Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 467 Socializing

Chapter 467 Socializing
"Hi! It's three o'clock, it's time for tea, friends and brothers." Luo Quan, who was broadcasting live in the hotel, saw the hands in the clock, and suddenly shouted in Cantonese.

This is a new stalk on station B, and it must be quite familiar to people like Luo Quan who use station B intensively.

The fans who were watching the live broadcast were taken aback for a moment and then laughed:
"Would you like tea too?"

"Luo Quan can speak Cantonese?"

"It smells so good. When I closed my eyes, I thought I met a fellow villager."

"Luoquan is professional in language."


The barrage chatted about Luo Quan's accent, and she took out a box from the suitcase, which contained a string of English words, most of which fans couldn't understand, but seeing a "tea" probably knew that it contained a something.

This is the slimming scented tea that Luo Quan brought back from England. It is said that many high-class people in London drink this tea. Luo Quan tried to drink a bag after seeing several boxes of new ones in the room.

At first, I was just curious, and didn't expect any effect.

It turns out that after drinking it, it tastes surprisingly good, and it can completely replace her usual thirst-quenching drink.

Since this is a weight loss product with no major side effects, she took it all away and planned to drink it while doing exercise.

One sachet a day, she has been drinking it for ten days in a row. As for the effect, every time Luo Quan takes a bath, she weighs it first. It seems that she is a catty less than when she came to London, but she is not sure if she drank this. reason.

Most of the teas that have a weight loss effect usually achieve significant weight loss through laxative effects first, but she has not had diarrhea these days, which shows that the tea she drank this time did not follow the above route.

Of course, this does not prove that the tea is ineffective. After all, losing weight does not happen overnight, and it takes a long time for it to be reflected.

On the other hand, the taste of this tea is really good. Compared with those colored drinks, drinking this tea should be healthier.

After drinking a cup of hot tea, Luo Quan continued to read the questions in the bullet screen and answered them selectively.

After showing her two pieces of clothing on the runway yesterday, the audience all stood up and cheered. These are all veterans who have been in the fashion circle for many years.

Even they find it amazing, let alone ordinary people. Luo Quan also deliberately selected design works that the public can appreciate this time, and there will be no aesthetic differences between the two groups.

After the photos of the clothes came out, passers-by were naturally surprised and sighed, and fans began to output by riding their faces after being bored for so many days.

A few days ago, Luo Quan was not uncommonly annoyed by people in the fashion industry. Now that the clothes came out, many people automatically deleted their posts and pretended to be dead. The name of "genius" once again resounded all over the world.

But it should be bragging, Luoquan had already bragged last night when he started the live broadcast, and enjoyed the praise and flattery from fans all night.

But if the live broadcast starts again today, there will naturally be new topics to discuss.

Seeing a question asked her next, Luo Quan put down his teacup and said:

"Tomorrow night, I'm going to the Shangri-La Hotel to attend a charity reception. If you have the conditions, you can watch the live broadcast on YouTube."

This charity gala was told by her grandfather a few days ago. The full name is the Noble Charity Ball. It is said to be one of the top ten top gatherings in the world.

Luo Quan had heard of an equally famous Paris Ladies Ball, as the name suggests, invited ladies to the ball, and danced with princes and young jazz from other countries, and the theme of the ball was to help impoverished girls in Asia through donations .

This time it's similar, but it's just inviting young celebrities from around the world.

The main subjects invited are firstly the nobles in Europe. After all, the world has the most feudal remnants here, followed by the second generation of rich people in the United States, and then young but popular stars and Internet celebrities.

Because the scale is relatively large, the conditions for participation are not as harsh as those of the Paris Ladies' Ball, but after all, there are so many big names participating, so the popularity is still quite high.

Although this is a charity ball in name, it is actually a social salon for nobles, but because of the donation part, the theme has been sublimated.

But this time, the target of help is not Asia, but to help children displaced by war in the ZD region.

When hearing this, Luo Quan almost laughed out loud.

