Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 260 Luo Quan, I'm Your Fan

Chapter 260 Luo Quan, I'm Your Fan
"How did you do in the exam?" Luo Quan and Wen Xia were in the fast food restaurant, wearing sunglasses.

In order not to put pressure on Wen Xia, she didn't ask Wen Xia how she was doing in the past two days. She didn't dare to ask until after the English test in the afternoon.

"That's needless to say." Wen Xia was a little proud, "This question is about the same difficulty as the real test questions I did for the college entrance examination, and some are even simpler, probably more than 500 points."

Luo Quan exclaimed: "It's ok, you can pay the heavy capital casually."

Ps. The total score of Shanghai is 660.

"By the way, is it true that Chuang Shao has nothing to do with me, I just need to show up in the last episode." Luo Quan finished recording the program two days ago, and was told that her trip to Chuang Shao had come to an end.

Wen Xia nodded: "Almost, there are still two episodes left, one of which is live broadcast, just show your face at the scene in half a month.

What, do you have other arrangements? "

"Yeah, the "Lord of the Rings" crew asked me to go to the United States to participate in the press conference for the start of filming, and I will go to New Zealand to film after finishing the filming. It is estimated that the filming will take about half a month."

Wen Xia asked suspiciously: "For such a big production, your heroine finished filming in half a month?"

"There are not many heroines in this play. I still play two roles. If I only play the lead actress, it will probably be done in a week."

Wen Xia laughed and said, "I don't seem to envy you so much after hearing this."

Luo Quan smiled and said nothing, thinking: After the "Lord of the Rings" series is released, you will know whether you should envy me or not.

After two days of intense mental work, Wen Xia was finally relieved and fell asleep on the plane.

After the college entrance examination, Luo Quan himself felt a lot more relaxed, and even felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart, as if Wen Xia had a share of the credit for her 500 points.

On the second day after returning to the capital, Luo Quan packed his luggage and got on the plane to America.

When Dad left London, he said he was going to settle down in New York, but within a few days he led his mother to another island for a trip.

Lyon has returned to the United States, and is now at home in New York.

Two days ago, he held a huge concert in Dubai. His good brother Prince Abshir carried Lyon in a helicopter and appeared from the air. The grand occasion of the concert was broadcast live on the big screen in Times Square. , In a day, it has been trending on Twitter several times.

After the concert, Lyon also went directly back to the United States to rest.

The two siblings are better than each other. Apart from the tasks arranged by the company, they don't want to arrange any extra itinerary.

Other celebrities, with such popularity, must strike while the iron is hot, seize the opportunity to appear on variety shows or contact the media for exclusive interviews to increase their popularity.

Luckily, Lyon went home to play LOL after the concert.

"Are you here alone?" Leon asked curiously after receiving Luo Quan in the taxi.

"I don't have an agent, so I must be alone."

"By the way, your movie should start shooting. I saw the news on Twitter yesterday."

Luo Quan nodded: "Yeah, probably the day after tomorrow will depend on the press conference, and then go to New Zealand to record the location.

And yours? "

Leon laughed and said, "It's still early. It is said that the director is planning to make a copy of the Titanic for filming in order to keep improving. A certain shipyard has just started construction these few days."

Luo Quan was taken aback: "The Titanic is so big, if it is really the same, wouldn't the funding explode?"

Leon shook his head: "No, it's a scaled-down version with the same appearance, but much smaller in size, but the total cost is estimated to be around [-]-[-] million.

Besides, after the cruise ship is built, it can be used to operate and recover costs, and the loss will not be much. Of course, the premise is that as long as the movie can be popular. "

Luo Quan smiled and said, "With such a strong lineup, it's hard not to be popular."

"hope so."

After the two went home, Leon went back to his room to play LOL.

Luo Quan was free, so he went to his room to take a look, and found that he was playing Yasuo. Although it was already 1-11, he still had a smile on his face, and he looked very happy.

Seeing Leon having such a good time, Luo Quan felt a little itchy for a while.

Back then, she was also a master of riding the canyon, a teenager with severe Internet addiction who spent more than ten hours a day on high-intensity rnak.

However, after time travel, she was entangled in various affairs, so she hadn't touched this game for a long, long time.

Anyway, having nothing to do, Luo Quan turned on the computer and started to download the national server.

By the way, I also turned on the live broadcast, and changed the title of the live broadcast room to: I am in the United States, and I will broadcast it for a while LOL.

Fans rushed in quickly and began to watch:
"How did you get to America?"

"What rank, let me fly with you."

