Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 279 Capitalist Luo Quan

Chapter 279 Capitalist Luo Quan

When a crowd of Jingmei rushed into Luoquan Weibo angrily, ready to open fire in the comment area, they found that Luoquan had already closed user comments.

Just kidding, will she give these people a chance to mess around in their own territory?

The fine people who were rejected could only go to other Luoquan-related Weibo to vent, but there, there are a large number of patriotic netizens with correct three views.

Among these netizens, most of them have a good impression of Luo Quan or are simply her fans.

Knowing that these people came here to vent because of Luo Quan's remarks, of course they would not sit idly by and directly attack them.

Although there are many exquisite things, compared with the righteous netizens in China, they are nothing more than fireflies trying to compete with the bright moon.

Although the initial counterattack was blocked, Luo Quan was completely blacklisted by Jingmei.

Before, because of her appearance and family relationship, these Jingmei still had some fantasies about Luo Quan, and always liked to use her to overwhelm these Chinese stars, saying that it was different to have foreign blood.

In the end, Luo Quan, a mixed race, was more like a Chinese than them.

Although she was hated by a group of people, Luo Quan himself didn't care. There were many people who hated her, and these people might not be ranked high.

Besides, she is usually more active at Station B, and rarely goes to Weibo, which basically does not affect her.

If these people dared to come to station B to commit suicide, they would probably be sprayed by her male fans and the whole family would ascend to heaven.

In the end, because the exquisite gathering place was far away from Luoquan's active platform, these people couldn't organize a decent attack, and they could only let it go.

For the next few days, Luo Quan spent a high-intensity live broadcast in the suite every day.

After waking up in the morning and washing up, I started the live broadcast while having breakfast, and kept it on until my afternoon nap.

After a nap, it is usually around three o'clock, and it is open until after nine o'clock in the evening.

There is not much content, nothing more than playing games, singing and chatting with fans.

Anyway, the live broadcast is always on. Sometimes there is no content, so I lie in front of the computer and play with my mobile phone. Fans are willing to watch it.

In their words, that is: I don't look at Luo Quan for a day, and I feel uncomfortable all over!

The main reason is that she really doesn't have many friends. From elementary school to high school, there are only two good friends, Wen Xia and Junko, and she met Suzune and the others in college.

These have their own jobs, that is, they can chat for a while occasionally. Luo Quan is the most leisurely one among these people, and is on standby most of the time.

"It's another new day for salted fish." With a piece of bread in his mouth and a box of milk on the table, Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room called "Salted Fish Anchor".

In Luoquan's live broadcast room, except for the time period from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the morning, barrage can be seen at other times. This is also a very rare situation in China, where the live broadcast industry is extremely developed.

The main reason is that there is no international star in the world like Zhang Luoquan who broadcasts live every day to chat with fans.

In terms of down-to-earth, Luoquan is absolutely unique.

"Why is the host's breakfast not as good as mine?"

"It's bread and milk again, Luo Quan, it's not nutritious for you to eat like this."

"What is nutritious?"

"That must be the leek box."

Luo Quan took a sip of milk and said, "Why is it so troublesome to eat breakfast? It's enough to fill your stomach. Besides, isn't milk nutritious?"

"The freshly squeezed milk is okay, but the boxed one..."

"Foreign cartoned milk is also fine, but this domestic one..."

Luo Quan smiled helplessly: "That's fine, I will buy foreign boxed milk in the future, let me have a look."

With that said, he opened Taobao on his mobile phone.

"It doesn't seem very expensive, it's less than 100 yuan." Luo Quan saw that the imported milk was generally less than [-] yuan per carton, which was not much more expensive than what she drank.

"It's so cheap, I'm afraid it's not a fake. Forget it, I'll let my father send it from abroad." Luo Quan closed Taobao, intending to use this slightly troublesome method.

"It's the first time I've seen such a way of taking off pants and farting."

"Cheap really doesn't have good stuff."

"It's okay to drink more expensive."

"To be fair, how expensive is milk, no matter how expensive it is?"

"Some are quite expensive, ranging from three to four thousand a liter."

While the big guys were discussing enthusiastically, Luo Quan had already contacted Dad and asked him to send imported milk back from abroad.

Eric heard that this was his daughter's breakfast, so he naturally attached great importance to it, and he agreed to deliver it regularly in the future.

