Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 432 Oscar

Chapter 432 Oscar ([-])
"I really want to know how much talent you have in your head!" Wen Xia stared fiercely at Luo Quan's smiling face, her tone very annoyed.

Girls' Generation's new song just stayed at the top of the chart for a day, but as soon as Luo Quan's new MV was released, they retreated to second place.

The key point is that after watching this MV, she really felt that she deserved such an achievement.

"People are deader than people." Wen Xia looked up to the sky and sighed.

"There is a specialization in art, why do you insist on comparing with me?" Luo Quan was also very helpless, so he made a random MV and reached the top again.

In the afternoon, the press conference belonging to Luo Quan came.

Originally, this press conference should have been held the day before yesterday, but Luo Quan was anxious to shoot the MV, so it was delayed until today.

But that's okay, after the MV came out, it provided more topics for the press conference, and the reporters wanted to ask her a lot of questions.

At the press conference, Luo Quan wore an ordinary casual clothes and showed up without makeup. Without saying a word, the reporters first took a few photos of her.

Then, the questions started in order.

"Luo Quanxi, what was your inspiration for making this movie, and what made you choose to make such a movie."

Sure enough, when I first asked her this question, Luo Quan pretended to think about it for a while, and said, "It's just that I think many people nowadays have too many appearance associations. In fact, a noble character and a kind heart are far more important than appearance. .

Therefore, I want to shoot such a MV to tell everyone that appearance is not the key to a person's good or bad. "

"But you yourself are the most beautiful face in the world. Wouldn't it be too much to stand up and talk without back pain if you say something like this now?" The second reporter's question seemed a little sharper, but it was actually the most talked about point on the Internet now.

Many netizens complained that Luo Quan has such a beautiful face and enjoys the benefits brought by this face, but he appeals to everyone not to pay attention to his appearance, which is really a bit conceited.

Luo Quan knew that there would be this problem, and she really wanted to take this opportunity to clarify the misunderstanding.

"First of all, I want to ask everyone, is my face the most worthy of attention?"

After asking the question, Luo Quan did not continue to speak, but looked at these reporters, wanting them to answer.

"Of course." A reporter said without thinking, "You are the most beautiful in the world. No matter how netizens complain, your appearance is so beautiful that it's hard not to pay attention."

Luo Quan smiled slightly: "I thought people would pay more attention to my music and my charities.

In fact, I have already sang a point in the song, that is, when I am no longer young, can these fans who have gathered because of my appearance still love me as before?
Imagine that when the collagen is lost, my face is covered with wrinkles like ancient bark, my eyes become cloudy, my muscles become extremely loose, and my back becomes rickety due to loose calcium.

Will I still be the most beautiful in the world?Can it still make you desire at a glance?
I feel terrified just by describing this picture myself. If you imagine it yourself, what do you think?
People will eventually grow old, and the appearance is beautiful, and sooner or later they will grow old and fade.

But her thoughts, works, words and deeds will be preserved forever, and with the passage of time, she will become more and more kind.

This is what I really want to express. "

Luo Quan spoke earnestly and earnestly, like the class teacher at the primary school parent meeting, his earnest words were deafening.

The reporters immediately stood in awe after listening.

This kind of Luoquan really makes people have to respect. Although he is not yet twenty, it has to be said that this mentality has already been understood.

After today's press conference, the controversy about her on the Internet should stop.

Of course, questions still have to go on.

"Luo Quan, you really have deep insights into appearance, so what's your attitude towards the two factions in Korea now?"

Sleepy authority has been watching the news for the past few days, knowing that Korean people have had controversy over plastic surgery, and eventually upgraded it to the level of value orientation.

One side thinks that the skin is not important, and the beauty of the soul is the best.

One side thinks that Chaoyang is the most important thing, and only with good looks can we talk about other things.

Both sides have their own set of theories, and both seem quite convincing.

As the core person who sparked this debate, everyone naturally wanted to hear Luo Quan's opinion.

