Chapter 276
The live broadcast didn't last long, and Luoquan turned off the live broadcast after arriving in the city center.

Yuzhou says it's not too small, and it's not too big. Luoquan is afraid that if it's opened for too long, fans will come to the door.

After arriving in the city center, Luoquan first took the light rail and then rented it out, and arrived at the house of my grandparents.

The second elder lives in a residential building in an old-fashioned community, on the third floor, with two bedrooms and one living room.

As a child, she shared a room with her mother, and her grandparents shared the same room.

Although it's a bit crowded, the life is quite warm, not to mention that Wen Xia and his mother live opposite each other, and the two families usually live like a family.

However, Wen Xia's mother moved away two years ago. Wen Xia had already made a lot of money in Korea at that time, and soon bought her mother a modern three-bedroom apartment in a better location.

During the video call between Luo Quan and his grandparents, he also said that he would change them to a flat to improve their quality of life.

However, he was directly rejected by the second elder, with reasons such as waste of money, lack of acquaintances, and inconvenience.

In fact, my parents mentioned this when they returned to Yuzhou before, but they were also rejected for the same reason.

So no one mentioned this matter again. Considering that the old man would not be willing to spend the money to go back, the parents arranged for people to send some supplements and clothes to the family every once in a while.

Luo Quan didn't tell his grandparents when he went home this time. He knocked on the door, and an old lady with white hair and glasses came out.

"Ouch, Koizumi!" Although she only met once or twice on the phone in the past few years, grandma recognized Luo Quan immediately.

"Grandma." Luo Quan replied with a smile, dragging his luggage inside.

"You don't need to change your shoes, just come in like this." Grandma Luo Quan was all smiles, her body was a little rich.

"Grandma, you have gained weight these years." Luo Quan sat on the sofa and smiled.

Grandma complained: "It's not your parents. They have been sending food home since last year. The shelf life is still short. If you don't eat it, it will expire. My grandfather and I felt like Chinese New Year every day."

"That's good for both of you, but you usually exercise more. By the way, where is grandpa?"

"He was playing chess in the park, so he should probably come back." Just as grandma finished speaking, there was a sound outside the door. It was the voice of grandpa pushing the door:

"Why isn't the door closed?"

Only then did grandma rang that she hadn't closed the door: "Oh, Koizumi is back, I forgot about it as soon as I was happy."

"Xiao Quan is back?" Luo Quan's grandfather suddenly raised his head, saw Luo Quan on the sofa, and immediately smiled: "When did you come back, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Luo Quan said with a smile: "Just arrived, nothing to do, just go back to Yuzhou to escape the summer heat."

"Go back to Yuzhou to escape the summer heat?" Grandpa showed a bewildered expression, "Your grandma and I are still thinking about going to Shuzhou to escape the summer heat, and you are going back to your hometown to escape the summer heat."

Luo Quan explained: "The main reason is that I am tired of staying in the capital and want to live in another place for two days."

"I heard from your mother that she stopped studying at the University of Tokyo and returned to China to study?" Luo Quan's grandparents are old intellectuals, and they still attach great importance to their granddaughter's studies.

According to the second elder's thinking, with such a smart head of his own granddaughter, wouldn't it be as easy to get into Tsinghua University and Peking University as if he turned his palm around?If you have to go to Japan to study at the University of Tokyo, is the foreign one better than the domestic one?
"I'm an exchange student, studying at Shanghai University of the Arts for a year. Whether I stay or go back to Tokyo depends on the situation."

"It's better to engage in art, and it's easier to find a job than linguistics." Grandpa Luo Quan nodded, "It just so happens that your grandma bought meat today, and tonight I'll make you your favorite fish-flavored shredded pork!"

"Okay." Luo Quan replied crisply.

While grandma was preparing dinner, Luo Quan and grandpa also chatted a lot about things in Tokyo, including study and life after school.

When they knew that their granddaughter had become an internationally renowned female singer, the two elders were a little surprised.

