Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 504 Hengdian

Chapter 504 Hengdian
Three days later, the debut night of the boy group Planet Big Bang successfully aired. The ratings broke the record set by Girls’ Generation a year ago. Penguin’s live video popularity reached an exaggerated 50 million, and there were [-] viewers on Youtube and Twitch at the same time. Watching online, the traffic is so high that it flies.

In the context of global auditions, the strength of male idols from all over the world is indeed ridiculously strong. Although Huaxia has the largest number of male idols participating this time, the proportion of the final group has not reached an overwhelming level. Only two people.

The remaining six people, one is from South Korea, one is from Japan, and one is from Vietnam, all of them are from Asia.

On the European side, one is from Russia, one is from the United Kingdom, and two are from the United States, and one of the two in the United States is Chinese-American.

On the night of the group formation night, all the seniors of Girls' Generation also came on stage to help sing, which became the time period with the highest ratings besides the announcement of the debut ranking.

For all fans who love idol groups, tonight's group night can be said to be almost perfect. Of course, the only regret is that Luo Quan could not perform on stage together, mainly because she was on the plane back to the United States at that time.

However, she also participated in other ways.

The day after the group night, the nine-member men's group released the pre-release version of their debut album "Boyhood" while the iron was hot. The title songs were naturally the two songs released by Luo Quan at the beginning: "One Day One Day" and "I want it that way》

Then there are six newly released songs:

"Roar" (Original singer: EXO, there is also a Chinese version)
"What Makes you beautiful" (Original singer: one direction)
"The Only Flower in the World" (Japanese song, original singer: Smap)
"Nothing's gonna change my love for you" (original singer: Westlife)
"Cotton Candy" (Chinese song, original singer: Supreme Lihe)
There are a total of eight songs, including Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean languages. Originally, Luo Quan thought that he could add Spanish. After all, this time there are many handsome idols from Spanish-speaking regions. Unfortunately, the fourth issue of the whole family was wiped out. So Luo Quan temporarily changed a Spanish song to English.

As for the Vietnamese member who competed tonight, it is a pity that there is no exclusive mother tongue song.

After all, he was the least favored one before the start of the competition, but he performed exceptionally on the stage tonight, conquering the passers-by audience with his performance, surpassing No.9 who was ahead of him in the final stage of voting, and made his debut successfully.

However, because it was not favored, Luo Quan did not write any songs specifically for this language, which was a mistake.

But it’s really not easy to ask her to write. She knows only one of the famous songs in Vietnam: Braces girl is so beautiful, and the rest is completely unimpressed. pass.

Although there is such a small flaw for this group, this album is definitely the strongest album of an idol boy group since the new century, and there is no better album among the peers.

Once the electronic version of the album was released, even without the supporting MV, it still sold well in China, the United States, Japan and South Korea, and they all reached the top of the sales charts in their respective regions.

Especially in the U.S. B list, after Luo Quan made his debut, one after another music ghosts sprung up like mushrooms, and the U.S. music market gradually showed signs of rejuvenation. In the past year, this list has been fighting with gods.

However, in the past half a year, the top three positions on the list are still quite fixed. Lyon's "Old Town Road" has been crowned for several weeks in a row, with more than 50 billion digital broadcasts on the entire network, and the popularity remains high.

The second one is Luo Quan's "Eternal Love". This graduation song that Luo Quan sang to his friends in Huaxia High School has become one of the most popular love songs on the American music charts. The title of "The Second National Anthem" is just not sure if it is flattering or not.

But aside from these, the data of "Eternal Love" is still quite explosive. Except for "Old Town Road", none of the new songs released in recent days are its opponents. The only one that can be compared with it is "My Heart" sung by Luo Quanxin Eternal".

In fact, this song has always been on the list, the ranking is neither high nor low, and after the movie was released, it also rushed to the second position for a short time, which is a hit.

In addition to these three songs, there are several songs from the new album of the Planetary Bang boy group. Fans used their enthusiasm and money to make a good appearance for their idol on the B list.

