Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 218 Preheating

Chapter 218 Preheating (Part [-])
The albums had to be sold one by one, and now the sales continued to rise, the publicity was overwhelming, and it was operated by Universal, so she didn't need to worry too much at all.

Soon the recording of the fourth episode of "Chuang Shao" began. Jiang Yuner, who had just experienced the incident of breaking the contract, was not affected too much. She even became more cheerful because she finally got rid of the entanglement of her former company.

As soon as the program started, the votes of all the students since the third episode of the program were announced.

No.1 was eventually won by Jiang Yuner without any surprise, with a total of 98 million votes, of which krypton gold votes accounted for more than [-]% of the total votes.

It seems that since these few episodes, her performance has finally captured the hearts of passer-by fans, making her and them willing to spend money for her.

And No.2 was won by Lin Yuxiao, although Moonflower Company has a much higher position in the entertainment industry than Seine River, with more big names and more fans.

But the Seine River is following the people-friendly route, and those who can keep going are hard fans, who are more willing to spend money and so on, and are also very experienced in fan management. The fan support club Weibo and Chaohua are tightly managed There are rules, and the fund-raising voting is also orderly.

In the end, with more than 900 million votes and [-]% of the krypton gold votes, he became the krypton gold king of the third episode, which shows the high enthusiasm of the fans of the Seine River.

What's interesting is that Yue Wei, who was originally expected to perform exceptionally well in the third episode of the show, did not get the No.3 position. Instead, she was defeated by Luo Chuyi, who performed normally but was extremely popular.

The latter firmly occupied the No.850 position with 3 million votes. Although the number of krypton gold votes is less than [-]%, it also shows that there are really many passerby fans who like Luo Chuyi.

And there is an obvious fault between Xu Yuelin and Luo Chuyi, only in the early 600 million, and not much more than No.5 Chunzi.

Yue Wei and Xu Yuelin came out of the same company, or even a group, there is actually a considerable overlap in the number of fans, and when both are competing for the debut position, it is impossible for the two fans to use their votes to support another family.

If the two fans are willing to work together to make the list for one person, it is not difficult to help Yue Wei or Xu Yuelin win No. 1, but this kind of situation is almost impossible to happen before the debut seat is completely clear.

As for Junko, she is completely unfamiliar with the place of life, not enough fans, and not many fans, so she can only be ranked No.5. If it is really ranked by strength, it will be at least the top three.

The next three are An Xin, Shi Qing and Xu Xuan.

The first two, as newly promoted students of Class A, attracted fans like crazy after the second and third episodes of the program, and immediately surpassed the two who were squeezed out by them before.

And Xu Xuan, as one of the hardest-working students in the second episode of the show, has a good image and a steady improvement in strength, and she is also the last train to make her debut.

And Zheng Tao was probably the worst one. He was also a student of Class A, but this time he was ranked outside the fifteenth place in the votes. He was blown away by many students of Class B.

As a professional dancer, her appearance can only be said to be above the standard, and she is too old. Compared with dance masters like Wen Xia and Jiang Yuner, her hands and feet muscles may be developed, and she was directly crowned "iron dancer" by a group of passers-by. T" title, it is more difficult than going to the sky to wash the powder.

In addition, the program team didn't have any hope for her from the beginning, so the third episode of the program didn't get many shots. This time, it directly deprived her of her outstanding features.

So, when everyone's votes came out, although Zheng Tao entered the top [-] and seemed to be able to stay on the show for a few more episodes, she was already pale and knew in her heart that she probably had no hope of debuting.

Compared with those students who have already been eliminated, Zheng Tao is actually more desperate in his heart.

As a student of class A before, she had imagined countless times that she could debut and become a popular idol like Wen Xia all over the country.

But now that she woke up from the dream, the program crew cruelly forced her to continue dreaming, having this tragic dream with known results.

Looking at the students who were crying because they had received the lowest votes, Zheng Tao felt a little sad. Fortunately, she was stronger, but her eyes were slightly moist and did not let the tears flow out of them.

