Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 437 Value

Chapter 437 Value

(ps. Obviously, the author of the variety show is still writing about the street. It’s quite funny to say, I just wrote a basket of pigs yesterday, and I saw the news of quitting RM this morning. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or poisonous milk.

The Korean part will end quickly, and I will return to Japan soon. The plot will return to daily life, occasionally live broadcast, write a small song, and shoot a movie.


Originally, Luo Quan still wanted to fight for the first place, but after she actually started the game, she realized how difficult it was.

If there is only one person, with her athletic ability, it can be done in at most 2 minutes.

But it was a group of three people who broke through the barrier.

Needless to say, Haha's athletic ability, Junko has practiced kendo since childhood, but her physical fitness is not as good as imagined.

They encountered trouble when passing the horizontal ladder at the first pass, and Luo Quan himself passed it easily, while the other two were blocked by the gatekeepers for more than three minutes, but they couldn't pass.

In the end, the director couldn't stand it anymore and let the two pass the test directly.

Although the next three levels were much faster, the delay in the first level was too long, so the final time was 6 minutes and 45 seconds, which was nearly 1 minutes away from No.2.

Although the game was lost, the effect of the program was achieved.

It is also a rare scene of ten beauties rolling in the mud. This kind of self-destructive image game is usually not seen.

The daytime game was over, and everyone rushed to the seaside hotel to take a shower.

Although they were dressed tightly, they were still in the quagmire outside, and they still had a lot of mud on their bodies. Everyone soaked in the bathtub for more than an hour before they came out.

The recording continued in the evening. The program team first took everyone to the supermarket and purchased a large number of ingredients.

In the evening, everyone was in an open space, cooking tonight's dinner with the built stove.

This is a testing time, but do a group of girls in their twenties seem to have cooking skills?Several of them can't even cook fried rice with eggs.

It is too difficult for them to cook.

But the program team knew this a long time ago, and it was planned to let them cook for the effect of the program.

Everyone in Girls' Generation was also very cooperative. When cooking, there were a lot of jokes. They made all the mistakes that could happen in front of the stove. It's scary.

On the other hand, in Luoquan, although Junzi doesn't know how to cook, she obeys the command. Under her command, Junzi and Haha quickly fight with each other, and it doesn't take long for a dish and a pot of soup to be cooked.

The original plan was that each of the five groups would cook two dishes, and then everyone would have dinner together.

But except for the Luoquan group, the dishes of the other day groups didn't make people have any appetite at all.

So those who can do more work, Luo Quan had no choice but to take all the shares for everyone tonight.

Needless to say, her culinary skills, after the dishes were cooked, everyone devoured them and were full of praise.

The content of the first half is finished here.

After a night's rest, the second half of the recording started the next day.

The program group was also ingenious this time, and asked Luo Quan to carry the speaker outside the house where the guests slept, and use singing as an alarm clock.

Luo Quan asked the director what song to sing, and the director sang whichever song was the loudest.

This is really a problem, because she has quite a lot of high-pitched songs, but considering that this is RM, Luo Quan sang a new song "Good Day" that she recently released.

This song is not only nice, but the treble part is really high, and it is directly upgraded to 3KEY.

Under the effect of the sound, even if Luo Quan stood outside the dormitory, all the guests inside would still be woken up.

If it was normal, no matter how beautiful Luoquan's singing was, this kind of behavior would be a nuisance to the people, and someone would stick their heads out of the window and scold them severely.

However, all the arrangements for the funny variety show are for the effect of the show. The guests who were woken up quickly reacted, brushing their teeth quickly through the glass, making all kinds of funny and exaggerated expressions.

Luo Quan sang and danced just below, while the guests dressed and washed quickly.

After singing two songs, all the guests gathered downstairs.

First I had a breakfast, and then took pictures of the scenery by the sea, and digested my food by the way.

At around ten o'clock, the highlight of the show finally came.

All the guests came to an empty amusement park and started a brand-tearing game.

Everyone will have a name tag with their own name on their back, and others will try their best to tear it up, and if it is torn off, they will be eliminated, and whoever can survive to the end will be the winner.

