Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 430 Shooting the MV

Chapter 430 Shooting the MV
"This time we come to Seoul, we really want to interact with fans who like us, and at the same time, we want to increase our fans in Korea."

At the press conference, facing the reporters' questions, Wen Xia answered with a smile.

Because this interview was screened and greeted in advance, the reporter did not ask any particularly sensitive topics.

In addition, Girls' Generation has not had any black spots since their debut, so the atmosphere at the press conference was quite harmonious. The reporter asked questions, and the members of the girl group answered in turn.

The topics discussed were nothing more than what impressions I have of Seoul and Korea, who are my favorite Korean stars, and where do I want to check in first when I come this time.

Everyone has done their homework on these things before coming to Korea, so they can answer questions fluently.

After the short interview, everyone finally returned to the hotel where they stayed.

The international star took the initiative to find me, of course it was the presidential suite. Goose Factory booked five rooms for ten people this time, one room for two, and Wen Xia and Luo Quan lived here together.

Luo Quan did not participate in the Girls' Generation interview, but stayed alone in the room typing on the computer.

She is not playing games, but is serious about making content.

"Are you back?" Luo Quan heard the sound of the door opening and looked up to see Wen Xia walking in.

"It's settled, my back hurts from flying." Wen Xia flicked her feet, her shoes disappeared, and she lay down on the bed.

"Lolo, what are you going to sing next? Are you done?" Wen Xia buried her head in the pillow and asked in a muffled voice.

Luo Quan clicked and saved the file, closed the computer and said, "The lyrics and music are all done, the script is also done, and now I'm dealing with the MV shooting."

"MV!" Wen Xia smiled pleasantly, "You are finally willing to shoot the MV!"

In the digital age, singers who are generally capable will shoot MVs for their new albums to deepen the content of the songs.

But Luo Quan has almost never filmed MVs for her own songs since her debut. In her words, she just listens to songs, not watching movies, so why shoot MVs.

The reason seems to be so reasonable, but in fact it is still too lazy.

But this time she actually wanted to shoot the MV for the first time, and she didn't know what kind of evil wind was blowing.

Luo Quan explained: "Isn't Korea always popular in some touching stories in MVs? Many songs themselves are not particularly good, but they can still become popular with excellent MVs. I write them as doing like the Romans."

"Why, are you thinking of shooting a Korean-style tearjerker sadomasochism MV?" Wen Xia is too familiar with this aspect.

As we all know, there are three treasures in Korean dramas. Cancer and car accidents cannot be cured, and any one of them can move people deeply and make the audience cry.

Although with the progress of the times, this bloody plot has been criticized countless times, but as long as it appears, it can still earn enough tears from the audience.

But at the same time, you may also harvest a huge amount of blades, which is a double-edged sword. If you don't grasp it well, it will easily cause backlash.

"I will never abuse the audience." Luo Quan categorically denied this, "If necessary, my works will never abuse the host or the audience. Like most people, I have always been I like happy endings."

Now Wen Xia didn't understand: "Then what are you going to shoot?"

Luo Quan turned on the computer again, and clicked on a document on the desktop: "Look, the MV I'm going to shoot this time is an inspirational, tear-jerking story that also reflects the current social situation in Korea."

"I can't see that you are quite critical, Luo Shuren." Wen Xia smiled and looked at the document: "The girl turned around..."

Gradually, Wen Xia was attracted by this story. After reading it silently, she exclaimed: "Luo Luo, you can be a movie! The creativity, selling point, and storytelling are all excellent!"

Luo Quan shook his head with a smile: "The filming time is too long, I don't have so much time."

This script is actually an adaptation of a movie script, so of course it can be made into a movie.

However, in order to take care of the length of the MV, Luo Quan will be streamlined to keep the outline and the most essential part of the story.

Although most MVs are around four or five minutes in length, there are also MVs that are eight or nine minutes long.

As long as the filming is good, this kind of long MV will be very popular with everyone.

