Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 283 Recognition

Chapter 283 Recognition
For the next week, Luo Quan spent most of his time in the recording studio, working on the new album with Yun Jingxiao.

After re-establishing contact with Leila, Akatsuki Yunjing's condition improved visibly to the naked eye.People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and they are full of energy even singing, sweeping away the haze of the previous few days.

Luoquan's music production level is as fast and excellent as ever. Several people in charge were shocked after listening to the demo of the song.

After so many years of rock and roll decline, it was the first time they heard such high-quality rock music. It was hard to believe that this was produced by a girl in less than ten days. They believed that there was no musician in the world except Luo Quan. Make it happen!
After making the album, Luo Quan had a big meal with the band members and had a small gathering.

They have been in China for so many days, and they are going back to Japan. Also, take advantage of this opportunity to have a good meal.

The next day, Luo Quan flew back to Yuzhou Hotel.

The marketing department of Universal Company, which got inspiration from Luo Quan, also released the songs of the new album in the way of squeezing toothpaste.

In the past, when singers released new albums, they released all the songs in the album in one go.

The fans stopped enjoying it, but the popularity of the album only lasted for a while, and the number of people discussing it would plummet.

And Luoquan released ten songs for ten days, and they can be popularly searched every day, which can keep them popular all the time. Guan Universal has also imitated this release method.

On August [-]nd, the second song of the new album "High way to hell" (Road to Hell, original singer: ACDC) was officially released, once again set off a listening boom in the world rock circle.

Compared with "layla", this song is more lively and dry, and at Luo Quan's request, Yun Jingxiao's voice is sharper than usual, like a neighing chainsaw.

Rock music fans have a very high degree of recognition for this song, and people in the industry have also made a very high evaluation of this song.

But it is no exaggeration to say that this is the best rock song of the century, because the new album of the Love music band has not yet released a full eight songs!
A genius like Luo Quan, no one can guess what kind of song she can write, the best song will always be the next one, as long as her talent keeps flowing, she can always create miracles!
After the release of "Avenue to Hell", Luoquan's emails from all over the world surged again.

Although we all know that Luo Quan is unlikely to care about them, but Luo Quan's songs are so delicious, any song can be recorded in music history, if you can get one, the rankings, sales, etc. are all pediatrics , the start is Grammy!

But just as the people who invited the song thought, Luo Quan ignored them.

So many people asked her to sing, and if she agreed to one, what about the others?You have to treat people equally, right?

Writing songs for so many people, won't she be exhausted?

So Luo Quan simply didn't write any of them, anyway, she didn't know any of the people who invited them.

At present, the only ones who can let her write songs are Wen Xia, Leon, the Japanese drama crew and everyone in the band, and everyone else is not qualified.

After returning to the hotel to restart the live broadcast, the friends at station B rushed into the live broadcast room impatiently.

For the past ten days, Luo Quan has been busy working on the album, and rarely posted updates. Fans who have been watching the live broadcast for a long time suddenly became uncomfortable, and would call Luo Quan in the live broadcast room every day at the right time.


"If I don't watch your live broadcast for a day, I feel bad all over!"

"Promise me, don't disappear suddenly in the future, okay!"

"What would I do without you."

"Why did you become so nasty all of a sudden?" Luo Quan laughed, "I'm going to start school in a month, and other schools won't be able to broadcast live at that time, what should you do?"

"That's next month, I don't care, don't dove again this month, okay?"

"Now I understand the psychology of those fan circle girls. I feel empty when I don't see Luoquan live broadcasting."

"This horrible feeling of emptiness..."

Luo Quan smiled and said: "Don't have such a dependent mentality on celebrities. All celebrities are always a spice in your life. The main job of students is to go to school, and those who graduate have to run around for a living. Your business.

Of course, the rich second generation is another matter, you can do whatever you want. "

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

"I just want to fan you, you bite me, a little bit."

"Luo Quan is right, children should stop chasing stars, just give her to me."

"This is the beginning of the fight for the ownership of Luoquan, so gentlemen, draw your sword!"

