Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 207 Quasi-National Variety Show

Chapter 207 Quasi-National Variety Show

Several mentors in the background, each with their arms folded, watched the performance of the students in front of the screen.

Although it was not possible to be on stage during this period, the instructors were not without problems.

Considering that their task is not light, they must record the performance of each team of students, and then announce the departure of the students at the beginning of the fourth program.

Of course, Wen Xia and Jin Zihao are mainly responsible for this task, and the others are more for reference.

The first half of the third episode has already been aired. With Luo Quan's affectionate assists, the real-time broadcast volume once exceeded one million, and the popularity of the following live broadcast also reached a terrifying 400 million. Barrage, The number of gifts exceeds that of the top anchors of all live broadcast platforms at the same time, even Luo Quan, who broke the record at station B a few days ago, cannot be compared.

With such popularity on the Internet, the scene of "Chuang Shao" is also very lively, and many fans have already occupied seats in the stadium as early as the morning.

The Jiangnan Stadium, which can accommodate 7 to [-] people, was filled with enthusiastic fans. For a program that has just been launched for half a month, it is definitely a major manifestation of its nationality.

And the excellent opportunity to show his face, the opening dance, was arranged by the program team for Team Anxin.

An Xin, Yue Wei, and Xu Yuelin of this team are all the most popular and strongest among domestic students, and their fans have exceeded one million. After the team was formed, it has been called the strongest team by netizens team.

Whether they are fans of passers-by programs or team members, including the program group, they all have very high expectations of them, otherwise they would not be allowed to dance the opening dance.

The song selected by Team An Xin was the debut song of a new girl group released last year. It has been on the hit chart for a while. It is full of dynamics and has a good melody.

The movements of the students were also clean and neat, and all of them had long legs. During the dance, the beauty of the graceful figure of the girls was fully displayed, and there was a burst of screaming and shouting in the sports field.

Yue Wei's strength is indeed the number one of the current domestic students. The last episode of the program was severely criticized by the instructor because she was slack. After she got serious, she seemed to be a different person from before. An Xin, who was the captain and stood in the C position, was also upstaged by her with her superior momentum.

In the barrage, Yue Wei's fans naturally had a carnival, and the barrage of "Yue Wei the Great Demon King" and "Yue Wei No. [-] in the world" immediately spread.

After the second episode of the program was broadcast, Yue Wei, who was criticized by her instructor, suffered a lot of pressure from public opinion. As the most powerful Huaxia student in the program, most people had very high expectations for her.

But at the same time, any mistake she made would be magnified, and the blame she received was naturally incomparable to that of ordinary students.

Especially the rivalry between her and Lin Yuxiao, which was almost on the surface, the fans on both sides have always been at odds.

But after the second episode aired, Yue Wei, who performed unsatisfactorily, was overwhelmed by Lin Yuxiao, and Yue Wei's fans also underestimated Lin Yuxiao's fans. My own Chaohua is in a semi-autistic state.

But today Yue Wei told everyone with her own strength, she was just a little lax before, when she got serious, is there any controversy about who is the number one trainee in China?

The performance on the stage is undeniable. No matter whether Yue Wei performed super-level today, her dancing and singing skills and even the typhoon are all visible to the naked eye!
Just like the performance of Jiang Yuner and Yagyu Junko before, there are not so many bells and whistles, just strong!

The camera cut to the backstage, and several instructors also nodded and praised Yue Wei's performance frequently.

At the end of the song, the students each performed the last movement, settled in place, and then enjoyed the surging applause from the audience.

At the same time, Yue Wei became the first student with more than 300 million votes!
The second episode aired until today’s show, the one with the highest number of votes was Jiang Yuner, with a total of 170 million votes, because Ye Li hadn’t sold the “Chuang Shao” linkage milk at that time, so the fans had no other way to help Jiang Yuner To vote, you can only vote ten or ten per day.

But now that the show has just started broadcasting, Yue Wei's performance is so explosive. With the double support of fans and passers-by, the number of votes immediately surpassed that of Jiang Yuner.

