Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 288 2 Songs

Chapter 288 Two Songs

The cheers received by the four groups of guests who appeared on the stage before were probably not as high as this group.

The density of bullet screens in the live broadcast room has also skyrocketed several times, and the screen is full of words: Welcome Goddess, Welcome My Wife.

"The following is the folk music ensemble that Luo Quan and other Chinese music masters will bring to you: Cang Hai Laugh!"

The camera was shown to the host, and Luo Quan and others quickly took their positions on stage.

There are five women and one man in this ensemble, a total of six people, Luo Quan is in charge of Xiao, the remaining four female performers are in charge of pipa, flute, guzheng, and erhu, and the only male performer is in charge of drumming.

The six people quickly took their positions, either standing or sitting.

(Ps. It is recommended to eat with BV1Vt411Y7zu.)
Before the ensemble, each player except the drums has a solo performance.

Among them, the solo performance of pipa and flute was particularly wonderful. As soon as he opened his mouth, he used the musical instruments to create a chilling artistic conception of gold and iron horses, and the strong atmosphere of the world suddenly rushed to his face.

And with Luoquan's Xiao as the ending, the long silence of the drum suddenly sounded, and everyone started to play together.

Before that, in fact, many people didn't know much about national musical instruments, and common sense such as flutes and vertical flutes were stupidly unclear.

Compared with erhu and flute, young people prefer piano and violin, which sound elegant and tall.

Even if you want to be close to the people, there are guitars for you to choose from. Learning to play the guitar is easier to please girls than learning to play the erhu.

The decline of national musical instruments in China is an indisputable fact, and fewer and fewer people are willing to inherit them.

However, this does not mean that national musical instruments are really inferior to foreign musical instruments. When various national musical instruments are played together, the shock will never be lower than that of a symphony orchestra.

Just like everyone who is playing on the stage, there have been quite a few exclamations in the barrage from the beginning of the solo performances of several performers.

And their ensemble conquered the ears of the public in an instant, making the audience feel as if they were in a magnificent palace, and the musicians around them played a prosperous scene between toasting and making mistakes.

Undoubtedly, this is a very graphic performance, and the artistic conception contained in the song itself is no longer important. The ensemble of such multi-ethnic instruments made everyone think that they were participating in a grand ancient palace banquet.

Just like the scene in the most gorgeous costume movie, this is the charm of folk music ensemble!
It's a pity that such charm only lasted for a short period of 4 minutes. The performance was over before the audience could fully enjoy it, leaving only endless aftertaste for everyone.

The fifth show is over, but the National Style Ceremony will continue. Although the bullet screens are all asking Luo Quan to do it again, the established order of performances will definitely not be changed because of this.

Doing it again is definitely going to do it again, but Luo Quan played again, which is the finale.

This can be regarded as the first small climax of the National Style Festival. Before the sixth program is over, "A Laugh from the Cang Hai" has been trending on Weibo.

Luo Quan's performance in the ensemble can only be said to be quite satisfactory, and her skills that have not been overly upgraded must not be compared with these masters.

But the song "A Laugh from the Cang Hai" can definitely make her one of the masters.

However, there are not so many professionals on Weibo who analyze the song itself, but they just think it sounds good, and it is far better than most ancient songs in the world, even if it has no lyrics.

The comment area was full of praise, among them there were many folk music bloggers certified by Weibo. Quite a few people thought this was the most outstanding national style song in recent years. According to the title of the song, if you fill in a majestic lyrics, it will definitely become classic!

In fact, when the song came out, many people had already started to act.

This time, the National Style Festival is prepared by GJ, vigorously promoted by the GD Bureau, and jointly organized by Station B and Penguin. It can be said that it is the most outstanding large-scale performance in the first half of this year except for the Spring Festival Gala.

Popular stars from all walks of life gathered, and at this time the popularity of the relevant live broadcast room on station B had exceeded 1000 million.

With such a large amount of traffic, any good song can be popular all over the Internet, and "A Laugh from the Sea" is obviously better than the previous songs!

In this age of traffic explosion, anyone who is a little bit more sensitive to the trend of the Internet knows that this song is going to be popular.

