Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 423 Zombie fever

Chapter 423 Zombie fever


The hideous zombies on the TV rushed out from a dark corner, scaring the protagonist and the girls watching the movie into screams.

In the huge living room on the first floor, the girls screamed one after another, and even Luo Quan, who was more courageous, also screamed twice.

In her opinion, the copycat Resident Evil wasn't that scary. The girls who couldn't help but watch it together were timid. They made noises from time to time without turning on the lights. It was really scary to come out of nowhere.

But this plot is also the last scary scene of this copycat film, and the movie will end in a short time.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when the lights were turned on.

"One thing to say, this movie is scary, but it's all about the sound effects. It's not as good as the one you shot, Luo Luo." Wen Xia made an evaluation while patting her chest.

Luo Chuyi complained: "Captain, aren't you talking nonsense, sister Quan is the master of zombie movies."

"Who suggested watching a horror movie to relieve stress, I feel even more stressed after watching it!" Junko said with tears in her eyes.

She was timid, and she was most afraid of this kind of horror movie.

The key is for everyone to watch, and she also wanted to stay and watch together, but she couldn't stand it anymore.

"I also read it in the book." Yun'er smiled embarrassedly, she didn't expect Junzi to actually cry from fright.

"Okay, let's go back to the room and take a shower early, and sleep well." Luo Quan took out a tissue to wipe Junko, and then went back to the room to take a shower.

On the bed, she looked at the online reviews of the copycat movie just now.

Although the production is rough and the actors are not famous, the quality is surprisingly good.

For a horror movie, the sound effects, make-up, and atmosphere rendering have all reached a passing grade. The most important thing is that this low-cost Internet follow-up work called "Zombie Crisis" is original in terms of plot.

In the past, when making copycat films in China, not to mention copying the script, there would be a lot of similarities, giving people a very strong sense of sight.

And this "Zombie Crisis" basically just copied the image and setting of a zombie, and the core of the story has nothing to do with "Resident Evil".

This is also the reason why it was widely acclaimed after it was broadcast on the video platform.

This movie is actually a low-cost movie made by a postgraduate director and a few classmates in a few days. The plot is simple and has everything that should be there.

After its release, it not only gained success and praise, but also became the first zombie genre film in China other than "Resident Evil".

"Resident Evil", which has maintained a relatively high popularity, has once again appeared on major domestic searches because of this follow-up work.

It is worth mentioning that "Resident Evil" is still being released in major theaters across the country, and has already earned a box office of one billion yuan, and the box office harvested on Netflix has also exceeded [-] million US dollars.

Compared with its 3000 million investment, this movie has achieved a rate of return of more than ten times!
Moreover, the derivative value it creates on a global scale far exceeds its box office.

Short films of various types of zombies have already come out, and it is only a matter of time before a large number of follow-up films are released.

As more and more movies of the genre come out, the genre is going to get really hot.

Many professional filmmakers have predicted that 2018 will be a year of zombies.

This is obviously the same view in China. In the past few days, Zhihu let the discussion about zombies have not stopped. The most heated discussion today is the discussion about several easter eggs in "Resident Evil".

After the success of the film, Luo Quan took advantage of the heat to shoot a few Easter eggs for the film, including several new characters to appear in the second film.

After these Easter eggs were filmed, she posted them on Twitter, which caused a lot of discussion.

At that time, everyone thought that she was going to start filming the second part immediately, and they were quite excited.

It was only later that I realized that it was just an easter egg, and it was a supplement to the first part.

Although it was a joyous occasion, these easter eggs really made many plots of "Resident Evil" complete.

However, what Zhihu is discussing today is not the easter eggs related to the plot, but the new characters that Luo Quan photographed.

In the plan for the second part of "Resident Evil", Chris and Wesker don't have too many roles. The protagonists are Alice, Jill and three new characters.

These three new characters are the three protagonists in the second part of the "Resident Evil" game: Leon, Claire and Ada Wang.

The role of Luo Quan was actually chosen, and Leon was played by his younger brother, who happened to have the same name.