Of course, the voting time for the third program will continue until three days later, which is next Tuesday, so the order in which the students appear on stage does not affect their results, and it is not impossible for Jiang Yuner, who will appear later, to overtake.

The Anxin team, which was the first to play, set an example for other students, and at the same time, it also raised the popularity of the live broadcast to a higher level.

"The Stunning Stage of "Chuang Shao"!"

"Yue Wei's explosive performance!"

The two searches directly reached the top three on the hot search list. Yue Wei's fans who had been pretending to be dead for several days were immediately revived on the spot, and started to confront Lin Yuxiao's fans head-on.

Then, the inappropriate program group once again added a barrel of fuel to the fire.

The second team to play is the Lin Yuxiao team with Lin Yuxiao as the captain. One front and one behind, whoever can't dance well will be punished in public.

However, Lin Yuxiao is also aware of her shortcomings. She is much better at singing than Yue Wei, but she is far behind in dancing.

Simply, she specifically chose a song and choreography that can give full play to her strengths.

The dance moves are relatively simple, but there are quite a lot of high-pitched parts in this dance song, and the degree of difficulty is very high. As the captain, Lin Yuxiao sang all the high-pitched parts by himself, which left everyone impressed. deep impression.

Compared with dancing skills, singing is the performance that is easiest for ordinary people to understand, and it is very simple for ordinary people to think that singing is good, all you need is a high note.

Although singing is far from being so simple, most people in this world don't have that much professional knowledge of music theory. Seeing Lin Yuxiao singing so high and so well, they naturally praised her crazily.

On the other hand, Lin Yuxiao's singing is indeed very good. Except for a little lack of technique, the quality and intonation of the treble have reached the top level of the program group. Except for the peace of mind of her professional background, no one dares to say that she can stabilize her.

In the second round of voting, Lin Yuxiao had a slight advantage over Yue Wei, with 82 votes. After the third round of performances, her votes came from behind, and once again overwhelmed Yue Wei.

There is no way, it is said that Moon Flower and Seine are the two giant idols in China, but after all, Seine has focused on being an idol for so many years, the fan base is huge, and there are enough old fans, and Lin Yuxiao is also the main promotion of Seine in recent years On the surface, fans' krypton gold ability is far superior to that of other students' fans.

As soon as her voting channel was opened, it rushed to more than 400 million, surpassing Yue Wei in an instant.

The fans on both sides also fought against each other again, facing each other.

Although the overall strength of the next few teams is slightly inferior to that of the first two groups, but because they have reached the knockout stage, they will leave if they don't work hard.

Therefore, every student who came to the stage showed his strongest strength and best state, which made the overall strength of all teams very strong.

Regardless of their final results, judging from the current stage performance, "China's No. [-] Idol Talent Talent Show" is well deserved.

In fact, apart from these star students, there are many other academies who have accumulated a considerable number of fans after the show was broadcast. Perhaps they are not as strong as Jiang Yuner and Yue Wei, nor as beautiful as Lin Yuxiao, nor as Luo Chuyi. Then please passers-by.

But they all have their own characteristics. In fact, these students are also responsible for the richness and variety of the program.

Even if they can't make their debut in the end, they can earn their first traffic in the idol circle through the program. In the future, whether it's filming or singing, or continuing to be an idol, they will have an advantage compared with others.

Here we talked about Luo Chuyi, so we have to mention this lovely lucky guy.

Although her performance this time was not as amazing as compared with Yue Wei, Lin Yuxiao and others.

But as soon as she appeared on the stage, the cheers aroused were no less than the former one, and the number of barrage gifts was not too much.

She ranked fifth in the number of votes for the second episode, with a total of 79 votes. After the performance, the fans' hard work also helped her get more than 270 million votes!
If she continues, not only will she be able to stay on the show, she will even have a chance to go further!

She is not a student who only knows how to live on her laurels, and her performance has been improving steadily in each episode. Since she first came on stage, she can't even remember the movements, and needs to count the beats to dance.