"Let's take a look at what kind of milk this is. I searched on Baidu pictures, but I didn't seem to find any relevant entries." Luo Quan said as he raised his phone. On the screen was a picture of milk sent by Eric, with a white background. There is a string of gaudy red patterns on the body of the bottle.

The well-informed netizen at station B immediately gave the answer:

"JUHLA brand milk."

"Never heard of it."

"how much is it?"

"This is the special milk for the British royal family, and it cannot be bought even if you have money."

"Then how did his father get Luoquan?"

"Have you forgotten her identity? Hundreds of years ago, she was a serious nobleman."

"It doesn't need to be hundreds of years ago, it was a family 100 years ago."

"I don't know where to read the news before, it seems that the current Queen of England is Grandpa Luo Quan's cousin."

"Excellent, I always thought that Luo Quan, like us, is the successor of gcism."

"There is still a layer of class between me and Luo Quan."

"Not only class, but also across the screen."

Seeing that the barrage was getting more and more outrageous, Luo Quan put down his phone and said with a smile: "Where is this all going? It's a thing in the past that the British royal family can be so awesome. Now it's not like the feudal class anymore. .”

"Then which one is popular now?" The barrage asked one after another.

"Capital." Luo Quan said as he held up his mobile phone, on which was a registration certificate issued by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

"Spring Water Entertainment Co., Ltd."

"Hey, there are companies."

"Is it you who betrayed the workers and peasants?"

"The dragon-slaying boy turned into a dragon after all."

"Just did a search, and it was indeed registered in Luoquan, but it's a leather bag company with a registered capital of only 1 yuan."

"I laughed so hard, I thought it was a big company."

"To be reasonable, the boss is Luo Quan, isn't the value high enough?"

"The registered capital is 1 yuan, and I suffer a bit. Buy it for 10 yuan, and the boss will belong to me."

"I give 20!"

"There is everything in a dream."

Luo Quan put away the photo, and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding you, I don't care about capital anymore, I have a future by following D, we are Chinese people, we can't forget what made us stand up. "


"The subject suddenly became popular."

"pay tribute."

"Comrade is enlightened."

"Comrade Luo Quan, what do you think of the behavior of a well-known Chinese female singer drinking milk specially provided by the British royal family? Should such behavior be criticized?"

"I'm so..." Luo Quan's face darkened when he saw this comment.

"Hey, swearing, swearing!"

"Surprised, the well-known female anchor became angry when interacting with netizens, swearing at tens of millions of netizens!"

"Everyone, hurry up, Luo Quan is swearing, hey, who cares and who cares?!"

"Who said I swear?" Luo Quan smiled slowly, "I'm not, I haven't, don't talk nonsense."

"Haha, this is cowardly."

"I always thought that Luo Quan was gentle and quiet, but I didn't expect the goddess to have such a rough side."

"New fans, the goddess of quietness in your eyes is a fierce man who overthrows a strong man with his bare hands and does not take a breath!"

"More than that, the mouth is big enough to stuff a big piece of bread directly."

"Stop!" Luo Quan quickly stopped this meaningless discussion, "You can't talk about something new, why keep chasing these old things, do I want to lose face?"

"Okay, let's talk about something new. What do you think of a well-known Chinese female singer drinking milk specially provided by the British royal family?"

Luo Quan expression: (¬_¬)
That is to say, there have been too many live broadcasts recently, and the fans have chatted too well with her, which is why they are so skinny.

"Okay, let's take a look at today's hot events." Luo Quan pretended not to see it, and opened the hot search on Weibo.

"Look, today's trending search...why is there me?" Luo Quan was about to say that she wasn't in today's trending search, but saw her name.

"Luo Quan drinks fruit juice."

Luo Quan wondered what would be interesting for her to drink a juice, and went in full of doubts.

Discovery is a video.

In the video, Luo Quan was sitting on a chair, and Leon was sitting next to him, and the two were at a banquet in a manor.

The juice in Luo Quan's glass was finished, Leon got up and seemed to want to get another glass for her, but the guests around suddenly flocked to him and offered the juice.

In front of Luo Quan, he was instantly overwhelmed by colorful fruit juices, various styles of sleeves and watches.