"My lord, times have changed. (Gun drawn)"

"Everyone in the barrage is a talent."

"By the way, have you been invited to the NO.15 National Style Ceremony?"

"Yeah, everyone is talking about it."

"If you go to Luoquan, it must be the finale, right?"

The so-called national style festival is actually a large-scale music evening funded by station B. The theme is national style, that is, wearing Hanfu and dancing Han dance hall with national style and ancient songs.

It is a major traditional event at station B, and its scale is getting bigger and bigger. It was even featured on CCTV last year and was named and praised. It is said that it has played a positive role in the inheritance and promotion of Chinese traditional culture and is worth promoting.

After getting the official endorsement, Station B made a big move this year, inviting many first-line stars, and the battle was huge.

As Luo Quan is the most popular star at station B, fans must also hope that she can perform.

"Of course I'm invited, Mr. Cheng personally sent an email." Luo Quan smiled, "But whether it's the finale depends on the specific arrangement. Anyway, I have two programs this time. Everyone look forward to it and it's over."

In fact, Cheng Rui notified Luo Quan about the National Style Festival a week ago. While she was making an album for the band, she also prepared the repertoire that she was going to perform on stage this time.

The rehearsal will probably be next week. Although it is a large-scale party, it is basically a one-man show by celebrities, singers, and Up masters. There are basically few backup dancers, and there is not much cooperation at all.

There are actually more activities this month than last month, but the cycle will not be as long as making an album.

In addition to the national wind festival half a month later, there will also be a Weibo night on the 21st, and Weibo has invited them very early.

Because Wen Xia, Junzi and the others will also be going at that time, and it is said that she has won many awards this year, so she did not refuse.

In addition, at the end of the month, there was an invitation notice from Mango Channel's "I Am a Singer" column group, and Luo Quan was considering it.

The variety show "I Am a Singer" is already in its third season this year, although because of the audience's overly devoted expressions, this variety show has often become the object of ridicule by netizens.

But don't blow it up, it has become the leading music variety show in China, and many singers are struggling to be a challenge singer for the first episode, and Luo Quan is directly a resident guest this time, and the announcement fee for the show is still low. Up to 200 million per issue.

The reason why it is not given for a whole period is that this year's "I Am a Singer" has adjusted the competition system. Guests will be eliminated from the first period, and some people will leave in each subsequent period. The pressure of competition is higher than before. The period has grown a lot.

So even if you are a resident guest, if you are not strong enough, you may leave the first episode directly.

Of course, Luo Quan was not worried about such a situation.

She can't guarantee her talent, but she is absolutely confident in her singing skills.

Her vocal talent is so high that even the system recognizes her, and she also has iron lung expertise. Her vocal range spans a full five octaves. It can be said that she can easily control any type of song.

What's more, she also exchanged singing skills for almost all types of music, seamlessly switching throat vocal skills anytime, anywhere, which is an advantage that many top singers simply cannot match.

So Luo Quan felt that since he had such strength, he must be going for the king of singers when he appeared on "I Am a Singer", otherwise he would be really sorry for his own ability.

But when he asked the program team if there was an official song for this season, the program team fell silent.

Variety shows have scripts, which is well-known, especially in this kind of competition variety show, the first episode can basically see who can be the champion.

Therefore, before Luo Quan participated, he also had to know whether he was destined to be a foil.

She can not take care of the program group, but she also doesn't want the program group to take care of others. The guests use their performances to speak according to their own abilities, and let the audience choose the winners.

But even such a basic guarantee, Luo Quan has not obtained it yet.

Mango TV can't guarantee the champion this time, but can guarantee that she won't be eliminated in the first round.

It sounded okay, and it gave her the guarantee of staying on the show, but this was a completely evasive answer.

What she cares about is whether there will be shady scenes in the show, not such unimportant power.

In view of this, Luo Quan felt that he should think about it again. If he sang a whole season with his heart and soul and was finally picked by others, the loss would not be worth the loss.