Moreover, this is not the kind of data that fans spend money on their idols in the past. The quality of these songs is real, and they are quite attractive to passers-by. After being on the list, it is estimated that they can stay for a long time a period of time.

For the men's team, their era has just begun, and the concept of idol talent show has become the biggest keyword in the entertainment industry this year.

For two consecutive years, Penguin has used the idol talent show to gain a huge amount of popularity and revenue. Last year, it was only in Asia, but this year's scope of influence has directly expanded to the whole world.

The two great successes have made everyone in the industry and outside the industry see the potential of the idol talent show. Not only at home, but also abroad have begun to organize idol talent shows with their own national characteristics. Penguin also took this opportunity to ruthlessly accept one wave royalties.

As for Luo Quan, her business is basically over. The album is released, and the money and goods are settled. After paying the tax, Luo Quan takes a part of it to donate, and only less than 4000 million is left after she gets it.

Don't look at it as less than half, but there is no middleman to make the difference, because celebrities need to pay a lot of taxes.

According to the newly customized tax law last year, celebrities need to pay about 4000 to [-] million taxes for their [-] million gas film remuneration. Luoquan is the album production fee, there is not much difference, only the name is different.

Then Luoquan, who is kind and charitable, donated another ten million yuan, and the one who got it in the end was less than 4000 million yuan.

"It's still faster to earn dollars. A foreign song costs 1000 million dollars, which is almost ten times the domestic price." Looking at the newly earned W in the account, Luo Quan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At this time, she had already got off the plane and returned to her home in Tan Palace. After the summer vacation, Ivy went to the UK with a strong rock and roll atmosphere to collect music, and went on a few tours by the way. There were only Su Yu and Lan Xuan at home.

Previously, Luo Quan asked Mr. Zhou to find several good dramas for Su Yu to act in the third female role and the fourth female role. Mr. Zhou's work is still quite stable. From January this year until now, Su Yu's film appointments have not been broken. However, I have already joined the crew of four TV dramas, three of which have already started broadcasting and have been well received.

Su Yu also independently appeared on the trending searches from the unknown, and the number of fans on Weibo gradually increased to more than 700 million.

Such a celestial girl with such high professional skills, as long as there is exposure, it will be a matter of time before she becomes popular.

Although Luo Quan, the boss, does not pay attention to the artist's development like other bosses, but the resources that should be given are still not perfunctory, and because of her halo, these artists in the company are naturally easy to gain favor with passers-by. As soon as I saw the words Quanshui Entertainment, I felt kind.

However, although Su Yu's current career is thriving, she is still far behind the first-line actress. Luo Quan came back this time to fulfill his original promise: to help her become an internationally famous star.

In the profession of an artist, small popularity depends on popularity, and big popularity depends on fate. No matter how popular some people are, no matter how many international big names they cooperate with, no matter how many Hollywood blockbusters they act in, they will not be popular.

This is bad luck, not being able to catch fire.

Luo Quan didn't know if Su Yu had this kind of fate, but she didn't care, even if Su Yu did, then she still had ways to change her fate against the sky.

The previous situation of not being popular, in the final analysis, is because the quality of the filmed works is not good enough. If it is really a good work, it is impossible not to become popular!
"Have you read all the scripts?" Luo Quan pushed the suitcase to the sofa after entering the room, and asked Su Yu who was above him.

Su Yu nodded his head: "I've read it many times, and I can recite all the lines for you!"

"That doesn't need to be so exaggerated. This is making a movie, not a stage play. The goal is to interpret the lines of each scene to the extreme. It doesn't matter whether you can recite them fluently. There is an Oscar winner who never recites his lines. Well, but every time he acts in a play, he can say very suitable words according to the plot, so the key is to understand."

Luo Quan gave guidance for a while, but suddenly remembered that he was just a second-hand sword, and Su Yu was born professionally, so she was a little out of line here by boasting.

"By the way, I haven't talked with you about the salary of the movie. I almost forgot." Luo Quan suddenly remembered this matter, and immediately raised his mouth.

