Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 194 Listening

Chapter 194 Listening

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"God, I like Huaxia so much. The food here is so delicious. Compared with the chefs in Huaxia, the chefs in my family who are from five-star hotels are only worthy of being thrown to the countryside to cook pig food!!" There were all kinds of meat in front of Seifert, even with so many delicacies, he couldn't stop his mouth.

"Can't you pay attention to your image in front of girls?" Leon frowned slightly with chopsticks in his hand.

In order to do as the Romans do, he has learned to use Chinese chopsticks since yesterday.

Being accustomed to using knives and forks, he suddenly changed to a different kind of tableware. He felt a bit "drawing his sword and looking around at a loss", and he didn't know how to use the chopsticks.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but fortunately, Leon's brain turns faster, and he eats the kind of big and soft dishes, and he uses chopsticks as forks directly, which can be regarded as an introduction.

Seifert complained: "You must be unpopular in school, you are too serious, what is wrong with learning, but you have mastered your father's poverty-stricken nobles in Europe."

"First of all, I don't know how many girls sent me love letters at school. Girls who want to change seats and sit next to me can form a women's football league!" Leon put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a white napkin, and said leisurely: "Second , My dad is not a broken-down nobleman, he is the first heir of the Albert Real Estate Company, and has more castles under his name than any nobleman in the UK."

Seifert said angrily, "Do you think it's interesting to know that talking about these things is not something you can fight for in one day?

Think about it, in your life, besides being able to inherit your dad’s hundreds of properties, dozens of luxury cars, several castles, three yachts, and two planes, what else do you have?What are you? "

Leon was startled: "Damn! Why do you remember my property better than I do?

But you also missed one point. My dad still has three farms in the United States, which will also be mine in the future. "

"Where's your sister?" Seifert asked.

Leon said indifferently: "My father asked my sister, and she said that she is not interested in these external things, as long as the money is enough."

"Look at his awareness!" Seifert looked at Leon with disdain.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Quan and Wen Xia walked over with dinner plates.

The dinner plates of the two girls mostly consist of vegetable salads. Wen Xia basically doesn't eat much meat, but Luo Quan put two fried chicken legs instead.

Seifert smiled and said, "I'm talking about Lyon's three farms in the United States."

Luo Quan smiled: "Are you still thinking about that? With such a big farm, you may not be able to see a person for more than ten kilometers. If it weren't for the green grass everywhere, it would be no different from no man's land."

Leon took a sip of the juice: "At least there are still a lot of cows."

Seifert disdains: "How much is a cow worth? There has long been an overcapacity of milk in the United States, and a lot of milk is just dumped out. The milk dumped from a farm is enough for me to take a milk bath for ten years. "Speaking of this, Seifert looked at Leon and said viciously: "And you, as a future farmer, are sitting back and watching this kind of evil happen. Do you think you are rich and unkind?"

Leon didn't make a sound, but raised his middle finger to Seifert, a taunting gesture universally used in the world.

"Why are you talking about this, I have something serious to ask you." Luo Quan persuaded, and then said to Seifert: "Has the promotion plan for my album come out?"

Seifert pulled out his phone and said, "It just so happened that my subordinates sent me a text message, and it's ready, and it can be released tonight. As usual, you should hold a press conference and go to the scene to promote it.

In addition, you'd better release your songs faster, the headquarters can't wait to print an album for you, I heard that the first batch is 300 million copies! "

Luo Quan was surprised: "You made such a big decision after only listening to one song?"

Seifert said with a smile: "You don't need to listen to music, now in the United States, your name is a sign, who in the music circle doesn't know your talent?
This English album is your first solo English album, it will definitely sell well, but I don't know how much it will sell. "

When Luo Quan heard this, he nodded happily: "Okay, I will work overtime these few days, and try to finish writing the song within half a month."

Leon interjected: "I still have to wait two days there. The rap of the song you gave me is a bit difficult, and I need to practice for a few more days."

Luo Quan agreed: "No problem, it's okay to record at the end, you don't need to be in a hurry."

