Chapter 410 Street Melee ([-])
"Just take me here." Angela and her brothers and sisters walked all the way to the street outside the gate of Columbia University.

Although she couldn't forgive her father, she didn't have any conflicts with her brothers and sisters, and they talked a lot in the cafe just now.

For Angela's appearance, both Luo Quan and Lyon were very happy.

Maybe it was because of the same experience, maybe it was out of compensatory psychology, or it was simply because of the family relationship where blood is thicker than water.

Both of them are willing to leave the greatest goodwill to Angela.

Luo Quan stopped in his tracks and said to Angela: "Then come here, when father comes tomorrow, you have a good chat with him, no matter what the result is, Leon and I will not force you in any way.

In addition, if you encounter any unsolvable things in the future, you can also contact me and Leon. "

Angela nodded, said goodbye to her brothers and sisters, turned her head and walked forward, and turned the corner to the gate of Columbia University.

Luo Quan and Leon watched their sister's vest for a while, and were about to leave when they suddenly noticed something was wrong.

A few white and black men with unfriendly faces stopped Angela's way, with playful smiles on their faces, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

"There's something wrong with the situation." Fred responded the most quickly and said to Luo Quan and Leon.

"Let's go and have a look first." Luo Quan said as he walked over there quickly.

"Little girl, what our boss told you before, have you considered it?" A black student who stopped Angela said arrogantly.

The black man was wearing a hat, with dreadlocks on his head, several gold rings on his hands, and he looked like a nouveau riche.

Behind him stood a white student, tall, well-dressed, with a cropped cut, just like the image of a school bully in classic American film and television works.

"I've said it countless times, I'm not from the same world as you, so don't bother me anymore." Angela refused again in a rather angry tone.

She was entangled by this Hank five days ago and insisted on letting her be his girlfriend.

This Hank is a well-known school bully in Columbia. Not only is his family very rich, but he is also one of Columbia's school trustees, so he is arrogant and domineering, and often bullies his classmates.

In addition, relying on the wealth of the family, Hank has connections with several H gangs in the nearby neighborhoods. This time, the few blacks who followed him were gang members, and they usually stayed near the school and listened to him.

Based on these, he can be said to be making waves in school, and no one can control him.

Although some students reported his behavior to the school, they were all suppressed in the end, and even the names of the students who reported were leaked. These students were beaten severely without exception, and some were even forced to drop out of school.

Although Angela was entangled by these people, she didn't take it too seriously. After all, this semester was coming to an end, and she left school in a few days. These people couldn't find anyone to harass her.

Unexpectedly, these people have been watching her whereabouts, and they blocked her just after returning to school this time.

"Little girl, don't be ignorant of flattery. The female student our boss wants is still available. The boss doesn't want to be violent for the sake of his classmates, but we don't have such concerns." The black man clenched his fists, Make a look to intimidate Angela.

"May I ask you to stop my sister, what's the matter?" At this time Luo Quan and others came over, Luo Quan stretched out his hand and pulled Angela into his hands.

"You are?" Hank looked at Luo Quan with interest. Although the girl who appeared suddenly was wearing sunglasses, her figure alone surpassed countless supermodels.

"It's nothing to do with you, kid. If you don't want to cause trouble, get out." Fred straightened his collar and walked in front of Hank.

He has dealt with this kind of situation too many times. Although the dozens of bodyguards who helped Luo Quan to rescue him just now did not follow, Fred is still full of confidence.

"Who are you?" Hank sneered, "It's the first time someone talks to him like this when he grows up."

Hank winked at his men, who put their hands in their mouths and whistled loudly.

A few hooligans entrenched on the streets of Columbia heard the signal from their accomplices, and first blew a few times, and then rushed over quickly.

With this whistle, more than a dozen people came directly, black and white, all of them had tattoos, and their faces were full of fierceness.

"Is it more than people?" Fred didn't change his face, and he took out his phone and planned to shake people.

