Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 190 Surprised

Chapter 190 Surprised
Cao Mufeng used to hear people say that Luo Quan's singing skills are better than many professional singers who have debuted for many years, and his physical function is extremely good, with a wide range of voice and beautiful timbre. most singers.

Cao Mufeng has listened to her song every time, and her singing skills are indeed very strong, and it is indeed very nice, but she always feels that something is missing. This is what he thinks is Luo Quan's biggest flaw.

But this time, Luo Quan seems to have completely made up for this defect.

The tune of the whole song is not very high, but Luo Quan frequently uses chest cavity and cranial cavity resonance to mix the voice in the chorus, which makes the whole song sound extremely heavy, and it sounds as comfortable as if the ears are pregnant .

Ordinary singers are absolutely unable to do this, because whether it is chest resonance or cranial resonance, the requirements for breath are relatively high. If ordinary singers sing like Luo Quan, they will have stares in their eyes due to lack of oxygen. .

Cao Mufeng himself is also known for his high-pitched singing and long breath. When he first participated in the talent show, the judges were shocked by his singing talent as soon as he opened his voice. He also once thought that he was the one with the best physical function among the new generation of singers.

But when he met Luo Quan today, he knew what it means to have someone beyond someone else.

Luo Quan's singing style, Cao Mufeng asked himself that it could be done with a little effort, but the quality of the voice was definitely not as round and full as Luo Quan's, and it was even more impossible for her to sing with a relaxed expression while sitting on a stool like her.

This breath control can only be described as outrageous!Luo Quan's capital is too strong, Cao Mufeng listened carefully for a long time, but he didn't hear how many obvious breathing sounds she had from the high-fidelity recording equipment!
Moreover, she completed the whole song overnight, without any pause in the middle, and the singing and accompaniment were stuck. The producers took a rough look and found that there was basically no need to move and calibrate the two tracks.

"Perfect." Cao Mufeng, who put down his headphones, commented on the recording.

The producer also shook his head and sighed: "I have been in the industry for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen singing like this at this age."

At this time, Luo Quan also came out of the room: "How is it, is the song okay?"

Cao Mufeng sighed softly: "There are almost no flaws, with a little modification, it can be released."

"Let me listen." Luo Quan said, picked up the earphones, and clicked play.

Indeed, as Cao Mufeng said, there are no flaws, and as a pre-release version, it can indeed be released directly.

Of course, the official album definitely can't use this relatively simple version, and needs to be more meticulously processed, anyway, it is something that needs to be sold for money.

"It's really no problem, we can record the second song." Luo Quan said and opened the computer software to make the accompaniment for the second song.

Cao Mufeng was stunned. Luo Quan didn't bring anything with him. He just took a computer and started working. Did she keep everything in her head?How is this enough?

In the past, when Cao Mufeng produced a song, he had to ponder with the producer for a week, determine the general tone, and then finalize details such as the accompaniment tone and arrangement.

After the recording is made, the recording of the song is carried out, and this production takes about a week, which means that it will take him half a month at the fastest to produce a song.

The one in front of me is good, the whole song takes half an hour, the lyrics, music, arrangement and sound correction are all done by one person, the key is that the quality is ridiculously high.

And there is only one computer to start work, no need to search for any information, no need to collect any materials, a small sound synthesis software seems to have magical power in her hands, and three times, five times and two can be spawned. The tone she wanted......

This can no longer be described by talent, only "god man".

The accompaniment of the second song took Luoquan more time. The style of this song is more electronic. After the recording is finished, the singing voice needs to be processed. The workload is greater than that of the first song. A lot of.

But it only took Luo Quan a little over an hour to get them all done.

As more and more songs are produced, Luo Quan's skills are becoming more and more proficient. The work that used to take nearly two hours to complete has now been shortened by nearly [-]%, and it may be even faster in the future.

The third song is a fast-paced rock song, and the production difficulty is slightly lower than that of the second song. It took Luo Quan less than an hour.

During this period, Cao Mufeng and the two producers watched Luo Quan busying himself outside, and the only thing that could help him was to click the mouse twice to play the accompaniment.