After lunch, the instructors went back to their rooms.

Here in Luoquan, since Universal Headquarters has urged her, she must not be able to fish for three days and post on the net for two days as before, so she decided to finish the song as soon as possible.

The original plan was to release ten songs within one month, one song every three days.

Now I can only change the plan and shorten it to ten songs in half a month, which means making two songs in three days.

After filming today's show, there is nothing to do in the afternoon, so Luo Quan is going to take a rest and prepare to take a nap before starting work.

Before going to bed, I checked Weibo as usual, and I was going to pay attention to the public's evaluation of my new song, but unexpectedly found that I was on the trending search.

The trending search for the new album has disappeared this morning. The new trending search is a video of her taking the Shangyi art test, with the title: "Luoquan's first art test full score!"

This is indeed a very interesting news. Although Shangyi has a rule that the video of the art test cannot be released, in fact, there will still be a lot of high-definition videos after each test, and the school will basically not pursue anything.

The video that was released this time was from an entertainment news official blog with only a few hundred thousand fans. It was probably bought from students who took the art test at that time.

After all, when Luo Quan sang, there were not a few students who recorded the video.

This video recorded the singing part of the Luoquan Art Examination very completely. The phone camera is also very good, with clear picture quality. The only drawback is that the radio effect is not good, the video noise is loud, and people around you can be heard from time to time exclamation.

Of course, this cannot conceal Luo Quan's excellence. Even people who don't know much about coloratura soprano will be very surprised after seeing this video. high.

Many people who know the goods in the comments have already occupied the front row, and they are popularizing science for the people behind:

"I can assure you that there is no domestic university that can find a student with Luoquan's level!"

"It's outrageous. If Luo Quan was older, he could directly sit in the position of the examiner."

"This section is extremely difficult to sing, and it is known as the touchstone of coloratura soprano, and it is one of the must-have repertoires for world-class coloratura soprano singers!"

"So Luo Quan's level is world-class?"

"That's not enough. After all, she sings pop music instead of coloratura. The two singing styles are quite different, and her skills have not been honed to the extreme."

"In this way, I think Luo Quan is even better. A pop singer can sing at this level, which is considered unique."


Luo Quan discovered a very miraculous thing, that is, this hot-searched comment section, since it was unexpectedly pleasing to the eye, scrolled down so many articles, all of which praised her, which was very harmonious.

Before she was on the hot search, no matter what happened, there would always be some bad comments in the comment area.

Some are scolding her, some are yin and yang.

But this time, it was barely seen.

It seems that in this kind of video where you can see how strong her skills are at a glance, the keyboard man can't open his eyes and talk nonsense.

So many people in China praised her talent before, but in fact, talent is quite subjective. Some people don’t like it and think it’s not good, that’s because they think you don’t have talent.

But her singing in this video is objectively strong, and it is the kind that people of all ages and sexes can boast about.

Moreover, many people on Weibo basically judge a singer's strength based on the treble and transliteration. If these two items are met, many people will brag about you without thinking, wishing to become the top singer in the country.

The aria of "Queen of the Night" perfectly embodies these two characteristics, and Luo Quan has justifiably been promoted to a "powerful singer".

Similar titles include a series of keywords such as acting school, high EQ, dedication, and favorite fans, and stars with these keywords usually have good reviews on Weibo.

Luo Quan didn't expect that his reputation would be reversed because of a video. He wrote so many good songs before, but it didn't help. million rose to nearly 120 million, and album sales also increased!

Luo Quan sighed: "It's no wonder that in those singing shows, the singers like to sing high notes, it seems that they really attract fans."

Treble is actually just an indicator of a singer's singing skills, and it is the most basic indicator, so it is not difficult to say.

But for ordinary people, they don't have that much knowledge of music theory, and they don't know how to judge a singer's singing skills. The most intuitive way is to rely on whether she can sing high notes.

The higher Gao Biao is, the stronger her strength will be, and passers-by will easily fall in love with her.

