Chapter 240
"This was made by my father. He didn't say anything, so how can it be changed?" Erwin was the first to disagree with the second brother's arrangement.

Andre smiled: "I'm just thinking about the company, and I didn't say that I want to take away the position of the vice president of the eldest brother, I mean that I can add another one.

The eldest brother is named, and the other is in charge of the company's affairs. "

"Then don't you mean that you've just emptied the eldest brother?" Sonia chuckled.

The third sister, Aifu, blinked but did not speak.The old man himself was expressionless and thoughtful.

"Actually, I think the opinion of the second child is very good." Eric said with a smile: "I was not interested in these affairs of the company at first, and the time in the United States was also handled by the people below. , the title of vice president is basically in a nominal state.

If Andre you really have a good candidate, for the sake of the company, I have no opinion. "

If none of the parties has an opinion, then the person who should make the decision speaks.

Although the old man has retired, most of the shares of Albert Real Estate Company are still in his hands, and he still has the final say.

And he didn't seem to be very opposed to his second son's proposal: "Who is that person you recommended? Do I know him?"

"It's Mark from the HR department. You know him. He is also an old employee who has been in the company for more than ten years. He is stable and reliable."

The old man nodded: "This person is indeed trustworthy, with enough qualifications and experience."

Erwin frowned: "Father, you just treat big brother like this..."

The old man turned his head and glanced at him: "Why, you also want to enter the company's decision-making level?"

Startled by the old man's eyes, Erwin was shocked, and then said: "Do whatever you want."

The old man looked at the eldest son again: "Eric, I know you will suffer from such an arrangement, but for the sake of the company..."

"I understand." Eric interrupted his father with a smile, "I have no worries about food and clothing now, and I don't need any more money. Besides, my son and daughter earn more money as a star than I do as a vice president." There are much more popular people, so whether it is for me personally or for the company, I have no objection to this arrangement."

This was not only for his father, but also for Andre.

As the eldest son in the family, Eric didn't like fighting for power and profit since he was a child. He always considered everything for his younger siblings. He let him have toys when he was young, and let him have power and influence in the company when he grew up.

Originally, he thought that staying in the United States for so many years could make Andre relax his vigilance towards him, but he didn't expect...

But from an objective point of view, it is also true that he has not been doing business in the United States these years, and the profits of the branch have declined.

That's not what he does. On the contrary, the second child is a real business genius. Only in his hands can the company flourish.

"Brother, thank you for understanding." Andre stood up, wanting to give Eric a hug.

Of course Eric also got up to respond, the two brothers hugged each other tightly, and those who didn't know thought how good the relationship was.

Luo Ni's eyelids twitched as she watched from the side, and said to herself that she had only seen these plots in those Gongdou dramas before, but she didn't expect to be a party now.

Now it seems that the five heirs of the old man, the eldest has no intention of fighting for power, the fourth is idle, and the third and fifth have their own careers, all of them can't get involved in the company.

With the old man retiring, the company can be said to be completely in the hands of Andre.

It is worth mentioning that the old man himself seems to have tacitly accepted Andre's power.

From an emotional point of view, of course he wants the five children to be divided equally, but it is impossible to divide the company into five shares, and it is impossible to divide the assets into five shares.

As long as money is talked about, no matter how close relatives are, the relationship will be somewhat awkward.

Seeing that everyone didn't talk much after the decision was made, Luo Ni took the initiative to stand up and wanted to get off the ground: "Andre, where did your Stuart study, and how is your academic performance?"

Chatting about family life is the best way to draw in the relationship between the two parties, especially when talking about each other's children, there will always be endless topics to talk about.

Andre's wife, Elisa, said with a smile: "Stucart is studying history at Oxford University, with a minor in psychology."

"Oxford University, top students." Luo Ni's eyes were full of envy.

"Where's Luoquan in your family?" Elisa asked.

Luo Ni shook her head and smiled wryly: "Hey, I was still studying linguistics at the University of Tokyo, but I decided to go back to Huaxia to study at Shanghai University of the Arts. I just passed the entrance exam a while ago, and I have to wait until September to start school."

"They are all good schools." Elisa praised.

