Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 228 Family History

Chapter 228 Family History

This debate did not end because of Luo Quan's self-explosion.

Of course, the superior dogs in the Zhihu community are afraid to speak.

No one knows whether they are bragging when they brag about their background and family assets, but Luo Quan's words are quite credible.

In fact, you can check this information on Baidu. The Charles Albert mentioned by Luo Quan is indeed a British real estate tycoon. He has three sons and two daughters, and the eldest son's name is Eric. Albert, who is of mixed English and Japanese, had an excellent resume in the Royal Navy when he was young, and was personally awarded by the Queen of Iraq.

As for whether she is alone or not, in fact, go to Weibo and search for "Luoquan family portrait" and you can see her father's appearance, which is the same person, and when Leon and Eric Albert were young, they were like carved out of the same mold Same, unbelievably handsome.

After digging here, Luo Quan's identity can basically be determined.

In terms of assets, whether it is family assets or personal assets, there is basically no one in Zhihu who can be compared with Luo Quan, even Zhihu's boss.

No matter how eloquent these people are, the asset limit of the richest man in China is there. Two horses and one king are the ultimate wealth of Chinese people.

Among them, Boss Ma of Penguin ranked No. 400 on the Forbes Rich List this year with a personal asset of more than 18 billion US dollars, only three ranks behind Luo Quan's grandfather.

Whether the two parties have any hidden assets is not mentioned for the time being, but in terms of wealth, there is actually little difference. It is not easy to compare which of the two parties has a bigger business. After all, one is in the Internet, and the other is in real estate.

These two industries are also the two fastest-growing industries since the new century, and the top rankings are also rich people related to these two industries.

Therefore, Luo Quan's current status is basically at the level of the granddaughter of Boss Penguin Ma.

After Luo Quan revealed his identity on Zhihu, he also quickly set off a wave of discussions on Weibo, the favorite gossip, and the comment area of ​​related hot searches was immediately occupied by people who eat melons:

"Luo Quan is hiding it too much. There is such a rich family behind him, and it has never been mentioned before!"

"If it weren't for some tycoons in Zhihu, I'm afraid I won't know it in the future. Luo Quan is too low-key."

"Is it really low-key? Didn't you just say it yourself, it feels like it's still hype."

"At first glance, you are a passer-by who doesn't pay much attention to her. The clothes on Luo Quan before, three days are a cycle. When it's hot, you can see a hello kitty T-shirt and a pair of washed jeans. Nothing can be changed. !"

"It's true. I also searched for the same clothes on Taobao. Three T-shirts cost 40 yuan, and a pair of jeans cost 25 yuan. How cheap can it be?"

"I don't know if you have watched the extras of Huaxia Film Weekly a few days ago. Luo Quan was chatting with the host Dong Xue in the background. Luo Quan's backpack is just an ordinary backpack. The only cosmetics in it are special big bottles of Dabao!"

"I know, my mother bought me a bottle when I was in school, but I didn't bring it because I thought it was embarrassing. (cover face)"

"From what you said, Luo Quan is simply a strange woman. Her family and she are so rich, and yet they can be so frugal?"

"It's not just as simple as being rich. I saw that Luo Quan's birthday live broadcast, did her father give her that necklace? I went to Baidu to check it. If the picture is not wrong, that necklace should be a lucky kiss! "

"I only know the star of hope, the famous sapphire of doom. I heard that it sank the Titanic."

"The Hope Star is the treasure of Louis XIV, and the Lucky Kiss is a great heritage of the British royal family, with a history of at least two or three hundred years.

Because it is a treasure that is only passed on to the royal family, there are not many records in history, and this necklace disappeared for a long time with the end of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty a hundred years ago.

I don't know the exact reason, but there must be a story. "

"Isn't this something that can be inserted on Wikipedia?"

"Huh? And this thing?"

"Huaxia may not have any relevant records, but it is not a secret abroad.

The Albert family was also related to the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty, but it was at the time of World War I, and the paternal ancestors of this dynasty came from Germany, so they once became the target of public anger.