"I'm already in touch with the filming team, and I can start work tomorrow. If I'm lucky, I can finish filming in two days." Luo Quan showed a confident expression, "What is your next plan?"

Wen Xia replied: "First go to SBS to list new songs, and then go on tour."

Before coming here this time, Luo Quan composed a new song for Girls' Generation. Because it was released in Korea, the lyrics were first written in Korean.

The itinerary is basically already set, and basically there will not be too many changes.As for what I said before, the plan to combine Luo Quan and Girls' Generation will have to wait half a month later. After all, variety shows are filmed a week to half a month in advance, and the plan can't be changed for the time being.

"Then I wish us all the best." Luo Quan patted Wen Xia on the shoulder, closed the computer and returned to his bed, turned on the phone and started the fishing mode.

Domestic Weibo, the news of Girls' Generation's arrival in Seoul has already been trending.

Many photos and videos of the pick-up scene have been sent back to China, which has aroused many people's amazement.

If the title of the video did not mention that this is Incheon International Airport, everyone would have thought it was the scene of an open-air concert when they saw the crowds of people.

The fans in the video are so enthusiastic and professional. Not long after Girls' Generation and others came out, the fans began to shout her name from Wen Xia under the leadership of the leader.

One name after another, cadenced, imposing, and catchy.

This is the cheering method unique to Korean idol culture. In terms of spectacular scenes, it is much more beautiful than those domestic cheering methods that only know brothers and sisters yelling.

In addition, the fans also made a huge banner for the idols, and they also held it above their heads when they came.

The Korean translation on the banner reads: This era is called Girls' Generation!
It sounds very imposing.

All in all, this Girls' Generation fan group's Incheon pick-up operation can be regarded as a full lineup for their idols.

Not only did it arouse heated discussions in Korea, but it also made Huaxia fans feel a lot of pride.

How long has it been since China's stars have enjoyed this kind of welcome?
In the past, domestic fans were desperate for those Korean stars, but this time they finally turned around.

Of course, not all fans give face to their idols in this way.

On the other hand, there were quite a few fans of Luoquan during the pick-up operation, but they were disorganized and disciplined, and there were very few cheering words and props.

In terms of coffee status, Luoquan is much bigger than Girls' Generation, whether in Asia or the world.

However, the popularity shown was a bit embarrassing, which also made this pick-up operation a joke on Korean entertainment forums.

But there is no way around it. Luo Quan really has no fans in terms of organization.

Not long after her debut, she banned various things called Luoquan Fan Support Club on Weibo, so that even now her fans on Weibo do not have a unified organization.

This is the case at home, not to mention abroad.

There are as many Luoquan fans as there are, but basically they are all fans, and they don't have much contact with other people.

This is also the reason why the scene looks relatively loose.

Although the airport pick-up did fail, she was not someone who cared much about this kind of face-saving project, and even passers-by would never question Luo Quan's popularity because of the loose performance of the airport pick-up.

So everyone just thinks that Luoquan fans are as Buddhist as their idols, and try not to move as much as possible.

The next day, Luo Quan started shooting the MV.

She contacted YG Company to find this studio through Goose Factory, and used YG Company's usual venue for filming MVs for her group, and the staff were also YG's last.

"Luo Quanxi, this is a silicone prop suit customized according to your requirements." The prop master came to Luo Quan with a big fat-shaped prop suit, and said sweatingly.

According to the setting in the script, the heroine she played was a heavy tank weighing more than 200 kilograms at the beginning, with a wonderful singing voice and bright eyes.

In most ordinary gossip novels, this is the proper heroine standard, of course, excluding weight.

More than 200 catties is definitely beyond the standard even if it is placed in the prosperous Tang Dynasty where fat is the center.

Of course, this is just a setting, and the actual costumes are definitely not so heavy.

However, in pursuit of authenticity, Luo Quan used silica gel as the material, which still weighed thirty or forty kilograms.

Normally girls would find it difficult to move when wearing this kind of clothes, but Luo Quan looked very relaxed. A group of elders saw her and lamented her excellent physical fitness.