The rules sound like a battle royale, and the process is intense and exciting, which is deeply loved by fans of variety shows at home and abroad.

In the past, this link was a show where the ability users killed all directions, but this time it was different. A woman who was more perverted than the ability users came.

At the beginning of the game, Luo Quan directly turned on the slaughter mode, tearing up anyone he saw, and the first male guest to suffer was Li Kuangzhu.

Originally, he was quite happy to see the goddess, and wanted to say a few words of flattery to lower Luo Quan's vigilance, but he didn't expect Luo Quan to not accept this kind of trick at all. Just tore off his sign.

Next, wherever Luo Quan goes, there are people who will be eliminated, and the news that so-and-so was eliminated by Luo Quan came from the amusement park's broadcast after a while.

It was originally a battle royale game, everyone fought on their own, but in the end, Luo Quan completed Dead by Daylight, and she turned into a big boss by herself, calling out and killing each one by name.

It's not that everyone in Girls' Generation didn't think of joining forces to deal with her, but under the clutches of the Great Demon King of Luoquan, any resistance is meaningless, even if Wen Xia, Junzi, and Yun'er go up together, they will all be defeated by her. The cure is obedient.

She was attacked to the point by Luo Chuyi and Wen Xia in the quagmire before, on the one hand because of carelessness, and on the other hand because of her mercy.

That's why he lost so completely.

But this time, she was much more serious than before.

Of course, she wouldn't do anything cruel in a game, but even if it didn't hurt anyone, she still had many ways to tear off the name tags of these girls.

Unknowingly, Luo Quan had torn off the name tags of eight guests, and he was supernatural. At the same time, he also set the record holder for the highest number of name tags since the recording of the RM program began.

At this time, only she and the capable person Kim Jong Kook were left in the amusement park.

After searching for each other aimlessly for a while, the two finally met.

Originally, I thought it would be a fierce battle between dragons and tigers, but I didn't expect it to be a unilateral massacre.

Facts have proved that even a capable person is no more difficult to deal with than a girl like Girls' Generation in front of Luo Quan.

Jin Zhongguo didn't even touch Luo Quan's graceful clothes during the whole process, and his name tag was torn off.

When the news came to mind, everyone showed such expressions.

The two special programs ended perfectly with Luo Quan's nine consecutive kills.

After RM, Girls' Generation still has some variety shows and song-playing stages to go on, and Luo Quan's schedule has basically come to an end.

Originally, she could continue to stay for a while, but something happened in the country, which made her return to the country early.

Speaking of it, this matter has nothing to do with her, but for the sake of safety, she'd better go back to China first, and if Dai Rhythm is brought to her, it will be easy to deal with.

The cause of the incident was that a reporter published a series of star contract data on Weibo, including a series of behaviors such as sky-high remuneration, yin and yang contracts, and tax evasion.

There are as many as seven or eight stars involved, ranging from the fiery little fresh meat to the top national stars with many masterpieces, all of which are included in this data.

And according to the reporter who broke the news, he still has more people's data at hand, and too many people's interests are involved. If all of them are released, his personal safety may be threatened.

But even what has been revealed so far is already shocking.

For example, Flow Xiaohua’s film salary is as high as 30 million yuan, and the shooting time is only 300 days, which is equivalent to more than [-] million yuan per day.

Another popular big flower evaded more than [-] million yuan in taxes.
This kind of thing that sounds shocking to the three views, if someone else sends it out, it will be heard as a rumor or a joke at best.

But the reporter who broke the news was once a well-known reporter with a fairly high degree of nationality. Although he is not active on the screen now, it is not enough to use this kind of thing to hype the traffic, so the credibility is very high.

It is worth mentioning that none of the celebrities mentioned has posted an introduction so far.

In the past, when encountering such a thing, he would have sent a lawyer's letter to the rumormonger as soon as possible, but this time he fell into a deathly silence.

The stars didn't know what they were waiting for, but the netizens were blown away, and the one who reacted the most was Weibo, which has the most fan circles. Angry people commented on the already "explosive" trending search:

"I don't know how to describe it other than outrageous. One day's salary is more than my salary in two lifetimes."