There is no way, Luo Quan is so omnipotent, the whole recording process seems to have already prepared a draft in her heart, she just simply implemented the plan, and she didn't need to use her brain to conceive at all.

After saving and sending the three songs to his mailbox, Luo Quan got up and stretched, his bones cracked like roasted beans.

"Wow, I haven't been so tired for a long time." Luo Quan twisted her enchanting waist like a water snake, Cao Mufeng glanced at it, and quickly looked away.

"Did you record three songs a day before?" Cao Mufeng asked.

"My first official album, which is "Rite of Coming of Age", seems to have been recorded in two and a half days, with a total of ten songs.

Since then, I have never worked so hard. The album "19" also has ten songs. It took me about half a month to complete it while playing and recording. "

Luo Quan's tone was as if nothing had happened, but the other three people were terrified when they heard it. The efficiency is so high that it can beat the domestic music circle!

"Thank you for letting me use the recording studio first. If there is anything that needs my help in the future, I will try my best." Before leaving, Luo Quan expressed his thanks to Cao Mufeng.

In the air-conditioned room, Cao Mufeng was sweating profusely: "It's a small matter, don't take it too seriously."

Luo Quan nodded and left the recording studio.

Night had fallen, and bright incandescent lights illuminated the empty hallway.It was still very lively when she came in, but when she came out, there was no one in the recording studios.

Luo Quan took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Yangwen.

"Hey, Luo Quan, are you dissatisfied with the cooperation matters when you call me, or..."

"Mr. Zhou, you are thinking too much. I just want to tell you that I have finished recording the song."

"So fast?!" Zhou Yangwen was taken aback.

As soon as he reached a cooperation with Luoquan, he ordered the Publicity and Development Department to carry out the construction of related matters and asked them to step up preparations.

It was only a few minutes ago that he was told that the publicity draft had come out, but Luoquan had already recorded the song here. How fast is this? !
Zhou Yangwen was also a little dumbfounded at this time: "Luo Quan, your speed is really... If the people under my command have your efficiency, why would they need ninety-six."

Luo Quan said with a smile: "You're flattering, it's just familiarity.

Then I will send the song to your mailbox later. "

Zhou Yangwen nodded: "Okay, I've come out with a publicity draft. If you hurry up, it can be released tonight, just to take advantage of your brother's east wind."

In the afternoon, the "Creating Girls' Generation" program group had already announced that Leon had joined the recording of the second episode of the program, and also released many pictures of him at the recording site.

It exploded as soon as it was announced, and it is still listed on the top of the hot search list. When the news of Luo Quan's new album is released later, it will be difficult to think whether it will become popular.

"No problem, anyway, he also cooperates with this album, so let him contribute to the promotional page."

Zhou Yangwen smiled and said: "That's it, we will arrange the announcement for you as quickly as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Quan walked back to the residence under the moonlight.

Turning on the laptop, she downloaded the two Japanese songs recorded today.

First, they were distributed to two animation production teams, and then two MVs were produced using the animation posters.

This can be regarded as Luoquan's spontaneous promotion for these two animations. Bilibili is the largest ACG website in China. These two animations will definitely be released as new episodes in the second quarter. Although Bilibili has not yet Buy the fan drama, but it is not a bad thing to do a warm-up in advance.

First, Luo Quan uploaded the ending song of "RE: Another World From Zero", titled "STYX HELIX (Reincarnation of Life and Death)".

After reviewing for about ten minutes, the MV showed that the upload was successful.

Soon, the comment area was blown up.

"Surprised, Luo Quan released a new song?"

"Looking at the title of the song, it seems to be an English song."

"Pay attention to the details, it seems to be an ED for a new series."

"A different world from scratch."

"This male protagonist is like a passer-by, the recognition is too low."

"The heroine looks great!"

"White hair control book is enough!"

"How about listening to the music?"

The comment section is full of people who come to occupy the front row, and there are basically no listening songs.

And when they clicked on the song, they found that the forerunner had come back to give them a high-energy early warning.


"This song is full of energy, please prepare tissues!"

"As always, it is of high quality, it makes my head tremble when I hear it."

"It's so good! I decided to loop it all night as a single!"

Everyone was filled with anticipation when they saw it. So many bullet screens were boasting, which meant that it must be very good.

