Chapter 480

Dongying Taiqin Film Village, in the conference room of the hotel.

"First of all, we need to clarify where the action features of our movie are." Luo Quan talked eloquently in front of the stage, facing a large group of middle-aged men who were more than twice his age, all of whom were sub-action directors supported by Sony. , assistant director and cinematography.

For a big production, it is impossible for the director alone to make it well. To complete a movie of this size, hundreds or thousands of people must work together to make it.

And now, she's giving technical direction to the film's senior producer:
"I have studied a lot of samurai action movies on the market, and most of them, like "Zatoichi", focus on the display of sword drawing skills, especially the process of drawing and receiving swords.

It is true that the beautiful Iai slash is indeed very entertaining, but if there is only such an action, it will be too monotonous. After all, not all movies can be shot with such exciting and violent beauty as "Zatoichi".

In addition, these recent action movies have placed too much emphasis on the so-called actual combat effects, and the viewing value is not high enough. This needs to be changed. "

Luo Quan's remarks were quickly questioned by the action director Musashi: "Director, but actual combat is the mainstream now. Everyone likes more realistic actions. If it is too flashy, what is the difference from science fiction movies?"

Luo Quan corrected: "I don't mean that being realistic is bad, what I mean is that on the premise of being realistic, try to make the fight as good-looking as possible, and adding some exaggerated movements is also acceptable.

After all, this is a movie, not a documentary, and artistic processing is understandable. "

"But how should the movements be done? Do you want to hang Wia all the way?" Musashi thought of those classic Chinese martial arts movies.

Japanese martial arts and Chinese martial arts basically follow a different path. The classic Chinese martial arts are all about floating on water, flying on grass, and the kind that create a shock wave with one palm.

On the other hand, Japanese martial arts are somewhat similar to Hollywood action movies, with fierce fighting, full of blood, and more visual impact.

"Of course I won't add these things." Luo Quan smiled, "I can complete most of the movements by myself, and a few of them need to hang wires, and this is what I call an appropriate exaggerated expression."

Hearing what Luo Quan said, the uncles no longer have doubts in their hearts. They have heard of Director Luo's skill more or less. The elite of the elite may not be able to achieve this level with bare hands.

If Luo Quan joins the action film industry right away, there will be no martial arts superstar in the world who can find a match for her.

in various senses.

"The tone of the movie is like this for the time being, because there are so many action scenes that need to be filmed. I definitely can't conceive it alone. Everyone, especially the action directors, can design some powerful and fancy fighting moves, which can be slightly exaggerated. , even if it is divorced from reality, it doesn't matter.

Action movies are not literary or satirical movies, and the top priority is to make the audience enjoy watching. "Luo Quan propped his hands on the table, and gave instructions to several "high-level" crew members.

As the brain of the crew, she can set every general direction of filming, but it is impossible to take care of every detail, and these require the help of other people in the crew.

After the meeting, Luo Quan sent the costume design drawings to a company that specializes in costumes for costumes for film and television dramas.

All that needs to be made are the costumes of the protagonist, and the workload is not very large.

As for the costumes for group performances, they can be rented directly at Toei Taiqin Film Village. This is Japan's largest film and television base for filming costume dramas, and its status is the same as Hengdian in China.

Of course, no matter in terms of scale or the degree of restoration of ancient buildings, it can't compare with Hengdian.

She has already found an extra performer who has a foundation in swordsmanship, and when the costumes are in place, the disciples from the Yagyu Kendo Gym can come over and start working.

Speaking of which, these disciples can be regarded as helping the granddaughter of the master, and the leading actor Luo Quan is also the idol of most of them, so this time everyone originally planned to play as a friend without charge.

But Luo Quan is definitely not a stingy person, it is already a favor if someone is willing to take a photo, if she asks someone to work for nothing, even if these disciples don't mind, Mr. Liu Sheng will probably have some opinions on her.

