221 Lucky
When everything was calm and everyone calmed down, everyone finally began to analyze the cause of the incident.

Many people want to know what caused this "war" that swept across half of the entertainment industry.

And the final result really surprised many people, all the cause turned out to be a sentence that director Wu Jin said in an interview for the promotion of "Wolf Warrior 2", directly implying that every large number of traffic in the entertainment industry is getting sky-high salaries star.

Originally, this was a matter that could easily arouse public outrage, but in the current situation, no fan of any celebrity would dare to stir up trouble again.

Weibo really hated it this time, and has banned many troublemakers and vulgar words. As long as they have more than [-] likes, they will all be taken care of, at least for a week, and some even forever. seal up.

There is no way, the above seems to really want to rectify the atmosphere in the entertainment circle this time, and as the largest gathering place in the fan circle, Weibo must be the focus of attention.

In the past, it might be possible to deceive the past by playing sloppy and blind, but this time, even a fool knows that he can no longer be deceived like before.

In such a big environment, no matter how angry the fans are, they dare not fight against the management, because those who dare to fight have already been banned.

As the saying goes, if you lose your horse, you will never know it is not a blessing.

With director Wu Jin's words, he single-handedly fired at all the high-paying and low-powered traffic stars in the entertainment industry. While being hated by the fans of these traffic stars, he was also applauded by a group of righteous netizens.

In fact, netizens have been dissatisfied with fandom fans and traffic stars for a long time, and a good entertainment circle is made into a mess by these people.

But no one has dared to stand up and publicly hate these people.

Director Wu Jin dared to be the first, although he mainly wanted to promote his own film, but since he said such a thing, he deserves everyone's praise.

Therefore, in terms of online public opinion, Wu Jin, who was originally a mediocre critic, suddenly became taller, and turned into an image of a straight-talking, quick-talking, and true-tempering man.

At the same time, I don't know whether GJ is out of reciprocity, or some other considerations. After criticizing the status quo of the entertainment industry, he published another article praising Wu Jin and "Wolf Warrior 2".

Title of the article: A patriotic work worth watching - "Wolf Warrior 2"!
The author who wrote this article has obviously watched "Wolf Warrior 2" through some means, and is very familiar with the direction of the plot in the movie, but he didn't make too many spoilers, but focused on the story of the movie. express patriotism.

From the perspective of the script, there is actually nothing novel, it is just the old-fashioned story of justice defeating evil.

But the difference is that this movie uses ubiquitous details to show China's influence in the world and the excellent conduct of Huaxia J people.

The author did not disclose too many specific details. After all, the movie has not yet been released. Anyway, the summary is: this is a movie with the main theme that is worth watching for Chinese people. Although the plot is old-fashioned, it is definitely not as boring as other movies with the main theme. .

With GQT taking the lead, official media such as RM Daily also began to promote "Wolf Warrior 2".

After China's public opinion vane clearly expressed its point of view, the rest of the media quickly followed suit and started reporting.

Previously, "Wolf Warrior 2" was only exposed by a limited number of film and television media, but now it has changed suddenly and directly become the darling of the media, with big and small news and hundreds of accounts promoting it.

Obviously this is an ordinary commercial film without any GJ investment or instruction, but under such circumstances, it is endowed with special meaning.

To be honest, when Wu Jin filmed "Wolf Warrior 2" based on the melody of doctrine, he never thought that GJ would support his work so much.

It can only be said that his butt was sitting upright from the very beginning, and then at this critical point in the movie promotion, he was very lucky to meet the opportunity that GJ was going to rectify the atmosphere of the entertainment industry and establish a positive model.

It can be said that even if there is no "Wolf Warrior 2" at this time, any movie with a main theme may receive such treatment.

Luck is such a magical thing sometimes, "Wolf Warrior 2" has been shrouded in inexplicable good luck since the filming began.

There was not enough funds for filming, and investors came to the door the next day.

The leading actress stopped acting, and it didn't take long to find Luo Quan, who was countless times better than the original heroine. A few months later, because of her popularity, the movie also attracted attention.

