Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 271 I'm Happy

Chapter 271 I'm Happy

ps. I wanted to congratulate lpl by the way when I wanted to post the article, but it turned out that DWG won the championship during the codeword, which was a bit uncomfortable.

In addition, at the beginning of the month, I will take a leave here for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I recently suffered from gastroenteritis, and I have diarrhea for a day. I want to conceive the next storyline while recuperating.

In addition, here, thank all book friends who subscribed and rewarded this book, thank you for your support for me and this book, thank you!
Main text: It is said to hit the street, but in fact, the digital album of "I'm Coming" has sold more than 200 million copies in China, which is definitely the number one sales figure.

But I had no choice but to bump into Girls' Generation. Although the latter may not have as many fans as Luo Quan, they are willing to spend money. Besides, there is no limit to the number of albums purchased, so in terms of sales, "Girls' Generation" "Crushed "I'm Coming".

But if we zoom in on the digital albums of all platforms, the third best-selling album in early July is Wang Yue, who was previously popular with Cue Luoquan.

Her digital album sales have risen from a measly 3 to over [-].

Even so, it can already be ranked in the top twenty of this year's album sales list.

Luo Quan and Girls' Generation are currently the two biggest bugs in China, and no one can match them.

And Luo Quan is called Luo Yiji in Zhihu, which is more of a joke.

In fact, apart from Luo Quan's "18" album hitting the market, the latter two albums actually sold well.

The digital album of "Love" has sold more than 500 million copies, and the physical record has broken through 150 million.

"I'm Coming" has 200 million digital albums, and the current pre-sale volume of physical albums is relatively small, but it has reached more than 40.

Compared with her sales in various regions abroad, of course, she is on the street, but in China, she is still a well-deserved best-selling queen.

The main reason is that Luo Quan never manages his own fans, and does everything from rankings, activities, and interactions.

Although the data can still crush most of the domestic musicians, but when they meet top idol groups like Girls' Generation, they are immediately inferior.

Therefore, under the relevant questions, everyone is also answering in a mocking tone:

"It's said that Luo Quan's new album hit the market, but how did I see Luo Quan's name is on half of the credits for the album "Girls' Generation"? It appears more frequently than these girls from Girls' Generation? "

"Luo Quan has finally been defeated!
Who beat her?
Herself! "

"We need to use Luoquan to restrict Luoquan."

"The top [-] on the major music charts seems to be dominated by Luo Quan, some of whom she sings, some of which she wrote and composed."

"It's really all done. It's been a long time since I saw such an all-round musician."


She has always liked high-intensity surfing, and when she saw the title of "Luo Yiji", she naturally replied with a smile:

"No...don't make fun!"

As soon as I replied, I immediately attracted a large group of people who eat melons.

To be honest, she is the only celebrity of this kind who can be so free and down-to-earth, interacting with netizens on major platforms without rushing any announcements all day long.

This is probably the reason why many passers-by turn fans. Compared with those high-ranking stars, Luo Quan will seem to get along better.

Of course, the premise is that the photo of "The Great Mouth of the Abyss" is not released. This is a hurdle that she will not be able to overcome in her life.

The ten songs were released smoothly, with rave reviews and gratifying sales.

Luo Quan was lying on the balcony in the bedroom, looking up at the night sky outside the window.

Before she knew it, it had been almost a year since she came to this world.

One year ago today, she was still working one day and playing two days.

A year later, he has become a world-renowned talented singer.

Every time she was still, she felt ashamed at times, feeling like a thief, taking something that belonged to someone else.

Sometimes I feel worried about gains and losses, afraid that all this is just a dream, and when I wake up from the dream, everything will return to the original.

At such times, Luo Quan would rub his face and look in the mirror.

This disastrous face is her greatest consolation when she feels unreal about reality.

Sentimentality is not her style. After watching the sky for a while at night, Luo Quan concluded from the night sky full of thick clouds that it might rain in the early morning.

Quickly put away the clothes and quilts on the balcony and hung them in the closet.

Although there is an ion dryer in Wen Xia's mansion, it is very convenient.

But every time Luo Quan washes his clothes, he chooses to dry them in the sun tirelessly. There is no special reason, it's just a habit.

Wen Xia and a few sisters went to promote their new album tonight, and they have already booked a hotel to stay outside, and they won't be coming back.