Now she is not as cash-strapped as she was when she was filming "Resident Evil", and she needs to borrow money from others to get through the financial crisis. The salary she gives is basically above the market price, and there is nothing to say about the good treatment.

Luo Quan has always believed that only high investment can get high returns, and rough production will never succeed.

So when she makes a movie, the salary of the leading role will definitely not take up too much of the total cost.

At present, movies on the market often cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and the remuneration of traffic stars directly accounts for half or more of the total investment.

The total budget is so much, and if the big head is taken away by one person, it is conceivable what level of actors can be hired with the remaining money, and what kind of persuasive way can be produced.

That's how the fifty-cent special effects and plastic texture costumes came about.

In the early days, capital blindly believed in the magic power of traffic and fresh meat, and kept spending money to invite popular traffic to act in plays, trying to make traffic fans consume for their idols, and then harvest leeks.

In the beginning, such movies really made some money, and the capital became more and more greedy, and the cost of investment was reduced more and more. At one time, the proportion of fresh meat film remuneration in the total investment reached more than [-]%. .

And the result of this is that Xiang is filmed one after another. Although the fans are fanatical, they are not fools. They can be fooled once or twice because of love, but it is impossible to be fooled all the time.

As a result, these capitals were lost in the overwhelming tide of bad movies.

But now, these capitals can be regarded as a little enlightened, increased investment, and used the routine of matching traffic and old dramas to improve the quality and reputation of the movie, but not many people actually made money.

All in all, after several rounds of rectifications, China's film market is still showing a trend of good money driving out bad money. As long as it is a really good movie, there is generally no need to worry about the box office.

And bad movies will no longer have so many people paying for them like before, and the stars who made such movies will face more criticism from public opinion than before.

This time Luo Quan was filming in Japan. In fact, from the perspective of the protagonist and the second female lead, there are some old and new configurations that have become popular in China recently.

But although Junko is a popular idol, she is not a veteran.

She is just a star who is more popular than Junko and has quite high influence in Japan.

She can't guarantee the box office appeal, but there should be no problem with about ten small goals.

And as long as the quality of the movie is excellent, with word of mouth fermenting, the box office will definitely be high but not low.

Only then will she truly have box office appeal.

Therefore, for the movie "Rurouni Kenshin", Luo Quan will never choose to control costs like most film investors.

In her opinion, it doesn't matter if you earn less, but building a good reputation is the key.

And word of mouth is usually reflected by the wonderful performances of actors.

As the leading actor, Luo Quan will definitely get the most attention and also rationally assume the most responsibility.

The first step for her to take responsibility is to cut off her long hair that has been growing for several years.

"Halve hair cut?!" In the barber shop, after listening to Luo Quan's request, Mr. Tony asked in a tone of half disbelief and half regret, "Luo Quansang, your waist-length blond hair is so beautiful, you really want to give it up." Is it cut like this?"

"For filming." Luo Quan seemed quite indifferent, "Besides, it's not like shaving your head, and your hair can still grow after shaving."

As an actress, she doesn't shoot kissing scenes, passionate scenes, or l scenes. In fact, she is already very limited in the way of acting.

If you don't even want to cut your hair, it's a bit too self-willed and unprofessional.

Not to mention cutting her hair short, she would not hesitate even if she really wanted to shave her head bald if it was required by a plot role.

"This is really a pity." Teacher Tony picked up the scissors, and cut off her waist-length hair directly at the waist according to Luo Quan's request.

In the original book, Kenshin's hairstyle is air bangs plus a ponytail that is not particularly long.

Her hair was obviously too long, and the color was wrong, so after cutting her hair, she immediately dyed her beige-blonde hair reddish-brown, which can be regarded as the most suitable for the original.

However, in addition to the hairstyle and hair color in the original book, Kenshin also has a cross scar on the left face.

But this must be the job of the prop master, no matter how dedicated he is, there is no need to self-harm.

And now her face is quite expensive. On her birthday a while ago, her father directly insured her face for hundreds of millions of dollars to celebrate her 20th birthday.