And this time, at the very beginning of the promotion, there was such a big incident, and GJ named and praised it.

As far as the two compliments from GQT and RM Daily are concerned, they are more effective than any publicity.

Since these two reports came out, calls from various theaters have not been interrupted.

Before that, Wu Jin had only signed a contract with Wrist Answer Cinema, and the other slightly lower theater chains basically ignored him.

Don't underestimate these theaters, they are actually the ones that have the most in China, and only by being popular in these theaters can they really achieve big box office sales.

This situation really echoed a sentence, that is, you loved to ignore me back then, but now you can't afford to climb up to me.

Of course, it's an exaggeration to be too high, but at least the initiative is completely in Wu Jin's hands. How to sign the contract and set the price is naturally arranged in the direction that is most beneficial to him.

Anyway, with GJ as the backstage, there is no need to worry about how low the film schedule of "Wolf Warrior 2" will be!
After starting the publicity work, Wu Jin's schedule is almost full every day.

This night he has been negotiating terms and signing contracts.

Early the next morning, he flew to Changsha in Hunan with Luo Quan and others.

Today is Friday, and tomorrow is the day when the new episode of Happy Camp will be aired.

As the undisputed king of entertainment variety shows in China, Kuaiben has always been the top in terms of traffic popularity.

Generally speaking, the programs that Kuaiben plays and broadcasts every Saturday are recorded half a month or even a month in advance, although there are occasional live broadcasts, which are rare cases.

However, today's situation is obviously a bit special. The program was recorded during the day on Friday, and the program team required that the editing be completed by the next afternoon. Obviously, it was necessary to finish the recording today and broadcast it tomorrow. Considering the time for review, it was really tight.

Before GQT published the report, when Wu Jin contacted Kuaiben, they had no intention of inviting him at first.

Most of the people who read Kuaiben are girls, and when girls watch variety shows, they like handsome guys the most.

In the past, Kuaiben often invited Korean boy group idols to come, the number of times was extremely frequent, and it was also known as "China's No. [-] Korean drama".

After the ban on sweating for the whole year last year, Kuaiben naturally didn't dare to invite any more Korean stars, and instead started to invite these small fresh meats in China, and the ratings were still not low.

And Wu Jin, who has passed the middle age three times, is in his early 1.7 meters, and looks heroic, but he really has nothing to do with the appearance of a handsome Korean boy.

If it is really invited, the ratings of this issue will definitely drop, because there is nothing to watch at all.

However, when the program group knew who the heroine of "Wolf Warrior 2" was, they immediately changed their minds.

That's Luo Quan. Now the most popular female singer in China and even in the world, I don't know how many program groups and crews, including Kuaiben, have sent invitation notices to her.

But none of them succeeded in inviting her.

As the saying goes, what is rare is the most precious, the more Luo Quan does not participate in the show, the more greedy those who do the show will be.

Now is the period when her popularity is skyrocketing. No matter what variety show, as long as there is her, there will be no shortage of hot topics.

So after knowing that Luo Quan would also join the crew of "Wolf Warrior 2" for publicity, Kuaiben program team agreed to Wu Jin's proposal.

And the reason why this episode was aired in such a hurry was mainly because of the request from the GD General Administration.

After all, "Wolf Warrior 2" is scheduled to be released at the end of May, and the publicity time is only about 20 days.

Kuaiben is the number one variety show in China, if it is aired earlier, it will have the effect of publicity earlier.

If it is broadcast after two or three weeks, it will lose the meaning of promoting in advance.

Moreover, the media on the Internet are all promoting "Wolf Warrior 2", and the channels on TV must not be left behind.

Anyway, if the leader says a word, the subordinates will have to run away.

After recording today, it means that it must be broadcast tomorrow, and if the effect is not good, it is not enough.

Fortunately, Kuaiben has been running for nearly 20 years, with more than 1000 issues, and has encountered various situations. The staff in charge of production are also top-level in the industry, and it can still be done by working overtime.

But how the effect is, in fact, a lot depends on the guests.

The hosts of Kuaiben all know how to make a show and have rich experience. However, except for Qin Yi, these guests are all on Kuaiben for the first time. Whether they can cooperate well is actually a problem.

