Chapter 188

Luo Quan is now like a mouse, running around and committing crimes against the wind.

I just went to class C, and in a blink of an eye, I wandered to class A with my hands behind my back.

There was no one in the training room, and Luo Quan took the photographer brother to the dormitory of Class A again.

Wen Xia and the eight students were all sitting in the dormitory, talking happily.

When the students saw Luo Quan coming in, they immediately stood up to welcome him.

Luo Quan was curious: "Why don't you practice? There will be an assessment tomorrow."

Wen Xia explained: "I have read it just now, and there is basically nothing that needs to be corrected, the only difference is proficiency."

Luo Quan sighed softly: "As expected of Class A, when I came over from Class C just now, nearly half of them couldn't finish singing, and I even said a few words to them about this."

Wen Xia smiled: "Tell them? I can't see that you are quite majestic."

Luo Quan explained: "No, originally I wanted them to dance and let me see how they were doing. After calling for a long time, no one came up, and then Luo Chuyi came up."

"Oh, I know her, that girl is very popular with the audience."

Luo Quan nodded: "As a result, she lost her steps in the middle of the dance, broke her singing, and finally fell down. As a result, a few students behind laughed, and then I got angry."

"That should really get angry." Wen Xia agreed with Luo Quan's behavior, then turned her head and said to the students: "Everyone heard it, no matter what fools the team members make on stage in the future, don't laugh at her , especially when she falls, even if you don’t help her up, never laugh at her.”

Yagyu Junko was surprised: "How is it possible, I must go to help her."

"On the stage, it's best not to help." Jiang Yun'er corrected.

"Huh?" Several students in Class A expressed surprise at Jiang Yuner's words.

"One team fell, why don't you help them?" Zheng Tao looked at Jiang Yun'er, then at Wen Xia.

"It's true that you can't help." Wen Xia nodded, "On the stage, your only duty is to perform. No matter how good your relationship is, you must not stop your performance at this time because of the person who fell.

And if the person who fell can get up, he must get up immediately and continue to jump. If he can't, he will step off the stage by himself. No one will come up to help you unless you really can't move. "

Cruel words can always touch the hearts of the listeners. Except for Yue Wei, Xu Yuelin, and Jiang Yun'er, the expressions of everyone else are more dignified.

Wen Xia can be regarded as teaching them a lesson. In Korea, the public has very strict requirements for idols, especially when they are on stage, almost no mistakes are allowed.

Not to mention falling down, just a little bit more out of sync with the movements of the players is enough to be called a stage accident.

There are not too many stage accidents in South Korea every year, but as long as it happens once, it is very likely that this idol and even this group will be greatly affected.

A sentence of "not correct attitude and insufficient professional ability" is enough to make a girl group completely cold.

This is the ecology of Korean girl groups.

Of course, if you only focus on the country, there is no need to be so strict. If the stage falls down, no one will scold him, but a group of frightened fans will send countless worries and comforts to this poor idol.

However, Wen Xia planned this show and became the captain of the group, never thinking of being the king and hegemony in this one-third of an acre of land in China.

With her character, she has always done what she has to do to the end.

In Sweet girl, she is the captain of the No. [-] girl group in Asia and even in the world. After returning to China, she must not let go of this title.

Besides, with the help of friends, she has no reason not to do this.

And the reason why I tell the students this here is to vaccinate them in advance. After all, the eight students in class A are recognized as having the strongest overall strength. Not to mention all of them, half of them will definitely become her team members in the future .

Now that they have been vaccinated, they will not encounter too many obstacles when they make high demands on them in the future.

The students who can understand Wen Xia's intentions must have some calculations in their hearts at this time, knowing how they should behave in the future, and what kind of hardships they will face in the future.

Those who didn't understand just thought that Wen Xia was telling them to do their own thing well and to be more focused on the stage.

Although there is nothing wrong with thinking this way, it is obviously not what Wen Xia really wants them to understand.

However, this kind of thing must not be explained explicitly, and it can only be understood by oneself.

After the heavy topic passed, everyone continued to chat about other lighter topics.

For example, Wen Xia encountered interesting things in the idol circle in the past two years in Korea.

What the students are most interested in is which of the current hot boy group members in South Korea is the real look, and which ones are made by makeup and plastic surgery.

In addition, I will also ask about the love gossip of these idols, and verify the rumors one after another on the Internet.

Girls, they only care about these few things: handsome guys, gossip, cosmetics, beautiful clothes.

And Luo Quan didn't know anything about it. He listened to what Wen Xia said with joy, but he couldn't get in a word, so he could only laugh along with everyone when they laughed.

Obviously, Wen Xia had already gotten along well with the students, chatting happily.

After staying for about ten minutes, he felt that it was really boring, so Luo Quan got up silently and left the room.

During this period, only Junzi and Jiang Yuner, who were opposite her, glanced at her.

Back in the training room of Class B, Luo Quan found that the students of Lyonge Class B also got along very well.

Everyone is sweating in the training room. It has been about an hour since she and Leon arrived in class B and now, so they must have been practicing dancing.

I don't know if it was the reward for asking questions to Leon that inspired them. Everyone is now working hard and preparing to compete with the students of Class A in tomorrow's assessment.

And Lyon is also very conscientious, whenever a student raises his hand to ask a question, he goes there, and the explanation is very detailed. After teaching for such a long time, the sweat on his body is no less than that of the students.

After seeing Luo Quan came back, Leon breathed a sigh of relief: "You can be counted as coming back. So many students left me busy alone, and I was almost exhausted."

Luo Quan shrugged innocently: "I can't help you here, and I can't dance."

Leon asked: "That's what I said, but is it really okay for you to leave me alone here?"

"So I'm back now."

As soon as the words fell, a student next to him raised his hand and called out: "Mr. Leon, I don't understand a movement here, can you help me?"

"Are you going or should I go?" Luo Quan laughed.

"..." Leon looked around, then heaved a long sigh and walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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