"Is it dark?"

"Wuhu, it turns out that Luoquan also plays LOL."

In this world, LOL is also the number one online game in the world, and the domestic agent is still Penguin. Its popularity and popularity are unprecedented in the game industry, and there will be no one in the future. Last year's S6 even set a record with more than [-] million online viewers. Record.

This data is even more exaggerated than Luo Quan's previous life.

But one thing has not changed, that is, LPL has not won a championship so far. Although the number of Chinese players is the highest in the world, it is the Korean team that dominates this game.

Taking advantage of the time to download the game, Luo Quan bought a full-level initial account on Taobao, unbinding, changing the binding, and changing the password in one go.

It's been too long since level 1 to level 30. Luoquan doesn't have the time and patience now, so he simply bought a full-level initial account.

The security of this small number is relatively guaranteed, because it is worthless and will not be retrieved as often as those skin numbers.

Soon, the game was downloaded, and the first thing Luo Quan did when he entered was to change the ID of a string of numbers to "spring water".

After buying a few skilled heroes and buying skins with money, Luo Quan started ranking.

Luo Quan didn't know that she made a mistake that all new LOL anchors would make, that is, she didn't cover her ID when matching.

Hundreds of thousands of viewers could clearly see whether Luo Quan ranked in Ionia, or the initial number without ranking records.

The moment she clicked to start matching, I don't know how many hands joined her and clicked the button of matching.

"It's time to line up!"

Luo Quan clicked into the hero selection interface, and at the same time, there were four fans who lined up with Luo Quan.

There are three on the opposite side, and only one is her teammate.

"Luo Quan, I'm your fan!" The teammate on the first floor saw the ID clearly and typed in the channel.

"Are you watching the live broadcast too?" Luo Quan replied with a smile.

"Yeah, the match with you is really in line."

"This one will take you flying!" Luo Quan said confidently.

The bullet screen opened the complaint:

"What is the rank of the anchor, and he will fly at every turn?"

"I can't eat today, just watch Luo Quan operate the appetizer."

"I've never seen you play LOL, are you a novice?"

Luo Quan glanced at the barrage, and replied: "The anchor is a veteran player, and he started playing just after the public beta, but he had to play a lot in the past, now he builds a small account and starts from scratch."

"Okay, please start your performance."

"The public beta of the LOL national server is S2, no matter how you play it now, you must have a platinum level."

"Platinum? It's just an early stage of cancer."

"I've been playing for five years, but I'm nothing more than silver."

"Scumbag, I became the king in just one year."

"How many stars does the king have?"

"One hundred stars for the king!"

"Barrage fishing has always been possible."

"A bunch of Glory of Kings players exploded out."


While talking and laughing, Luo Quan has already completed the ban selection.

She played EZ and went down the road with Niutou.

Zoe in the middle, blind monk in the wild, Urgot in the top.

The lineup is very solid, and the fights in the early and mid-term are fierce and flexible. The disadvantage is that it is relatively weak in the later stage.

On the opposite lineup, Ruiwen on the top lane, Jie in the middle lane, wild poodle, and Lu Xian and Thresh in the bottom lane.

The pure kitchen knife team has a lot of assassins with protruding faces, and the damage is explosive, but the fault tolerance rate is very low. If you can't play an advantage in the early stage, you will GG.

When Luo Quan saw this lineup, he knew he was going to suffer a lot.

There are so many assassins on the opposite side, they must be staring at her crispy killer.

After entering the game, she typed to the support Niutou: "Assist, don't go to the next lane, grow peacefully, and protect me in team battles."

Niutou rang the bell on the spot, as if to say: "OK!"

"It's the skin of this bell-ringing cow again, it's disgusting."

"The humble appearance of the anchor really makes people feel distressed."

"Three assassins, Luo Quan is hard to beat."

"The market is open, how many times will you bet that Luo Quan will die this time?"

"I bet on a bottle of mineral water, at least ten times!"

"Less, after 10 minutes, the whole spring will die once, as I said."

"Poodle, Jie, Luo Quan dies once the ultimate move is good."

Seeing that the bullet screen looked down on her so much, Luo Quan said unconvinced: "It seems that if I don't show you my strength today, you don't know how powerful I am as a summoner."

"You are the only one who is still the master summoner?"

"Will your Q be crooked?"

"What a big breath."

"It would be funny to be blown up by Thresh."

Luo Quan didn't care about these doubts at all.

Is the questioning she has received since her debut okay? When has she not slapped everyone in the face with hard power?

