Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 443 Grammy Awards

Chapter 443 Grammy Awards
When the king comes out, who will fight?

When the guests and chefs at the scene smelled the fragrance enough to make the Buddha jump over the wall, they already knew who the title of God of Cooking should belong to.

Fortunately, although there is only one master chef, all the chefs who have entered the finals can participate in the production of the state banquet in a few days. This time they have achieved their purpose.

In addition, it is really worthwhile to see so many dishes beyond imagination.

It can only be said that Luo Quan, the chef, is convinced.

Soon, after tasting all the dishes, the judges announced their scores.

Without any suspense, Luo Quan won again with full marks and became the champion of this MasterChef Competition.

After the game, the real sea bream Jiangshan map and the Buddha jumping over the wall are no longer as simple as being on the hot search, but maxed out the circle of friends.

Hot search can be accessed for a little money, but it can fill the circle of friends with relevant news, and it is definitely a hot spot nationwide.

The God of Cooking Competition was originally a program strongly promoted by CCTV recently. Most of the people who watched it were middle-aged and elderly people. However, with the addition of Luo Quan, young people also became interested, which made the audience very broad.

The two dishes Luo Quan made in the finals were very gimmicks.

One is inspired by the territory of China, making one fish and four meals, including four special food flavors in four regions, with unique ingenuity and lofty intentions.

Needless to say, the Buddha jumps over the wall, a dish that fully embodies the unique food culture of China. Almost all cooking techniques are used in the production process, and the ingredients are also quite rich.

Although the product sold was not as good as the real sea bream picture, the taste was unanimously recognized by all the guests at the scene, and Wu Tao even praised it with "this taste is the best in the world!"

It is self-evident how authoritative it is for a highly respected senior in the cooking industry to make such an evaluation on CCTV.

Overnight, these two dishes of Luo Quan's circle of friends directly swiped the screen. Almost everyone will use these two dishes when talking about the food they want to eat.

The good news is that these two dishes do not have as strict requirements on the production techniques as the golden smile. Although it is a bit troublesome, they can definitely be reproduced.

At the end of the program group, Luo Quan also generously announced the recipes. When they came out, restaurants of all sizes started researching that night.

There are a few chefs with a relatively high level, and they can already make red sea bream Jiangshan map the next day.

Although the taste is definitely not as good as Luo Quan's cooking in the show, ordinary people have never eaten Luo Quan's cooking.

Now is the time when this dish is famous, and many people just want to follow the trend. After eating it, they take pictures and check in. Whether it is sent to the circle of friends to praise or send it to Douyin to attract traffic, it will be beneficial.

In comparison, Luoquan in the capital is much more dull.

Generally speaking, the chef who won the first prize in the MasterChef Competition must be the master chef that every five-star hotel is eager to get.

But her situation is too special. The whole country knows that she is a singer. In the eyes of most people, she came to participate in the competition this time just for fun. I didn't expect her to be so strong, and she won the championship with an invincible posture. .

Although they won the championship, these hotels also knew that it was impossible to sign her. Music is Luoquan's main business.

Therefore, no hotel contacted her after the competition. After all, the recipes had been announced, so there was nothing to talk to her about.

So for the past few days, she was playing with her mobile phone at the hotel, and three days later, she officially participated in the production of the state banquet.

Unlike the God of Cooking competition which was broadcast live in front of the whole country, Luo Quan and all other chefs did not have the chance to appear in front of the camera.

After going through strict security checks, they were taken into the kitchen to cook, and then they went back to their homes. After all, the purpose of foreign guests coming to Huaxia is not to eat food, and they will not call the cook over to praise them face to face because the food is delicious. some.

This time, what Luoquan cooks is Golden Open Smile and Wellington Steak, one Chinese food and one Western food.

The Buddha Jumping Wall was done by Wu Tao. This old chef has a better grasp of the fire than Luo Quan. Even Luo Quan, who has so many magical kitchen utensils, can't guarantee that he can cook better than him.