In fact, it was a polite remark. Elisa of the University of Tokyo had indeed heard of it. As for Shangyi, it was unheard of.

Erwin said: "The school is actually not important, as long as you work hard and are willing to learn, no matter how poor the school is, you will be a talent!"

"Hey, if you worked as hard as you said, you wouldn't have been dismissed by Cambridge University in the second grade." Sonia revealed her fourth brother's shortcoming mercilessly.

Erwin stared: "What do you know? That's because Cambridge can no longer teach me this genius, so I can only go home and teach myself!"

"Students look like this now?" The old man also joined the ranks of ridicule.

Fortunately, Erwin's ex-wife was present, and the brothers and sisters still saved him some face, but they just stopped.

However, with Erwin making such jokes, the slightly tense atmosphere just now has indeed eased a lot.

The whole family chatted all afternoon while drinking tea and eating desserts in the back garden.

The female relatives were listening more, while the content of the men's chat also jumped from the development of the Albert company to the customs and customs around the world, and then returned to the current situation in the UK and even Europe.

Basically talk about everything.

On the children's side, Karina went to chat with Leon again after she had almost covered Luo Quan's words.

The two elder brothers were accompanied by two younger sisters, but Luo Quan, the eldest sister, became a "lonely person".

Glancing at his father, he was spitting and telling his family about the strange things he had seen and heard all over the world over the years, expressing an extremely strong desire.

Luo Quan shook his head and chuckled, stood up and went to the back garden by himself.

The back garden is full of colorful flowers, most of which are not named by Hualuoquan, but the intertwined aromas give her the illusion of being in a fairy tale world.

Idle is also idle, she opened the live broadcast room of station B.


"This live broadcast caught me off guard."

"Damn it, the starter was robbed!"

"Did you all buy a house in the live broadcast room?"

"Is this a scenic spot in London? There are so many flowers."

Seeing the question in the barrage, Luo Quan replied: "This is in the back garden of my grandfather's house."



"There is no humanity in the trenches!"

"Such a large flower garden, you tell me this is your grandfather's back garden?"

"The emperor's imperial garden is nothing more than that."

"Damn capitalism... I admit I'm sore."

Luo Quan smiled and continued to prod them: "What is this? There is a large circle of violets planted outside, the kind that can't be seen at a glance."

"It's the first time I've seen such a fresh and refined way to show off wealth."

"If I am also guilty, the law will punish me, but please don't hurt me like this."

"That's great, TMD.jpg"

"Can you take our country kids to see the world? I want to see the violet garden that can't be seen in the distance."

Seeing the request of the barrage, Luo Quan smiled and said: "You can watch it, but let's forget it now, the distance is too far, and it takes a few minutes to drive from here to the door of our house."


"It's hard to start a live broadcast, and you hurt our loyal fans like this?"

"You won, I admit I'm sour."

"Showing off wealth invisible is the most deadly!"

"Your golden melon seeds are gone!"

There was a lot of complaints in the barrage, and Luo Quan knew that it was almost done, and said, "Okay, I won't tease you, these are my grandfather's property, and have nothing to do with me.

By the way, I saw my uncles and aunts and their children today, and I found that our family is really good-looking, and I can't find anyone who is holding back. "


"Can I have a shot?"

"I saw it was all flowers, but I didn't see anyone."

"Well, instead of showing off your wealth, let's show off your looks."

"It's possible to have this. Watching handsome men and beautiful women is my favorite."

"Is this going to kill you upstairs?"

"Color control doesn't care about gender, as long as it looks good."

"Wait a minute, they are chatting now, I will send you photos later." Luo Quan felt that it was not good to just go there and take pictures, so he rejected the request.

However, at this moment, she saw that the barrage suddenly became agitated:

"I saw!"

"so beautiful!"

"So handsome!"

"Ah Wei is dead!"

Luo Quan turned around suspiciously, and saw her younger brothers and sisters walking towards her.

Leon said: "Karina was about to ask you to come over and have a chat, but you disappeared."

"Sister Luo Quan, what are you doing too?" Mia asked curiously.

"I'm live broadcasting, for my fans at Station B." Luo Quan said, pointing the camera at his younger brothers and sisters, and asked, "Do you want to say hello to everyone?"

