Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 285 Revealing Privacy

Chapter 285 Revealing Privacy
Being among the top international players doesn't seem to have much impact on Luoquan's life.

All kinds of invitations for songs, endorsements, and interviews have been refreshed all the time, and they haven't been interrupted much, but Luo Quan basically didn't go in and read them seriously.

These days, domestic and foreign endorsements are hard to come by, because you never know when the foreign big names you endorse will touch the taboos of the domestic public, and even the brand and people will be washed away.

As for domestic brands, if there is any quality reputation problem, the spokesperson will suffer.

Therefore, for the sake of reputation, it is better to avoid such things as endorsements.

Of course, it's not completely unacceptable.

Some well-known brands, and Luo Quan has a good impression of them, she readily agreed, such as Huawei, which she found her through her mobile phone a few days ago.

There are not many people who know Luoquan's phone number, and those who know her phone number are people she trusts, and contacting Luoquan through this method is much easier than sending emails to discuss any business.

As the fastest-growing mobile phone brand in the world, Huawei is already in a state of dominance in China, and it is also making great strides abroad. The proportion of sales in the global mobile phone market has surpassed that of Samsung.

Under such a good form, Huawei definitely wants to continue to conquer cities and territories in the international market. In terms of publicity, it must invite stars recognized by foreigners.

By chance, the person in charge of Huawei's publicity department saw that Luoquan's practical mobile phone was also Huawei, so he wanted to cooperate with it.

But at first it was an email to Luo Quan, but no reply was received.

At first, I thought it was because Luo Quan was not interested in this endorsement, but later I found out that she is like this for any brand.

Because they could not be contacted, Huawei temporarily put the matter on hold.

However, in the past few days, domestic and foreign media have been reporting Luoquan overwhelmingly, and the popularity is getting higher and higher day by day. It is already a veritable international top class, and Huawei naturally has the idea of ​​wanting to cooperate with it.

After many inquiries, Huawei finally got Luo Quan's phone number from a boss Zhou who did not want to be named.

After getting through, the person in charge of Huawei explained his demands, and before he had time to list the various generous remunerations he could offer, Luoquan agreed cleanly.

It was unimaginable that things went smoothly, and the price we finally settled with Luo Quan was also very cheap, only 2000 million RMB, half of which was donated directly to welfare organizations.

Prior to this, Huawei actually found some big foreign brands to endorse, such as famous Hollywood actresses or football superstars, and the asking price was generally more than 3000 million yuan.

It's a good conscience for Luo Quan's coffee position to be charged so cheaply.

The key point is that Huawei not only asked Luo Quan to be the spokesperson, but also wanted her to write a promotional song, which was in both Chinese and English versions.

Luo Quan's talent, as long as she is on the Internet, she can understand a little bit. Her songs are basically popular one after another.

Huawei is so persistent in wanting to cooperate with Luo Quan, on the one hand, it also wants to use her songs to bring a wave of enthusiasm.

Luo Quan’s current song is not cheap. Some foreign singers even offered Luo Quan to write a song for him for 500 million US dollars. This matter was trending on Twitter, but Luo Quan only used one sentence: If given the opportunity, we will consider cooperation.Declined tactfully.

Although it is impossible to buy songs, Luoquan's songs basically have a basic price in the industry, and don't mention anything less than 500 million US dollars.

In view of this, Huawei has already made preparations to win Luoquan with half a billion yuan, which can be regarded as a bloody investment.

However, Luo Quan did not increase the price even after he knew the request to write a song.

This fee is cheaper than many domestic stars!
After signing the contract during the day, Huawei announced the signing of the contract with Luo Quan on Weibo and Twitter at night, happily announcing that Luo Quan has become the global spokesperson of the Huawei brand!
The news was on the hot search within 10 minutes after it came out. As the pride of domestic phones, every move of Huawei mobile phones has attracted a lot of attention, and the direct release of such a heavy news this time is really beyond the public expected.

Comment area:
"Amazing, to be able to sign Luo Quan's endorsement."

"Huawei is bleeding a lot this time. Before Luoquan signed with Chanel, the annual endorsement fee was 900 million US dollars. Now Luoquan's coffee rank has increased by a level compared to before, and the endorsement fee is estimated to have to rise!"