Putting on costumes, Luo Quan covered her face with "flesh" with the help of a makeup artist. After half an hour, she became a huge irregular cube.

The makeup is done, the lighting and machines are in place, and under the command of the assistant director, the MV shooting begins...

"CUT!" the assistant director shouted loudly.

From the time when the sun was in the sky to take pictures of everyone, to the willows on the moon, now the last shot is finally finished.

"Thank you so much everyone, I really appreciate Smecta." Luo Quan had already taken off his costume at this time, and sincerely thanked all the staff involved in the shooting.

As expected of YG's best MV shooter, it only took one day to finish the job, and it went so smoothly that she was a little surprised.

The assistant director said with a smile: "Luo Quanxi is too polite, this is our part of the job, and it's such an excellent MV, it will be an extremely brilliant page in our resume in the future."

Others also nodded.

Other people's work is over, but Luo Quan still has to edit the MV.

She sings and records the songs live. At her level, there is no need to modify the sound, just play the original sound directly.

It is not difficult for her to edit the MV according to the plot development of the original movie.

After working until eleven o'clock, Luo Quan finally finished all the work.

The cut MV is 9 minutes long, and the song is only 4 minutes long, and it is basically concentrated in the second half, which is very rare in most MVs.

So after Luo Quan sent the MV to YG's department in charge of sex, they thought that Luo Quan sent it by mistake.

However, after watching the complete video, the person in charge directly expressed that he was shocked.

Soon, the MV trailer was on the top searches in Korea.

In the trending search, the promotional slogan produced by YG and Goose Factory is very eye-catching: "Luoquan's new song MV, meticulously produced, subverts the tradition, and is beyond your imagination!"

Just a few paragraphs aroused everyone's interest.

Luo Quanzheng's work has never disappointed everyone. Since it can get such a high evaluation, it shows that the quality of this MV is indeed quite good.

The only fly in the ointment is that this is just a preview, and there is no substantive content, including the name and style of the song.

What makes fans even more uncomfortable is that the MV release time is set at noon the day after tomorrow, which means they have to wait a whole day and a half!

This is really hard.

Fortunately, on the afternoon of the second day, Girls' Generation brought a new song to the SBS stage.

In South Korea, playing on the stage is a compulsory course for all boy and girl groups.

This process is a bit like the first test of the water after the new book of the starting point is released.

Whether to become a god or hit the street depends on the data after testing the waters.

In the same way, if a girl group brings a new song to the stage, whether it can become popular depends on the ratings and overall evaluation of the show after it is broadcast.

Although South Korea's new song data has a very complicated evaluation system, the song making stage is almost the most important resource and link. If it can succeed in this, the song will basically be half popular.

The new single brought by Girls' Generation this time is also produced by Luo Quan, and the title of the song is "Kill this love". (Original Singing Fan Mo Group)
The appearance of Goose Factory's own daughter is bound to be extraordinary. The first time she came, she was directly airborne to the axis, which is also the last appearance.

When the accompaniment sounded, all the guests and the audience who were watching the live broadcast knew that this song was about to become popular.

Leaving aside the words and music, the opening accompaniment of this song has already set off the momentum extremely surging.

The nine people on the stage were like empresses enthroned, with calm expressions and beautiful appearance.

Their singing also embodies the arrogance of being empresses everywhere, without any stage fright at all.

This stage, which controls the life and death of countless girl groups, has completely become their own show at this moment. In the eyes of everyone, they should be the only ones.

Their dancing postures are neat and consistent, their movements are free and easy, and their dancing is not inferior to any popular girl group.

This song is Girls' Generation's announcement to the Korean girl group world.

They came here to ascend to the throne.

But now it seems that they do have such strength.

The first time "Kill this love" was released, the sales of the physical single album that was released at the same time exploded directly, and the various data of the music also reached the top of the major music charts in Korea in less than an hour.

Girls' Generation is so scary!
(End of this chapter)

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