Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 421 The effect is outstanding

Chapter 421 The effect is outstanding
ps. This song is called "Guanshan Wine"


As soon as the song accompaniment sounded, it was the climax.

Sitting in front of the camera, Luo Quan adjusted his posture and waved his hands.

The flower hand here is not the helicopter flower hand shaken by the spirited guy, but a unique gesture of the Peking opera danjiao, who uses his fingers to simulate the shape of an orchid, so it is also called the orchid finger.

This kind of action can make the character's image more charming and moving. If this action is done well, you can win the applause of the audience without opening your mouth on the stage.

But her singing is the real focus.

"I drink wine from Guanshan, and it will be in my throat for thousands of years.
There are more boiling snow and Fengyun

I am Qingshan Yingbaishou, an old friend from thousands of miles away

When he was young, he still borrowed a silver gun to show off his flair. "

The voice line is completely different from the popular singing style, and it is as sharp and thin as that of Peking Opera, but the change of tone is more abundant than that of Peking Opera.

From the fans' point of view, it's like Hua Dan is singing a popular song, and she still needs to sing in Peking Opera.

Luo Quan's makeup is undoubtedly extremely beautiful, and his singing has also reached the point of being pleasing to the ear.

The audience in the live broadcast room used to not understand why their elders were so obsessed with those Beijing operas with strange facial makeup and babbling on stage.

Now, they finally know where the charm lies.

When traditional culture was combined with modern songs, they were surprised to find that it was not as unacceptable as they imagined, and even had a special charm.

Moreover, this singing style is really good.

It's a pity that just like the "Power of the Prehistoric" just now, this "Guanshan Wine" is also a bit shorter, and Luo Quan fainted after singing the main chorus.

"What do you think of this singing method?" Luo Quan took off the headband and asked the audience how they felt.

If the response is good, I can release a few songs in the future.


"It looks good and sounds good, both are good!"

"It would be perfect if it was paired with a costume. Luo Quan's figure and appearance are so beautiful on stage."

"I don't know if there is a chance to see Luo Quan singing Peking Opera in this year's Spring Festival Gala. It would be great if I could."

"It should be too late. New Year's Eve is not long."

"There will probably be a show next year."


The bullet screen is full of praises, and there is no negative comment.

It is enough to prove how popular the new experience Luoquan brings to everyone this time.

"Okay, that's the end of today's performance, I have to remove my makeup." Luo Quan waved his hand at the camera, the barrage was full of distractions, she could only pretend not to see it, and turned off the live broadcast.

At this moment, Wen Xia just broke in through the door, holding a plate of fruit in her hand.

"Luo Luo, do you want to eat dragon fruit?" Wen Xia looked up, and was so frightened by Luo Quan's appearance that he almost couldn't hold back:
"Oh my god, what are you doing? I thought I had bumped into a ghost!"

"Haven't Hua Dan watched it?" Luo Quan gave Wen Xia a blank look.

"It looks like a painted face to me." Wen Xia put down the plate, took a photo of Luo Quan as a souvenir, and said after taking the photo: "I didn't expect you to be quite suitable for this appearance, and you don't see the characteristics of a white person at all."

Luo Quan was speechless: "Nonsense, so much foundation, even if you are black, you can't tell it."

"That's true." Wen Xia chuckled, and pushed the dragon fruit in front of Luo Quan: "I can't eat it, the dragon fruit I just peeled."

Then he stuffed a piece into his mouth.

Luo Quan waved his hand: "I've only eaten so much beef, and eating this will cause me to get angry, forget it."

Wen Xia said while eating: "By the way, by the way, the costumes for the Spring Festival Gala show have come out, and we will go to the rehearsal tomorrow. If you have any schedule, you have to coordinate it yourself."

Luo Quan spread his hands together: "I have nothing to coordinate. I don't have a schedule for the whole winter vacation, except for playing."

Wen Xia was envious and jealous at the same time, and said in a sour tone: "You are lazy, wait until one day you get fat and I won't laugh at you to death."

"Then I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a long time." Luo Quan said nonchalantly, "Tonight I'll make braised pork with pickled vegetables, excellent pork belly, do you want to eat it?"

"Eat, why not eat!" As a native of Yuzhou, I still like pickled pork with preserved vegetables or roasted white meat.

