Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 196 Sustained High Energy

Chapter 196 Sustained High Energy
In the morning of the next day, the data of the B list came out. Luo Quan's two new songs were released on the last day of the statistics. In just one day, the sales and clicks successfully surpassed all the songs on the list.

Because only two songs have been released so far, the statistics here are all sales of electronic singles.

But this time there is no option for pre-sale or single purchase in the US, fans can only buy the electronic album directly if they want to listen to it.

The first day's sales also came out, as high as 33 copies. "Someone like you" airborne to the top of the B chart in one day, and the number of clicks and plays far exceeded that of No.2 "Listen".

This is only the first day's results. Under the vigorous publicity of Universal and Tap Water, the entire network is discussing Luo Quan's new song, and there is no shortage of fans of Lyon and Love Music.

Compared with the first day, the results on the second day showed an explosive increase. The "Love" electronic album sold 82 copies, and the two new songs also began to dominate the hot song charts of major music platforms in the United States.

Under such heat, Universal Records called Seifert eight times a day, asking him to urge Luo Quan to finish recording the remaining songs of the album as soon as possible.

Although Seifert didn't want to disrupt Luo Quan's song recording plan, the urging from the headquarters was too tight, even more outrageous than urging Leon to release a new song.

However, for Luo Quan, who is not an artist of Universal Company, these elders sitting in the office dare not personally urge Luo Quan, they only know to let him be the bad guy.

Originally, Seifert was going to be under pressure and fooled with procrastination formulas.

As a result, the headquarters saw that there was no movement on his side, so he asked the president's father to make a phone call in person at noon.

There was no way, Seifert could not resist his father's majesty anyway, so he could only take a moment to tell Luo Quan about it during lunch.

Fortunately, although Luo Quan frowned when he heard the request to urge the song, he was not angry. He just showed a hearty smile and said, "I will try to finish the recording as soon as possible."

Luo Quan can be so reasonable, without celebrity pretensions, Seifert was so moved that he narrated his father's pressure on him for so many years with snot and tears, and almost wanted to promise Luo Quan on the spot He was dragged out of the cafeteria by Leon, who saw that he was in a bad state.

Originally, Luo Quan didn't like being urged to do things, but Seifert was in such a miserable situation, so he took it as a help.

In addition, the students were memorizing the dance moves for the past two days, Wen Xia and Zhao Yining were very busy, but she was very free, and just took advantage of these two days to finish recording the song.

After lunch, Luo Quan took a nap as usual, and then went to the recording studio.

He didn't see Cao Mufeng today, so Luo Quan could only call Zhou Yangwen and ask him to arrange for someone to come and beat her up.

About ten minutes later, a girl in her 20s came into the recording studio. She looked familiar. She seemed to have seen her on the set of the program before, and she was probably a behind-the-scenes worker.

The girl spoke very respectfully to Luo Quan, and her attitude was very low, but Luo Quan was never a high-spirited person, so let her not be so polite, just get along with everyone as an equal.

After Luo Quan briefly explained the precautions, the work officially started.

There are two songs to be recorded today, and Luo Quan is proficient in producing the accompaniment of the songs. The total time of the two songs is less than an hour, which is much longer than the previous two.

The two capitals can be regarded as fast songs, one is a pop music that is more commercial, and the other is a small and fresh country music with a variety of styles.

After all, the topic of "love" is just a few relationships: I love you, you love me; I love you, you don't love me; you love me, I don't love you.

In fact, there will be a lot of repetition in the content, and everyone will feel tired of listening to the same things too much, so Luo Quan made a fuss about the style of the music, trying to make the album more diverse and obtain a higher degree of freshness.

Today's song doesn't require much singing skills, and Luo Quan also recorded it very easily, and it only took two hours to get it all down.

At this rate, the new album will be released in at most three days.

Before she had promised to release a MV for the album, Luo Quan already had a draft in mind, and was going to tell Mr. Zhou tonight, asking him to make arrangements for himself tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

The shooting location is also very easy to solve. The International Film and Television Center is just under your feet, and you can shoot anywhere you want.

