Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 501 Resonance

Chapter 501 Resonance
This is a picture that looks very depressing. There is no sunlight under the deep sea. The title of the song is "Under the Sea", and there is no positive imagery.

The first reaction of all the fans looking forward to the new song when they saw the title and picture of the song was that their hearts sank suddenly. Luo Quan wrote in the introduction of the video in large font: Everyone must listen to it 1p2p, and no matter what, the sun Tomorrow will come, as long as there is light, there will be hope, so don't give up lightly no matter what!

The words are still very positive, which makes people feel warm at first glance, which is completely different from the feeling given by the title of this song.

Click to play, and a sad piano sound plays slowly (ps. Here, listen to the original version first, sung by a durian, and you can directly search for the song name at station b):


Scattered moonlight through the clouds

hide from the crowd
scales of the sea
white dress wet by waves
trying to push you back
Waves wash blood

delusional to warm you


Luo Quan's lazy voice draws a long sad tone, and a few words almost instantly immerse the listener in the sad artistic conception created by her.

The whole person seemed to lose control at this moment, and began to fall bit by bit, everything around him suddenly became distant, and all the painful memories in his memory immediately flooded his heart.

Those who were more sentimental, their eyes were filled with mist from inexplicable sadness at this time, even the listeners with a strong heart could not help but fall into negative emotions.

There is no way, a singer like Luo Quan who has already been able to blend into her voice can easily bring the audience into the world of her singing, and the song she sang this time is full of despair from inside to outside. cold.

To use a song to describe it, it is all thoughts of despair, as if everything in sight has turned gray, and the whole world has lost its luster.

But it's also normal. The lyrics of this song are aimed at making the audience feel mournful. The more mournful the audience after listening, the more successful the singing is.

However, the fans obviously didn't expect Luo Quan to sing a song full of negative emotions. After listening to this, wouldn't people with a bad mood or who had a bad life recently become depressed?

And if it's a depressed person, what's the deal?

And this is just the beginning, and the following lyrics are so sad that it makes people feel creepy:

"You say people's ashes should be thrown into the sea
I asked where would I go when I died

does anyone love you
Can the world no longer…………”

Before this, Luo Quan seldom sang such a sad song, even "I've thought about it once", the lyrics are still full of sad and dark images, but the song as a whole still encourages people to live bravely, It's a song of hope.

And this song does not see this at all, it is sung entirely to make people depressed.

The 4 minutes passed quickly. After listening to 1P, the fans and passers-by were all confused and slightly or deeply sad. If Luo Quan wanted to make the audience cry, then she obviously achieved this goal and exceeded her quota. !
It was released at [-] o'clock in the middle of the night, which perfectly fits Yiyun's time. When people listen to such a song in a quiet night, no matter how good their mood is, they will probably feel a little bit numb.

But if it was just to make people cry, Luo Quan would definitely not choose to release this song at this time, the 2p of the video is what she really wants to say to fans.

After 1p is played, 2p will play automatically. Although the melody at this time is the same as before, the emotions contained in it are completely different, and the timbre suddenly becomes lively.

Luo Quan's singing voice was obviously brighter than before, full of strength and hope, and the depression that had been squeezing his chest for a long time was released immediately after hearing this voice, and a smile gradually appeared on the listener's face. (Here is the Phoenix legend version of "Under the Sea")
Some revisions have been made to the lyrics of the song. Although only a few words have been changed, the image expressed is completely different.

For example, 1p is "waves wet your white dress and try to push you back"

And 2P is "trying to rush you back"

With a single word difference, the former one looked like he had lost consciousness, and it was too late for Hailang to do anything.

But the latter gave people a glimmer of hope, as if everything hadn't reached the worst end yet.

At the end of the first verse, Luo Quan suddenly opened his mouth and sang loudly, which made all the hairs of the audience stand up.

This is a singing method that they have never heard before. It is like the high-frequency vibrato produced by squeezing the vocal tract with the tonsils, which makes people feel a sacred breath.

