Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 403 "Resident Evil"

Chapter 403 "Resident Evil"

ps. There will be a lot of movie plots in this chapter and the next chapter, book lovers who don’t like to read can skip it, or understand everything......

Compared with the media resources held by big capital, personal resources are too small.

After Luo Quan negotiated the cooperation with Netflix, the promotion of "Resident Evil" was spread on the Internet throughout North America the next day.

YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, Ins, IGN and other social and forums, as long as Netflix has bought promotional pages, all of them have added the "Resident Evil" movie poster.

The content of the poster is that Luo Quan is wearing a long red dress and holding a sand eagle. There is a large blank space in the background, and there is a conspicuous "Umbrella Company" logo in the upper left corner, which is stained with blood.

The poster is quite satisfactory, but the effect is also very intuitive. The biggest seller on the bright side of the film is Luoquan, and judging by the costumes, there should be a lot of action shots in the movie, which is very exciting.

In addition, the homepage of Netflix's own website also puts the poster of the movie in the final eye-catching position, ensuring that every member who enters the website can see it.

Just a poster is not enough to attract a large number of passers-by to watch the movie. What really made "Resident Evil" popular was a 2-minute movie trailer released by Netflix next.

The beginning of the trailer is dark, and the soundtrack is slightly gloomy and dignified.

A few seconds later, a section of red font appeared in the center of the screen:
"The resurrection of the dead, serial infection."

The screen suddenly lit up, and a blurry glass wall appeared in front of him. Countless faces were pressed against the glass, making loud and ear-piercing howls, and blood-stained hands left twisted bloodstains on the glass.

From here, the background music became more rapid, and the screen began to switch rapidly between several protagonists and supporting characters. The content was either shooting or fleeing. I created a tense and exciting atmosphere.

At the end of the trailer, the surviving protagonists finally stopped running, and everyone looked forward in horror. From the direction that the camera could not see, there was a burst of heavy footsteps.

The screen became blank, a huge roar sounded, and then fell into silence.

At the end of the trailer, a "Umbrella Company" logo appeared again, and the title of the film appeared below the logo: "Resident Evil".

Judging from the content alone, this is definitely a very good thriller trailer, the atmosphere is rendered very well, the main points of interest also appear in turn, and at the same time there is enough suspense, which also contains a lot of details.

Under Netflix's vigorous publicity, the term "Resident Evil" finally got rid of Luo Quan and entered the trending list of Twitter alone.

Judging from the comments, netizens showed a high level of interest in this interesting-looking thriller:
"I've seen too many third-rate horror films in Hollywood, but "Resident Evil" gave me a special feeling, maybe it's different from other low-quality thrillers?"

"I feel relieved when I see Netflix. Just like Luo Quan, the lead actor in the movie, this is synonymous with quality."

"It's finally Luo Quan's leading heroine movie. Although she is very beautiful in "The Lord of the Rings", the roles are really less."

"I've watched "The Lord of the Rings" three times, and I'm already a little tired of this kind of epic blockbuster. I just watch something else for a change."

"Just now I looked at the cast and crew of "Resident Evil". The name of Luo Quan is all row after row. She makes movies as much as she writes songs. Do you like doing everything so much?"

"It's reassuring to arrange it. The works produced by Luo Quan have never been beautiful before!"

"It's hard to say, Luo Quan is an out-and-out newcomer in the film industry."

"Who doesn't start as a rookie?"


Thanks to the good impression Luo Quan has accumulated in the hearts of fans and passers-by in the past, after the movie trailer came out, the comment area was basically full of praise, and fans even expressed that they must donate a movie ticket to Luo Quan.

But a man's mouth is a deceitful ghost.

Luo Quan has heard the same thing about Luo too many times in China, and they all say that this time he must use money to support him, but which time is it not a free prostitution?

That is to say, I was active once when crowdfunding for her swimsuit photo shoot, but I didn't see the rabbits or the eagles.

When it comes to spending power, the fans in Japan are more reliable.