This sad scene, on other talent shows, was originally a great opportunity to earn tears from the audience. First, the instructor took the lead in crying and said a few words of encouragement, and then when the show was cut, the program team made a few sad bgm. It can be sensationally searched.

However, the camera pans to the five mentors, all of whom are expressionless.

This is the keynote of "Chuang Shao". Here, you can only speak with your strength. If you have strength, you will be popular, and you can stay on stage forever.

There is no sensationalism, no luck, and no soft-heartedness here, only the cruelest survival of the fittest.

Of course, after getting along for nearly a month, the mentors are not hard-hearted people, so I still have to say goodbye.

When the nearly fifteen students who had been eliminated came out and stood in a row, Jin Zihao shook the microphone, hesitating again and again.

When the camera was shown to him, his expression was still serious.

Finally he said: "I originally wanted to say something to comfort you, but after thinking about it for a long time, I feel that any words of comfort now are nonsense."

Although the students were still crying, they all puffed up their chests and did not wipe away the tears from the corners of their eyes with their hands.

"Yes, this is the student of our "Chuang Shao"!" Jin Zihao's tone suddenly became agitated, "Although you have been eliminated, there is one thing you must not forget. You were once a member of "Chuang Shao". One of the top [-] women's team candidates in all of China!
Just this point, you have already walked in front of countless people.

Although the journey of "Chuang Shao" is over, your life has just begun. Don't forget what you have learned in "Chuang Shao". I believe this will not be the last time we meet! "

In the end, what made the students feel relieved was a chicken soup for the soul.

After being a bad guy so many times before, Jin Zihao suddenly became a good guy, and the effect was surprisingly good.

After crying, the trainees finally showed their smiles, and after hugging the instructor and familiar trainees one by one, they left the recording site.

Many students turned their heads three times when they left. Although Teacher Jin Zihao said just now that there will be a chance to meet again in the future, they believe this.

But see you next time, if you are still on the stage, then you have to draw a big question mark.

After a group of students were eliminated, the atmosphere at the recording site was also a little heavy.

From this moment on, the remaining students finally felt the pressure, and finally understood that what the instructor said to them before was not to scare them.

The spirits of all the students changed at this moment, especially the students whose grades were only a little better than those who were eliminated. Now they are probably the most nervous.

At the same time, many students with keen observation skills have also discovered the few people the program group wanted to praise. The instructors are always willing to interact with them, and there are many cameras nearby.

This is the benefit of popularity, everything is so realistic.

The fourth episode of the show didn't have too many hot spots, but it made more people understand what the show was going to do.

What it wants to do is the best talent show in China. It is not so much an online variety show as it is a competition.

In the case of ensuring fun, the program team tried its best to keep the game as absolutely fair as possible, reducing almost all off-site factors.

There are only two conditions for a student to debut in the end, popularity and strength, and the latter is far more important than the former.

It can be said that after the broadcast of the fourth episode, the reputation of "Chuang Shao" has been completely established.

It is different from any previous talent show. It fundamentally eliminates the possibility of official capital intervening, and makes the contestant's debut completely become a popular election.

The eight people who can make their debut in the end will definitely be the eight people who are the most powerful and most loved by the audience.

In the fourth episode of the program, Luo Quan basically played soy sauce all the way, and because Wen Xia had to prepare for the exam, she didn't have many lines.

However, this episode was originally a transitional episode, and there was no particularly important scene, and from this episode onwards, the program team will also focus on the students.

As the show progresses, the influence of mentors will become less and less.

After the filming ended, Luo Quan and Wen Xia flew back to the capital overnight.

This time I have been away from home for half a month. There were six people when I came out last time, but this time when I came back, there were only two people left, which seemed much deserted.

Speaking of the cake that Luo Quan bought for his birthday before, the big guy didn't even eat a quarter of it. He originally wanted to put it in the refrigerator and eat it when the show was finished.

Who knew that this recording lasted for half a month, and when the refrigerator was opened again, a foul smell would blow over my face.

