Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 453 New Missions

Chapter 453 New Missions
"Do you want to be like this, to transfer your love so soon?" Looking at the many "Qiu Ya" speeches in the barrage, Luo Quan was a little bit dumbfounded.

Originally, she thought that the replacement of the old by the new would not happen to her, but now it seems that she is still a little too confident.

Which man doesn't love the new and dislike the old?
"Oh, I always see the newcomers laughing, but not the old ones crying." Luo Quan shook his head sadly with his head down, and the bullet screen immediately began to comfort him.

Sadness is of course faked. In fact, this is just a way of interaction between Luo Quan and fans. Luo Quan will not take it seriously, and neither will fans.

After introducing my sister to the fans, the scene returned to the barbecue. Today's theme must still be related to eating and drinking. What fans are looking forward to is this sense of participation.

Including eating cakes and blowing out candles later, even if you can only watch, you can also create an immersive feeling through the lens.

Therefore, even though Luo Quan didn't talk much during the barbecue, the fans still watched it with gusto, not to say that the barbecue was really delicious.

Of course, in addition to the sense of participation, the funny speeches of a group of sand sculpture brothers in the barrage are also one of the important reasons for everyone to stay in the live broadcast room.

As a recognized goddess at station B, Luo Quan's way of getting along with fans has always been relatively casual, and there is almost no generation gap in chatting.

Therefore, compared with the slightly serious barrage of other stars when they broadcast live, Luoquan's live broadcast room is more casual and relaxed. Except for the "big mouth of the abyss", everyone will not have too much barrage Taboo.

Not long after, Luoquan roasted a big chicken leg, and the way of sprinkling spices is also very similar to the style of a roadside stall. Cumin, chili powder, and sesame seeds are spread on it for free, layer after layer of spice powder coats the chicken leg. The original color is covered.

"Is the taste so strong?"

"With so many spices, even the baked leather shoes are delicious."

"Barbecue, you just need to add more spices to make it delicious."

"It means that Luo Quan dares to be so willful. If someone else finishes eating today, the pimple will explode the next day."

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Luo Quan get acne much."

"People with bad stomachs expressed their envy. Last summer, they used hot pot and spicy hot pot every day. After eating, they didn't even get oily on their faces."

"The difference between people is sometimes greater than the difference between people and pigs."


Didn't see the envious words in the barrage, Luo Quan put the big roasted chicken legs in front of the camera: "Don't say I'm selfish, eat the roasted chicken legs first, look at the big chicken legs that are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, The air around me is full of its fragrance."

As he spoke, Luo Quan sucked his saliva, obviously drooling from greed.

But seeing the barrage that he couldn't eat, he was very dissatisfied with Luo Quan's generous behavior:
"When I send a question mark, it's not that I have a problem, but that you have a problem."

"Big noon, how can you torture people like this?"

"Being an individual, it's hard to suppress your appetite together."

"I opened my mouth, where's the meat?"


"Haha, you've already tasted it." Luo Quan didn't seem to have seen the barrage of resentment, and took the big chicken leg back from the camera, "Then it's my turn to start."

As he said that, he took a big bite, first of all, the lips and teeth made a cracking sound after cutting the crispy chicken skin.

In order for the fans to hear clearly, she probably put the phone closer.

It is said on the Internet that Luo Quan has a very cute and delicate cherry mouth, but it is obviously not rigorous enough.

In fact, she has always been Schrödinger's small cherry mouth. She usually looks very small when she is not talking, but sometimes she directly turns into an abyss.

Having said that, how could a female singer who is good at treble not open her mouth wide?

Fortunately, Luo Quan has paid more attention to his posture since he learned from the past, especially when eating. When eating, he will not deliberately challenge the expansion limit of the human mandible.

But I will not deliberately eat like a British noble lady, eating well and politely.

"Oh, I thought I could see the rumored giant mouth of the abyss this time."

"Are you ready for an account?"

"Congratulations to the brothers upstairs who are happy to mention the 30-day silence package, all the way!"

"The Bridge of Naihe rings!"


