Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 450 Please call me Koi

Chapter 450 Please call me Koi

Because everyone's work enthusiasm is quite high, the shooting of this chorus went quite smoothly.

More than 70 people were divided into more than a dozen groups, and they filmed their respective singing parts in various parts of China, and then returned to the capital to record the chorus.

Because it was an MV, Luo Quan was not handed over to make it after the filming was completed. Three days later, the Chinese Football Association released "Huaxia Welcomes You" on the Internet.

This chorus, which gathered most of the top entertainment circles in China, naturally sparked heated discussions among the Chinese people. The catchy song is indeed very easy to spread. Although the lyrics are a bit simpler, you can also find moving in the ordinary.

After the song was released, the streets and alleys immediately began to play in a loop, and it also became a popular background music on major short video apps.

The theme song is finished. It must be quite good in China. The gimmick of Chinese stars alone has brought in countless traffic, but most of the stars in the world don’t actually have much attention. At most, it is somewhat well-known in East Asia, but it looks a little ordinary in the world.

After all, the World Cup is a competition open to the world. It would be somewhat limited if they only sang Chinese songs. In order to make up for the popularity of the theme song, Luo Quan put a lot of effort into the promotional song.

The second day after the release of "China Welcomes You", the World Cup promotional song "Wavin' Flag (Flag Open)".

A fast-paced support song, the melody catches the ears, the accompaniment is majestic, and the chorus brainwashes the ears. As a promotional song for the World Cup, it has almost no shortcomings.

As expected, after the release of the song, the popularity of this song quickly surpassed that of the theme song, and it even entered the top ten of the B chart. If the popularity does not decrease, it is not hopeless to win the championship next week.

But this is just the beginning of God's operation. How can two songs be used in a four-year event?
There are so many countries in so many regions in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, and a world-class competition watched by billions of people, it is too shabby to have only two languages.

On the night when "Flag Opening" was released, Luo Quan immediately released the second promotional song "WakaWaka" (South African Moment), with the following text:

"My earliest memory of the World Cup is actually the World Cup in South Africa in 10. In that summer, I didn't know much about football, but I saw the players on the large green grass on TV, playing for a small football. And the appearance of struggling hard, I was attracted at once.

At that time, I only liked to watch cartoons, so I watched the football match for two hours. Although I didn't even know the rules, I still watched it with great interest. Probably this is the charm of football.

I would like to use this song to dedicate to the 10th World Cup in South Africa. "

Among so many World Cups, the World Cup in South Africa is not ordinary, but it is not so legendary.

But for many post-90s and 00s, this is likely to be their enlightenment about football, which has extraordinary significance.

Although eight years have passed, Luo Quan still wants to take out this song that she fell in love with after listening to it once, and remember the past youth and the summer that can't go back.

However, "South African Moment" is a song she has heard before, but for others, it is a new song that cannot be newer!
For any song to be popular, a melody that can capture the ear in an instant is absolutely essential, and "South African Moment" is excellent in this regard, and the main song alone can make people addicted.

What is different from general European and American pop music is that this song also incorporates a lot of African local characteristics, including African musical instruments and languages. After these elements appear, it immediately gives people a bright feeling.

It is worth mentioning that the production of this song shows that only Luo Quan is involved, which means that both the African musical instruments and the singing of the South African dialect were independently completed by Luo Quan.

We all know that Luo Quan can speak multiple languages, but I didn't expect to know such a foreign language. I really don't know how she can learn and even be proficient in so many things with limited energy.

Probably the real genius is 90.00% inspiration and [-]% perspiration. Some people can’t recite Bai Juyi’s "Pipa Xing" in a day, and some people hum the melody.Once you hear it, you know how to sing it.

With the popularity of "Flag Opening" as a foundation, "South African Moment" took over the baton and once again exploded the popularity of the China World Cup. The two promotional songs really played their own role in publicity. 18 World Cup held.

Luo Quan knows the truth of striking while the iron is hot. In the early morning of the next day, she released her third promotional song "The cup of life".

This is the real King Zha. Among all the lists of World Cup songs in the previous life, it is well-deserved number one, and no theme song or promotional song can surpass its status.

The intention of Luo Quan to take it out is also very simple, that is to make this World Cup an indelible memory for everyone.

The 21 World Cups are not always fresh in people's memory. Except for those incomparably classic game scenes, there are only incomparably classic songs that can firmly engrave the memory of this World Cup.

"The Cup of Life" is definitely the best choice. This song has a chorus that implements the word brainwashing to perfection. It doesn't matter even if you don't know English, because there is only one sentence that needs to be played, and that is "GO GO GO Ole Ole Ole".

After the "Cup of Life" was released, it immediately became a trending topic on Twitter. This time, fans from all over the world joined the discussion. In addition, there were also some well-known music producers.

They all came because of the amazing popularity of the World Cup promotional song, and wanted to listen to Luo Quan's new song and learn.

But after listening to it, I was shocked, but I still feel that this is completely the willful expression of Luo Quan's talent and spirituality, and others can't learn it at all.

Not without revelations, though, as one well-known music producer put it:
"Eternal classics often only need simple lyrics and melody. Luo Quan never spends too much effort on other places. Bellows and bells and whistles cannot make a song excellent. Luo Quan knows this very well, so he never lets The song sounds fancy, and it only makes people feel that it is good.

Luo Quan is not incapable of showing her production skills, but if the music relies too much on modern technology, it will be out of its essence. "

These comments can be said to have exhausted the reasons for the gradual decline of pop music in recent years. Fortunately, Luo Quan has personally proved to everyone what kind of songs the public likes.