If she can't get a C in the ranking, she will have played LOL for so many years in vain.

But this time, the situation is slightly different.

Writing songs is her own thing, and she can respond when she writes them.

But LOL is a game for five players. No matter how good one player is, can they still play 1v5 at the same level?
In order to snipe Luo Quan, many high-level fans used trumpets to open the rankings. I am afraid that only they can know how strong the three fans are on the opposite side.

No, the second wave of minions came to the line, and news came from the wild area that the jungler of one's own side was solo killed by the jungler of the opponent.

"It's getting better!"

"Let's go straight to the ground for this jungler."

"Has the delivery started so early?"

"It's not good to send it to anyone, but to send a poodle."

When the bad news came, Luo Quan frowned and didn't pay much attention to it.

The blind monk was single-killed at the second level, the red buff was gone, and the blue buff was robbed. This one is basically a waste. It is difficult to protect itself in the wild, and it must be hopeless online.

But Luo Quan never thought of counting on him from the beginning to the end.

Pulling himself together, Luo Quan put all his attention on the lane.

The level of the opposite bottom lane is relatively average. Thresh learned Q at the first level. Lu Xian used the Q skill on a minion, but he didn't penetrate the minion behind him.

These details are doomed that they will not be able to grab level 2, and it also gave her the capital to develop insignificantly.

After dodging Thresh's hook with his position, Luo Quan made a backhand q, which killed the minion.

There is no need to mark, the support already knew what to do when it was promoted to level 2, directly WQ to prop up Lu Xian, Luo Quan walked up to AQA, and played a wave of explosion.

Being flooded by the sudden damage, Lu Xian directly DF the second company and ran back. Thresh was empty of his Q skill, and could do nothing except A a few times to trigger the bull's head of the aftershock.

At this point in the laning, the advantage of the bottom lane has been established.

Luo Quan didn't pursue killing either. After knocking out Lu Xian's blood volume to less than half, he turned around to make up for the remaining blood soldiers around him, and told the assistant not to chase deeply.

Lu Xian has short hands, so she will come back if she wants to replenish troops. As long as she controls the troops, it will be a matter of time before she kills him.

Although it wasn't Tianxiu's operation, Luo Quan's performance still aroused applause from all the halls:
"Good location!"

"The Q is so accurate. Sure enough, there are so many minions, and they directly hit the opponent's ADC."

"Sure enough, he's an old player, so he didn't show any embarrassment directly."

"I don't understand, so what if you have an E-face?"

"If the opponent's jungler is squatting, you will have to use your double moves when you go up."

"I'll give you nine points for this wave, and one point will be deducted for fear of your pride."

Glancing at the barrage, Luo Quan said while making up the knife: "Look, I said I am capable, do you really think that girls can't play LOL?"

While speaking, Luo Quan Q hit Lu Xian who had finished eating the blood bottle and stepped forward to replenish troops.

Estimating the blood volume, mark it directly, signaling the bull head to go first.

Because of the advantage in the second fight, now Luoquan and Niutou are both level 3, while the opposing bot lane duo is only level 2, and Lu Xian doesn't have both moves, which is an absolute advantage, and they can win with their feet!
But this time, Niutou didn't hesitate at all. He went up to the WQ Erlian to jack up, hung up the ignition, and activated the E skill.

Lu Xian was hit by Luo Quan's WQ in the air, and his blood volume dropped a lot in an instant.

Thresh on the opposite side wanted to fight back with a Q, but was dodged by Luo Quan, who had expected it for a long time, with a beautiful turn of the head.

After Lu Xian landed, he wanted to open the distance with his E skill, but was stunned by the bull's head flashing Ping A, Luo Quan also E went up to Ping A to make up for the damage, and finally took the head with a precise Q skill.

As for the support on the opposite side, Luo Quan had no control on his side, and the displacement and ignition were all used up, so she stopped chasing him and let him run back to the tower.

After killing people, it is natural to quickly push the line of troops to expand the advantage.

Generally speaking, when pushing the pawn line, it is always due to frequent use of skills that the knife is missed.

However, Luo Quan's make-ups were exceptionally steady, except for some missed during duels, the others were basically accepted.

Going home in 6 minutes, with a head of 47 dollars, Luo Quan's can be said to have taken off.

Just when she was thinking about how to brag about this wave with the fans, news came from the road that her jungler and top laner were all killed, and the poodle had a double kill.

Seeing this, her heart was half cold.

PS. Thank you for the book coins rewarded by the book friend Senior Sister Anima, and the book coins rewarded by Yun Pingyun, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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