After the state banquet was over, Luoquan's trip to the capital came to an end.

Although she didn't show her face on a really big occasion, the dishes she cooked this time still left a deep impression on several big shots. Even if it's just a simple compliment, it can definitely be regarded as a treat for the officials who arrange the state banquet. There are results.

Level after level of awards, Luoquan naturally received high praise from Vice Minister Zhao.

As the saying goes, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one, and being praised by the deputy director of the GD Bureau is almost equivalent to her going sideways in the Chinese entertainment circle in the future. Whether it is music or movies, it will be much easier than others to pass the review.

This is the biggest gain of her trip.

And her itinerary didn't stop there. She didn't seem to get much rest time since the New Year's holiday stopped.

First went to South Korea to accompany Wen Xia and the others on variety shows, then transferred to the United States to win an Oscar, then returned to China to work as a cook, and now is going to the United States again.

Because the annual Grammy is about to start, as the most famous musician in recent years, she let go of her plan to sweep the Grammy earlier.

And this time the Grammy is also very face-saving, and directly invited her to compose and sing for the opening performance.

In the past, the opening concerts of the Grammys would invite big names in the industry to give friendly performances, and newcomers rarely had the opportunity to go up, but this time Luo Quan was invited, which means that the message is very clear.

The domestic music circle, which had been silent for a while, suddenly fully recovered, and began to imagine how many Grammys Luo Quan could win this time, and even directly compared the historical status of Luo Quan and those old musicians in the last century.

In the current music circle, no one is good enough to touch those old musicians from the last century, but except for Luo Quan, she really has the qualifications.

Many people don't want to admit it, but Luo Quan's current achievements and his own level actually surpass many, many seniors.

After this Grammy, the controversy about her will basically disappear completely.

She has already swept the authoritative music awards in Huaxia and Japan, and if she wins the Grammy, let alone Huaxia, she is qualified to touch even the seniors in the world.

At that time, the title of the greatest singer of the new century will become more stable.

That's right, the greatest singer of the new century.

Now Luo Quan's nickname is no longer the leader of the new generation of singers in Asia, but the greatest singer of the new century.

This has been certified by many music websites including "Big Stone" magazine. No matter in terms of business, musicality or production, none of the singers who have debuted since the new century can match She's on par.

The only factor that affects the public's recognition of this title may be her age. 19 years old is indeed too young, but it also reflects how talented Luo Quan is.

In short, after the news that Luo Quan was invited to participate in the Grammy came out, there were constant searches and discussions on the Internet.

Zhihu has even started to celebrate, celebrating China's another milestone in world entertainment.

Although the reaction at Station B was not as strong, the push that should be arranged was also arranged, after all, it was their own artist.

However, fans are more concerned about the daily videos posted by Luo Quan.

When the news spread, Luo Quan had already arrived in Los Angeles.

It has been less than a month since she was here last time.

The Oscars are held outside Hollywood at the Dolby Theater, while the Grammys are held inside the city at the Staples Center.

Anyone who is familiar with basketball knows that this is the home court of the Los Angeles Lakers. Whether it is at home or abroad, it is quite well-known, and it is a must-see for many foreign tourists.

However, Luo Quan has never been here in the past few times in Los Angeles.

Of course, she has never been to other well-known scenic spots.

On the one hand, she is lazy, and on the other hand, there are many people here. If she goes to join in the fun, if she is recognized, she will become a scenic spot and be punched by others.

But this time the situation is different. The Grammy Awards Ceremony is regarded as a major event second to the Oscars in the entertainment industry.

The former invites film and television stars from all over the world, while the latter invites music stars from all over the world.

Of course, the two ceremonies did not set the invited guests so deadly. As long as you are famous enough, no matter if you are a movie star, a singer or even an Internet celebrity, you can be invited to participate.