"If you don't understand, just ask, who is Luo Quan now? Why is the comment section so surprised? Isn't it normal for a star to sign an endorsement?"

"Luoquan is notoriously difficult to sign. Since his debut, he has signed an endorsement with Chanel. No matter how powerful other brands are, he will not give up on any of them."

"I know this. Luo Quan often clears the unread emails in her mailbox during the live broadcast. There are hundreds of emails every day. She basically selects all of them and throws them into the trash can.

Someone took a slow look at it, and there are a lot of signatures on these emails! "

"Let's talk about a few well-known ones: Apple, Samsung, Dior, Hermes, Disney, and private messages from some celebrities, basically inviting cooperation."

"This is too capricious, don't you give me any face?"

"Luo Quan said that if she gave face to one person, it would be unfair to others, so she simply didn't give it to anyone. If only two or three people asked her to cooperate, maybe it would be fine."

"So Luo Quan, who is so difficult to sign, what kind of remuneration did Huawei offer?"

"Huawei products are free to use for life, and there are some signing fees. I don't know about the others. You can't just give shares?"

"Cold knowledge: Huawei is not a listed company."

"Ah this..."

The news that Luo Quan has become Huawei's spokesperson here is hotly discussed on Weibo.

The promotional song here has already been written by Luo Quan, the title of the song is "Dream it possible" (dreams come true).

Huawei obviously didn't expect Luo Quan's speed to be so fast, and strongly suspected that this was a song Luo Quan had written long ago.

But after listening to the demo of Luoquan Qingchang, I found that it was surprisingly pleasant to listen to, and the lyrics were also very inspirational and positive, which was exactly what they wanted!

When the song comes out, of course it will be accompanied by a MV. Huawei is going to hand over the script to a special person to plan. In addition, Luo Quan also said that he can make a cameo appearance in the MV.

If it weren't for the fear of the law of world revision, Luo Quan would even directly provide the script for this MV.

Huawei, who got the new song, did not announce it immediately, and Huawei will report the new product launch soon. Huawei has been preparing for this launch for a year, and it is open to the whole world.

When the MV is released at the beginning of the press conference, the effect will definitely be quite explosive!

As for Luo Quan, it only took 10 minutes to write lyrics and music, and then sang a song, and then earned such an extra money.

She doesn't care much about the endorsement fee, the main reason is that she can get Huawei's new products as soon as possible in the future, and she doesn't need to compete with millions of people for mobile phones in the middle of the night.

To be privileged is to be comfortable.

Signing the contract with Huawei is a small episode, and Luo Quan's main energy is still preparing for the National Style Ceremony.

This time she has two programs, a Chinese instrument ensemble and a solo.

Because it was a grand ceremony of national style, she had to order a costume skirt.

At first, she wanted to save trouble and wear cheongsam directly, but she felt that cheongsam was a little revealing, so she chose ancient clothes.

To be honest, she herself is quite curious about what she would look like in ancient costumes, and whether she would be as full of disobedience as some people said.

To be fair, there are many stars in the entertainment industry who have a high nose bridge and deep eye sockets like her, and there are also many Chinese and Western mixed races. If her hair is black, maybe there will be a lot less controversy.

The day of the National Wind Ceremony is getting closer, and Luo Quan has already booked a ticket to the capital.

This time, the national wind festival held at Station B was broadcast live at the Starlight Film and Television Center in Beijing. Most of the audience watching the scene were invited, mainly based on Station B’s own up hosts, and the remaining part was given to members of Station B. Let's draw a lottery, whoever gets the qualification can come.

In fact, these audiences can also be understood as trustees invited by station B. Anyway, when a group of people perform on it, the audience below will definitely get angry, and they will specifically explain when and what kind of reaction they should make.

It's not yet time for rehearsal, Luo Quan is still live broadcasting at home.

After failing to advance to diamond a few days ago, Luo Quan was not very lucky, often encountering actors who were cheated.

Although she is known as the master summoner, her real strength is actually the appearance of a diamond goalkeeper. It is more luck to get a diamond in the first district.

I had reached the promotion match before, but I was a bit unlucky and fell short. In the past few days, I have been kneeling all the way and fell to Platinum [-].

My luck was a little bit better today, I won four games in a row and returned to Platinum One.

Just after a game ended, Luo Quan was about to take advantage of her luck and pursue the victory, when her previously eliminated iPhone rang suddenly.

