Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 408 Sister

Chapter 408 Sister
"A wave!!!"

Luo Quan watched her AD dance beside the other party's spring, and she was so short of being able to explode the crystal in a few strokes, she wanted to show off there, which made her very angry.

The barrage in the live broadcast room flicks quickly:
"The anchor Tiefennu's face is completely exposed."

"Hurry up."

"This Luo Quanchun is 1 against 9. I don't know if this trash AD is being installed."

"It's also fortunate that Luo Quan has a good temper. If it was me, this AD's family would have ascended to heaven by now."

"What a gentle girl, she blows her hair when she plays LOL."

"Play games with a smile..."

"It's not easy for Luo Quan to become the king. After playing all afternoon, the score hasn't changed."

"It can't be helped, the actors in the canyon are too many, even the professional players can't stand it."


In the end, the AD on Luoquan's side finally detonated the base after all the enemies were revived.

"Take it!" Luo Quan let out a long sigh of relief, and immediately beamed with joy. If he wins this one, he will be able to play competitive games.



"Sichuan Opera has changed its face."

"The anchor is still capable. He wins and loses as an MVP. There are not many girls who can be so C in this kind of game."

"It's not that I have met so many actors, I feel that the rank can be higher!"

"Keep going, this is the promotion competition, if you are lucky, you will be able to enter the master tonight!"


Luo Quan waved his hands when he saw the barrage that asked her to continue, "We've been playing all afternoon, it's almost over, we need to rest our hands and mind, let's play the promotion match tomorrow."

After talking, I turned off LOL and prepared to order other content.

"Anchor, look at the TCC leaderboard!"

"Something happened!"

"Twitter is going crazy!"

The barrage suddenly frantically swiped up the screen.

"Has a new round of the world's most beautiful rankings come out?" Luo Quan smiled, "What's so interesting about it, I'm number one anyway."

He said so, but Luo Quan still clicked into Twitter on the computer. After all, it was a live broadcast, and the whole point of the show was the effect.

The top trending trend on Twitter is TCC's new round of rankings. There is still half a month before the ranking is actually determined. This is the last pre-selection.

Without any suspense, Luoquan continued to occupy the first place, and the number of votes in the boys' group Lyon also topped the dust.

"Look, I just said that my number one position is unshakable, what's so interesting about it." Luo Quan spread his hands proudly.

"Look at the hot search below!"

The bullet screen was brushed up again.

"The trending search below?" Luo Quan looked down suspiciously.

"A girl who looks exactly like Luo Quan appears on the TCC rankings!"

"WTF?" Luo Quan frowned, a girl who looked exactly like her, could there really be a genius doctor who could reproduce her appearance?

Luo Quan has always been extremely confident in his appearance.

When the system initially evaluated its various conditions, the basic evaluations of acting, singing, and writing were actually not particularly high.

The only beauty is SSS!

And later, through the system rewards, the appearance was raised to another level, and it directly became a question mark.

In the words of the system, her current appearance is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. If she appeared in ancient times, she would be at the level of a fairy descending to earth and a goddess reborn.

The probability of expecting another beauty like her, or a girl whose appearance is close to hers, is very, very low.

Therefore, Luo Quan's first reaction to this trending search was that plastic surgery technology has improved again.

The second reaction is, which actress's hype is this again?
However, when he clicked in and saw Luo Quan was dumbfounded, he was stunned like an electric shock.

"It is indeed exactly like Luo Quan."

"This girl looks like an anchor, is she my sister?"

"This girl is also very beautiful. There is a huge gap between the other girls on the rankings and Luo Quan. Only she can make a little comparison!"

"I was so stupid, I didn't expect that there are so many beauties in the world, and now there is another one!"

"Would it be the ultimate creation of a plastic surgery hospital?"


Luo Quan didn't speak, but clicked on the girl's personal information.

"Angela White, American, 17 years old, studying at Columbia University..."

In the photo, the girl has short blonde hair, but her eyebrows and eyes are five points similar to Luo Quan's. Similarly, she has some similarities with Leon.