What's more, if Luo Quan cooks the food himself, it must be a magic weapon in the world, and he would be a fool if he didn't eat it.

"Aren't you afraid of getting fat now?" Luo Quan mocked with a smile.

"I exercise every day, unlike you." Wen Xia stood up as she spoke, showing off her slim figure.

Although not as hot as Luo Quan, it is definitely a rare good figure.

How could Luo Quan be used to Wen Xia, she just got up and it was a chest expansion exercise, and then she felt ashamed of herself and ran away amidst Luo Quan's laughter.

After going to the bathroom to wash off the makeup on his face, Luo Quan turned on his phone to see the public's comments on the live broadcast.

The first is Zhihu.

She couldn't remember the last time she posted on Zhihu, and she only went up occasionally to take a look these days.

Speaking of her previous lawsuit in New York, there were still many legal pioneers in Zhihu discussing how to save Luoquan from danger.

Although public opinion in the United States was very unfavorable to her at the time, domestic voices generally believed that she was just a near miss this time, and the possibility of winning the lawsuit was very high.

As it turns out, this is indeed the case.

Although Hank's lawyers managed to get her two lawyers out of the way, they tried to put her at a disadvantage in the same way.

But Luo Quan was not afraid of being crooked, so he didn't give him a chance to make excuses. In the later part of the proof, he was impeccable, and he directly won the trial.

And after that, Zhihu's large-scale discussion on her should be a few days at the CCTV Music Festival.

In this grand ceremony, Luo Quan performed superbly and swept all major awards, setting a record for winning the most awards since the grand ceremony was held.

At that time, the hottest discussion on Zhihu was whether Luo Quan was leading the Chinese music scene.

The final conclusion is, of course, needless to say.

And this time Luoquan's live broadcast once again made Zhihu a sensation, nothing else, it was her performance in the last part of the live broadcast.

Related questions quickly appeared on the hot list: As the founder of Xiqiang singing, can Luo Quan bring such songs to popularity?
Soon, the question has tens of millions of heat.

In China, the popularity of opera is still quite high. Some famous actors who are famous in Beijing and Tianjin Wei Theater are sometimes more popular than stars.

And this singing method called Xiqiang is naturally quite eye-catching.


"According to the usual practice, when discussing an issue, you must first ask if it is true.

Is Luo Quan's opera tone the first of its kind?Obviously not, because before her, there have been singers who sing with opera accents. Although the opera accents of these singers are too rough, they just sing with their throats, which has nothing to do with real opera accents. So not many people associate it with Peking Opera.

As for Luo Quan's "Pipa Xing" released last year, the chorus part uses the opera singing method, and the opera taste is quite positive, but maybe she didn't study too much at the time, so there is still a gap from the real Peking opera singing method .

Moreover, her fame at that time was far from as great as it is now. Although she made new attempts and brought up quite a few follow-up works, her influence was limited after all.

To sum up, Luo Quan is not the founder. As for the effect of this live broadcast, it is hard to say. I have never liked to make predictions, because she slapped her face too many times. "

"Haha, the upstairs is a little too cowardly, what can't be predicted in the face of Luo Quan, can't you just be optimistic about it without thinking?
But there is one thing to say, Luo Quan's "Guanshan Wine" is far more charming than her singing "Pipa Xing".

Especially before she sang, she even painted herself a Huadan makeup, and the orchid fingers she made during the singing were also quite regular, from singing to workmanship, even I, an old fancier, couldn't fault it at all.

I don't know how much effort she has put into this, and I haven't seen any news about her practicing opera before, but the level shown is really too mature.

Maybe this is a genius, the speed of learning is destined to be incomprehensible to ordinary people.

And what I want to say is that Luoquan's opera tune is completely different from the opera tunes currently on the market. It is a opera tune that really has the flavor of Peking Opera. Anyway, I can't stop listening to it.

Even if she is not the first pioneer, but at her level, as long as she continues to release songs in the future, she will definitely make this type of song popular in China. Not to mention, it shouldn't be a problem to compete with Gufeng. "


The two answers are considered to represent the views of most people.

I am quite optimistic about Luo Quan's new singing style.