However, he did not expect that there is an essential difference between a prestigious society and a street hooligan.

Under normal circumstances, the former will respect the opponent and seldom engage in beatings. Even if he is watching the opponent shake people, he will leave enough time for him to gather troops.

But the latter is not so particular. These hooligans are disorganized and undisciplined, and at the same time they don't talk about morals to the enemy. How can they maintain the so-called gentleman's demeanor if they have the upper hand?
So, as soon as Fred took out his mobile phone, he was knocked down by a white man with yellow hair, and other people followed him.

"Unruly?" Fred frowned.

"What rules are you talking about with a kid like you?" All the hooligans shook and laughed.

"Take down the two girls first!" Hank ordered impatiently.

However, as soon as the words fell, Fred, who was originally harmless to humans and animals, suddenly became violent, and quickly kicked the gangster in front of him, kicking him away.

Seeing that Fred moved his hands first, the gangsters definitely couldn't just sit back and watch their companions get beaten, and rushed forward.

But they didn't expect that Fred didn't seem to have any muscles, but he could move his hands so fiercely that he could handle the siege of seven or eight people with ease.

Although the gangsters hadn't been defeated yet, it was obvious that Fred was playing tricks on them, which made the hot-blooded gangsters even more angry.

"Get out of the way!" A gangster who was slapped got up from the ground, rushed to the bag they put on the street, and pulled out a pistol from it.

"Holy shit!" The students who were watching the excitement suddenly screamed in horror, and the crowd began to run away.

This is the risk of watching the show in the United States, where gun control is too loose, even in New York!
Seeing that the gun was being fired, Luo Quan and the others lost their composure.

If they stayed on the street, they would be living targets. Luo Quan and the others immediately moved into a convenience store. The terrain here was complicated, and even those who rushed in could maneuver around.

In addition, the convenience store also has a back door. Even if you really can't beat it, you can retreat through the back door.

It's just that the figures of several people rushing into the convenience store are really a bit embarrassing.

"That's why I hate these bastards, who pull out their guns when they disagree." Seifert complained as he ran.

Gunshots were already heard outside the street, mixed with the screams of pedestrians.

"The gangster's state just now is obviously not normal, probably because he is too high." Leon continued, he used to often participate in those underground rap competitions, and he often watched those black rap flyers.

"If those gangsters come in later, don't come out, let me deal with it." Luo Quan said while unbuttoning his coat.

It's really inconvenient to do it in winter. You have to take off your clothes every time, just like Xu Chu in Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Angela's eyes widened: "Are you kidding, those people have guns!"

"I'm afraid you still don't know your sister and my skills." Luo Quan laughed confidently, but actually his heart was a little beating.

As Angela said, these people have guns in their hands, and if they make a fuss, they will die.

But Fred's bodyguards were not around, and the American police were notoriously slow in dispatching police, so now there was no one to rely on except himself.

"It's impossible for a girl like you to go first!" Fred said, and finally dialed his subordinate's phone.

"Alessandro, take everyone to the street next to Columbia University within 5 minutes, there's a shootout!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a gunshot behind everyone, and the bullet hit the ceiling.

The gangsters had already rushed in, each with a pistol in their hands, and Hank also followed, with a nervous expression on his face.

He himself didn't expect that things would become such a big mess, but he didn't dare to let these subordinates stop immediately, for fear that these high-spirited subordinates would also shoot him a bullet.

"Get down!" Luo Quan yelled at everyone, then turned around, bent down and moved quickly between the containers.

The gangsters immediately raised their guns to shoot, but Luo Quan's figure was as fast as a ghost, and the aim of these gangsters was really bad, firing so many guns only smashed the goods on the shelves.

As the saying goes, the spear is faster when you are seven steps away; the fist is faster if you are within seven steps.

Before getting close to these gangsters, Luo Quan was still nervous, but when she rushed to these gangsters, the situation immediately reversed.