"My opinion is that everything should not go to extremes." Luo Quan did not stand on either side, or on both sides, "It is human nature to pursue beauty, and it is understandable for girls to want to be beautiful. As long as it does not hurt others, it is not too much Hurt yourself, so what if it's plastic surgery?

Outsiders have no right to criticize such things.

Similarly, maintaining a kind heart is also very important, after all, as I said at the end of the MV, the beauty of the soul is the real beauty. "

It is a very eclectic statement, but obviously it cannot convince the extreme people of these two factions.

However, Luo Quan had also hoped to convince these people, all he needed to do was express his own point of view.

Then the reporter asked some questions about Luo Quan's upcoming arrangements, such as which variety shows will be on, what songs will be released, and so on.

Luo Quan's answer was casual: "There is no rush for variety shows. As for songs, it depends on the inspiration and mood. If the feeling comes, there will be a new song tonight."

Well, such an answer is very Luo Quan.

The reporters were the first to smile in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

The press conference ended, and it was quite successful in general. Compared with other press conferences that only focused on gossip, Luoquan's press conference was filled with the word depth.

Put it on other people, and they can start classes and become teachers directly.

Speaking of which, Luo Quan used to be a teacher when he was live broadcasting, and he liked to tell his fans some life principles.

It's a pity that at that time, most of the fans were only thinking about it. She chattered a lot in the live broadcast room. When they asked the fans how much they remembered, they all said that they remembered that she was as beautiful today as yesterday, and her skin was very fair.

This is very frustrating.

I don't know if these Korean fans can perform better.

It turns out that she was overthinking it.

Fans strongly refuted her words, claiming that even if she is old enough to lose all her teeth, they will still love her like first love, until death!

So please be with them and let them take care of her and keep her from floating around for the rest of her life.

Some fans said that Luo Quan's profound theories are actually derived from the lack of emotion.

She has the most beautiful face in the world, but no boy can walk into her heart.

She is eager to get a love, but she is afraid that others will come because of her beauty, and she is afraid that she will be abandoned immediately when she grows old one day.

This is actually a point that many girls are anxious about now, but Luo Quan's behavior is even more extreme.

It's easy to solve it if you want to, open her heart and give her a love that will never change until death!Let her know what is the greatest power in the world!
Then, the last comment was pushed to the top, and it was even listed on the trending searches in Korea.

What's interesting is that the nickname of the author of this comment is Chinese, obviously this is a fan from Huaxia.

Sure enough, only Chinese netizens did such a thing.

Luo Quan took a good philosophy class, and finally turned himself into a young girl who yearns for love.

Then, the whole network asked her to quickly fall in love.

"It was very sudden." Luo Quan said helplessly to Wen Xia, "I obviously didn't mean that."

Wen Xia laughed: "Don't take the words of the fans too seriously, these stinky men have always liked to follow others' opinions, but if you really believe their nonsense and start a relationship, let's not talk about whether they will change their minds immediately, anyway, your boyfriend will not be caught. Even if his genealogy ascends to heaven, he has accumulated great virtue!"

"Where am I going to date?" Luo Quan chuckled, expressing that he hadn't thought about it at all.

In order to avoid the growing rhythm, Luo Quan tweeted:
"Don't urge things like falling in love. There are no fans who urge idols to find a partner. If you really look for them, you won't be scolded to death. Don't say that you can't scold."

Originally, she wanted to say here: Don't say that you can't scold, if you dare to say that, I will really find one!
But remembering that she had already suffered a big loss because of the flag, if these fans really watched the excitement and it was not a big deal, wouldn't she be screwed?
So, to be on the safe side, Luo Quan only said half a sentence, leaving some leeway for himself.

And then went on to say:
"But seeing that you are so interested, I will present a love song to you all. Anyway, don't you all want to be the one to fall in love with me?"

This sentence can be regarded as hitting the g-spot of all fans.

No matter men or women, no matter because of talent or appearance, after contacting Luo Quan, they will be unable to extricate themselves from falling in love with her.