Then, her face was once again included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most valuable human organ in the world.

Although the matter sounds weird, it would be different if it was placed on Luo Quan. No one would think that Luo Quan's face was not worth so much money.

After the insurance company underwrites the insurance, it also regularly sends someone to take care of her face. For this action movie, Luo Quan also needs to report to the company in advance, and there will be a special human being on the set to keep an eye on her to ensure that in the event of an accident, there will be no accidents. hurt her face.

It's troublesome and unnecessary.

When Luo Quan knew about the insurance, he really wanted to tell his father that her face was really thick and hard, not as delicate as it looked, and the insurance was completely superfluous.

But the money has already been paid and the contract signed, so it's too late to say anything.

Luo Quan can only be thankful that this company does not allow bodyguards to surround her 24 hours a day, and only appears when carrying out dangerous activities.

Like before she went to Paris Fashion Week, these bodyguards did not come.

Therefore, her daily life has not been greatly affected.

Thoughts drifted back gradually, Luo Quan's hair had already been dyed.

For this new look, she is quite satisfied.

In order to keep fans and audiences fresh, celebrities often change their looks, including hairstyles, makeup, clothing and so on.

Only Luo Quan's appearance has remained unchanged for almost ten thousand years. What's interesting is that fans are not tired of the same Luo Quan.

But this time she took the initiative to change her look, fans will probably be very happy.

"Luo Quansang, this is the hair you cut off." Teacher Tony walked over holding a large bundle of soft and shiny golden hair in his right hand, which he collected when he cut Luo Quan's hair just now.

In his opinion, these hairs may be worth more than the same weight of gold, so when cutting them, they are held carefully with their hands before cutting them off.

After taking these troubles, Luo Quan didn't know if there were three thousand of them, but his first thought was that he didn't want them anymore.

Originally, I was going to find a non-recyclable trash can and throw it away directly when I left the barber shop, but after thinking about it, if it was picked up by someone with a heart, it would be another troublesome matter.

It's not that she's afraid of being taken to lower her head, she doesn't believe in these superstitions at all, the main reason is that she's afraid that these things will be taken and sold again.

The shoes she wore before can be sold for sky-high prices on Xianyu, not to mention the large strands of hair cut from her body.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Quan still asked for a plastic bag from Teacher Tony, and put all the hair in it and kept it properly.

As for whether to burn it or what, that is a matter for later.

Anyway, the hair will not rot and smell, so it doesn't matter if it is left for a long time.

Putting on sunglasses and a mask, Luo Quan returned to the hotel room.

Junko was still reading on the bed, Luo Quan first took out his mobile phone to take a selfie of his new look, and then shouted at Junko: "Junzi, look what's different about me today?"

"Could it be more beautiful?" Junzi closed the book with a smile, raised her head to look at Luo Quan, and then her eyes froze:

" did you dye your hair!"

Luo Quan flicked his hair: "Just now, I cut it in half first, and then dyed it red."

"Wow, it's really much shorter than before. Your sacrifice is too great." Junko moved to Luo Quan's side, looked at her hair, and sighed.

Luo Quan said with a serious face: "This is the professionalism that an actor should have. Not only me, but you also have to be conscious."

"What enlightenment?" Junko hesitated.

"The awareness to shave your head if the plot requires it."

"Ah!" Junko grabbed her hair, almost crying out of fear.

Seeing this, Luo Quan quickly explained: "Don't react so strongly, I'm just making an example, there is definitely no need to shave your head in this movie."

"It scared me to death, I thought I was going to shave my head this time." Junko breathed a sigh of relief, then clenched his fists and said firmly: "However, if you really want to shave, it's not impossible... .”

"It's good to have this awareness. If there is a chance in the next movie, your wish will definitely be fulfilled." Luo Quan patted Junzi on the shoulder and laughed.

In Junko's eyes, the boss' face suddenly became like a devil.

(End of this chapter)

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