However, the tone of Mango Channel has gradually softened in the past few days. It was said yesterday that it will minimize the impact of factors other than the competition on the singer's performance.

This was basically the result Luo Quan wanted, and it took only two days to agree to participate in the variety show.

Because "I Am a Singer" was recorded on weekends and broadcast on the second weekend, even if school starts, she still has time to participate, and it will not affect her studies.

Of course, these are all a month later, and she doesn't need to spend too much energy now.

The real highlight is the National Style Ceremony half a month later.

Luo Quan broke the news in the live broadcast room that he was going to be on the show, and Station B immediately issued an announcement on Weibo account:

On August 8th, the National Wind Ceremony, this site has invited Luo Quan to participate!Carrying forward traditional culture and inheriting the beauty of national style, we have always been...

The following are all uterine cavities, so don't pay attention.

As soon as the news of Luoquan's participation in the National Style Ceremony came out, it quickly aroused a lot of discussions on the Internet.

The main place of discussion is on Zhihu, and the related issues are:
"Is Luoquan suitable for participating in the National Style Festival?"


"In my own opinion, it's not really suitable.

The grand ceremony of the national style, narrowly speaking, is a grand ceremony for Chinese people, all the people on stage are Asian faces, so what does it matter if Luoquan looks like a white man?After all, she is not a minority, only half of Chinese blood.

Besides, what did she wear on stage?Whether she is wearing a Han skirt or a cheongsam, her appearance will be full of disobedience, but if she doesn't wear these, is it still called a grand ceremony of national style?

So I think Luo Quan is not suitable to participate.

Don't mean anything else, I'm just talking about it. "

"The above answer can actually be topped by the most popular comment, I never expected it.

I didn't expect that there are so many racial chauvinists in China, and their understanding of the country and blood is too narrow.

China has experienced 5000 years of changes, and countless ethnic groups have merged. Where can we find Chinese people with pure blood?Who dares to say that [-]% of the blood shed on his body is of the Han nationality?

Tolerance, openness, merger, and assimilation are the reasons why the Chinese nation has survived 5000 years of wind and rain.

The four ancient civilizations, ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon, and ancient India have all broken their inheritance, but our Chinese culture has never been broken.

If our ancestors were all as narrow-minded and arrogant as those above, how could this nation survive until now? "

"I think, whether Luoquan is suitable to participate in the national style ceremony, we can say nothing.

First of all, it depends on the nationality. It is indeed strange for foreigners to attend the national style ceremony, but Luo Quan is a serious Chinese citizen with a household registration book and an ID card.

Besides ethnicity, the Luoquan ID card is also of Han nationality in black and white, and the police station has certified it. If you have any doubts, you can go to the police station that issued the Luoquan ID card.

Looking at the behavior again, I think as long as you are not a Muyang dog who worships foreigners, even if you are not interested in the national style ceremony, you can still go there. After all, there are so many celebrities invited by station B this time, and how many of them are sincerely interested in the national style? Interested in culture?I don't see anyone discussing this either.

As for Luo Quan, she has been active in the forefront of the battle against Muyang dogs. Whether it was last year's "Sweet Air" or this year's "Wolf Warrior 2", she has always spoken out as a Chinese person the sound of.

In addition, she has emphasized that she is a Chinese in front of any media, and she has also used her own way to promote her motherland to the world.

In terms of contributions to the world alone, I think Luo Quan surpasses 90.00% of the people in China.

Don't look at her with a white face, but she actually looks more like a Chinese than many people.

Her nationality is Chinese, her ethnicity is Han, she speaks Mandarin, and writes Chinese characters. Tell me, why can't she go to the National Style Festival? ! "

Regardless of whether the authors of the last two answers are fans of Luo Quan, their words are definitely from the heart and well-founded.

And as more and more people participated in the answers and paid attention to the questions, these two answers finally moved up one rank, squeezing the narrow answer in front to the bottom.

Ps. Thanks to the book friend Tu Shan, the second uncle Tu Shan Canghai, and fellow book friends for the book coins, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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