"Didn't the country limit the maximum remuneration to 5000 million? How dare they!"

"This acting is 1000 million? [-] million dunma is not worth it!"

"Workers earn this little money through hard work. If it weren't for these sky-high salaries, we should be able to earn more."

"Evading [-] million in taxes, I can't figure out how big an astronomical sum it is. With my current savings, I can't even get [-] out."

"It's time to rectify and rectify. The last time it was targeted at the style of life, this time it is time to target the income?"


It can be seen that netizens are unanimously angry about this hot search.

In the past, complaints about a certain sky-high salary were all ridiculed by netizens, and there was no real hammer.

But now after the real hammer is thrown, everyone feels what it means to be cruel or even desperate.

Is it reasonable to get so much money just to cut out a picture on the screen and not even speak the lines?

This is totally unreasonable!

Soon, these celebrities took to Weibo to apologize, promised to make up for the tax evasion immediately, and those with sky-high salaries also said that they would donate part of their income to charity, and disclosed their tax payment certificates.

Not one of the celebrities who were thrown out for the real hammer complained of injustice, and all of them posted a post to admit their mistakes.

The reporter claims that there is still a lot of data in hand.

what does that mean?This means that the entire entertainment industry is like this.

That's what's so chilling.

Therefore, the anger of netizens was not appeased by the apologies of these celebrities, but was completely ignited, and they began to investigate online.

More and more people have revealed the truth about these popular stars in the entertainment industry.

Last year, a large number of celebrities were directly forced to retire due to lifestyle problems.

And this time, there will be a large wave of celebrities who will be forced to quit the entertainment industry due to financial problems.

Of course, that's all for the future. What everyone cares about now is which celebrities have sky-high salaries and which celebrities have evaded taxes.

Netizens start to screen based on their popularity, and they will not let each one go.

The first one to be screened was Luo Quan. As early as half a month ago, the news that she charged a sky-high production fee for the new boy group of Goose Factory to produce their debut album had already spread.

It's just that the sentiment of netizens at that time was not as strong as it is now, and they generally had a good impression of Luoquan, so they didn't discuss it in depth.

But this time with the rhythm, Luo Quan's news of hundreds of millions of production costs directly came to the forefront.

At this time, she had already returned to China, and she thought that she would not be involved, but in the end she was brought into rhythm.

The good news is that netizens are quite sensible towards her. They didn't directly swear at her like other celebrities, but rather gently wanted her to refute the rumor and explain it.

However, Luo Quan just wanted to say that this was not a rumor.

When Goose Factory asked her to make the album, it gave her a winter vacation of 200 million US dollars for one song. An album of ten songs is 2000 million US dollars. After converting into RMB, it is indeed a production of hundreds of millions uploaded on the Internet. fee.

One thing to say, she discounted the price in half for the sake of an acquaintance.

The price of one of her songs on the Internet is as high as tens of millions of dollars, and it is still the kind of price that has no market.

Although it is still a bit ridiculously high in China's environment, she doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

I didn't say it before because I wanted to take care of the emotions of passers-by and netizens, but since everyone wants to know this time, she also truthfully explained it.

That night, Luo Quan posted a post on Station B:
"The production fee given to me by Goose Factory for this album is indeed the nine-figure figure widely rumored on the Internet, to be precise, it is 2000 million US dollars. My plan is to write ten songs, and the fee is 200 million US dollars per song.

The money has already arrived, and the song has not been written yet, but the payment of taxes is completely in accordance with the regulations.

In addition, at least one-third of my domestic income has always been donated, and I will post the evidence later. "

After posting the news, Luo Quan posted his income, tax payment and donation certificates below, all of which were half a month ago, which means it has nothing to do with this rhythm.

There is no problem with paying taxes, but netizens said that an album worth more than [-] million yuan is still unacceptable.

She couldn't fix it anymore, and wondered if she should post another article to explain, saying that she had broken a bone at the goose factory for charging, and she couldn't be more conscientious.

But she doesn't need to worry about these things anymore, fans have already helped her start explaining to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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