And the fact is true, as soon as Luo Quan spoke the first sentence, they immediately knelt down.

"Oh please don't let me die
Oh please don't let me die
Waiting for your touch
Waiting for your touch again"

With only two lines of lyrics, people's scalps are numb and their ears are pregnant, and they captured the hearts of all the audience in an instant.

Although the verse part is a bit mediocre compared to Luoquan's previous Japanese songs, the two English lyrics in the chorus are simply refreshing and brainwashing, and you can listen to it a hundred times. Thousands of times will not feel tired.

There is no doubt that this is a high-quality brainwashing single.

Just when everyone was cheering for such a nice new song, the second surprise came.

Luoquan's second MV uploaded successfully!

This time it is the OP of "A Girlfriend at Home", the title of the song is "カワキヲアメク (Hoarse)".

Obviously this song was uploaded 10 minutes later than "STYX HELIX", but only 10 minutes later, its number of hits, comments, and barrages has completely surpassed, which proves that it is more popular than the former. like.

Probably the reason why this song is more difficult to sing and the melody is more catchy.

Just like the title of the song, when Luo Quan sang this song, his voice was always hovering at the critical point between breaking and not breaking, which was a huge test for the singer's control over his voice.

And Luo Quan perfectly controlled it, and even went through it once when recording the song. It is conceivable how shocked this singing skill was to Cao Mufeng, who was watching the whole process at that time.

In most cases, the broken sound will extremely destroy the listener's listening experience, but if it is at the critical point of breaking or not breaking, then the listener's listening experience will return to another extreme.

That feeling is like a soft feather tickling at the tip of their hearts, and it stops abruptly every time it is about to cause pleasure, leaving behind an unsatisfactory loss.

And Luo Quan used her exquisite voice to provoke the audience's ears and nerves, and finally in the chorus part, she used a group of continuous high-pitched high notes to burst out all the emotions accumulated before.

Angry sounds and gasps made the emotion of the whole song more fully expressed, until at the end, all the accompaniment disappeared without a trace, leaving only Luo Quan's lingering ending sound still whispering, which formed the basis of her chanting at the beginning of the song. echoed.

Luo Quan sang the whole song "hoarse", and the fans listened to it heartily. This song is undoubtedly of higher quality than the previous one!
Soon, the two new songs were played in countless loops by fans, and both broke through one million plays. Many fans directly opened their computers and mobile phones, and a taboo duet came.

At the same time, many up masters in the cover area also focused on this song.

Luo Quan's songs are almost the vane of the music section of station B plus the wealth code. The video made by the music sharing up master, as long as there are Luo Quan's Japanese songs, the number of hits will easily exceed [-].

And when I see the up master cover Luo Quan's songs, as long as they are not particularly hip-pull and have their own characteristics, they will be played at a starting price of [-].

Except for a few songs that are too difficult to cover, every song of Luoquan has various versions of covers on station B, and the number of hits for each type is not low.

This has almost formed a rule, that is, as long as she sings her songs, people will definitely listen to them, and the rate of likes and coins is extremely high. I don’t know if fans are using this method to make up for the previous prostitution The guilt of Luoquan album.

After nearly two months, Luoquan finally released a new song, and the quality of each song is higher than the last. It can be predicted that in at least half a month in the future, Bilibili will overwhelmingly use these two songs as BGM videos.

Especially when these two new shows are officially launched, they will definitely become popular again.

So taking advantage of the fact that the song has just been released, the crowd of singers want to cover these two songs when they see the up master, so as to gain a wave of popularity.

However, after trying it once or twice, 90.00% of the singing ups above five chose to give up.

Just like when "Unravel" was popular at Station B but no one dared to cover it, the difficulty of these two songs is not low, and the smell of Luoquan is too strong, so it can only be ridiculous to sing it casually.

Many singers publish works based on their enthusiasm for music, and use their recognizable voices to attract fans. Most of them have not received professional studies. It is already very difficult to sing these two songs. It is even more difficult to sing well. It's an almost impossible task.

At least in a short period of time, the cover versions of the two songs are unlikely to appear on Station B.

There is no way, some songs are written, only Luo Quan can sing, others can't sing, or they have no taste, after all, the gap between singing skills and talent is too big.