Before the lyrics of this song came out, I quickly filled in the lyrics and sent them to Douyin Kuaishou. If I was lucky, I could make a lot of money and increase my followers.

The task of writing lyrics is actually not difficult for most people. As long as they read a little more books, it is not difficult at all to pile up ancient style words.

Even if the vocabulary is not enough, there are also websites on the Internet that automatically generate ancient phrases and sentences, and there are a lot of them when you search for them. Pick a few uncommon ones and fill them in the tune.

Regardless of whether the logic is logical or not, the more incomprehensible it is, the more inscrutable and brilliant it will appear, and arty people always like to praise this kind of songs.

Although Gufeng is a small audience, if this song becomes popular on Douyin Weibo, the type of song will not matter.

Many people here are busy with their work, and the National Style Festival over there is also in full swing.

As all the stars took the stage, the atmosphere on the stage became more and more heated.

For the young people on site and in front of the screen, this is definitely the most exciting musical praise they have enjoyed this year.

The stars who were invited were not singing popular songs on the bad streets outside, but Chinese-style songs that were only popular in station B or those classics from the past.

It can be said that it perfectly fits the preferences of the audience and the characteristics of station B itself.

After some performances, many celebrities who had a bad reputation at station B before now seem to be much more pleasing to the eyes of the friends at station B. After various call barrages come out, they are rarely encountered again. to ridicule.

Of course, there are also reasons why most people are silent.

The reason for the silence is because everyone is waiting for a hot woman.

After three hours of holding the National Style Ceremony, and after gaining countless enthusiasm, it is finally coming to an end.

But at this time, the enthusiasm of the barrage was no weaker than before, and the popularity of the live broadcast room even reached its peak tonight, as high as 6000 million!

It can be said that the first three hours were actually foreshadowing. Everyone knew that the most exciting show was just beginning!
"Thank you to the little friends in front of the screen who accompanied us through this wonderful and short three hours. Without your support, there would be no grand performance..."

It can be seen that the host seems to be the family member of station B, and when the show is about to end, he also expressed a lot of emotion.

"The big guys probably can't wait any longer, so I won't talk nonsense. Next, we invite the goddess of our station B to bring you the song "Wan Shen Ji" that she carefully composed for the National Wind Festival!"

As soon as the voice fell, the lights of the audience were turned off immediately, and it was completely dark.

In order to create an atmosphere, all the audience at the scene turned off their mobile phone screens and put away the support light sticks. The audience who were watching the live broadcast saw the black screen and thought that there was an accident at the scene.

But soon, a ball of white light suddenly appeared in the endless darkness, from small to large, and finally exploded.

When the lights came on, Luo Quan had arrived on the stage at some point, and the electronic screen behind him began to play the animations carefully made by the program team for this performance, or one by one moving pictures.

(ps. It is recommended to use it with the video of station B, soap bacteria are recommended)
At the same time, a distant and crisp chime sounded.

As the oldest musical instrument in China, its sound bears the thickness of thousands of years, and a few tones seem to outline a vicissitudes of history.

The song changes very quickly. After the chime, there is a rapid and grand accompaniment, and the picture behind Luo Quan also begins to dance.

Luo Quan raised the microphone and began to chant:
"The space between the throughput is full of clouds and water

There is dust on the fingertips
I check the [-]-rpm flying light
Primal Chaos opened his eyes! "

Just the title of the song and the first few high words, many people have already guessed what Luo Quan is going to sing, combined with the animation behind Luo Quan, the theme of the song is basically revealed.

This is a song that sings about China's 5000-year mythical history!

In addition to the very high starting point of the lyrics, Luo Quan's voice is also ridiculously high.

Many fans know that not only Luo Quan's singing skills are extremely good, but he is also invincible at the same age in China and even in the world.

Moreover, the sound range is quite wide, it can be high and low, and can switch freely between five octaves of pitch, which can be called a human-shaped speaker.

However, except for a few songs, Luo Quan seldom shows her talent in treble. She usually sings live, and hardly sings songs with treble.