I thought it was someone who called, but found that the screen was dark, but the ringtone was still ringing, which was very weird.

Luo Quan frowned, thinking that the phone was broken, but saw a line of white words appear on the screen:
Luo Quan, your mobile phone has been hacked by me, if you don’t want me to release the files in your mobile phone to the public, give me 500 million US dollars!
Then, two options appeared on the phone screen, one Yes and one No.

"Damn, blackmailed me?!" Luo Quan was furious: "I'm afraid of you? Waiting to go to jail?"

After finishing speaking, he clicked NO angrily!

The friends in the live broadcast room were stunned:

"What happened?"

"What news made Luo Quan so angry?"

"It seems that Luo Quan is really angry. It's the first time I saw her face so red."

"Something's not right."

"what happened?"

The barrage was all concerned about Luo Quan, and after she clicked NO, the words "You will regret it" appeared on the screen soon, and then the phone was blacked out.

Luo Quan hurriedly restarted, but after pressing the reset button, an inverted triangle appeared on the screen of the phone, and there was an eye in the center of the triangle.

The current mobile phone can't open the back cover and pull out the battery directly, and the forced restart button also loses its effect, Luo Quan can only stare blankly at this smiling face.

Fortunately, after 5 minutes, the smiling face disappeared, and the phone restarted smoothly, but all the files in the phone were gone, and the factory settings were restored like an Android phone.

"Wow, everything is gone!" Luo Quan was furious. Although this Apple phone was relegated to the second line, there were still many photos she had taken on it.

The cooperation with family and friends are all her memories of this year, and now they are all gone, and she has no habit of backing up, and she doesn't know if she can get them back.

The barrage continued to ask anxiously:
"What's the matter?"

"So nervous!"

"do not scare me."

Luo Quan calmed down, and said to the fans: "Just now my phone was hacked by a hacker, and I asked him to pay him 500 million dollars, or else I would send all the contents of my phone.

I refused, and then he deleted everything in my phone, it made me mad! "

"So that's what happened."

"Scare me."

"These black ones are too arrogant!"

"Doesn't this call the police directly?"

"He is abroad, so if he wants to arrest him, he can only let the Interpol come. Even if the domestic police find out, it's useless."

"This is annoying."

"Does it mean that Luo Quan's privacy will be exposed soon?"

"Why am I still a little excited!"

"Don't do that."

"It is estimated that it will be sent out."

"It's not like there were no celebrities who encountered such things abroad before."

Luo Quan was very angry when he saw the worry of the barrage, but he was not particularly worried.

The things in her mobile phone are said to be private, but they are really not private at all. They are all daily photos and chat records.

She didn't open a trumpet account to scold others, and she didn't make any taboo remarks. The products she usually buys online are also very common...Damn it, I'm afraid she won't be able to keep the style and size of underwear she bought on Taobao. If this is made public... ...

Luo Quan's complexion became ugly, but his mouth was still hard: "I don't have anything special in my phone, it's just some daily photos. If someone really broke out, everyone must not look at it. Please help me keep it secret."

"No problem, I'm the head of the Security Bureau!"

"Since there's nothing special, you shouldn't worry too much. (Funny)"

"I suddenly became curious."

"Better not to look."

"I swear, I'm not going to see it!"

"I'll send four too!"

"Swearing can be crooked?"

"When Luo Quan saw you, there was something in his heart that MMP didn't know whether to say it or not."


Luo Quan really wanted to scold MMP, but not to these fans, but to the hacker who hacked into her mobile phone and killed thousands of dollars!
To be fair, she never clicked on any dangerous websites, why was she invaded all of a sudden.

Luo Quan couldn't figure it out, and he didn't want to broadcast live, so he downloaded it directly.

For the next night, she kept wandering around on Weibo and Twitter, paying attention to hot news.

If this hacker released her privacy, it would definitely be a big news.

Now she can only hope that this hacker is just bluffing her. After all, stealing her privacy for blackmail has already constituted an illegal act.

As long as you find out, you will definitely be jailed.

Luo Quan bet that this hacker is not that courageous.

But she didn't expect that this hacker was much more courageous than she imagined.

Ps. Thanks to book friends Scarlet God Realm, Liuli Ice Silkworm, and Emperor Chunjie for the book coins, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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