Not only the cake, but the other leftovers have also gone bad, and they were also covered with plastic wrap at that time, so the whole refrigerator smelled sour.

Luo Quan endured the nausea, took out all the food in the refrigerator except the freezer, and then cleaned it well to get rid of the smell.

It hadn't been cleaned for half a month, and dust inevitably appeared on the floor.

This time, Luo Quan didn't have the time to clean up again, so he directly contacted the housekeeping company to save money and worry.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that the next week would be another week of doing nothing, but Director Wu Jin, who hadn't contacted her for a long time, revived her with a phone call.

The promotion of "Wolf Warrior 2" is about to start!

In fact, the editing of this movie was basically completed at the beginning of April, but director Wu has great ambitions this time, because he thinks that "Wolf Warrior 2" will be a famous work in the history of Chinese film, so he didn't I don't intend to be perfunctory in the publicity work.

In short, after the editing was completed, we talked about a lot of cooperative companies, and only after the final decision was made did we start the promotion.

The announcement of a film will definitely invite a group of creators to participate in various programs and interviews, and those who have the resources will even appear on some popular programs.

Although director Wu Jin has no connections in this area of ​​resources, fortunately, the rest of the film's financial backers are relatively capable, and they are basically arranged.

As the only heroine of the film and one of the few actresses, Luo Quan naturally wants to participate in the publicity work, after all, this is her first work.

After receiving the invitation from director Wu Jin, Luo Quan was of course very attentive. In addition to the normal promotion channels, he also accepted a variety show for promotion. I heard that it was on Mango Channel, with Wu Jin, Qin Yi, and Wu Hang.

Soon, the movie promotional poster of "Wolf Warrior 2" came out. As the protagonist, Wu Jin took up one-third of the poster.

However, judging from the current actual situation, Luo Quan is actually the biggest celebrity in the crew.

It's also amazing to say that when Luo Quan joined the film crew, Luo Quan's reputation in China was not very good, and the sales of Chinese albums during the period were still on the street.

As a result, less than a few months after the finale, you transformed yourself into the hottest pop singer at home and abroad, and the announcements and endorsement invitations of various major heroines in film and television dramas almost overwhelmed your mailbox.

Let Luo Quan go to film now, the price may not be the same as the cabbage price. It was 10 US dollars before, but now it may be ten times higher!
Wu Jin has also been rejoicing these days, that he was quick to act at the beginning, and that he didn't deliberately suppress Luo Quan's salary.

Now that Luoquan's popularity is skyrocketing, the publicity effect brought to "Wolf Warrior 2" is undoubtedly extremely positive, and although they are popular, they have no pretensions at all. After all, I am willing to go to the follow-up variety shows.

The key point is that from the beginning of filming to the present, if you want to add money, it is completely different from the heroine I found before.

To be honest, Wu Jin himself is an actor who has been filming for more than ten years, and he has never seen such a worry-free and conscientious actress.

Considering that "Wolf Warrior 2" will definitely have a good box office this time around, he has secretly decided in his heart to repay a bunch of actors, especially Luo Quan.

Although I am afraid that they are not short of money now, but this kindness must be given, maybe there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future?
After the "Wolf Warrior 2" movie poster came out, the publicity team that Wu Jin found here was also very good, and he directly arranged the high-ranking trending search. The hot search name: "Wolf Warrior 2"!
It's short and straightforward, just click on it, and the introduction is also very eye-catching: "The sequel to "Wolf Warrior 1", starring Wu Jin, Luo Quan, and Qin Yi, the hot fights ignite this summer!"

Then there are some scenes cut out of the movie.

Since it's a shootout action movie, it's natural that passionate close combat is indispensable. Wu Jin was born as a martial arts star, making these things is Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts-a piece of cake.

As for Luo Quan, although there are some wonderful performances in the play, they can't be shown in the clips, but as a vase, her appearance is the best performance.

Ps. Thanks for the book coins rewarded by book friends Xiaoyu Xiaoyu, Xiaoxiaomenggui, and Feixiangの梦, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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