Claire was played by Su Yu, while King Ada was given to Wen Xia.

The appearance of each character is ridiculously high, and it is another visual feast for the audience.

But after Luo Quan took videos of these new characters, he only released the back, so fans didn't know who the actors were.

But fabricating something out of nothing, far-fetched, and playing it wrong have always been the things that these netizens are best at.

Luo Quan didn't show them, so they guessed by themselves.

Soon some detectives gave the answer:

"After watching the video of the new characters given by Luo Quan, I was very excited. Leaving aside the male characters, the backs of these two female characters are really amazing. As we all know, Luo Quan is famous for his face control. , the appearance of an actress with such a top figure will not be low.

So the question is, who are the players of these three new roles?

After precise calculations and bold assumptions, I came to the conclusion that these three actors are Leon, Wen Xia and Su Yu, a newcomer from Luoquan Company.

The reason why I think so is that I calculated the heights of the three people in the video separately, calculated the heights of the new characters in the video with various reference objects, and compared them with those in reality, and came up with this Conclusion, absolutely no problem! "

This answer has received tens of thousands of likes, but it has also received countless questions:
"It's a bit taken for granted, isn't it? There are so many actors in the world, why does Luo Quan have to walk by his side?"

"Although, how could Luo Quan give the character his brother's name? That would be too dramatic."

"The one in the red cheongsam is obviously Alice. Could there be someone who wears the same clothes as Alice in the second part?"

"The one upstairs is obviously careless. The second girl in the red cheongsam has black hair, and Alice has blonde hair!"

"Damn, I really didn't pay attention to this, so there are really new characters?"

"It's these three actors, I'll live broadcast and eat Aoli."

Obviously, there are as many people who believe in this answer as there are who doubt it.

Only Luo Quan shook his head in doubt, wondering whether his filming plan had been leaked, and the actor he guessed was not bad.

If it was really calculated and deduced by skill, it would be too beautiful.

However, Luo Quan still prefers that this is a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

But in any case, these people are providing enthusiasm for "Resident Evil", allowing newcomers to have other fun besides movies.

This is good news for the second part of "Resident Evil".

The word of mouth has now been released, and the second part will be the beginning of this series' real take-off.

Like those filmmakers said, 2018 will be a hot year for zombies.

Of course, according to China's legislation, 2017 has not yet passed, and there are still the last few days, which are also the most lively and festive days.

The drama of the Spring Festival Transport began to go on all the roads along the trains and cars.

This is the largest migration movement since human civilization, and it happens every year.

Luoquan was once lucky enough to squeeze a Spring Festival travel train. It was really crowded from the beginning to the end. Even the carriage was full of people. Going to the bathroom was as difficult as crossing a single-plank bridge.

Because it is too crowded, if you want to sleep, you can only sleep standing up.

There are people all around, all kinds of smells of smoke, sweat, and an indescribable smell linger around.

Since then, Luo Quan has vowed never to take the train again.

But for those who are in poor economic conditions, the long-distance train is the best choice, so even though they are dragging large bags and small bags, despite the exhaustion of the journey, they still go home unscathed.

Not for anything else, because this is an instinct engraved in the genes.

It's Chinese New Year, and the family should be reunited, have a New Year's Eve dinner, and watch the Spring Festival Gala.

Of course, these are the customs of the older generation, and many young people born in the 90s do not attach so much importance to reunion and Spring Festival Gala.

Especially for the Spring Festival Gala, the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala in the past few years have continued to drop. Although CCTV has thought of many ways and arranged a lot of new jobs, there has been no improvement.

As the older generation of artists gradually puts forward the stage, the show becomes less and less funny, and the ratings will naturally drop, which is inevitable.

However, at this year's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala, CCTV finally made some changes, boldly mobilized newcomers, and invited many capable and popular new stars.

The final effect was also immediate. The ratings, which had been declining for years, suddenly turned around this time, and there was a rebound.

The planning team of the Spring Festival Gala also learned from the example, overthrowing the original invitation list and starting over to give some places to newcomers and stars.