Here, Luo Quan finished posting the song and was lying on the bed checking Twitter while waiting for news from Zhou Yangwen.

There was a knock on the door, and Luo Quan got up to open the door.

"Okay, you, don't tell me when you post a song." Wen Xia held the phone, and there was a pink interface on the screen, which should be Station B.

"Does it sound good? It took me two hours to record it." Luo Quan smiled triumphantly, as if rushing to praise me.

Wen Xia walked into the room, sat down on the bed loudly, with a disdainful expression on her face: "Look at what you can... these two songs are just so-so, and they feel a lot worse than "First Love"."

Luo Quan smiled: "You're quite knowledgeable."

"First love" is indeed the highest-quality song among all her Japanese songs, and it will definitely win many heavyweight awards in the upcoming Japan Record Awards.

In the previous life, the status of this song was epoch-making. It was not there before, and it will be difficult for Japanese songs to surpass it in the future.

Of course, it is too early to talk about the historical status.

"What about the song on your English album? It's a Japanese song." Wen Xia asked curiously.

"It's already been recorded. Mr. Zhou is still preparing for the announcement. It hasn't been released yet, but it's probably coming soon."

Wen Xia whispered, "Can you let me hear it in advance?"

"Of course." Luo Quan was about to sing to Wen Xia when someone knocked on the door again.

Luo Quan opened the door and found that it was Leon and Seifert.

"It's really not a gentleman's behavior to come to a girl's room at night, but we really have to..." Seifert was slapped by Leon before he could finish his words. One side: "Is it convenient for us to go in? He wants to discuss something with you."

Looking at Seifert, Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said, "It can be explained clearly in two sentences, why do you have to make so many detours?" Then, he turned sideways to let them in.

"Summer, you're here too." Seeing Wen Xia, Seifert greeted him, and Wen Xia nodded in response.

Luo Quan closed the door and asked, "Tell me, what do you want me to do at night?"

"Luo Quan, why didn't you inform me about your new album release? If Leon hadn't mentioned it, I would still be kept in the dark." Seifert's tone was very resentful, as if What a great grievance.

Luo Quan is also very innocent: "I didn't want to deceive you, I just forgot to tell you. I thought Leon would tell you, but in fact he did tell you."

"He just mentioned it unintentionally, and it didn't mean what you said at all!"

Leon explained in a low voice: "It's not something important."

"Why is it not important?!" Seifert stared, "This is your sister's first English album, and her first work after she turned nineteen. This is of great significance!"

"So you came here because you have an idea for my album?" Luo Quan cut directly to the topic.

"Since you are so straightforward, then I won't go around in circles." Seifert showed a sly smile: "Universal Records wants the exclusive authorization for the global release of your album!"

Luo Quan shook his head: "I'm afraid the global exclusive will not work."

Seifert's face turned pale: "Why! Could it be that Sony took the lead?"

Luo Quan shook his head again: "That's not true, it's just that I have given the exclusive authorization of Huazi Huaxia to Penguin Interactive Entertainment for this album, so the exclusive authorization can only be given to you overseas at most."

"Happy cooperation!" Seifert took Luo Quan's hand with lightning speed, with a sincere expression.

Luo Quan was stunned for a long time before he came to his senses: "You really know how to go downhill, and the price hasn't been negotiated yet."

Seifert said with a smile: "As long as the problem can be solved with money, it's not a problem. How much Penguin Interactive Entertainment will give, I will give double... um... I see that it will definitely not be lower than their price!
And Lyon also collaborated on this song, he is a signed artist of Universal, you don't need to worry about resources, that will definitely be promoted with the highest standard! "

Although the cooperation was discussed too quickly, Luo Quan did not intend to reject Seifert.

After all, Universal is the top three in the world, and it is very popular in the United States. It is of course beneficial and harmless to let them promote the English album, and choosing them will also be of great benefit to Lyon's future development in the company.

"Then it's settled like this." Luo Quan nodded, agreeing to the cooperation.

Seifert rubbed his hands: "So, is the song recorded? Is there a demo?"

"One of the title songs has been recorded." Luo Quan said, took out his phone, and clicked play.

(End of this chapter)

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