After the new song came out, Luo Quan sent it at both ends, and Seifert heaved a sigh of relief, saying that it was finally time to do business.

Zhou Yangwen seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect Luoquan to release songs so fast. He said it would be released within half a month, and he wrote four songs in just three days. Can the quality be guaranteed?

Of course, after listening to this, Zhou Yang never had similar thoughts about Luo Quan again, never again.

Popular searches and promotions continue to be arranged!
If it was before, if Luoquan was so hotly searched every day, [-]% would be hyped by "pure passers-by" as a queen and marketing master.

However, since her singing ability has been generally recognized, frequent hot searches have become a matter of course, which is considered to be a harbinger of the imminent or already popular fire.

In fact, it can be seen from her rapidly growing fans that she is gradually moving towards the door of becoming a top star.

At present, Wen Xia has already stepped in with half a foot. Whether she can step in completely depends on how the show "Creating Girls' Generation" will explode in the end.

And it is much more difficult for a singer to become a top streamer than a variety show or movie star, which is almost completely opposite to foreign countries.

Even if this album is really a big hit, it's just accumulating popularity for her. If she really wants to be popular, she still has to be on a variety show or act in a TV series.

But just for now, Luo Quan's popularity is absolutely crushing most of the top stars, because her name is included in the hot searches on Weibo, Zhihu, and station B, and the discussion among netizens is extremely high. It was also quickly used in short videos.

Then two new songs were released today, and the popularity has been raised to another level, especially the melodies of these two songs are extremely catchy.

"The second part of Luoquan's new song!"

After a brief hot search, it came to the top of the hot search list.

The hot search content was written by Penguin Music: "Luo Quan's new songs "Love story" and "Call me maybe" are now available on Penguin Music, sweet love songs, warm your whole spring."

Although these two songs do not reflect her singing skills, in terms of audience breadth, they are far more than the first two songs. Whether in China or the United States, young people always prefer fast songs.

Generally speaking, slow songs reflect the depth of the singer's works, while fast songs are used to reflect the breadth. Luoquan's English songs are basically such a feature.

Facts have proved that what the general public likes to listen to is basically fast songs.

But there are pros and cons.

There is still a lot of praise on Weibo, most of the users on Weibo are girls, and girls like this kind of sweet little love songs the most, so the reputation is naturally good.

But Zhihu’s requirements here are much higher, and soon there will be related questions:
How to evaluate Luo Quan's "Love stroy" and "Call me maybe"?

"It's nice! But that's it. There isn't much nutrition. My expectations for Luo Quan are actually very high. The first two songs are high-quality goods, but the latter song is an eyesore. It shouldn't be released. to this album."

"This was supposed to be a special card, but in the end it was unavoidable to pull the hips."

"To be honest, I'm a little disappointed. I don't know if my expectations are too high."

"I find that some people are hypocritical. Who stipulates that an album must have a high-quality first song? Those so-called divine albums are not the first classics. From what you say, it seems that these two new songs are terrible."

"I feel that Luo Quan has raised your appetite too much, and you have gotten carried away. These two new songs are a bit commercial, but among the commercial songs, they are definitely top-level productions, and Luo Quan often tried different songs. The music style, the effect is still good, with such a varied style, a high-quality and high-quality singer, no matter what, he can’t have anything to do with hip stretching, right?”

"Obviously they are two very good pop songs, but they are said to be worthless by you. It's not like the Grammys don't have two awards for best pop and best country. Why? Look down on these two awards? I put it in Here, one of these two songs must win the prize, welcome to slap in the face!"

"Your demands on Luo Quan are really too high. The explosive quality of songs since her debut made you ignore the fact that she is only 19 years old. Looking at the queens and kings in Europe and America, how many of them can have such a talent at Luo Quan's age?" achievement?
Moreover, she is also a trilingual singer in Chinese, Japanese and English, and she has achieved remarkable achievements in each language, which is unique in the entire history of pop music! "


Fortunately, Luo Quan's works are strong enough, and the reputation she has accumulated is high enough. When faced with doubts and difficulties, many people spoke up for her.

