Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 497 Title

Chapter 497 Title
As the current leader in the luxury clothing industry, Chanel began to dominate in this field many years ago, but clothing is not as hard to find rivals as their perfumes. Brands such as Dior and Hermes still have strong competitiveness.

However, since Luo Quan became Chanel's full-line brand spokesperson, all the clothes she has photographed have been sold as hot items of the season, not only for girls, but also for rich boys.

Especially for those limited edition haute couture, the ratio of male purchases even reached an astonishing [-]%!

In the past, apart from buying high-end women's clothing for their lovers, only some people with special hobbies would place orders. The combined ratio of these two kinds is less than [-]%, but now the data has directly increased by two times. .

Of course, these extras are not because of transvestism or other reasons, but simply because this is the high-end clothing endorsed by Luo Quan. Seeing the beautiful effect after she wears it, I instinctively want to buy the same clothes for collection purposes. .

To put it bluntly, this kind of thing is a fan economy. In the era of rapid development of Internet finance, the rich are getting younger and younger, and as long as they are young men, it is difficult not to have a good impression of Luo Quan.

In fact, this can be seen from the previous crowdfunding of 20 million US dollars for Luo Quan to take swimsuit photos. Ordinary fans usually only pay a few dozen yuan, and it is already very good if they can spend hundreds of yuan. According to incomplete statistics , The crowdfunding promoter received a total of about [-] remittances during the crowdfunding.

Most of the sums did not exceed one hundred yuan, and the final amount of [-] million U.S. dollars was naturally the result of the efforts of local tyrants.

This is not a routine of some Internet live streaming rewards. Some tyrants drive the common people to donate, and after the event is completed, they can return the full amount and then divide it into the common people's money.

Before Luo Quan told the purpose, it was a real waste of money, just to watch her take a photo.

And these young local tyrants range from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, which shows that there are people who are willing to spend a lot of money on Luoquan without asking for anything in return, and the number is quite considerable.

Chanel also saw this point later, and increased the number of productions of high-end dresses.

Generally, when these big brands make haute couture, the quantity will be controlled in a relatively small amount. It is only a secondary reason to make haute couture gowns satisfy the rarity. The main reason is that the production cost of this thing is too high. If you do too much and can't sell it, it will be too bad.

However, Luoquan now has such a large number of local rich male fans, for them who are not short of money, it is absolutely affordable to increase the number.

Just like the spring and summer haute couture—the elf princess theme, which just hit the shelves not long ago, almost [-] sets were sold in less than three days.

Although the supply is in short supply, it is definitely several grades ahead of the peers!

In addition, the few sets of clothes she designed in Paris Fashion Week will also be produced and sold by Chanel. Except for the design fee for Luo Quan, the compensation she gets is still quite good.

As Luo Quan's first batch of works as a designer, Ma Xingkong's design imagination on that day is comparable to the best works since the new century, no matter the layman or the expert can see how outstanding these clothes are.

Before the clothes went on sale, the order has already exceeded [-] sets. If there is no accident, this will be the best-selling batch of high-end dresses in the past ten years.

Therefore, the president of Chanel has always told people that signing Luoquan as the brand spokesperson for the entire line is definitely one of the wisest decisions the company has made in these years.

Speaking of which, when Chanel approached Luo Quan for the first time, Luo Quan refused in his heart.

At that time, she was not interested in luxury clothing, which was completely subject to IQ tax. She felt that only those who had nowhere to burn would like it, so whether it was Chanel, Dior or other brand endorsement invitations, she always took a bite. Rejected.

But everything can't escape the law of true fragrance. In order to prepare a birthday gift for Wen Xia, Luo Quan still signed a contract with Chanel, and because of the special invitation, she didn't ask for a very high signing price.

Judging from the current commercial value that Luoquan has created for Chanel, the annual signing fee of 900 million US dollars is simply the price of cabbage.