In short, the whole big plan is based on innovation.

Although this is a bold attempt, it's okay if it fails.

Because on New Year's Eve, the Spring Festival Gala, a New Year's Eve gala program, has no competitors. Besides, the ratings are declining every year anyway. If it succeeds, everyone is happy, and it doesn't matter if it fails.

For young people, Luoquan and Girls' Generation performing on the same stage this time is a show that must not be missed, and it is also the biggest gimmick and attraction of this year.

These two parties, each of which is currently the top of the domestic top stream, ten people performing on the same stage, seems to have to be traced back to the filming of "Creating Girls' Generation" last year.

When the topic is together, the publicity work related to the Spring Festival Gala becomes very simple.

You only need to let the names of Luo Quan and Girls' Generation appear in a more prominent position in the news, and passers-by will naturally come to see it.

And for the first Spring Festival Gala performance in life, no matter whether it is Luo Quan or a girl from Girls' Generation, they have put all their energy into preparation this time, and their energy is highly concentrated every day.

This tension lasted until the night of New Year's Eve.

In the lobby of Studio No. [-], the audience and guests participating in the Spring Festival Gala have all been seated at this time, and the staff has also adjusted the lighting and sound. The director, actors, and hosts are all ready, and everyone is waiting for that exciting moment. arrival.

At eight o'clock, the screens of all the TV stations turned into festive red, and then the screens of the Spring Festival Gala appeared.

Lively music sounded, and countless children and dancers in costumes of various nationalities performed the opening dance of the Spring Festival Gala.

The wonderful dance made the atmosphere of the scene extremely festive, and everyone was immersed in the anticipation and joy of the upcoming Chinese biggest festival.

After the 3-minute opening dance, the four CCTV hosts came to the stage together, their faces filled with joy:

Moderator A: Distinguished guests, friends

Host B: Dear leaders and the audience in front of the TV

Moderators C and D: Please allow us to share with you here

Together: Happy New Year!

Behind the camera, the stage director raised his hand to signal everyone to applaud, and then there was a round of applause.

On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, what to do in each link is well-designed, including the audience, who are also part of the performance of the Spring Festival Gala. They are mainly responsible for guiding the audience to applaud at the right time to avoid silence.

Although as long as the show is exciting enough, everyone's applause will not stop.

But it's the Spring Festival Gala after all, if something happened and everyone didn't applaud, and the camera happened to show the audience, the scene would be too embarrassing.

After the applause, the host continued: "2017 is a year of harvest and a year of take-off. In this year, our Chinese nation embraces the bright moon in the sky and explores the Dragon Palace in the sea.

Whether it is technology, economy or humanities, there has been amazing development. "

The hostess took over the conversation and continued: "I am a magnificent China with a history of 5000 years. There are countless rare treasures. Every year, new cultural relics appear in the world, which proves to history the extraordinary years and extraordinary wisdom of our ancestors.

Just a few months ago, a treasure in China reappeared in the world. "

The audience has already started applauding and cheering, everyone knows what the host is talking about.

"According to legend, Qin Shihuang unified the six kingdoms and ordered Prime Minister Li Si to use the priceless Heshibi to cast a jade seal engraved with the Chinese character of longevity and eternal prosperity. Since then, all dynasties have regarded it as the righteous proof.

Because of the war in the background, this jade seal disappeared into the long river of history, but treasures will never be dusted forever. This jade seal finally appeared in a charity auction in Shanghai.

After the patriotic artist photographed it, he accidentally discovered its true face. After the appraisal, he resolutely donated this treasure to the country! "

The audience burst into applause again. This time, the country used the Spring Festival Gala as a platform to give Luo Quan a roll call of praise, and this was the only occasion.

"Next, let Luo Quan invite Chuan Guo Yuxi to the front of the stage, so that everyone can feel the magnificent face of this Chinese treasure!"

As soon as the Spring Festival Gala started, the main event was directly used Chuan Guo Yuxi, and the audience in front of the TV was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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