oh! See which princess is here sneaking out?" Seifert, as usual, used his glib skills, "Now you are more like a princess than those royal princesses. I can't find the words to praise you."

Wen Xia proudly said: "What is this? Our family Luo Quan hasn't put on makeup yet, but now he is going into battle without makeup."

"What are you talking about? Dinner is ready." Eric came out of the restaurant, stunned for a moment when he saw Luo Quan, and then smiled: "Daughter, you look beautiful today."

"Meimeimei, hurry up and start dinner!" The original warm scene was ruined by Luo Ni who walked out of the kitchen with her mouth broken while taking off her apron.

The person in this room who is least interested in Luo Quan's beauty is probably Luo Ni. After spending more than ten years together day and night, Luo Ni pulled Luo Quan up with feces and piss, and even knew how many hairs she had on her body. So at this time, facing the well-dressed Luo Quan, he also seemed indifferent.

Under Luo Ni's yelling, everyone walked into the restaurant.

"Oh, look at this sumptuous meal, this..." Seifert was about to flatter him, but he found that he didn't know any of the Chinese dishes on the table, and he didn't know how to boast Open your mouth.

Luo Ni explained with a smile: "This is called Dongpo elbow."

"DongPo?" Seifert said he couldn't understand.

Luo Quan explained in English: "Dongpo is the nickname of a very famous literati in ancient China. This dish is also named after him, so it is called Dongpo pork knuckle. The popular point is pork knuckle."

Seifert suddenly realized: "I'll understand if you say that, I'm so cute."

"I think you should lose weight. I read your physical examination report a few days ago, and it's almost 160 kilograms, which is not much lower than your height." Lyon sat down and said leisurely.

"It's almost twice my weight." Wen Xia showed surprise, and made up for it.

"It's okay, I also have a hundred catties, as long as it's not all fat." Luo Quan gave Seifert a little comfort.

"If you want to be a gentleman, you can't wear a tuxedo if you are too fat." Eric finally gave Seifert a lore, which completely broke his defense.

"OK, OK." Seifert raised his hands in surrender, "From today on, I will only eat vegetable salads for every meal, and all protein and fat will be irreconcilable with me from then on!"

Luo Ni smiled and said, "But I didn't make a vegetable salad tonight."

Seifert looked down at the big fish and meat in front of him, the red soup was flowing and glistening.He swallowed hard: "Okay, start tomorrow!"

Everyone burst into laughter immediately.

Leon patted his friend on the shoulder: "Forget it, just open your stomach to eat if you want to eat, don't wrong your stomach if you wrong anyone."

Eric also persuaded: "It doesn't matter if you are a little fat, as long as you are willing to lose weight."

"I declare in advance that I'm not determined enough." Seifert argued righteously, and then raised a knife to cut off a large piece of fat and lean meat from the thick pork knuckle. There was a smell of meat rushing to the forehead.

At the same time, Luo Quan also walked to the phone, ready to show the fans tonight's delicacies.

In fact, when she walked into the restaurant just now, the bullet screen was already scrolling crazily:

"Is this a princess?"

"AWSL, God can't save me, I said it!"

"Luoquan who is relaxing at home and Luoquan who is dressed up are two forms."

"One is for my heart, the other is for my life."

"The skirt is so white, it must be stained with oil after eating, right?"

"I said that I kill people without blinking. You ask me if my eyes are dry?"

"The big guys are pretty good in front, why did you stretch your hips when you came here?"


Luo Quan didn't see these funny barrages, and she didn't smugly turn around in front of the camera to give a close-up or something. She just picked up her phone and walked to the dinner table.

"Look, everyone, this is a big meal tonight. It's all made by me and my mother."

Eric yelled, "I can help too."

Luo Ni complained: "You have to show some face, watching me and my daughter busy in the kitchen is also called helping?"

Everyone burst into laughter, Luo Quan turned the camera around laughingly, and said, "Okay, we'll have dinner right away, the live broadcast will stop here temporarily, and we'll open it later when we eat cake."

After finishing speaking, he turned off the live broadcast, and nearly a million viewers in the live broadcast room lost their screen in an instant.

However, although the live broadcast screen is temporarily gone, there is no sign of the audience losing, and even the number of people continues to surge, and more and more gifts are being given.

At the same time, Luoquan's live broadcast room should be the one that received the most gifts on the entire network.

It is said that Fat House is only willing to spend money for the wife in Two-dimensional, except for figures, computers and mobile games in Three-Dimensional, every penny spent must be calculated carefully.

But this is not to say that fat houses are poor. On the contrary, many fat houses are actually full of cash.

After all, there is a saying in the ACG circle that one wall in a fat house is one house in the capital.Although exaggerated, it is not false.

It can only be said that although fat houses call two-dimensional and three-dimensional women their wives, there is a clear difference in the degree of generosity in spending money.

But there are exceptions to everything. Luo Quan, as the designated exclusive goddess of Station B, naturally cannot be compared with those vulgar fans.

Although Luoquan made it clear that no gifts were needed for the first live broadcast, everyone was more obedient and kept doing prostitutes.

But today is her birthday, no matter what, it is an exception.

So after Luoquan temporarily turned off the live broadcast, ten governors appeared in the Luoquan live broadcast room!

It costs 2 yuan to open one governor, and 20 yuan to open ten!
On a platform like station B that doesn’t pay much attention to the live broadcast business, this should be the ceiling of live broadcast gift income so far.

In addition to the governor, the admiral, the captain, as well as small TV spaceships and skyscrapers, system prompts one after another flashed the screen on the top of each live broadcast room at station B.

The carnival of the entire station B seems to have flooded into Luoquan's live broadcast room, sending her kryptonite blessings for her birthday.

However, when the melon-eaters came in to witness the grand occasion, they were stunned.

The popularity in the live broadcast room was overwhelming, with hundreds of thousands rising every second, and soon reached 500 million.

The barrage area scrolls fast, and the entire screen is full of audience interaction.

Gift special effects come and go, one after another small animation scrolls and loops at the bottom of the screen.

However, the screen in the live broadcast room was pitch black, and Luo Quan didn't even turn on the live broadcast!

(End of this chapter)

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