It is true that many people like to pick the bones in the egg. A good thing can always analyze its shortcomings from various angles.

But Luo Quan is actually a person who can listen to fans' opinions very well. She can also listen to what these fans say. At least some of what they say is on point.

For example: if an album wants to be called a divine masterpiece, it must have a masterpiece that can be called a "divine comedy", which is a handed down classic that can be immediately associated as long as a little detail is mentioned.

Both "Someone like you" and "Listen" are very high-quality songs and can be called classics, but they are still far from handed down.

Luo Quan has very high expectations for this album. She hopes that it will be her foothold in the European and American music scene. Grammy is the minimum requirement, and reaching the status in Japan is the ultimate pursuit.

But the latter one can only think about it. After all, there is only one Japan on the earth, so many accidents are inevitable, so Luo Quan does not have much hope for this.

But in contrast, Luo Quan's ambition this time is not as simple as winning the Grammy, becoming a first-class singer is her biggest expectation this time.

And to achieve this achievement, you must have representative works.

At present, the quality of the songs she released can be called masterpieces, but in Luoquan, it is not enough, because she has a whole world of music library!

So next she will magnify her moves, and she will magnify her moves one after another.

And since she wants to become a first-class singer in the European and American music circles, the songs she sings must not be limited to English. She knows so many foreign languages, it would be a pity not to make good use of them.

In order to prepare fans mentally, she specially posted a Weibo:
"Starting tomorrow, the songs I will release will be very high-energy, please prepare quick-acting heart-relief pills for fans with bad hearts. (sunglasses smiling face)"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Internet was in an uproar, and the public opinion that had just improved had a faint tendency to reverse.

"Is Luo Quan drifting a little bit? These words sound a bit harsh."

"It's crazy. These four songs in the new album are really good, but they are far from reaching this level, right?"

"There are no celebrities who become famous at a young age who are not crazy, but well, there is a reason for being crazy. If you can achieve such achievements at the age of eighteen or nineteen, you would be crazy too."

"Don't represent me. As a descendant of China, humility has always been one of our strengths. I have never seen this from Luo Quan. It may be because of the foreign blood at the root."

"Blind your dog eyes, Luo Quan's quotations from the classics are more fluent than your keyboard man who has not yet graduated from elementary school. Have you eaten the lyrics of "Blue and White Porcelain" and "Don't Call a Man"? Which foreigner can write such a sentence? Word?"

"I just like watching you satirize Luo Quan and get slapped in the face in the end. At this time tomorrow, all of you will definitely pretend to be dead. Luo Quan never speaks big things for no reason. She dares to say that, there is definitely a reason. All you need to do is just wait quietly."


When there is a dispute, the popularity of the incident will always rise quite quickly. The hot searches for the release of the two new songs have not been at the top of the hot search list for a long time, but they are squeezed down by "Luoquan Weibo".

It is said that Luo Quan never takes the initiative to market. In fact, the Weibo she posts is a kind of marketing, but because of the general environment, some things that are true in her opinion are always questioned by ordinary people.

This is not her only trouble. Many powerful stars will encounter such a situation, and these stars always use their performance to break through doubts time and time again, and finally stabilize their position.

Luo Quan is doing such a thing now, and now she is being questioned because she is young and her status is not high enough.

And among the slaps in the face again and again, those who dare to question her will finally be convinced.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that tomorrow's song will definitely cause a sensation.

If the response is mediocre, what she did today will become a big joke in 2017.

In order to ensure the recording effect of the next song, it is definitely not enough to simply use computer synthesis, so she contacted Zhou Yangwen and asked him if he could hire a symphony orchestra for her. The size does not matter, at least the instruments must be complete.

In addition, she, who has been a miser for a long time, finally opened the mall and bought a star binding card from it, which will be used for the next three days.

The star she chose was a singer with a voice as gentle as moonlight, which is world-famous.

(End of this chapter)

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