And the popularity on Weibo is neither high nor low. Apart from her fans, there are fans who like Peking opera who are concerned about this matter.

They who are accustomed to Beijing opera suddenly heard such a popular song, which was novel and also felt quite interesting.

Moreover, Luo Quan's appearance surprised them even more, and they all said that this was the best appearance they had ever seen in their life.

All major platforms are full of applause, Luo Quan thinks this way seems to be quite interesting.

If we release a Chinese album in the future, we can consider including a few more songs in it.

If opera songs really become popular in the future, she can be regarded as the founder of this genre no matter what.

This status is sometimes more valuable than how many awards she has won.

Of course, at present, she definitely can't release too many songs at once to make this genre popular.

After all, I just released an album, so I have to give myself and my fans some time to rest.

Songs that come out too frequently will also cause aesthetic fatigue.

Moreover, a genre can never rely on only one person to become popular, it needs many, many creators to join in.

It's like electronic music.

She brought huge attention to the genre with "Faded," and then took two years to catch on.

Opera songs also require a similar process.

What she is doing now is the same as when she released "Faded", which has brought a lot of heat.

Moreover, she also set a good example for the followers, how to make the audience satisfied.

If there is a market for this genre, there is certainly no shortage of creators.

When a large number of creators develop and stabilize this market, then she will get twice the result with half the effort.

Sounds a bit like picking peaches for nothing.

But the problem can't be looked at this way, because if she doesn't enter the arena now, it means giving up the opportunity to seize the market and fans.

And whether it can become popular in the end depends on whether the work can be popular, which has nothing to do with first entry, last entry.

What's more, she has brought enthusiasm to the opera now, as long as the songs created by the followers are not too hip, they will definitely be able to develop.

Of course, these are just ifs.

After all, no one can tell what the future holds.

It is possible that opera tunes will become popular all over the country in a month, or it may not be popular in a year, or even remain a niche forever.

And these are not what Luoquan needs to care about at the moment.

Early the next morning, Luo Quan and Girls' Generation came to the No. [-] studio of the CCTV building in two commercial vehicles.

Here will be their rehearsal place.

Because they came earlier, there were not many people in the auditorium. Girls' Generation's manager gave each of them two sets of clothes from the clothing team.

One set was worn during the rehearsal to see the effect, and the other was worn during the Spring Festival Gala performance. The style and size are the same.

"The color of this cheongsam is pretty." In the fitting room, Wen Xia stretched out the green and white cheongsam and held it up to appreciate it.

The dance costumes designed for them this Spring Festival Gala are cheongsams, which can be regarded as Chinese characteristic clothing with a sense of age.

Although not as distinctive as Hanfu.

The color of the cheongsam was not clearly stated at the time, but in order to fit the theme of the song, I finally chose the color of blue and white. It looks quite refreshing at first glance. After all, the song to be danced this time is "Blue and White Porcelain".

"Pretty is good-looking, but will it be a little tighter?" Junko said worriedly as she compared the clothes in front of her.

As a Japanese, the kimonos she often wears are looser ones, and she has never worn clothes like cheongsam.

Although T-shirts, shorts or miniskirts are also exposed, those clothes are only because they are short, and the cheongsam looks a bit tight in Junko's eyes.

"Trust me, Chunzi, you definitely don't have such troubles." Lin Yuxiao joked beside her. No one in the group knew that Junzi was a well-known Princess Taiping.

"Ah, how can you say that." Amidst everyone's laughter, Junko blushed, as if she really didn't need to worry about whether the clothes would be too tight given her figure.

The ones who should really be worried are girls with good figures like Luo Quan, Yun'er, and Lin Yuxiao.

What Luo Quan was thinking at this time was that he seemed to have unlocked a new costume this time.

Counting, she has already worn swimsuits, JK, kimonos, and Hanfu. Counting this cheongsam, there are five types, and I don’t know what effect it will have when I wear it.

There is no separate room in the huge changing room for women. After getting the clothes, everyone immediately stood in the corner to take off their clothes and put on their own cheongsams.

Wearing new clothes is always a pleasure, but when everyone changed, they couldn't help but look at the same person, which was Luo Quan.

Everyone knows who's the tallest guy in the room.

As for Luo Quan, no one has ever been disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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