Of course, the spending power of her fans in the United States should still be good. If the movie is good, it is estimated that she will not owe her the movie ticket, and the payment rate is still worth looking forward to.

Originally, Luo Quan wanted to wait half a month before the release, mainly to avoid "The Lord of the Rings", but now that it is broadcast on the Internet, there is no need to deliberately avoid it.

Of course, compared to offline theaters, the ticket price charged for online screenings is less, as long as 5 US dollars, and can be watched repeatedly.

The trailer was fermented on the Internet for three days, arousing considerable attention and discussion.

Finally, in the early hours of January 1, New York time, "Resident Evil" was officially released on Netflix.

In an ordinary rental house in New York, several boys entered the living room with chicken legs, French fries, and drinks bought from the fried chicken shop downstairs.

"Hurry up Brooke, "Resident Evil" has already aired, and I can't wait to watch the action scenes of my goddess!" The black boy put a pile of food on the coffee table in the living room, and couldn't wait to turn on the home theater, and then Use your phone to log into your personal Netflix account.

"Resident Evil, $5, pay." The black boy muttered while operating.

"What's the rush, no matter how urgent it is, it's my wife." The white boy named Brooke and several other roommates sat down one after another, unpacking the fast food with careless hands.

"Draw the curtains and turn off the lights!" Brooke yelled, nibbling on a chicken leg.

Although they often watch horror movies to relieve their boredom, there are not many movies that can really frighten them.

But even so, the lights still have to be turned off. After all, if you don’t turn off the lights, there will be no atmosphere in horror movies.

Everyone sat down and ate fried chicken and French fries, and the movie started playing.

In the darkness, the first thing that appeared was the Netflix logo.

Then the words "Resident Evil" replaced it, and then "Director Luo Quan".

After the main producer appeared, the content of the movie officially began.

Countless bright red DNA interweaves a bizarre picture, and the low-pitched and magnetic narration begins:

"Umbrella Corporation is one of the largest companies in the United States, and more than 80.00% of households use their products, and their political and business influence is pervasive.

On the surface, it is the world's top supplier of computer technology, medicine and medical care, but even most of the company's employees don't know that most of its huge profits come from military technology..."

After the narration ended, a white square appeared in the center of the screen. As the camera gradually zoomed in, the square occupied the entire screen.

Two mechanical arms are operating in a glass cabinet, and there are three kinds of medicines in blue, green and red lying in the cabinet.

A man in a biochemical suit took out the three medicines and syringes one by one, and put them into a special box.

However, when filling the last blue potion, it was accidentally dropped on the ground.

The man stared at the broken medicine bottle for a few seconds, not daring to stay any longer, and left the laboratory immediately.

The blue potion was already flowing on the ground. As the camera gradually moved up, a ventilation duct appeared in the field of vision, implying that it had passed through this duct and circulated throughout the research institute.

At this time, the employees in the research institute were working as usual.

A man in black collided with an employee, knocking his coffee all over his body.

The man spread his hands, looked at the back who had no intention of turning back, and said helplessly: "Thank's really bad luck."

"Some people are so rude." The female employee on the side comforted.

"Yes." The male employee laughed.

Then the two walked into the elevator.

At this time, the experimental dog in the cage suddenly raised his head and looked at the ventilation duct.

After a while, the alarm sounded, and everyone in the laboratory looked up suspiciously, while someone said, "It's nothing, it's just a fire drill."

However, in the next second, the fire sprinkler really sprayed water, and everyone exclaimed to protect the computer files.

Until now, no one has realized that the crisis has arrived!
The employees in the elevator also encountered a situation, and the elevator that was running stably stopped suddenly.

The interior of the elevator was plunged into darkness and panic. Everyone tried to contact the outside world, but found it was useless.

What is even more desperate is that people found that the elevator was falling extremely fast.

At the same time, there was a commotion outside the elevator.

All the passages in the laboratory were closed, and the water from the fire sprinklers had flooded half of the room.

People tried various methods to break out, but just when everyone was about to succeed, a large amount of poisonous gas was released, and all the employees fell to the ground in pain and wailing.