The barrage is full of cheerfulness, and every time this happens, there will always be warriors who will jump out and face the dripping blood, adding some fun to everyone's ordinary life.

Luo Quan is usually not angry, but he will not condone such behavior, as long as he sees it, he will be banned for 30 days without discussion.

So far, forty "warriors" have enjoyed this special package. Counting today's brother nicknamed "Alibaba Bemba", it just happens to be one Alibaba and the Forty Thieves.

"You really don't change after repeated admonitions, committing crimes against the wind!" After Luo Quan finished the operation, he still didn't forget to educate, "Isn't it good to live well? You have to come and give away your head."

Facing Luoquan's brutal rule, fans dare not speak out, and can only whitewash peace with "good seal" and "deserving to be sealed".

"Continue to play music, continue to dance." The world returned to peace, and Luo Quan continued to eat chicken legs.

On the other side, Lyon and the others also started feasting.

Compared with Luoquan's elegant roasting method of only roasting big chicken drumsticks at a time, those few of them simply don't care about their image at all.

One after another stainless steel skewers are filled with all kinds of half-fist-sized meat pieces, which are filled with barbecue grills. After roasting, they are picked up and stuffed into their mouths.

"Look, that's the real mouth of the abyss. Has my mouth ever opened that wide?" Luo Quan moved the camera to that side, but he didn't forget to excuse himself.

Seeing those eating like Liangshan heroes, the barrage was dumbfounded, especially the female fans who like both Lyon and Luoquan
"How did my Leon change like this?"

"I can't accept it. In my mind, Leon should be a polite gentleman!"

"Don't be gentlemen, the most popular ones at Station B are gentlemen, and everyone knows what they look like."

"What's wrong with boys exaggerating their eating, that's how they eat barbecue!"

"Indeed, when my brother and I ate at roadside stalls, let alone the meat, I would have wiped out all the seasonings on the skewers."


The views on eating in the barrage generally do not have too many rules and regulations. Although as an idol, you do need to pay attention to your demeanor, but well, Leon stopped thinking of himself as an idol a few years ago.

He has always been committed to changing public opinion, wanting people to pay more attention to his work, rather than his face.

He also did things that ruined his image, but because his handsomeness was unrivaled, it didn't have much impact.

After many unsuccessful attempts, Leon felt that the only way to go was to gain weight.

As the saying goes, one fat ruins everything.

If it wasn't for the filming of "Titanic", Lyon would have gained twenty catties according to the plan now.

But because of the needs of filming, he delayed his weight gain.

This is not self-mutilation. First of all, by doing this, he can break the public's inherent impression of him. After he becomes fat, his acting career can also be broadened, and it can also improve the favorability of the film judges in the opposite direction.

Compared with female stars, male stars do not have particularly high requirements for appearance.

However, although the starting point is good, it is definitely not easy for fans to accept.

Think about it, if Luo Quan suddenly became a 160-jin fat man, how many of his current fans would be angry and turn off?
I'm afraid Luo Quan himself can't say for sure, there must be very few, or there may be many.

But compared to Leon, she couldn't do this kind of behavior of self-destructing her image in order to break the rules.

In addition to the talents endowed by the system, her face is her most important talent. Although she doesn't take care of it, it's because she has a thick skin (literally, after all, it's okay to resist sandstorms).

But obesity is definitely not something that can be resisted by a thick skin. Once a person really becomes fat, all parts of the body will become fat together.

If the skin and muscles on the face get bigger, even if you lose weight later, it may not be exactly the same as before.

If there is a small problem that affects the overall aesthetic feeling because of the part, it would be too sad.

Therefore, although Luo Quan doesn't like sports, he won't eat like Leon.

Although she eats more meat, she eats more vegetables.

Fat is never the cause of obesity, an unbalanced diet is.

Of course, if you eat high-calorie, high-sugar fast food all day long like the United States, eating more vegetables will not help.

Junk food is called junk food for a reason.

Of course, Luo Quan would definitely not impose so many restrictions on himself for celebrating his birthday today, after all, it only happens once a year.