Up to now, she has been able to sing and dance without delay, and has reached the passing line in all aspects of stepping and movement. After a month or two of polishing, it is definitely enough to make her debut in a girl group.

Of course, she still has many deficiencies now, but she has overcome the most difficult level. Now the program crew wants to praise her, and the live broadcast gives a lot of shots, and the number of Lu Zhuan fans is also one of the best among all the students.

As for the two finale teams, there is no doubt that they are led by Junzi and Jiang Yuner.

The program group created conflicts and topics for Yue Wei and Lin Yuxiao, but the relationship between Chunzi and Jiang Yuner was not as strong as the previous two.

There is quite a feeling of "the strong are sympathetic to each other". The edited scenes of the two getting along are also the kind that try to make the audience feel warm, and try to make their fans get along in harmony.

It can be said that there are many fans who like Junko, and they are all fans of Jiang Yuner, and vice versa.

The identities of the two are actually very similar.

However, Jiang Yuner's stage performance this time is generally speaking better than any of the previous teams of students.

There is no way, the strength is there, and she works harder than most people, and she is not in the air because of the instructor's praise. In the same team, after each group rehearsal, she will stay and practice alone for a while.

With such an attitude and such good conditions, it is unreasonable not to think about it.

The same situation can also be applied to Junko. Both of them are strong and hard-working representatives. At present, the biggest constraint on their future debut is their nationality. If they were Chinese, they would have already It's time to make an appointment.

Having said that, although the popularity of the two is high, but the fan overlap is relatively large, and there is no foundation before participating in the show, and there are not enough fans who are willing to spend money for it.

Therefore, the number of votes obtained this time is not particularly ideal. It is less than No.1 Lin Yuxiao and No.2 Yue Wei, ranking third and fourth with 310 million and 290 million respectively.

Compared with the second episode of the program, when the two broke through one million results, it was already a step backward.

However, there are still three days to go, and everything has not yet become a definite number. Maybe there will be a wave of votes for the two of them tomorrow?

Amidst the endless shouts and screams, the third episode gradually came to an end.

This program can be regarded as setting a record for the number of simultaneous viewers of an online comprehensive program in recent years. There are seven hot searches on Weibo, occupying the top three. Related discussions are spread all over Weibo, Zhihu, Douban, Hupu, Tieba, and Station B. , Speaking of the participation of the whole network, I believe no one will ask questions.

It is not very appropriate to call "Chuang Shao" a hit now, but if it is a national variety show, it feels a little bit worse, but as the show continues to be broadcast, it should only be a matter of time before it becomes a national variety show.

Seeing the real-time data report on the Internet, the backstage of the program group also cheered and began to celebrate.

The program group has a total of twelve episodes, and three episodes are a stage.

The first stage has now come to a perfect conclusion, breaking various records and receiving countless praises. Various advertisements and endorsement announcements are now raining down, and they are all domestic first-line big names, even in terms of the size of a penguin. , is definitely not a small business.

The general manager, Zhou Yangwen, is already happily reporting to his boss for his work, and the director and assistant director are also discussing with the big guys where to go for a celebration drink.

As for the mentors, they packed their luggage silently while being happy, and prepared to go home.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia plan to go back to the capital directly, while Leon and Seifert have another itinerary, the next stop is Shanghai, and the next time they return to the capital is probably when all the itineraries are over and they are ready to return home.

The two sides just said goodbye. Seifert originally prepared a lot of words for this farewell, but Leon covered his mouth as soon as he spoke, and dragged him away directly. Luo Quan and Wen Xia watched from behind.

The plane of the two will also take off in an hour and a half. They are heading towards the exit in the corridor of the sports field. Just as they are about to take a taxi to the airport, Luo Quan, who is dragging his suitcase, suddenly sees a familiar figure.

It was Jiang Yun'er, with a serious expression on her face, she clutched her phone and hurried into the toilet.

"Wen Xia, I'm in a hurry to urinate, help me take care of my luggage!" Luo Quan said, and followed.

"There's a lot of excrement and urine on the lazy donkey!" Wen Xia looked at Luo Quan's back and twitched.

(End of this chapter)

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