The red carpet of western award ceremonies has always been a runway for female stars to show off their looks and figures.

Last time at the Oscars, Luo Quan was not very confident about winning the Golden Melody Award, so he wore more ordinary and low-key clothes.

And this time the Grammy is completely her home game. For her, this is destined to become a shining node on her resume.

And such an important node, how could she not dress up to attend?

So when she came back from Oscar, she went to Chanel headquarters to ask for a high-end dress that could hold up the scene.

It is definitely too late to do it now, but Chanel has accumulated too many good-looking clothes for decades, and sent Luo Quan several sets to choose from.

Among so many beautiful clothes, Luo Quan chose a large purple skirt. The skirt was ridiculously large and extravagant. It looked like a pair of fluffy wings. It is really difficult for ordinary people to control this style.

But for her, there is no style that cannot be controlled.

She is a natural hanger, and her figure is even more bursting than most Victoria's Secret supermodels. After making up for the shortcoming of the catwalk, she will not have any sense of disobedience even if she walks on the runway immediately.

On the night of the Grammys, Luo Quan still arrived at the scene with Leon by car.

Seifert was also here this time, and the three of them got off from Lincoln and walked towards the red carpet together.

Different from the low-key and restrained at the Oscars, Luo Quan became quite confident and flamboyant this time.

In China, she has always been synonymous with modesty, but foreign cultures are different, and she will not accept this. Too much modesty is hypocrisy.

With her current achievements, there is no need to use modesty to win the favor of passers-by. The more confident she is, the more respect she can gain from others.

Today, no one is more confident than her.

From passers-by to reporters to singers, everyone knew that she came here today to sweep the Grammys, not even Jesus could stop her!

And the winged dress she wore today clearly wanted to leave a deep impression on everyone present.

"Tonight's Staples Center belongs to her home court." A reporter said.

In the past, when he came here for interviews, he said this kind of thing to those stars who played basketball, but today he said it to a singer, which is really strange.

But it is true.

The two men deliberately let Luo Quan walk in front, and received the baptism of the flashlight alone.

In the middle of the red carpet, Luo Quan stopped for an interview as usual.

Compared with the past, Luo Quan has more to say this time.

"Luo Quan, what are your expectations for this Grammy?" The reporter quickly asked a question.

"It's very big." Luo Quan smiled brightly, "Of course it's very big. After all, no one thinks they won too many awards, right?"

Another reporter said: "You are so beautiful today, which is very different from your pure and elegant image in the past."

"People are not static, sometimes it is normal to make changes." Luo Quan laughed at this point, "Besides, pure and elegant has never been my inherent label."

This is also true, I have taken so many promotional photos of Chanel's sexy and flirtatious dresses, and there is a whole beach photo album, the bold appearance and hot body are really not compatible with innocence.

It is just Luo Quan's early style. The key point is that although her face is pure, it has been exuding the original sin that tempted everyone's desire from the very beginning.

Therefore, beauty that brings disaster to the country and the people should be her label.

The reporters smiled and continued to ask: "After winning the award this time, do you have any plans for the future, whether it is music or film and television, as far as I know, the theme song of "Titanic" is already composed by you." Made it, right?"

The news of this person is quite well-informed, and I don't know where he got it from.

Luo Quan was taken aback inwardly, but the smile on his face did not change: "I can't disclose the specific details of "Titanic" for the time being. As for my own next plan, there are probably two films to be made. Just keep making music.

But there must be a while for the album, after all, I just released a trilingual album a while ago, no matter how productive I am, I have to give me time to rest. "

After answering the three questions, the reporters wanted to continue the discussion.

But this is the red carpet after all, no matter how long she can occupy her home field, others will have to leave.

So after answering this question, Luo Quan apologized to the reporters, then turned around and walked inside the Staples Center...

PS. Thanks to the book friends of a string of Greek letters, and the book coins rewarded by Ziming, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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