In order to quell public anger, the royal family not only banned the banner of their patriarchal ancestors, but even changed their surname.

At that time, the ancestors of the Albert family were only a collateral line, more hated than the orthodoxy of the royal family, so they could only hide their names and leave the royal life.

Although the name has been changed, the royal blood of the Albert family is still orthodox. It is of the same line as the later Windsor dynasty. It is absolutely not an exaggeration for Luo Quan's great-grandfather to call Queen Yi an old cousin.

As for this necklace, it is estimated that it was temporarily lost because it was passed on to the ancestors of the Albert family. "

"It's obviously a serious historical science popularization, why does it sound like I still want to laugh?"

"This old watch is too messy, full of visual sense."

"So if Luo Quan was released before, he would be a nobleman, big or small?"

"More than that, according to her looks, she must be a princess."

"To be reasonable, among the princesses of foreign royal families, can you find someone who is prettier than Luo Quan?"

"I don't want to hide it here anymore. In fact, my surname is Zhu, and I am the No. 13 great-great-grandson of Ming Chengzu Zhu Yuanzhang."

"Pull it down, the Qing Dynasty is dead, return the old Zhu's family."


Seeing that the netizens analyzed it clearly and logically, Luo Quan himself didn't know what was going on.

She has never really cared about the history of her family. She just knew that her family was probably a distant relative of the British royal family, but she did not expect that the blood relationship was quite close.

But this kind of bloodline has nothing to do with her. Her father is of English-Japanese mixed blood, and she herself is of Chinese-English mixed blood. Only a quarter of the British bloodline is left. How many British people can there be in it? Royal blood?
However, the elders of my grandfather's line should still have a relatively good relationship with the British royal family, but I don't know how good it will be.

In order to prove it, Luo Quan also made a special call to his father.

"Hey daughter, have you encountered any trouble?" Eric has now traveled to Jiuzhaigou with Luo Ni, and this is also the end of their Huaxia trip, and the plateau is further on.

"No, I have something to ask you, um... What is the relationship between Grandpa and Queen Yi?"

"What's the relationship?" Eric thought about it for a while, and said, "Let's talk about being close, but we can't talk about how close we are. If we're not close, there are parties every year.

As far as I can remember, my father called her "Queen". I guess, when he was younger, he would probably call her Queen Yi's Cousin and Aunt, and that's about it.

Speaking of which, I have a pretty good personal relationship with Prince William. If we meet in the future, you still have to call him uncle. "

Luo Quan complained: "I don't want to go to England, where is there any chance?"

Eric smiled: "Hey, don't tell me, your grandpa will celebrate his 67th birthday in half a month. Let me take you and Leon back to have a look. That guy William will definitely come."

"What do you call a 67th birthday? Is it a British tradition?" Luo Quan has lived for so long, and he has only heard of the [-]th and [-]th birthdays.

Eric explained: "It's actually just an excuse, the main purpose is to reunite the family.

This is the case when people get old. In the early years, I wished that my two younger brothers and I would get out of here to support ourselves. Now that we are old, we are clamoring all day long for us to spend more time with him. "

"By the way, have you and your mother visited grandpa and grandma?" Luo Quan thought of grandpa and grandma at this moment, and it seemed that he hadn't talked to them on the phone since returning to Huaxia.

Eric said distressedly: "Before going to Jiuzhaigou, I went to Yuzhou. The two old people don't seem to like me very much, but fortunately they didn't make things difficult for me."

When Luo Quan heard this, he almost laughed out loud.

Nonsense, because of you, her daughter became pregnant out of wedlock, was single for more than ten years, and even ran abroad with her granddaughter. She will be a ghost if she sees you!It's already very self-restraining not to slash you with a knife when meeting for the first time.

Eric probably knew what he had done before, and continued: "However, during the few days in Yuzhou, I sincerely apologized to the old man, and I vowed to treat your mother well for the rest of my life, and I got the certificate!"

"A man's mouth..." His mother's faint voice came from outside the phone, how could Luo Quan not know the following sentence.