"This face doesn't look like it has undergone plastic surgery." Luo Quan felt that there was no trace of correction on this face.

Of course, this is only her own judgment, and no one knows whether she has been punished or not.

However, if this girl really hasn't had surgery, then her identity is very intriguing.

Isn't it a coincidence that she and Leon look like her after plastic surgery?
Luo Quan didn't believe that there was such a coincidence in this world, and the only explanation was that this girl was related to her and Leon.

Considering his father's flirtatious personality in the early years, Luo Quan felt that the probability of this situation was very high.

"Fans, the live broadcast will end here today. I have something to do, so I'll download it first." Luo Quan was preoccupied and didn't plan to continue the live broadcast. After saying this, he turned off the live broadcast, and immediately dialed his father's phone number.

"Hey, daughter, what's the matter." Eric connected the phone, and there was Luo Ni's laughter beside him. The couple seemed to be talking about something, and the atmosphere was relatively harmonious.

Luo Quan's tone was very serious: "Dad, there is something I want to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Eric heard something wrong with his daughter's voice, and frowned slightly.

"Apart from me and Leon, do you have any other children? Answer seriously and don't be ambiguous!"

"This..." Eric was asked by his daughter about his love history back then, and for a while he didn't know what to say.

It was really embarrassing for him to tell his daughter what happened back then in front of his wife.

But after being silent for a while, Eric still sighed: "Daughter, you know that your father was indeed a... er... In Huaxia's words, he was a scumbag, the kind who loves the other when he sees one.

Under the circumstances back then, I was also sure whether I had any other children besides you and Leon.

However, I have also conducted special investigations over the years, it should be... no..."

Eric wasn't quite sure when he said that.

Now that his daughter suddenly asked this, he probably discovered something wrong, but he really didn't know if he had any other children.

"Look at this girl, do you have any impression?" Luo Quan said, and sent Angela's photo to his father.

Eric saw Angela's photo and fell silent.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that her husband seemed to be in a strange mood, Luo Ni asked with concern.

"I'm sorry, honey." Eric didn't know what to say, so he apologized.

Luo Ni saw the girl's photo in Eric's phone, which looked a bit like Luo Quan, but she was very sure that it was not her daughter.

The woman's sensitivity made her come over in an instant when she understood that this must be another romantic debt left by her husband back then, and now she probably couldn't hide it anymore, or she came to the door by herself.

Luo Ni squeezed out a smile: "You can solve it yourself, and let her pass the past."

At this time, Luo Quan also silently hung up the phone.

Hearing this, I basically understand that this Angela is probably the seed left by my father back then.

And now she doesn't have the surname Albert, and she doesn't know whether she took her mother's surname, or her mother found another husband.

But it's probably not appropriate to ask Dad to solve this matter.

Don't look at how warm and touching the scene was when the three of them met each other.

That's all based on the fact that I don't have any resentment towards my father.

But she doesn't resent, it doesn't mean that her younger sister doesn't resent, and it doesn't mean that her mother doesn't resent her father.

God knows what will happen if Dad finds him rashly.

In order to avoid complications, Luo Quan first sent a text message to her father to tell him not to act rashly, and she and her younger brother went to check on Angela's tone first.

Then she called Leon again.

"Hey sister, what's the matter?" Leon's voice sounded a little lazy, probably still sleeping.

"I'll send you a photo first, I have something important to discuss with you." Luo Quan said, and sent Angela's photo.

"Why did you send me your selfie?" Leon looked at the girl in the photo in bewilderment, but he didn't realize that it wasn't his sister at all.

"Also, when did you cut your hair?" Leon rubbed his eyes and found that the girl's hair in the photo was also much shorter.

Luo Quan chuckled: "Look carefully, this girl is not me."

"Huh? Not you?" Leon was even more puzzled when he heard this.

"Wait a minute!" Leon was startled, "Couldn't this be another sister of mine?"

Luo Quan nodded: "I asked Dad just now, there is a high probability it is."

Leon sneered: "Oh, I'm not surprised by such a thing, even if you tell me that we have an older brother or younger brother, I won't be surprised."