Now that Luo Quan has tasted some sweetness, he immediately decided to change his plan to release a new song.

Originally, she was going to record a tender song for the second song, but it obviously couldn't reflect her "singing skills". "Emperor" sounds like a mediocre English song.

That being the case, Luo Quan's second song must be a show of skill.

After taking a nap, Luo Quan, who was refreshed, went to the Xiaoshan Film and Television Building again.

There are not many people recording songs today, and the rooms are basically empty.

Luo Quan walked around outside and saw Cao Mufeng's figure.

Same as yesterday, he was still lying on the chair, doing foreign work.

As soon as Cao Mufeng turned his chair, he saw Luoquan outside.

He got up and opened the door, and asked curiously, "The recording studio is gone again?"

Luo Quan shook his head and smiled, "That's not true. I just came to see if you recorded a song, but I didn't expect it to be recorded."

Cao Mufeng smiled wryly: "I finished the recording earlier. The company saw that I was so efficient and urged me to write another song. I was looking for inspiration. If I had known it would not be so quick.

How about you, come to the recording studio to record a new song for "Love"? "

Luo Quan nodded helplessly: "That's right, the contracted company urged me to hurry up, so I had no choice but to come.

By the way, thank you for speaking out for me yesterday. "

"It's a small thing, I just can't stand how people who don't know how to spend money are still calling your album too expensive.

Say you need help?I happen to be free now, and I can learn some techniques from you by the way. "

"Yes." Luo Quan did not refuse.

One thing to say, Cao Mufeng really wants to learn something from Luo Quan.

Talent is a gift, and it is impossible to learn it, but it can be learned like arrangement skills and singing skills.

Cao Mufeng felt that he was the kind of person who knew everything, even if he watched Luo Quan's operation, he could learn something.

In the industry, Luo Quan's level of arrangement is well-known. The degree of completion of each song is quite high, and the technique is very mature.

After watching it all afternoon yesterday, Cao Mufeng couldn't see why, and just went to marvel. Today he decided to take a closer look.

So he stood behind Luo Quan, watching her click back and forth on the computer, so fast that he couldn't handle it.

Until the production of the accompaniment was completed, Cao Mufeng seemed to be in the fog, with question marks all over his head.

"You're going too fast." Cao Mufeng laughed, seeing that Luo Quan had already clicked on save, there was something in his heart that mmp didn't know if he should say it or not.

"It's like this when you're proficient. I used to do an accompaniment for more than an hour, but now I've made a lot of progress." Luo Quan said, got up, and opened the door of the recording studio: "Help me press it."

"Okay." Cao Mufeng nodded and sat down.

He finally figured it out. There are some things that you can’t learn if you just want to. Just like talent, this is a patent that belongs to only one person, and no one else can learn it no matter how hard they learn it.

Others only need to offer their own exclamations and applause, and everything else is wishful thinking.

Walking into the recording studio, Luo Quan didn't sit on the stool this time.

The previous songs were generally not particularly difficult, and her capital was enough to squander on her own, so it was not a big deal to sit and sing.

But today this song is very, very difficult. Even with her talent and singing skills, it is definitely a very big challenge to perform it perfectly.

When she came, she was actually ready to record several times.

Pulling up the microphone, Luo Quan took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and began to brew emotions.

This song not only requires extreme singing skills, but also requires strong emotional substitution, both of which are indispensable.

Seeing Luo Quan's solemn expression, Cao Mufeng became a little nervous. How difficult is it to make a song that Luo Quan takes so seriously?

"It's time to start." Luo Quan said with a thumbs up to the outside.

Cao Mufeng nodded, and the two buttons of recording and accompaniment were pressed at the same time, and the two people with earphones entered the state at the same time.

The beginning of the accompaniment music is very soothing, and it seems to be the same type as yesterday's "Someone like you".

"It doesn't sound too difficult." Cao Mufeng felt relatively flat when he heard Luo Quan speak.

But after just tens of seconds, he was completely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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