Immediately after the high-calorie roast, it's time for the high-sugar cake.

It was Luo Quan's favorite part of making a wish and blowing out candles. Almost all the wishes she made on her birthday last year came true, and some of them even exceeded their goals.

This time, she wants to make a few bigger wishes.

"Let's go, let's go, the birthday cake is here!" Su Yu and Ai Wei pushed Luo Quan's birthday cake out with a small cart. It was ordered by Wen Xia for Luo Quan, and it was Luo Quan's favorite Love the three-layer chocolate cream cake, the diameter of the bottom layer is half a meter.

"Wow, such a big cake!" Leon rubbed his stomach, feeling that his stomach was already hungry and thirsty, and Fred was also eager to try it.

"Can you still eat it?" Seifert said that he was already full, and Luo Quan didn't know what the recipe was for marinating these barbecued meats. Both are more delicious.

Fred looked at him suspiciously: "Birthday party, you have to save your stomach for cake."

Seifert was helpless: "I thought it was for dinner..."

"Come on, light candles for our little birthday star." Wen Xia put a small paper crown on Luo Quan's head, Junzi and Yun'er inserted two big candles on the cake, and then lit them up.

The camera of the live broadcast is placed on the table not far away, just enough to include all your smiling faces.

Surrounded by everyone, Luo Quan clasped his hands together, with a smile on his face: "One year older, I have reached [-]. First of all, I hope that in the new year, my family and friends will be healthy and healthy. Peace and safety, those who do business will get rich, and those who become stars will be on fire."

After finally waiting for this moment, the number of barrages almost exploded:


"It's the national legal marriage age."

"Happy birthday!"

"Luo Bao, mom loves you!"

"You must be fine!"

"I don't ask you to be popular, I just hope that you are in good health. The way of life of the previous summer vacation is really impossible to come back."


The barrage is full of words of blessing.

Although Luo Quan couldn't see the bullet screens on the phone, he could still feel the strong kindness and love.

Although wishes are generally made silently in the heart, but she never cares about these small details.

Sincerity leads to success, and I have said it myself, isn't it considered sincere?
After the simple wish was made, everyone sang the happy birthday song. Luo Quan accepted the blessings from everyone, and felt that winning so many awards before could not compare to the happiness and satisfaction in his heart at this moment.

After the song was sung, Luo Quan stepped forward and blew out all the candles.

Then came the cake-sharing session that foodies love most.

Generally speaking, after young people sing the happy birthday song, more than half of the cake is not eaten, but directly grabs it and blows it on the face.

Both domestic and foreign people like this way of celebration, and a birthday party often turns into a snowball fight scene in the end.

But today it is definitely not necessary, after all, there are more girls here, and it is in the yard. Although there are a lot of cakes, everyone will definitely not be able to finish it, but it is really difficult to clean up after throwing away, so I will not give it to Luo Quan. Sorry for the trouble.

After the song was sung, everyone honestly shared the cake.

In fact, in the end, the girls still had a rough time, and after eating almost, they took out a part of the cake in the big plate, and then directly grabbed it and spread it on other people's faces.

It's just that the way of applying it is relatively gentle, and it doesn't directly fling it on the face like a snowball fight, it's more like applying magic cosmetics.

Naturally, Luo Quan was the one who wiped the most. Girls' Generation, Su Yu, and Ai Wei all scratched her face.

Wen Xia and Junzi caught the most, and wiped three circles to the left and three circles to the right.

Luo Quan wanted to hide at first, but everyone around her was targeting her, even Angela grabbed a piece of cake and stared at her with a smirk.

After hiding for a few times, she gave up resisting.

The boy looked at it with a smile on the side, not very easy to participate, but just recorded this happy scene with his mobile phone.

After playing, the girls' faces were all covered with cakes, and Luo Quan's face was the most.

I don't know if I said something first: Why don't boys have cakes on their faces?

Then Leon and the others who were watching the play next to him were also regarded as the targets of the fire, and after a while, they became snowmen...

(End of this chapter)

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