"The Cup of Life" is a microcosm of Luo Quan's creative career, and it is just a small test of her amazing talent.

But just like this, it has surpassed others too much.

The three promotional songs, all of which can be called classics, everyone began to worry about what kind of songs should be presented for the next World Cup, so as not to be too popular after comparison.

But this is not the end of Luo Quanshen's operations. Two days later, she released a new song that made this World Cup even before it was held, and it has already made people unforgettable.

"In addition to winning the Hercules Cup, champions should of course also have their hymn. I hope this song "We are the champions" (originally sung by Queen) can bring the greatest joy to the winners in the final. "

This is a tweet by Luo Quan before releasing the song, telling about his creative journey.

However, this song was not sung by her alone, but by the Love music band. The main part of the song was completed by Xiao Yun. After all, Luo Quan's voice is not suitable for singing rock.

Although the glory of rock and roll is gone, this is still one of the most touching music.

As soon as the song comes out, anyone who knows what it is can know how high its level is. Even if it is compared with any song in "Long Live Rock and Roll", which is called the greatest rock album of the 21st century, "We Are the Champions" is absolutely nothing. Don't fall behind.

But this is also normal, because its author is the same person.

In fact, the realm of this song has been separated from football. The championship can be extended to every competitive sport. Winning a game is a championship, and this song can be used for celebration.

If there is no accident, this song should be a fixed track after the competition.

The bombardment of songs in the past few days has really made the fans a little overwhelmed. At this time, the fan comments on Twitter have already cast their eyes on her:
"Others release songs one by one. Luoquan's output can almost be said to be album by album. It doesn't leave a way for the peers to survive."

"I will never urge you to release new songs in the future. With this frequency and quality, who can compare in the current music industry?"

"Everyone criticizes Luo Quan for being lazy, but in fact she is really hardworking and surprises us every now and then."

"Don't compromise so quickly, you have to be urged, otherwise with Luo Quan's temper, you can really give you a whole year and a half without new songs!"

"Haha, if Luo Quan sees it, I don't know how depressed he will be."


Seeing these fans' comments, Luo Quan was really depressed.

Originally, after these songs were released, she really planned to broadcast live to ask everyone to take a leave of absence for a few days of rest.

For a while, various trips have been going on and on, and a considerable part of the time is spent on planes and cars.

Although compared with most artists, she is not too tired, but just like Wen Xia said, Luo Quan is not born with a tired life.

The current work intensity is already overloaded for her previous situation.

Although it is unlikely that there will be physical health problems if she continues to strengthen, but if she is busy for too long, she is afraid that her mentality will change.

To put it simply, it is the kind of work that is too long, lazy and cancerous, and I don’t want to do it anymore, and no one can persuade me.

"Rest after finishing this order!" Luo Quan made a decision for himself in his heart.

The last order refers to the group draw of the World Cup. This time, FIFA invited a Brazilian football star Riberdo and Luo Quan to conduct the group draw ceremony.

Luo Quan was in charge of drawing lots from the box, and Mingsu was in charge of displaying them.

As the most popular artist in the world, coupled with Luoquan Huaxia's identity, the task of drawing lots can be said to be without any controversy.

The domestic fans were actually quite happy after knowing that Luo Quan had drawn lots.

One of the reasons is to like her, and another reason is because of rumors about her good luck.

She looks so white, and her family is a collateral branch of the British royal family. This is a serious European bloodline. It is perfect for her to draw lots.

The lottery ceremony was held in the CCTV studio. Luo Quan stood with the famous Brazilian football star Riberdo. The 80-year-old man seemed to be quite energetic. Although he needed help when walking before, when the group When the lottery began, he straightened up immediately, and his hands and legs stopped shaking.

Before that, he had been a draw guest for four consecutive World Cups. In the 14 World Cup in Brazil, Brazil was assigned to a very good group through his hands, and the powerful Brazil team also reached the semi-finals all the way.

Just when the betting dogs put all their wealth on the Brazilian team to win, the German team advanced to the final with a disparity of 7:1.

That night, the rooftops of countless buildings were overcrowded, and the noisy wind took away countless strands of ghosts.

Compared with the previous World Cup, the strength of this World Cup seems to be much more average, at least for now, it can't be seen that the team is particularly strong.

But it is clear at a glance which teams are particularly weak, but it cannot be said.

Anyway, Luo Quan, as a guest of Huaxia, has only one task, to ensure that his team does not lose too badly.

After waiting for so many years, Huaxia finally entered the World Cup group stage again. For these players in the current national team, this is probably their only chance in this life. No matter what kind of opponent they encounter, they must do their best. It is our duty to recast the glory of the national football team.

But on the other hand, if you can avoid the strong teams, it will be great.

It is a good thing to work hard, but we must also face up to the gap with other countries. The national football team still has a long way to go. This time it will be all about training.

With this mentality, the fans began to pray in the live broadcast room of the draw ceremony.

Luo Quan also reached into the box and grabbed a small football.

After opening it, it was Huaxia!

"I rely on!"

"Touched the first one."

"Do you want to be so European?"

What is even more surprising is that after Luo Quan found China, he successively found France, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and Poland.

They are all well-known strong teams in football, and these strong teams are not in the same group as Huaxia.

"This lottery is drawn, and the hands are too fragrant. It is indeed true. The blood of the European Emperor!"

I don't know how many fans cheered from the bottom of their hearts.

And as Luo Quan took out one football after another from the box, the grouping situation of the group was also fully revealed.

Huaxia is in Group A, and the other three opponents are Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea. They are the weakest teams in this World Cup. In order for the national football team to qualify, Luoquan has done everything he can.

(End of this chapter)

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