After debuting again, Wen Xia will only get busier and busier in the next two months, with a full schedule, going both at home and abroad.

Only after school starts in September, I will be a little more free.

Fortunately, Girls' Generation doesn't have too many competitors in China at the moment, so they don't have to work hard day and night like those Korean girl groups.

Usually, you only need to appear on variety shows and programs, and release some new singles to keep the popularity.

After half a year, the members will start receiving film and television resources and start filming. Everyone will have their own development path according to their positioning.

Then after a period of time, all the members get together and do some activities, such as releasing a new album, holding a concert or something.

Girl groups at home and abroad basically have such people and a routine, which can be regarded as maximizing the value of the members.

After collecting the clothes, Luo Quan watched Girls' Generation's new album promotional event on the bed.

It looked like it was in a big hotel, with fans and reporters mixed in, and they were all quite excited. There were too many voices, so Luo Quan stopped watching after watching it for a while.

I only know that the album "Girls' Generation" Zijin Palace has sold more than 1000 million copies, which is already setting records.

I went to browse around Weibo, and found that this matter was also on the hot search:

""Girls' Generation" broke the record of Chinese records!"

Click in, and you can see a picture with a big 500 million words on it, certified by the official authority of Penguin Music.

A group of celebrities and fans in the comment area posted their congratulations here. There are quite a few big-name celebrities here, and all of them are China's top artists with tens of millions of fans.

Of course, if you scroll down, there are some sunspots in trumpets.

With such a large amount of traffic, it will naturally move other people's cakes, and it is normal to send navy troops to hack.

Interestingly, some sailors also mentioned her:
"The production of the album is entirely dependent on Luo Quan, what is there to be proud of?"

"Without Luo Quan, what are you guys?"

Luo Quan was also very straightforward, and replied directly below:

"I'm happy." He also added a "dog's head sticking out its tongue" emoji, which is very naughty......

As time passed day by day, the popularity of Luo Quan's new album was not as hot as it was at the beginning.

Although the album "I'm Coming" is generally a very good masterpiece, but it is undeniable that there is still a gap compared with such masterpieces as "Ceremony of Coming of Age" and "Love", and the topicality it can cause is really a bit big.

Although the physical record has not yet been released, cover versions have already been released in the age of such a well-developed Internet, but the popularity of the song is obviously not as high as the hit rate in the first few days after it was released.

But at Station B, its popularity has just begun.

Everything just originated from that dance in "The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss".

It is like the root of all evils, and it spreads at a viral speed as soon as it logs in to station B. The videos related to it are now the wealth code on station B. As long as it is a video with the title of the pure land of bliss, the number of views is easy Hundreds of thousands.

This is an out-and-out otaku dance, which combines all the elements that Chinese otaku love, and Luo Quan himself also satisfies the fantasies of most otaku.

After several days of fermentation, "Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss" finally ushered in an explosion.

All areas of station B began to be screened by the Pure Land of Bliss, such as animation, ghost animals, and dances, whether related or not, are full of figures of the Pure Land of Bliss.

Station B also immediately followed suit, and bought the copyright of the MV of "Pure Land of Paradise" at a high price, and quickly put it on station B.

In two days, the playback volume exceeded 1000 million, and the click-through rate and collection rate increased so fast, it can be called the most in station B!

The comment area and the barrage are all shouting poisoning, unable to extricate themselves, and the finger that clicks to play again can't stop at all. The responsibility is that Luo Quan is the biggest drug lord at station B.

Related stalks quickly became the unique culture of station B, and Luoquan finally integrated into station B and became one of the symbols of this circle.

Now she is given the nickname: drug lord, and she is on the same level as "King", "Forest Fairy", "Senior Beast", "Demon King" and other philosophical seniors.

When you mention station B, you can think of the level of these people.

Although it always feels a bit weird to be side by side with these people, it is a good thing no matter what.

At least among the Chinese stars at station B, her popularity is unrivaled.

This is the largest gathering place for young people in China. There must be many benefits, but it is useless at present.

After the album was released, there was nothing going on in Luoquan this summer.

Wolf Warrior 2 has already harvested more than 80 billion box office. Director Wu Jin's various variety shows have received a lot of slack, and the overwhelming reports have already bombarded her.