Before, the two elders only knew that Luo Quan was singing, and it seemed to be pretty good, but within a few months, it was already internationally famous, and the speed was so fast that people couldn't predict it.

After dinner in the evening, Luo Quan chatted with his grandparents for a while, then went out to find a hotel.

The old man originally wanted to keep her at home, but considering that she usually broadcast live or record songs, it would easily disturb their rest, so they didn't stay.

Although Luo Quan is frugal, she is never stingy when it comes to food, clothing, housing and transportation, and she definitely wants to live in the best place if she can.

After taking a taxi to the five-star hotel in the city center, Luoquan opened a presidential suite and paid the rent one and a half months in advance.

For the next period of time, she basically spent it here.

When she opened the room, she handed her ID card to the reception lady at the front desk, and she was recognized.

Although it is a star-rated hotel reception, she is still as excited and shy in front of idols as ordinary star chasing girls.

After opening a room for Luo Quan, she even volunteered to carry her luggage, which made the hotel waiter next to him dumbfounded.

Luo Quan appreciates the kindness, but there is only one suitcase in total, and there are not many things in it, and there is an elevator, so it doesn't bother others.

Compared with the presidential suite in Beijing, the presidential suite in Yuzhou still has a gap. Of course, the price is not the same.

If it was the presidential suite in the capital, she would really be reluctant to live there for so long.

After putting down his luggage, Luo Quan posted a post:
"Now I have arrived at the hotel. I just checked. There is a desktop in the room, but I don't know how to configure it. I will buy some props for the live broadcast later. In the next period of time, I will give you a regular It's a live broadcast!"

Speaking of it, Luo Quan is probably the most humble group of people in the live broadcast industry, with only a mobile phone, and fans have asked her to update her equipment a long time ago.

However, Luo Quan was quite busy at the time, and had business at home and abroad, so he didn't deliberately prepare the equipment for the live broadcast.

But now she will be staying in Yuzhou for more than a month, and she can concentrate on live broadcasting to fans for a period of time since she has nothing to do.

In fact, for her, there are not many things needed for live broadcast. It is nothing more than a clearer camera, a better-quality microphone, and other special props for female anchors such as beauty cameras, lighting boards, and sound cards. She doesn’t need them. .

When Luo Quan placed an order to buy live broadcast props, a question related to her was once again on Zhihu's hot list.

Because Bilibili’s videos need to be reviewed, most of the news will be delayed, so this is also one of the platforms that receive news the slowest among China’s mainstream apps.

When there is a major event in the world, Zhihu and Weibo are always the first to respond.

And this time the question is: How do you view "TOP100 Greatest Songs of the Great Stone New Century" being included in the list of songs?
This list actually started to warm up last year, and the popularity has not been low, but if it is just a list, it will not have more than 2000 million popularity all at once.

The main reason is that Luo Quan's songs have been selected, and quite a few of them have been selected.

When the question was raised, the respondents immediately flocked to it. For such a happy event, everyone's enthusiasm for answering was quite high:
"The status and credibility of "The Rock" magazine in the world music circle and I will not go into details, after all, it is a music magazine that has been ranked number one in the world for decades.

In fact, the "Big Rock" magazine has done a similar list at the beginning of this century, but it selects the great songs, albums and singers of the last century.

In the last century, it was an era when various types of modern music exploded. There were too many founders and creators in that era. No matter how hard these singers of this century tried, they were also based on their foundation. They were successors, but not pioneers. By.

So in terms of status, there are almost no singers of this century who can be compared with those of the last century, so the list is a kind of medal and a recognition, but it may be a little strange to the general public.

But "Big Rock" magazine obviously knows this, so it announced last year that it will select the Top 100 greatest songs of this century.

Although less than one-fifth of this century has passed, the list itself is not fixed, and will continue to be screened and eliminated.

For the singers of this century, the meaning of this list is definitely countless times more important than any B list. If they can enter the list, it is no less than winning a Grammy, and it is even better!
As far as I know, all the top singers in the foreign rankings have paid close attention to this list. In the past year, the level of Western pop music has also improved to a degree visible to the naked eye. The most intuitive feeling is that there are fewer raps full of shit and fart. a lot.