"What's wrong with the man's mouth?" Although Eric is good at Chinese, he has no way to know this common saying.

Luo Quan laughed and said, "My mother is praising your eloquence."

"Really?" Eric muttered without thinking too much, "In short, you should make preparations for the next few days. If you have a job at that time, adjust the time in advance now. Let's go to England. I'm afraid it will take three or four days."

Luo Quan counted the days, nodded and said: "There should be no problem, I don't study for the time being, I still have plenty of time."

After talking on the phone with his father, Luo Quan talked to his mother for a while.

In addition to telling Luo Quan to put on more clothes when it’s cold, it’s another commonplace topic:
"Daughter, you must pay attention in school, there are so many handsome guys in Shangyi, and there must be a lot of glib guys, you must not be fooled by a few sweet words.

If you really have a boy you like, no matter what, you have to ask him to print out an asset appraisal form and a life resume to show us. Before that, you can't even let him touch it! "

Luo Quan was speechless: "No, mom, when did you become so realistic? Hey, hey asset appraisal form, do you want to make another balance sheet? I think you are not an accountant either."

Luo Ni heard her daughter's nonchalant tone, and became anxious: "How can this be reality? I am doing this for your own good. Although you are rich, the man who talks about his own woman's money will not talk about what he thinks. Outsiders will also point fingers at him.

As time goes by, it may cause psychological distortion, and at that time, the seven will be scattered on you. This is how domestic violence often comes! "

Luo Quan was taken aback: "I heard what you said so clearly, you are quite researched?"

"That's right, isn't it always like this in Japanese TV dramas... You almost changed the topic!" Luo Ni remembered the business, and said earnestly to Luo Quan: "Daughter, remember Mom's words, I would rather find someone to talk to." The person who likes you, don't look for the person you like, otherwise, you may be the one who gets hurt in the end!"

"It really makes sense." Luo Quan nodded, "But, Mom, didn't I mention it to you before? I said that it is impossible for me to fall in love before I am 30 years old."

"You're talking nonsense!" Luo Ni seemed a little angry, "If you don't fall in love at 30, do you want to be an old girl? It's too late to regret it, be careful not to get married!"

Although Luo Quan has no intention of marrying, but in this case, he still has to argue: "Can't you get married? With your daughter's appearance, let alone 30 years old, she is 40 years old. If you want to marry someone, propose a marriage." The teams can line up from Hongyadong to Chaotianmen!"

"Just brag! I think you're old and you won't be able to cry when no one wants you!" After Luo Ni finished speaking, she hung up the phone angrily.

Luo Quan looked at the phone and smiled helplessly.

What my mother said is actually very reasonable. It is really necessary to start dating as early as possible, because the most attractive girl is only ten years.

In the future, not to mention the decline in appearance and charm, even the risk of childbearing will become very high.

It's a pity that mother doesn't know what it's really thinking. If she knew, she probably didn't urge her on the phone, but came directly to the capital to drag her on a blind date.

From the previous chat with his mother, Luo Quan found that she was very eager to hug a grandson.

If there is no accident, it is basically impossible to realize this dream in 20 years. First of all, Luo Quan can't pass his own test.

She can only hope that Leon can gain some courage and help her mother fulfill this wish for her.

As for the trip to England half a month later, Luo Quan immediately started making arrangements after knowing about it.

The first is the passport, which is easy to handle, and I passed the interview very quickly, and the next thing is to wait.

Then there was the "Chuang Shao" program team. Luo Quan mentioned to them that he would go abroad for a few days in half a month.

The program team checked the recording schedule for those few days, and it was not particularly important. In other words, it was not impossible for Luo Quan not to appear on the scene. After all, the mentor's shots were not too many in the later stages of the program.

Finally, it was Shangyi's exam.

Luo Quan was finally absent for the third exam. Fortunately, her performance had already conquered the examiners. Even if she didn't take the last exam, she would definitely be admitted.

Ps. Thanks to the book friends who don’t have Wang’s Ba, Xiao Xiaoyu, and Aquarius’ Lonely Donations, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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