Luoquan also received three waves of thank-you money in a row, each time getting more.

This time director Wu Jin broke his fortune to shoot Wolf Warrior 2, and became the best-selling director in China, earning money that other directors could not earn in a few lifetimes.

It is said that the second film is already in preparation, a sci-fi film, which will be released in the Spring Festival next year, but unfortunately there is no place for her.

The cooperation between the two has come to an end, and Luo Quan's task has been half completed.

The second movie "The Lord of the Rings" is still under intense shooting, and there has been no news recently. It is estimated that the reporters were all driven away by Director Ford.

According to Ford's director's speed, Luo Quan estimates that the film will not be released until the end of this year at the earliest.

For her now, "Love" and "Rite of Coming of Age" are still on sale, continuing to create records, and "Here I Come" is about to be released, and the huge sales share can already be seen.

Suddenly, Luo Quan found that he had no job.

The variety show is over, she's finished filming the movie, she's finished recording the album, and there's nothing else to do.

I checked my mailbox and found that most of them were sent by fans. There were almost no announcements, advertisements, or cooperation invitations.

The main reason is that her attitude was too high and cold before, and she basically ignored these emails, so people don't send them to her now.

"Am I considered unemployed at the peak?" Luo Quan scratched his head, suddenly dumbfounded.

Sometimes people are really contradictory. They want to rest when they have something to do, and they want to find something to do when they are free.

Seeing that Wen Xia, Junzi, and Yuner's Weibo are posting work-related daily routines every day, and her Weibo has not been updated for almost a week...

I don't know if I don't look at it, but I realized that I was so lazy after looking at it.

After hesitating for a while, Luo Quan posted a post on Station B: "I've been fishing for a long time, and I feel free recently, and suddenly I have nothing to do."

As soon as the news came out, angry fans immediately came to the door:

"Idle? Where's your Buddha jumping over the wall? Just wait for this dish to serve!"

"Live broadcast, waiting for you to become the king from zero solo queue."

"New songs, new songs, new songs, I'm tired of talking, I haven't released a new song in Chinese for a long time."


It seems that Xian is just Luo Quan's unilateral opinion, and in the eyes of fans, she still owes a lot of debts.

The new song can be released, but we still have to wait for two days.

Buddha jumping over the wall... Forget it, that thing is too time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is too tiring to cook it in a pot.

It's okay to queue up from scratch, but we have to wait until she buys a good set of equipment.

But this time, in addition to the dissatisfaction of the fans, Chanel, the only contractual relationship with Luoquan, also complained.

Luo Quan's news at station B was transferred to Weibo. After Lisa, the head of Chanel Greater China, saw it, she immediately sent a post to her:
"But I'm finally free. Chanel's 2017 latest summer clothes have been released. There are a lot of clothes waiting for you to wear them for the first time."

The comment area can be described as quite lively:
"Not Ai Teluoquan, I'm afraid she almost forgot that she is the spokesperson of Chanel's global brand."

"It's really a row, making Lisa chase after her to wear new clothes."

"Just to ask, does Luo Quan's first dress cost money?"

"What do you think? This is Chanel's highest priority spokesperson. Not only does she not need money to wear clothes, Chanel has to pay her!"

"Can this priority be popularized? Huaxia seems to have a lot of Chanel spokespersons."

"There are many levels and they are relatively complicated. From high to low, they are brand spokespersons, brand ambassadors, brand friends, and brand event promotion.

Then the regions are also graded.Global, Greater China, Huaxia, and the brands endorsed by each are different. Some of them only endorse a sub-brand of Chanel, or a series.

And Luo Quan is in the whole series in the world, the level belongs to the highest one, and there is no artist of the same level as her. "

"It sounds amazing. I usually see her as a funny person, but I didn't expect to have such an identity."

"Although Luo Quan usually behaves like a sand sculpture on the Internet, she is a real first-line superstar in the world. Many foreign big names are begging her to speak for her."

"Have you blown it away? I just posted on Weibo that I seem to be unemployed, and I haven't announced it yet."

"She just said that, do you really believe it? Since Luo Quan debuted, what announcements have you received from her?"

"Luo Quan is playing hard to get, so Chanel came to him by herself?"


It is true that she came to the door by herself, as said in the comment section, she almost forgot that she is the spokesperson of Chanel.

(End of this chapter)

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