You know, now the top international supermodels walk a show or take a group of photos of new clothes, and the appearance fees start at hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And the well-known Empress G, according to rumors, even charges by the number of steps, 40 US dollars per step!

If the object of the contract is those Hollywood stars, the price will be even higher.

Compared with these top supermodels or celebrities, Luo Quan is basically crushed in other aspects except for his steps. How can he not be better than these supermodels in terms of appearance, figure, and popularity?

Therefore, it is really not a complaint to say that $900 million a year is a cabbage price, because this is a fact.

Inside Chanel, it is considered a business miracle that the president can win Luoquan at this price, and it is still a five-year long contract.

According to Luoquan's current charging standards, if only one song charges 1000 million US dollars, the endorsement fee will only be higher. The president's operation has saved the company tens of millions of dollars.

In view of this, Chanel did not dare to ask Luo Quan to shoot an endorsement advertisement for any high-end clothing and cosmetics like it did for other spokespersons.

If you really do this, you can really improve your performance greatly. Dao is a little too cheap for Luo Quan, and he is suspected of being disrespectful.

Expecting to sign a five-year or even longer-term contract with Luoquan, Chanel is more restrained in asking Luoquan to shoot promotional advertisements for the company. Use her.

The effect is also obvious. Before Chanel had several competitors, there was a gap but not obvious.

After Luo Quan endorsed, he quickly widened the gap with these competitors.

And now Luoquan is going to make a new movie, and the name of the movie is even called "The Queen Wears Chanel". Anyone with a normal mind will think that this is a movie related to Chanel.

Luoquan's fat water does not flow to outsiders. Tian's style of doing things is well-known. When doing good things, he always considers his own people first. It is a typical nepotism.

According to normal logic, if there are no metaphors or jokes in a comedy movie, then whether it is called "The Queen Wears Chanel", "The Queen Wears Dior" or "The Queen Wears Prada" is actually all right. of.

Luo Quan chose the former, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious, that is, he has a close relationship with you, so he gave you a naming right.

Today's Luoquan has long been dissatisfied with the lonely pursuit of defeat in music, and has gradually expanded its territory into the film industry. Regardless of whether it is "Resident Evil" or "Rurouni Kenshin", they have achieved unprecedented success in their respective theaters. The return rate of each film has reached more than [-]%, and the popularity has exploded globally.

And after the release of the third film written, directed and acted by her, it will cause a huge wave of attention all over the world, which will definitely have an immeasurable effect on the promotion of the Chanel brand. of.

Therefore, after Luoquan broadcasted the name of the movie, a large group of fans directly opened the Aite Chanel Huaxia official blog on Weibo, and the slogan was uniform: Chanel pays money!

"What happened? (Dog head)" The administrator of Chanel's official blog is probably also a second person who often surfs the Internet, so he made a joke when he came up.

The meme used is a certain martial arts master who has been very popular recently on the Internet. A clarification video after being beaten is a classic sentence, and every word makes people want to laugh.

However, because the meme was so popular, I was quickly banned, and the related videos were also taken off the shelves of the entire platform. However, the article with hundreds of words in 2 minutes has been passed down forever, and one sentence can attract countless people. Netizens echoed in unison.

Of course, in addition to playing memes here, I really want to ask what happened. After all, the administrator of Chanel's official blog usually pays more attention to Weibo. Even if she pays attention to her spokesperson Luo Quan, she doesn't watch other people's live broadcast every day.

Seeing the reply from the official blog, the fans immediately explained the situation of Luoquan’s live broadcast in the comment area. The summary is that Luoquan is going to make a new movie, Chanel will directly title it, and understand the sponsorship business a bit?
The administrator didn't know how to deal with this matter, and she didn't have the authority to do so. After seeing that the relevant news had been on the hot searches, she quickly reported the matter to her superiors.

Then the superiors told the superiors, passed it up layer by layer, and finally passed it to the president of Chanel head office.

The president of Chanel is also a woman, but she has nothing to do with Coco Chanel, and the real ownership of Chanel is not in the hands of Coco Chanel's descendants.