For many people, this kind of peculiar sound is actually not completely unimpressive. In the film and television works, the eminent monks of Baocha Buddhist Temple will also have this kind of sound when they chant sutras, just like their own reverberation, with few echoes and continuous .

At this moment, the audience felt that they were shocked by the voice that could not be described in words, and they all sent bullet screens saying: I feel that I have been saved, my Buddha is merciful...

Of course, this is just an exaggeration. What Luo Quan sang was not the Great Compassion Mantra. It was actually a unique way of singing in the grassland - Humai.

This is a very difficult way of singing. The singer needs to use one throat to produce the sound of two parts at the same time, which is unique all over the world.

This world also has this kind of singing method, but it is obviously not as well-known as in the previous life, so that when Luo Quan came up with this singing method at the moment, no one in the bullet screen knew what it was, and thought it was a synthetic sound produced by Luo Quan with a computer.

But these are not important. After the main and chorus of the 2p song is sung for the first time, the tone of the whole song is immediately revealed. If 1p represents despair, then 2p means salvation, and the barrage seems to have survived In the same way, everyone started to speak enthusiastically.

But this is not the climax of 2p "Under the Sea". After the first chorus, Luo Quan rapped very passionately. When the second verse started, her singing was completely joyful. Although the lyrics were still relatively negative, But now I can no longer feel sad when I listen to it again.

But if it's just that, it's obviously not enough.

The gloomy and desperate mood when listening to 1p is not so easy to dispel. Luo Quan also knows this very well, and puts all the highlights at the end of the song.

At the end of the second verse, the style of the song turned into rock, and the magical voice continued to sound, with a strong metallic feel and an extremely ethereal sound quality.

After a short pause, Luo Quan's voice returned to normal, and he used his deepest chest voice among pop singers all over the world to shake out the final climax:
"It was too late, you laughed and cried
If it's too late, I'll sing it to you too!

At this moment, her singing voice is no longer weak and helpless as before. If we talk about the 1p song, she is a victim of being bullied by everyone in the factory. Facing the predicament, she is completely powerless and can only choose to end herself.

Then from here, she was reborn from the ashes, and she uttered a deafening cry to that poor man, even if it was all the strength that hadn't been put in so hard, she must redeem him!
As sung in the lyrics, even if it is too late, she will sing to you, because every life is cherished and worth saving!
"Rain in spring, cicadas sing in summer, tomorrow will be a fine day
The autumn wind blows, the snowflakes are light, and the four seasons cannot be seen under the sea......"

The song finally ends here, just like a rainbow finally appears after the heavy rain, the haze covering the sky is dispersed, and the sun is scattered all over the earth.

Hope to fill everyone's heart, this is the song Luo Quan wants to sing to fans.

2p, two songs, nearly 8 minutes, but the fans listened to it for more than 8 minutes, some stopped to write a paragraph after listening for a while, posted a few barrage, and some stopped to wipe their tears after listening for a while.

But more, still listening and crying.

In the comment area, many fans began to share their sad experiences in the past, thanking Luo Quan for using this song to guide their inner gloom.

Many of these experiences are not a big deal, and some people may find them trivial or hypocritical.

But Luo Quan doesn't feel that people's negative emotions are like rolling a snowball from the top of a mountain. It is small at first, but gradually it will roll bigger and faster!

And those bystanders laughed at the sarcasm, as if they were actively throwing snow at this snowball, and the result would only accelerate its formation.

It is very normal for a snowball to form an avalanche after it is out of control.

Perhaps many people have the ability to self-regulate, and stop the snowball in time at a critical moment, causing it to dissipate.

But not everyone is a man who cannot be defeated, and everyone faces a different situation, which cannot be solved by oneself.

At this time, what these people need more is a place to vent and vent, and at the same time they need other people's sincere comfort.