If you're unlucky, this recording will likely go on for a long time.

But even with all kinds of worries, Teacher He Qiong still had a smile on his face when he saw Wu Jin and others.

"Hello, host." Wu Jin stepped forward to shake hands immediately after seeing He Qiong.

Both Wu Jin and He Qiong are the kind of people who don't look old. They are both 44 and 23, and they look the same as [-].

Especially He Qiong, who is famous for his cold face in the entertainment industry, there is almost no difference between the fledgling him and the him more than ten years later in the photos, and even the wrinkles on his face are hardly visible.

"It's really hard for you this time, the working hours are so tight." Wu Jin also knew the broadcast schedule of this issue of Kuaiben, thank you in advance.

"Small problem. Anyway, video editing is the job of the director, and it has nothing to do with me." He Qiong joked.

Luo Quan snorted and laughed out loud.

"Ah, you are Luo Quan." He Qiong had already noticed Luo Quan.

Because it was the first time to appear on a domestic entertainment variety show, Luo Quan wore a slightly more serious outfit this time.

In fact, I can't say how serious it is, I just bought a new set of T-shirts and jeans online. She has worn the previous sets for several years, and they are a bit old.

After changing into new clothes, the overall appearance is indeed better.

"Hello, Mr. He." Luo Quan didn't shake hands, but bowed slightly.

He Qiong praised sincerely: "You are really beautiful, I have been on the show for more than ten years, and you are the most beautiful among the female guests!
Have you heard this sentence many times? "

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "In fact, the first sentence that everyone who meets me is basically the same as what you said."

He Qiong laughed and said, "There's no other way. Humans are visual creatures after all, and your appearance has too much impact on vision."

After chatting with Luo Quan, He Qiong also greeted Qin Yi and Wu Hang one after another, showing courtesy to everyone and not favoring one over another.

This is also the reason why He Qiong has always had zero negative reviews in the entertainment industry, that is, he is kind and approachable, and has maintained a pretty good friendship with almost every star he has worked with.

Every year when he celebrates his birthday, big names in the entertainment industry will send him sincere wishes. That scene can be called a major event in the Chinese entertainment industry.

But what's interesting is that although He Qiong has such a high status in the entertainment industry and his popularity is ridiculously high, few people know about his family situation.

Many fans don't even know whether he is married or not, and whether he has a son or a daughter. This shows how well he protects the privacy of his family members.

After a brief acquaintance with the guests except Qin Yi, He Qiong began to explain to Wu Jin and others the precautions in the quick book.

In fact, there is nothing to pay attention to. It is an entertaining and funny variety show. The guests can naturally say whatever they want. Except for some taboo topics, they can almost speak freely, as long as the show reaches the point of making the audience laugh.

If you really don’t have a sense of humor, don’t worry, the hosts will do their best to help with the output, and the guests will just stand by and laugh together, but there may be fewer shots at that time.

For Wu Jin and Wu Hang, it doesn't matter how many shots they take, and they don't rely on it for a living, as long as they can promote "Wolf Warrior 2".

Qin Yi had been here quite often when it was popular before, and he could even be called a regular visitor for a period of time, so most of the procedures are still clear.

As for Luo Quan, she can only take one step at a time. If she can't do it, she can just cooperate with the hosts. Anyway, she can't be a bum this time.

Before filming, the program team agreed that this program has two themes, one is to promote "Wolf Warrior 2", and the other is Luoquan.

She is one of the protagonists of this episode, and there will definitely be the most shots at that time, and the host will frequently send her messages, hoping that she can be mentally prepared.

Wu Jin and Wu Hang don't value these things, and have no objection to letting Luo Quan be the C position.

As for Qin Yi, it could be seen that he wanted to take this opportunity to increase his popularity.

But now, his status is not as good as it was back then, and being able to appear on the show this time is actually taking advantage of Luo Quan's favor, so he can't have any opinions on such an arrangement.

After the decision is made, the recording of the program will begin.

Ps. Thanks to book friend Yun Pingyun for the book coin, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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