And even the Rap that can make the list is definitely a rare boutique. The representative is Lyon. The status of Luo Quan’s younger brother in the American rap world can be said to be rising in a straight line. There is a little east coast little emperor. the meaning of.

To put it bluntly, the emergence of this list has given Western pop music a big shot in the arm, and has directly or indirectly spawned many excellent works.

The emergence of a large number of excellent works and singers has also greatly threatened the status of the old singers at the beginning of the century. Many classic songs that were considered to be on the list at the beginning have also become precarious at this time.

This is the status quo of the Western music circle after this list appeared.

Rookies are emerging one after another, and the status of those old people who have achieved great success has been greatly impacted, and the eyes of almost all musicians are focused on this list.

There are Grammys every year, and their influence is declining year by year.But for this list, there is only one list in a century, and there are only so many places. Not to mention being able to stay on it all the time, even if it is only for a short period of time, it is definitely an extremely glorious thing.

Among the countless newcomers, Luo Quan is undoubtedly the most shining star. Six of the ten songs in the "Love" album are on the list, namely "Time to say goodbye", "Rolling in the deep" , "Scarborough Fair", "Yesterday Once More", "My heart will go on", "Call me maybe", the songs ranked 1, 8, 35, 40, 61, 82 respectively.

That's right, you read that right, a Chinese person ranks first in the list of foreigners!

Not only these 6 songs, but the songs she produced for the Philharmonic Orchestra and Lyon also entered this list.

One person occupies nearly one-tenth of the position, which is the only performance on the list, especially the album "Love", which is simply the highest-quality divine album in recent years, bar none!

I have never seen so many elements in an album, and they are all one theme.

But Luo Quan has achieved this without even making people feel repetitive. This kind of creative skill is really extraordinary.

In my opinion, Luoquan has been highly recognized by those foreign academics this time, otherwise it would be impossible for so many songs to enter the list. What those guys hate most are young and good-looking singers. , I'm afraid he won't even look at Luo Quan! "

Next answer:
"You ask me what I think? Kneel and watch.

Until now, there are still people in China who question Luoquan here and there, but they don't know how high their status abroad is.

Many musicians feel that Luo Quan's "Farewell Moment" is a work that truly equates pop music and art. This song has been slaughtered on various charts around the world for several weeks. I don't know how many times it has been played, and it is a work recognized by the whole world.

Those people in China are still struggling with whether Luoquan's Italian accent is standard or not, and which syllable has an accent.

It is quite lucky to say that even in such a harsh soil, a world-renowned musician like Luo Quan can still be born.

It can be seen that we have talents, but because of the general environment, many talents have been buried, but fortunately, we have Luoquan! "

The two answers lifted Luo Quan to a very high position.

But this is not flattery, but telling the truth.

These few songs of Luo Quan have indeed achieved such great results on the list, which is definitely the first time for Chinese musicians.

You know, this is not just a comparison with the United States, but a comparison with the world. The judges are also from all over the world, and the standards are absolutely objective and fair.

But even so, apart from Luo Quan, there is not even a single Asian on the list.

The key people have no objection to these songs on the list. There is no cultural difference in the melody of the music, so it is very intuitive.

And this also reflects how precious Luo Quan, who monopolizes eight nouns on the list, is.

Now she is not only the pride of China, but also the pride of Asia.

And after the release of this list, the most intuitive impact on the music industry is that the sales of the "Love" album have shown an upward trend again, and the total sales have already reached 500 million.

In fact, "Love" has been setting world records since 500 million.

Before that, the sales of the world's best-selling album was only 500 million, and "Love" increased this record by a full 40.00%.

With the appearance of this list, it has once again attracted a large number of music lovers. Luo Quan is expected to double this record in the next two years!
If it is done, Luoquan's international reputation will reach a terrifying level!
(End of this chapter)

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