Many people should have learned it when they were in elementary school: a good word will warm the winter, and a bad word will hurt others and the June cold.

This is a summary of the wisdom of our ancestors for thousands of years, and it can be called every word.

It is a pity that there are too few people who can remember and practice it now. There is no real name system on the Internet. Everyone is a stranger who does not know each other. If you are happy, you can spread rumors to slander others at will.

These people can always stand on the moral high ground and accuse others, but when the truth comes out, they pretend to be dead, and then look for the next opportunity to let them speak out.

There are actually many similar phenomena. Luo Quan did not sing this song purely to help everyone reduce cyber violence. This is not a song, and she can do it alone.

She just wants to use this song to give some warmth to those who have been hurt, and it is redemption in a big way.

She didn't know if it would work, but it was better than nothing.

As for why the 2P was released, it was purely for the sake of promoting and suppressing first, and the effect was indeed good.

Shortly after the release of "Under the Sea" on Station B, it became the number one hot search on Station B. Half an hour later, the number of views exceeded one million, and both comments and reposts exceeded [-]!

Such a number is very rare in all the videos of station B, but it is quite normal for Luo Quan.

As for the comment section, compared to the playful and funny tone of Luo Quan's previous videos, everyone is obviously a lot more serious this time.

Some fans posted their experiences, and fans comforted and encouraged each other.

Some praised the song, and thanked Luo Quan for giving him hope in life again, and the fans still treated him tenderly.

Of course, there must be brother Dang in the comment area. With such a large fan base in Luoquan, you can always meet a few knowledgeable and talented people. Humai’s singing method was also popularized by this brother Dang. Although it is basically copied from Baidu Encyclopedia Pasted content, but at least people know what it is.

Fans were stunned when they saw that the essence of Humai is to use one voice to make two sounds at the same time:
"Is there really such a way of singing? It feels more outrageous than the left and right hand fighting technique."

"I know how to fight left and right. It's really not good to make two sounds with one mouth."

"As expected of Luo Quan, he has mastered such a powerful singing method, and he can always bring new tricks to everyone."

"Some expect her to sing in yodeling, she will be very happy to sing this song. (狗头)"

"Like a donkey, right? I don't know if my understanding is correct."

"It's not completely wrong, but the wording is not very appropriate."


The popular science building is crooked if you read the science, but in this kind of heavy comment area, it is not entirely a bad thing to have more gags.

It is definitely not enough to rely on songs alone to regulate emotions. Laughter is the best medicine, and sand sculpture old buddies who want to laugh quickly are naturally indispensable.

When Luo Quan is in a bad mood, she always listens to songs to comfort herself. She usually goes to station B to search for sand sculpture videos, such as "standard endings", "scenes of crooked nuts making death names" and so on. These "athletes" are destroying their bodies in various weird ways, and Luo Quan's mood will gradually improve.

The joys and sorrows of people are never connected, although it is quite a positive thing for these people to be embarrassed and injured for sports and hobbies.

But after making a collection, she still couldn't stop laughing after seeing it.

So, if you want to be in a good mood, don’t think so much, watch sand sculpture videos more, and get in touch with sand sculpture netizens, your mood will always improve.

Of course, not everyone is as open-minded as Luo Quan. Compared with most people, her life is extremely lucky.

So she won't stand and talk without back pain, and let others wipe away her tears indiscriminately. She must be strong and magnanimous.

After all, if you really do this, you will be easily struck by lightning.

And she has always warned herself to stay away from such people, because when lightning strikes such people, it is easy to be implicated by them. .

What she has always wanted to tell her fans is not to despair about life, there are no hurdles that cannot be overcome, to keep hope for the future at all times, and never go to extremes.

To sum it up, it is better to die than to live. As long as people are alive, there are infinite possibilities.

This kind of thinking is also in line with her usual salty fish thinking.

ps. Thanks to the book friends Tian Hei Otaku at home, Bai Yuan, after all, it is just a dream to reward book coins, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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