Although treble is not the only indicator for judging a singer's strength, treble is really very easy to drive the atmosphere of the stage and the emotions of the audience.

And Luo Quan opened his mouth this time, and his voice was quite high. All the audience knew that this last performance would be a double feast for audiovisual!

This is indeed the case. Luo Quan used her proficient singing skills to perfectly interpret the ballad of the 5000-year myth of China.

The most touching thing is the end of the song, when the ancient myths come to an end one by one, time has come to modern times in the blink of an eye.

A picture worth remembering forever flashed on the big screen, the ancient myth has gone, now, let us create our own myth!

The song ended with Luo Quan's high-pitched long notes, and with her bowing with a smile in the warm applause, it also announced the end of the national style ceremony.

All the guests who participated in the performance of the National Style Ceremony also came out to thank the audience and made speeches.

The barrage is also full of screens: teary eyes, crying, moved, and sprinkled flowers.

It can be said that this is the most exciting large-scale performance this year except for the Spring Festival Gala. Although the number of on-site audiences is not large, the number of online viewers definitely broke the record.

Because station B shows the popularity, it is impossible to see how many people are watching, but the seven or eight hot searches on Weibo have already shown how sensational this grand ceremony is.

As the most outstanding guest among all the guests, Luo Quan's two shows were on the hot searches twice.

Especially the song "Wan Shen Ji", after the national style ceremony, was named and praised by GQT and People's RB, and affirmed the positive content that the lyrics wanted to express.

At the same time, they also made positive comments on this National Style Ceremony. Many people in the comment area said that they want to learn about Station B from now on, as if they have discovered a new world.

It can be said that this is the most successful promotion in the history of station B, which is more successful than any previous marketing.

This time, the traffic obtained by station B is network-wide, with rave reviews on the Internet, and many big names in business have also begun to negotiate advertising contracts.

Boss Cheng was behind the scenes, already grinning from ear to ear.

Although he likes Two-dimensional, the original intention of creating Station B is also to give the two thorn apes in China a "home".

But after all, times have changed, and now it has become: Uncle, my favorite thing is money.

In fact, it is not a bad thing to like money. Without money and capital injection, Station B will not be able to develop to such a large size.

I just hope that these people don't forget what the original charm of Station B is, and why everyone came here.

Station B over there cast the largest advertisement in history, and gained countless traffic.

Zhihu has also started a heated discussion here, as if Station B is like a chef who has served a dish, and now it is the turn of Zhihu gourmets to comment.

All the hot spots tonight have been summed up in one question: how to evaluate the national style ceremony at station B tonight?

Highlight answer:

"Without a doubt, Luo Quan is the prettiest kid tonight.

Two songs, one song is invincible, and one word is invincible.

Let me talk about the song first, that is, a laugh from the sea.

This piece of music has only five tones, which are the traditional Gongshangjiao Zhengyu in Huaxia melody, and the notes corresponding to the melody happen to be played back and forth on the guzheng, which looks quite heroic and heroic.

I don't know if this song has anything to do with martial arts, but the style of the song always feels related.

But even putting aside these talks, this song is definitely a national classic. With Luo Quan's talent, it is absolutely easy to compose a good song.

Now I really look forward to how well she can write words.

There are already lyrics-like songs on Weibo. I have listened to a few of them. The lyrics are hard to describe, so I won’t spoil the scenery here. If you are interested, you can search them yourself.

After talking about "A Laugh in the Sea", let's talk about "The Chronicle of the Gods".

Before Zhihu, many people questioned Luo Quan's participation in the National Style Festival and attacked her lineage. Luo Quan himself has never responded to this matter.

It's not that I dare not respond, it's just that it's not yet time.

Now, through this song, Luo Quan has given the most powerful response to all the sunspots who questioned her before.

Only Chinese people can understand the story of this song, only Chinese people can understand the touch brought by this song, and only Chinese people can write the lyrics of this song.

In the future, if anyone makes irresponsible remarks to Luo Quan on this, I will throw this song directly in his face. Luo Quan who can write such works, you are not worthy of questioning her identity! "

(End of this chapter)

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