And this president named Yalan has been in charge of Chanel's business for 12 years and has a very large influence in the clothing industry. Well-known designers have deep friendships.

If many designers in the fashion industry can be called godfathers, she is the only godmother.

Signing Luo Quan is one of the most wonderful operations among her many wonderful operations, and it is often talked about by others. Today, after knowing that Luo Quan is going to shoot a movie named by Chanel, she immediately smelled it There are huge business opportunities here. If the marketing is good, it is likely to get an advertising effect comparable to tens of millions of dollars!

But before that, she had to contact Luo Quan to verify, and then discuss further cooperation matters.

Yalan has a phone number from Luoquan, but the two only talked on the phone a few times when they signed the contract. After that, they were all talking to her about commercial shooting and other business.

The night in France was the daytime in China. When Yalan called, Luo Quan had just finished playing LOL and was eating lunch under the supervision of fans at station B.

In order to keep her from gaining weight, she made a post on her own to ask fans to supervise her to control the amount of meat she eats. These days, she will live broadcast every day. If she finds that she eats too much meat for lunch and dinner, she can directly remind her with a bullet screen, and her words should be more aggressive does not matter.

Fortunately, Luo Quan is relatively self-disciplined, and she has not developed to the point where fans scold her. This meal she ate a vegetable platter made by herself, with no meat in sight, but it was cooked very well, and the rice was straight Dried two bowls.

It is worth mentioning that compared with lean meat, rice is actually easier to gain weight. Fortunately, Luoquan prefers to eat fatty meat, so it is better to eat rice.

But if you eat too much, it's obviously not okay. Seeing Luo Quan cook so much this time, the barrage also started to remind:

"If you want to lose weight, go on a diet. If you eat so much food every day, you won't lose weight even if you don't eat meat."

"Indeed, sugar in rice is no joke."

"It is recommended to eat vegetables, no matter how much you eat this stuff, you won't get fat."

"It's hard, I get a headache just thinking about the fact that I can only eat vegetables for every meal in the future. I'm afraid it's not that all the vegetables are green?"

"Impossible, the goddess's Xiang can only be rainbow-colored."

"What, the goddess can also pull Xiang?"

"Not only that, but also farting, picking feet..."


"I'm going, I'm eating, can we talk about something else?" Luo Quan put down his chopsticks and hiccupped, "Fortunately, I've finished eating. If I just came here, would I still have an appetite?"

After complaining about the inappropriateness of the fans, Luo Quan picked up the phone that rang suddenly, and it displayed "President Yalan".

Luo Quan quickly changed the voice of the live broadcast, and then connected the phone: "Hi, is this President Yalan?"

"It's me, Luo Quan. I heard that you are going to make a new movie, and you want to name it with our brand?" President Yalan didn't exchange any greetings, and directly cut to the point. Like Luo Quan, neither of them likes to talk much. nonsense.

Luo Quan admitted: "Yes, the movie is called "The Queen Wearing Chanel". If Chanel is willing to name it for me, I won't make any changes."

"What I'm saying is that you are the only full-line global spokesperson for Chanel. It's not a problem to use the naming rights for your works. You don't even need to ask me about this kind of thing." Yalan laughed and said, "I mainly called to ask. What is the theme of the movie, is there any need for sponsorship, let me be straightforward, do you have any other cooperation requirements for the brand."

"Of course there is." The owner called directly to ask, and Luo Quan naturally followed suit: "This movie is a modern urban comedy with the theme of fashion, so I won't talk about the plot here. Luxury fashion, if the brand wants to, I hope to provide some by then.

In addition, there are practitioners in the fashion industry, I also hope that there will be real industry insiders in the movie, I don’t know you..."

"No problem." Ya Lan's answer was quite straightforward, "Give me the exact time and personnel for the shoot. Give me the costume request list, and I will make arrangements when the time comes."

Luo Quan smiled: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!" Yalan said on the phone, in a very good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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