Unlike Luo Quan, he grew up beside his father.

He knew exactly what kind of guy his father was, and he was actually mentally prepared for such a thing to happen a long time ago.

Walking along the river for a long time, how can you not get your shoes wet!
"Sister, what are you going to do?" I was prepared to be prepared, but Leon didn't know how to deal with it.

There is an extra sister out of thin air, and most people are dumbfounded at this time.

"Of course we can't let dad meet Angela first, if we meet, who knows if there will be a fight.

What I think is, let's go meet her and her family first to see what's going on. "

"Then you tell me about her house, and Seifert, Fred and I will go to the spot first." Leon rubbed his face, getting ready to work.

"What do you mean by stepping on the spot?" Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry at Leon's statement, "Just get to know her family situation normally, there's no need to make it like robbing a bank, and I'll come over tomorrow, and we'll see each other when the time comes she."

Leon nodded: "I know."

"There is no her address on Twitter, I only know that she just entered Columbia University." This is Luo Quan's only message to Angela.

Leon's eyes lit up: "Brother, Ivy is okay."

Although he also has the title of studying at Harvard, but that was paid by his father to let him in, which is not counted at all.

Moreover, he has been so busy these days, he hasn't been to school for a long time, and he doesn't know if Harvard still recognizes him as a student.

But this cheap sister in front of me is quite powerful. She was admitted to Columbia University at the age of 17.

"That's it for now. I'll call you when I arrive in New York tomorrow." After explaining the matter to his brother, Luo Quan hung up the phone and bought a plane ticket to New York.

The time was set for tomorrow morning, which was rather urgent, mainly because Luo Quan also really wanted to meet this girl who was probably his younger sister.

Although they have never had any contact before, they are family members whose blood is thicker than water. This relationship will definitely not be shaken here.

Luo Quan has always been very concerned about his relatives, probably because of the lack in the past, so he cherishes the present very much.

After making up his mind to go to New York, the live broadcast here must not be live broadcast, so Luo Quan posted a news on station B:
"Fans, something happened here, and the live broadcast will probably not be available for two or three days."

Fans who didn't watch the live broadcast just now didn't understand why Luo Quan suddenly stopped broadcasting, so they immediately replied:
"Is there any trouble?"

"Dove again."

"It's okay, you can concentrate on dealing with it."

And the fans who watched the live broadcast just now were completely blown away:

"My God, that girl can't really be Luo Quan's younger sister?!"

"It's true that they look alike. If it wasn't for plastic surgery, then they are probably related by blood. The probability of getting this look by coincidence is very slim."

"I haven't heard Luo Quan say that she has a younger sister. I only know that she has a younger brother."

"Luoquan's father is a foreigner. He traveled around the world in the early years. He is handsome and rich, so...everyone understands."

"So, Luo Quan probably has more than these few younger brothers and sisters?"

"Not necessarily. After all, this family has such good looks. If they really existed, they would have been famous long ago."

"So Luo Quan is taking leave this time because he is planning to meet his sisters in New York?"

"It should be. Anyway, just watch foreign news these days."


Everyone in the comment area was talking about this matter, but Luo Quan didn't have the heart to read the comments in the comment area at all.

It's not that she's nervous, she's just thinking about what to say when she sees her sister tomorrow.

What should I say when I see this younger sister's mother.

If the younger sister has a family of three, it would be nice to be happy.

But if life is as miserable as she was back then, then it will be...

"Oh, it's all your father's fault!" Luo Quan couldn't help criticizing his father's crimes.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, in a dormitory at Columbia University in New York, Angela looked at the trending searches on Twitter on her mobile phone, as if thinking about something.

"Finally, has it been made public?" Angela said softly.

When she learned that her photo appeared on the TCC website, she felt that something was wrong.

The result was exactly as she expected. Now that the rankings came out, the whole world saw her.

But in fact, she didn't want to be discovered by that person.

"What the hell, I'll scold you if you come here!" Angela sneered, and then turned off the Twitter news.

(End of this chapter)

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