"Can you?" Mia asked with a smile.

This girl seemed not afraid of strangers at all, and made a poss to the camera: "Hi everyone, I am sister Luo Quan's cousin, Mia Seizhuo, you can also call me Mia."

Mia's father's name is Christopher Seidel, so she doesn't have the surname of the Albert family.

"so cute!"

"The voice is so sweet."


"Ah Wei is dead!"

In the barrage, there is a scene of Ah Wei's death.

Mia looked at the barrage and asked, "What are these barrages talking about? My Chinese is not good, so I can't understand it."

Karina translated: "I'm praising you for being cute."

In front of the live broadcast, Karina returned to the indifferent look she had when she first met her brothers and sisters.

Luo Quan took a look at the barrage, and at some point these people started posting barrage in English:
“so cute”


"awei is dead"

"Oh! I dead!"

Luo Quan looked at it and laughed out loud: "What kind of construction site plastic English are you guys doing? Do you dare to be more advanced?"

"I have CET-[-], will the simultaneous interpreter tell you?"

"I tried my best, and I copied them first with Baidu Translate."

"Chinese people are not good at English, isn't that a sign of patriotism?"

"Does no one care about the second sister? It's too abstinent and cold."

"I just carried it away!"

"Sajia's life is worth it!"

"Don't steal my wife from me!"

"Let's copy all those upstairs, no one has been wronged!"

"Are you holding a flat peach meeting directly in your mouth?"

"What's the name of this sister?"

"She is the daughter of my fourth uncle, and her name is Karina, and Karina's Chinese is very good." Luo Quan said and looked at Karina, but the camera was still aimed at himself: "Karina, do you want to see me?" Say hello to Huaxia's friends?"

Karina blushed: "Forget it...forget it, I'm more afraid of strangers."

This sentence is spoken in Chinese.

"I know how good this Chinese is."

"The words are correct and the accent is round!"

"This accent can be used to record English listening."

"It's outrageous."


The appearance of Luo Quan's two younger sisters completely ignited the once stable live broadcast room.

The popularity soared to the first place in station B in a short period of time, and the amount of attention that had been stagnant for a long time unexpectedly showed a trend of substantial growth, and the gifts were also quickly swiped.

After seeing the two younger sisters, it was time for the two younger brothers.

The big guy in Lyon has seen it before, but Stuart is the first time.

If the barrage in the front is the cheers of nerds, then it is completely the screams of nerds.

In this profound and beautiful background like a sea of ​​flowers, the two boys seem to be characters from novels and comics.

It is difficult to describe in words the psychological activities of the girls who are watching the live broadcast at this time. Just seeing the faces of Leon and Stuart, they have already imagined a sweet heroine novel with several million words.

Lyon is the first man, and Stuart is the second man.

With the appearance of the five siblings together, the atmosphere of the live broadcast was completely pushed to its climax.

The popularity has broken through the unprecedented 600 million, and the barrage and gifts have reached the point where the screen is constantly filled.

However, the good times didn't last long. After the heat lasted for about ten seconds, the live broadcast room went dark.

The bullet screen was full of "Fuck" and "?".

"The server at station B crashed?"

This is the audience's first reaction.

In fact, the problem lies with Luo Quan.

Although the iPhone 6s in her hand is one of the best-selling mobile phone models.

But the performance cannot be compared with those various high-end machines in the previous life after all.

There is no problem with the live broadcast, but this time there are too many people watching the live broadcast, and the barrage, gift reminders, and gift special effects have brought a huge burden to the mobile phone processor.

Originally, the live broadcast took up memory, but when there were too many people, the mobile phone system crashed directly, and then restarted automatically.

There are actually quite a few similar situations in Bilibili. For example, some videos with a lot of bullet screens are called mobile phone performance detectors. Those who can watch these videos smoothly are all modern magic phones.

There may be such a magic machine, but Luoquan's machine certainly can't do it now.

Therefore, Luo Quan's mobile phone was under high load, and he protested to her by restarting, and the live broadcast was also interrupted.

Ps. Thank you for the book coin rewarded by the book friend Deng Shen, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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