Because of who became what it is now, do these nobles and rich people have no idea?

Destroyed people's homes, and now they hold a charity party to help them, it is really some cats and mice pretending to be merciful.

Originally, Luo Quan didn't want to go, but since it was grandpa who called and my younger brother was going this time, he didn't refuse.

Of course, she would not give a live speech directly in front of the reporters at the ball, denouncing and exposing the hypocrisy of these people.

It would be fun to do that, but for her father's relatives, it might break their hearts.

So this time, she will just sit down for a while, drink some juice, and then donate money to leave

The barrage obviously didn't know much about this so-called aristocratic charity gala. Compared with it, they would rather Luo Quan live broadcast in the room, sing a few songs and dance a few dances for them.

In the past, I might have been excited when I heard about nobles, but now that I’ve watched Luoquan’s live broadcast for so long, I don’t have any particular curiosity or longing for nobles.

After all, the vast majority of nobles in this world should be inferior to Luo Quan in terms of housing, family background, and fame. Not to mention their appearance and temperament, Luo Quan directly kills everything.

So when Luo Quan told about the itinerary, the fans seemed a little less interested, and Luo Quan himself was also like this.

The next night, she picked out a dark-toned dress at random, drove to the entrance of the Shangri-La Hotel, and the two walked in together after waiting for Lyon.

Usually when attending a party, she would dress brightly in order to attract attention, but tonight the color of her clothes almost blended with the night outside the hotel. If it weren't for her amazing appearance, she would not have attracted much attention at all.

But obviously, many of the boys who participated in the prom today came for her, they didn't care what she was wearing at all, as long as they saw her face, they would come up to say hello.

Facing these polite and graceful princes and jazz, Luo Quan uniformly responded with a professional smirk, with the corners of his mouth raised at [-] degrees, and the arc was quite standard.

Fans who often watch Luo Quan's live broadcast know that when Luo Quan really smiles happily, the apple muscles of her cheeks will bulge slightly. At this time, she is like a princess in a fairy tale, with a bright and beautiful smile.

But if she is in a normal mood and just wants to fake a smile, the only part of her face that moves is her lips.

On the one hand, this is her personal habit, on the other hand, it also shows that her control of facial muscles is really in place, no wonder she is so good at acting at a young age.

Leon was naturally familiar with his sister's habits. Seeing her fake smile, he asked in a low voice after entering the hall and sitting down, "Why are you unhappy today?"

Luo Quan smiled and took a glass of juice from the passing waiter, and said, "Would you be happy to participate in this ball with a bunch of people you don't know at all?"

"Then our moods are really different. I managed to get a vacation from my busy schedule. Now I don't have to think about any work, and my body and mind are quite relaxed." Leon said while looking at a man with a pretty good figure in the distance. female internet celebrity.

Like his sister, Leon has long since lost his sense of the so-called looks, and no matter how beautiful a girl is, he sees them as mediocre.

But the figure is different. After all, ring fat, swallows and thin have their own merits, and after working with Carileen Manzansu on the Titanic, he has increased a lot of interest in girls with plump figures.

Of course, it still exists only to the extent that it is seductive.

Luo Quan knew that her younger brother had a lot of work, so coming to Paris this time was equivalent to taking a vacation. After all, not everyone was as busy as she was.

After sitting in the hall for a while, the dance began.

Although it was a dance party, the theme was still more focused on charity and socializing, so there was only waltz music playing in front of it, but the organizers did not call on everyone to dance together on the dance floor.

After all, not all the nobles came here this time, so those who didn't dance long still sat in their seats and drank wine, or walked to other people and started chatting and building relationships.

After playing a few classic dance music, the music switched to Luo Quan's "Second Waltz". Even if it was put together with the previous classic waltz, her song didn't seem to be inconsistent in any way.

At this moment, a gentleman in a tuxedo came over. He looked to be in his early twenties, tall and handsome, with an extremely gentle voice:
"Beautiful lady, may I have the honor of asking you to dance with me?"