Everyone in the comment area is very curious:
"Is this the promotional screen for Luo Quan's new movie?"

"No, Luoquan didn't mention it in the live broadcast."

"This picture is quite interesting, it has the feeling of a world famous painting."

"I guess it will be some typical sources of inspiration."

"This picture fully proves what a goddess is."

"Look at the appearance of those noble sons in front of Luo Quan, they are all similar."

"How do you know it's a noble son? I feel like a dick."

"You can tell by looking at your watch, if you don't know me, just pretend I didn't tell you."

"Three from Rausch Denton, four from Patek Philippe, and two from Richard Mille?"

"It's outrageous."

Seeing that everyone's comments in the comment area were quite normal, Luo Quan breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately explained in the comment area: "This video should have been taken in my grandfather's manor before, when I ran out of juice, Leon was going to give I took a glass, but the guests next to me were very enthusiastic and handed it over to me."

Concise and clear explanation without any embellishment.

"Suddenly I feel envious."

"Would you like to stretch out your hands and open your mouth, haha?"

"Actually, that's not what people are talking about, but these two kinds of life are quite enviable."

"Everyone has his own life, it's useless to envy others."

"We all know this, but we are very envious."

"Who doesn't like a gloss like this?"


Luo Quan's scroll wheel slowly turned down, and the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly decreased a lot.

Everyone here, who is not like this?
People who are born with a golden spoon from birth are, after all, a minority.

Half of most people need hard work to feed their stomachs, and the other half need to work hard to achieve financial freedom.

These comments on Weibo are not what the audience in the live broadcast room thought.

Sensing that something was wrong with the atmosphere suddenly, Luo Quan scratched his head: "There is something wrong with the atmosphere."

But I can only say these words, and if I try to comfort you, it will arouse everyone's disgust, and there will always be some suspicions that my back hurts when I stand and talk.

Luo Quan exhaled lightly, turned off the camera, opened the personal news of station B, and typed silently:
We take the stage we didn't choose, play the script we didn't choose.

Some scripts may be full of distress, while others are smooth sailing.

But no one's script is enviable, because the person who plays the script will never know what his future will be like.

Accidents and tomorrow, never sure who will come first.

All we can do is to play our own script well.

As long as you work hard enough and work hard enough, then you can have the ability to rewrite the script.

Maybe it still can't become the scripts you envy, but at least, you can make your scripts envied by others.

Click Publish to turn on the camera.

The live broadcast room suddenly regained its vitality, and there were more bullet screens:


"Well said, it is true."

"The script is destined. Apart from giving up acting, we have to work hard to continue acting. Complaining and envy are useless."

"At least we are all protagonists!"

"Luoquan's chicken soup xiaoruanwen is still comfortable, I feel comfortable instantly."

"I'm not sad. I just played Ticklemouse and got three SSRs and one SP in ten consecutive draws!"

"Climb for Grandpa!"

"Dog care in the wash!"

"I received a critical hit of [-] points!"

"Who said I don't envy such scripts?"

"Yue Jianhei shed tears."

Luo Quan saw this "untimely" barrage, and said directly: "This kind of person can't help saying that it is not enough for the common people to be angry, everyone, right?"

"No, I won't be in the sun, woo woo woo."

"Seal me!"

"It won't be sealed for a long time, and the unblocking date will be set on July 7."

"My minister agrees!"

Facing the excitement of the crowd, Luo Quan must take action.

Of course, this was just to liven up the atmosphere, and it would be too ridiculous to really seal it for too long, so Luo Quan only sealed it for 10 minutes, just for fun.

"It's so heartwarming!"

"The light of righteousness."

"It's cheap for this kid."

"This kind of thing should be sealed forever!"

When justice is carried out, everyone is happy.

After this incident, Luo Quan also understood that such things as flaunting wealth should be done less in the future, as it is too easy to arouse negative emotions from everyone.

After all, there are still more proletarians in this world. It is easy to cut off with others by showing off these things that most of them don't have for a long time.

It's okay if it's an up dedicated to showing off your wealth, after all, people post videos to show off their wealth.

But she is different, there is no need to post these at all, if it is done too much, it will easily cause fans' resentment.

Ps. Thanks to the book friends who are free like the wind, and the book coins rewarded by Zhanlu.

(End of this chapter)

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