Su Yu quickly waved his hand: "Boss, you gave me a great opportunity by letting me act in this movie. Besides, I am an artist of the company, so why do I need any salary?"

Luo Quan said seriously: "That's not okay, my brother still settles the score clearly, you are an artist, and the second is the artist of our company. As an artist, you should get paid for making movies, and you can't break the rules.

Just follow the current market price in China! "

Hearing the boss's tone so decisive, Su Yu and Lan Xuan looked at each other, smiled helplessly and said, "I'm not very famous now, it's above the third line, and the salary is about 200 million."

"That's not expensive." Luo Quan scratched his head, but after thinking about it, the salaries of a group of actors during the filming of "Rurouni Kenshin", except for her and Junko, were basically around hundreds of thousands of RMB. It seemed a little outrageous.

Lan Xuan explained: "Su Yu is just starting out now, and if he is not famous, he will not have the confidence to charge. If you are the boss, you will have to make a movie with a base of [-] million yuan, and you have to rush to raise the price."

Luo Quan laughed: "That's what I said, but if my salary is really so high, if it spreads, I will apologize to movie fans all over the country, and now that the salary limit order has been issued, it is impossible to get such a high salary... A contract is a dead end, so don't touch it."

Luo Quan said this in a relatively relaxed tone, mainly because he wanted to warn Lan Xuan and Su Yu. The two also understood the boss's bitterness, and hurriedly said that they would never do illegal activities.

This is actually the characteristic of Quanshui Entertainment. Although this company never exploits artists, it actually restricts the means of making money for artists. It's not easy.

But at least, you can make money and spend money in the local area steadily, without worrying about the day when things will happen.

Su Yu likes the current state very much. She can play the characters she likes, and her popularity increases little by little. She is very popular with passers-by, and there are few black people, and she doesn't have to worry about the boss' unspoken rules. Nothing can satisfy her more than the environment here. …………

After a night of rest, the three of them packed their luggage and flew to Hengdian in Jiangnan Province the next day.

Hengdian Film and Television City, the largest film and television shooting base in China and even Asia, has more than 20 actors living here all year round.

Professional or unprofessional, newcomers or those who have been acting for a long time, these people are collectively called Hengpiao.

Every Hengpiao has a star dream, hoping to be appreciated by the director, loved by the audience, and become a well-known national star.

This kind of sparrow turning into a phoenix happens every one or two years, but compared to such a large actor base in Hengdian, the probability is not even one in ten thousand.

Acting as a dead body or a walk-on who gets a lunch box in a second is the normal state of most of them. It is not so easy to be a star, and that kind of good luck is not something ordinary people can have.

For many frustrated ordinary people, Hengdian is also a place where you can escape from reality. Although the income from filming here is not very high, as long as you can film, you can basically have three meals a day, and the filming salary is enough to find a Live in a place that can shelter from the wind and rain, live a frugal life, and save a considerable amount of income in a year, which is much better than working hard on the construction site.

Moreover, if you keep filming, you can also have the chance to become famous overnight, which gives many people an excuse to come here to waste their lives.

The movie that Luo Quan is going to make this time also tells a story about dreams and reality. The world in the movie is rich and luxurious, and it is difficult for ordinary people to reach, just like the entertainment circle that people yearn for.

But it's not completely impossible to achieve. If the opportunity comes, even ordinary people may become popular.

Here, once there was a migrant worker who was recognized by his eyes and became famous for playing an impressive role, and then gradually became a movie star and even a national-level artist.

This is the fairy tale in the hearts of all Hengpiao, and it is also a legend that cannot be copied.

However, after the entertainment industry was cleaned up this year, many celebrities have retired. It is time for the entertainment industry to be renewed. Whether it is a student of an art school or a drifter, the chances of becoming famous are much higher than before.

Therefore, there are extraordinarily many actors in Hengdian this year, and the employees sent by each crew to recruit extras can fully select them.

After Luo Quan first arrived in Hengdian, he didn't immediately start taking group performances, but observed the market first.

(End of this chapter)

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