Luo Quan smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, I can't dance."

She really doesn't know how to waltz, but if she wants to, it's just a thought.

In fact, let alone the waltz, if necessary, she can do both authentic Maori war dances.

But dancing, especially pas de deux is not something that one person does, one has to pick a partner, Luo Quan doesn't want to go to the dance floor with a stranger anyway.

"That's such a pity." The gentleman showed a regretful expression. A smart person had already guessed that Luo Quan's saying that it would be an excuse. There is no possibility in this kind of occasion, only thinking about it.

Obviously, he is not the dance partner Luo Quan expected.

In fact, none of the people present had the dance partner she was looking forward to, or she didn't look forward to it at all.

At a dance party, twelve boys came in a row and offered her an invitation to dance with her. Without exception, all of them were rejected.

Leon couldn't bear to see it, and shook his head beside him and sighed.

Luo Quan also wanted to sigh, and even said that mmp didn't know if it was inappropriate to say it.

The invitation——the drama of refusal continued until the end of the dance, when Luo Quan's professional smirk was almost unstoppable, and the torture finally stopped.

If she continued, she would probably find a sign that said: "I can't dance, please find another girl to dance" on it, and stand beside her.

Now that the dance is over, it's time for tonight's charity stage.

Charity is divided into two parts. The first half is a charity auction. The organizer of the ball will take out some artworks and handicrafts for the nobles and celebrities attending the party to auction, and all the proceeds from the auction will be donated to a charity organization.

The second part is the donation link. At that time, a big box will be placed on the stage, and those who want to donate their own checks can go up and put it in the box.

After the donation, you can also give a speech. This moment is a part of personal appearance, and it is also the purpose of most Internet celebrities and celebrities coming here. Part of these donations is also the admission fee for these people.

As a dance party held for nobles and wealthy second generations, Internet celebrities would naturally have to pay more money if they wanted to come in. It was very realistic, but also very reasonable.

The charity auction started soon, and the items for sale were paintings, handicrafts, sculptures, etc., and most of them were works of modern people.

She doesn't know how high the artistic level of these gadgets is, but none of them can make the system see that they don't have particularly high value.

But after the auction, the prices often go up to 500 million US dollars, and many of them are worth tens of millions of dollars!
What is this fucker not washing Q?Luo Quan glanced at his younger brother. Although the latter held a bidding number plate in his hand, he never overpaid the price from the beginning to the end.

"Brother, is this auction legitimate? Why does the price look a bit inflated?" Luo Quan asked worriedly.

If the later auction explodes and participates in Q laundering, it will be a little troublesome.

"It's okay. I didn't see that the bidders were all rich second-generation and Internet celebrities. The children of the nobles didn't move any of them." Leon was also a celebrity himself. If there was a problem with the auction, it would have left long ago.

"Actually, it's nothing more than killing a big family. These works of art are not treasures at all for a family with a long history. Who doesn't have a few? People who know the goods will not auction these things here."

Luo Quan was relieved by Leon's explanation: "Then kill, kill hard!"

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Luo Quan began to prepare for the next donation session.

She asked the waiter for a pen and paper, and began to write on it.

Leon thought that his sister was preparing to write a speech, and she would go up later to give a speech that moved the world, but after a closer look, he realized that it was the lyrics of a song.

"Are you going to donate this later?" Leon laughed, "It's quite unique, everyone donates money, and you write a song lightly."

"What do you mean light and fluffy!" Of course Luo Quan would not admit that he was a penny-pinching cock, "Don't you know how valuable my song is? Donate this song, at least tens of millions of dollars!

And don't you think it's too vulgar to follow the crowd and donate money? "

"That's true." Leon laughed, wondering if he should imitate it.

But thinking that the content of his rap lyrics is not very good, it may not have the same effect as my sister, so I gave up.

Soon, all the auction items in the charity auction were sold out, and there were no top-notch auctions.The time for people to donate also followed.

ps. Thank you book friend Ziming for the book coin, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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