Go back inside the elevator.

Just before the elevator was about to fall to the ground, it finally stopped. The employees who survived the catastrophe wanted to get out of this dangerous place, so they opened the elevator door a small crack.

A body-searching black female employee volunteered and stretched out half of her body through the seam.

But at this moment, the elevator that had stopped started up again.

The female employee yelled in horror and pulled her in, but the elevator began to fall rapidly again.

Before the female employee's neck was about to be crushed, the elevator stopped again.

The female employee was panting tremblingly, struggling desperately to get back into the elevator.

However, the next second, the elevator started again.

It was like having a child operating the elevator again, naughtily making the elevator go up and down.

However, for female employees, this is undoubtedly a huge torture and cruelty.

However, the torture didn't last long. The elevator didn't intend to stop. Amidst the screams, the female employee's line of sight coincided with the top of the elevator.

After a crisp bang, the screen turned, and an eye with black pupils suddenly opened on the screen.

Alice woke up from the bathtub, her smooth and fair body was only covered with a towel.

Getting up from the bathtub, Alice tried hard to remember, but there was no memory in her mind, not even who she was.

Put on your bathrobe and go to the bedroom.

Alice saw the red dress on the bed.

Come to the table, there is a piece of paper written on it: tonight your dream will come true.

Alice frowned slightly, but still didn't recall anything.

When she opened the drawer of the cabinet, Alice was shocked because she found that it was full of guns.
Is she an agent?Alice thought so in her heart.

When she walked into the living room, she had already put on the red suspender dress and a pair of leather boots she found in the closet.

On the cabinet in the living room, she once again saw something about herself.

It's a photo of her with a man, and she's still wearing her wedding dress.

At this time, something strange came from the entrance.

Alice turned her head to look: "Is anyone there?"

No one answered, only her echo echoed in the room, and the quiet night added a strange color to the atmosphere.

She opened the door, went outside, and found herself in a forest.

The cold wind was blowing towards her face, Alice hugged her thin shoulders, her body trembling slightly.

Suddenly, a large number of flying birds from Yuanchuan rushed into the sky in panic, and before she could react to what was going on, she was suddenly dragged into the room.

It was a man who grabbed Alice. Before she could speak, a large group of police officers wearing the STARS system broke in through the window, pressed her to the ground and handcuffed her.

The man shouted loudly that I was a policeman, but the STARS members ignored it.

Deputy Captain James walked up to Alice who was crouching in the corner, and pulled her up:
"Alice, report the situation!"

"You know me?" Alice was overjoyed, this man could actually call out her name, he must know her!
"What are you talking about?" James frowned and glanced at Captain Wesker in confusion.

"The self-protection mechanism of the mansion has been activated, and she may still be affected by side effects." Wesker said, then turned to the team members and asked, "Have you found out the identity of this policeman?"

The team member replied: "His police ID is called Matthew Anderson, but there is no file in the police station."

Matt explained loudly: "I just transferred here, maybe the police station hasn't had time to build yet!"

"I don't know the identity, just shoot him." The black deputy captain took off his mask and raised his gun to Matt's head.

"Forget it, take him down with you." Wesker took off his mask, and then put on his special sunglasses.

The rest of the team also took off their masks, and Jill and Chris came on stage one by one.

Alice looked at these faces, and some pictures appeared in her mind.

It seems that they really know each other.

"Alice, you have amnesia now, just follow me for this mission." Jill stepped forward, although his expression was cold, but the words of concern made Alice feel warm.

"You can follow me," Chris stepped forward, with a sense of security on his handsome and resolute face.

Jill chuckled: "Alice's fighting skills are better than yours."

Chris shrugged noncommittally.

"Ready to enter the hive." Captain Wesker's voice sounded like a subwoofer, and the members of the STARS team immediately cheered up.

The secret door of the mansion was opened by the team members, and the door of the Honeycomb Research Institute was opened in front of everyone...

ps. Thank you for the book coins rewarded by Teemo Roasted Tangbao, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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