At this time, her skills are no longer comparable to ordinary fighters. In her eyes, the movements of these gangsters raising their hands seem to be slowed down. She even has enough time to analyze the direction of their attacks, and then dodge in time.

Although these four or five gangsters were holding guns in their hands, there was no threat to her at this time.

The gangster closest to her was the first to be unlucky, Luo Quan, who rushed to his side, slid directly to the ground, then twisted his waist and kicked the sky.

This time she didn't hold back at all, and it was the heaviest shot she had ever made since fighting with someone.

The gangster who was kicked flew high, four bloody teeth fell out of his mouth, and he passed out before landing from the air.

Luo Quan, who had achieved success with one blow, did not stop, picked up the can and threw it at the gangsters.

In Luo Quan's hands, the power of these cans was not much weaker than that of bullets. The heads of the two gangsters were hit by the cans, and blood burst and gushed out immediately.

The remaining two gangsters wanted to fight back, but Luo Quan, who had already been bullied, approached him.

I saw Luo Quan swinging his bow left and right, and quickly swung two punches, hitting the two bastards in the jaw.

The two of them didn't even hum, and their whole bodies went limp.

In less than a minute, all the gangsters with guns fell to the ground, leaving only Hank standing in front of Luo Quan, at a loss.

"It's you who want to bully my sister, right?" Luo Quan looked at him and smiled.

"'s a misunderstanding..." Hank kept stepping back, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Just now he had coveted the two sisters Luo Quan and Angela, but now he dared to move his mind, only the fear of Luo Quan remained.

One person dealt with five gunmen, cleaned them up in less than a minute, and was unscathed. Is this still a human being? !
Luo Quan wanted to teach Hank a lesson, but seeing his useless appearance, if he really did something, he might be accused of intentionally hurting others. Hearing the siren outside, Luo Quan had no intention of continuing to do it.

However, unexpectedly, Hank, who turned around and wanted to run, stepped on a soda can, and the whole person slipped and fell to the ground.

The fatal thing was that the back of his head hit the ground heavily, and he passed out instantly.

"Damn it, what kind of trick is this?" Luo Quan was dumbfounded, there is such a thing?
But fortunately, these soda cans were knocked off the shelf by these gangsters, not the ones she threw just now, so even if Hank really fell out of the way, it's none of her business.

"Everyone put down their weapons and hold their heads!" The police finally rushed in from the door. The street outside was quite chaotic, and it took them a lot of effort to control the situation.

Although the police in New York came very quickly this time, after all, they received a report that a shooting had occurred in the block in front of Columbia University, and the high-level police took it very seriously.

But for everyone in the convenience store, the police came too late.

If Luo Quan hadn't been so vigorous, God knows what would have happened to them.

The police rushed into the store with their guns raised, only to see a few black gangsters lying on the ground in disorder, and Hank who was fainting not far from Luoquan.

He was still on guard at first, but after seeing Luo Quan, he immediately relaxed his vigilance.

"Miss, are you okay?" The policeman stepped forward and stood by her side.

Such a beautiful white lady is definitely one of the top priorities for protection.

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "I'm fine, I've taken care of all these gangsters."

"You subdued these?" The police officers showed surprised expressions.

"That's right, I can testify." The salesperson squatting inside the counter finally stood up, "Thanks to this lady for knocking out these gangsters and saving us from danger!"

Although there is no such thing as a brave act in the United States, several police officers still respect Luo Quan's amazing skills.

Everyone walked out of the convenience store and waited for further processing. After a while, the streets were already overcrowded.

Policemen in full armor, gangsters who were pinned to the ground, bodyguards in black suits who raised their hands above their heads, pedestrians who were hit by bullets and fell to the ground moaning, doctors running around.

Sirens, shouts, and questioning sounded one after another.

Such a chaotic scene actually happened in New York, the most developed city in the world, which made Luo Quan feel a little magical.

However, what she didn't expect was that even more magical things were yet to come.

(End of this chapter)

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