Perhaps as Luo Quan said, these loves may disappear when she gets old and fading.

But for now, she will always be the idol that fans love the most.

And little will change for a short time.

Seoul time, at twelve o'clock that night, Luoquan's new Korean song "Love You To Death" was released (ps. the original song is kcm, also called "Love You To Death").

Unlike the previous release of a new song with a MV, this is a single without any depth, but fans know that it is made for them.

Back to the song itself, the melody is too good to talk about, and Luo Quan's voice is much thinner than usual, and it seems a little choked up.

Such a slightly crying singing method not only does not affect the pleasantness of the song, but on the contrary fits the context of the lyrics more closely, quite a feeling of using the sound to set off the scene.

This is a typical hit love song, which is more worthy of being called pop music than the previous song.

If "Maria" became popular because of the MV, then "Love You To Death" became popular entirely because of the excellence of the song itself.

Poor Girls' Generation just retreated to the second place, and was immediately squeezed to the third place.

Fortunately, as they appeared on the second song-playing stage, they reaped a wave of attention and enthusiasm, and the new song finally returned to the top of the list.

However, this time it was not as stable as before.

"Love You To Death" has just been released, and it is gaining momentum. Although Luo Quan's fans in Korea are a little ahead, passers-by have contributed too much data to this song.

Brainwashing love songs like this in the fast-paced era are indeed too lethal, even if it is a head-to-head confrontation with the hottest girl group at the moment.

For the next day, No.1 on the music list has been alternately occupied by Luo Quan and Girls' Generation.

Behind them are their respective fans who are working hard to brush up the data.

That's right, brush data.

The popularity has reached this point, and everyone's exposure is about the same. There are only so many young people in Korea, and they have already listened to what should be listened to. If you don't use data, there will be no obvious increase.

Girls' Generation has professional fans as the data team, and Luoquan's side is no different.

Although Luo Quan himself never organizes these things, but among her fans who can't hold back, there are big shots in this area. The various forums raised their arms and quickly attracted a large number of fans of Personality Girls' Generation. .

The current battle situation can only be said to be evenly divided between the two, and neither can widen the gap.

And you still dare not stop at this point, because you don't know how far the opponent can persist. If you stop and get discouraged, you will not be sure if you want to chase it back.

What's interesting is that in the past, when the two competed for the top spot in data, the fans would have fierce scolding battles.

Such situations are already commonplace on Weibo. Some fans are a bit extreme, and even cast spells, draw symbols, and witchcraft.

However, the two fans who competed this time were unusually harmonious. They just focused on swiping the data, there was almost no scolding, and there were quite a few relatives.

It is said that peers are enemies, let alone peers who are fighting fiercely.

Outsiders may not understand it, but they only need to know a little about the relationship between Luo Quan and Girls' Generation.

You know, Luo Quan is the leader of many members of Girls' Generation, and she is also the leader of Girls' Generation for ten years. She also produced some of the most popular songs of Girls' Generation.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the tenth member of Girls' Generation.

And whether it is Luo Quan or the members of the girl, they have publicly stated that their fans dare to bring the opposite rhythm and directly expel their fans, and they will all be treated as counter-intrusions!
With such a relationship, can it be discordant?

In short, the fiercest battle for the top spot in the history of Korean pop music continues to the end in such an atmosphere full of love and peace.

Until an international event is held.

Hollywood, USA, announced that the annual Oscars ceremony is coming, Luo Quan, as a candidate for the award, was invited to the Dolby Theater to participate in this grand event.

As I said before, "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" was released at the end of December last year in order to catch up with the Oscars ceremony held at the beginning of the new year.

Generally speaking, good movies need time to ferment word-of-mouth, so as to increase the chances of winning awards.

But "Lord of the Rings" doesn't need it. Director Ford is confident that his film can participate in the best picture competition as soon as it is released.

And in fact, it is indeed the case. This time Oscar, "Lord of the Rings" was nominated for many awards!

(End of this chapter)

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