Chapter 58
In the next three days, Luo Quan released songs one after another, and the style also rose from love to more profound themes such as attacking social unhealthy phenomena and anti-war.

This is the most surprising place for the older generation of music critics. When any young singer first debuts, more than [-]% of the songs they create are love songs, because their superficial life experience makes them less able to make any ideas. Profound works.

And Luo Quan once again subverted people's inherent impression of young singers. Whether it is "Aliez" or "She Once Lived", the lyrics are also quite sharp while taking into account the melody.

The accompaniment of the former is as magnificent as a symphony, and when the climax arrives, it gives people a shocking sense of instant explosion, while the whole song of the latter contains a lot of rapid chanting, which is very impactful. Both songs are excellent works of high quality and depth. .

After asking about these works one by one, the big guys finally understand that Luo Quan's talent is far beyond their imagination. If her creative level can continue to improve in the future, she has great hope of becoming the first Asian musician to go to the world!

In fact, Luo Quan has been on this road for a long time. Although the popularity of "Faded" on YouTube has decreased these days, the number of hits is still close to [-] million. Although the results of the B list are not particularly ideal, it is also briefly on the list. It's an honor to be at the top of the list.

On the basis of such popularity, any English songs that Luo Quan releases in the future will definitely get a considerable degree of attention.

With the gradual release of the trial version of the album's songs, Luo Quan finally began to die after a week of trending Twitter searches.

It's not that the popularity is gone, but that she has been able to play for the past seven days, and her momentum has reached the peak of young artists. If you want to go further, you can only wait for the next more explosive work.

But for Luo Quan, this is another plan. The meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and when the popularity of "Coming of Age" is sweeping Japan, she has to read books to enrich herself.

As a top student at the School of Languages ​​at the University of Tokyo, Luo Quan inherited her predecessor's education, but not her mind.

The knowledge he has learned before is definitely still there, but the future learning must be entirely on his own. Facing such a profound subject of linguistics, Luo Quan does not feel that he can do it as easily as he does music.

It would be too embarrassing if the grades were repeated because of poor grades.

So taking advantage of the last part of the summer vacation, Luo Quan turned off almost all of his schedules and stayed at home reading books.

In addition to books on linguistics, she also reads other books, which are very complicated.

Although it may not be used in the future, it is better to learn in the stomach than nothing.

The rhythm of life seems to have slowed down. Luo Quan stays at home reading books every day, Wen Xia leads Junko to the dance studio during the day to practice dancing, and holds a notebook for planning at night.

Under Wen Xia's training, Junko's dancing skills improved rapidly, and Luo Quan usually taught her some singing skills when she was free.

Don't look at Junko looking cute, but whether it's singing or dancing, it's easy to understand. It can only be said that she is born to eat this bowl of rice.

Like Wen Xia, who has a certain foundation in folk dance since childhood, and went to a top dance studio after going to Korea - 1M Dance Studio, a genius who has studied at [-]M dance studio, is a little surprised at the speed of Junko's progress. You can be signed by a brokerage company and sent to the draft.

Of course, Wen Xia felt that if she really wanted to make a name for herself, Junko's current level was still a little worse.

Singing and dancing alone does not necessarily make you a good idol. There are many factors to consider. Wen Xia, who has come from the past, understands this very well, so she is not in a hurry when teaching Junko. Anyway, everything can be done step by step.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and the trial version of the last song of "Rite of Coming of Age" was also launched today. The pre-sale volume of the album has also reached an unprecedented 135 million copies, and more than half of them are specials!
This is definitely a record enough to leave a name in the history of Japanese music. No one has been able to achieve it before, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for anyone other than Luo Quan to achieve it in the future!

The publicity and distribution work is coming to an end, and the albums have also begun to be burned into CDs, with an initial print of 400 million copies, which can be called the biggest single deal in the Japanese record industry in the past ten years!And it’s a sure-fire business!

As early as a few days ago, the calls of the sales department of Sony Records had been blown up by retail and wholesalers all over the country.

If these 400 million albums can all be sold, then she may become the youngest billionaire in Japan at a young age!
Of course, it is still too early to talk about this. Although the Japanese record market is huge, it is not a matter of one or two days to digest so many records. No one can tell what may happen in the future.

"The sunset tonight is so beautiful." The three girls were lying on the balcony railing, Luo Quan looked at the sky that was stained by a red glow outside, and his eyes were very emotional.

In one month, she has changed from a poor and down-to-earth gangster to a new generation of music leader who has made a splash on the Internet, holding tens of millions of wealth!
This gigantic transformation was like a dream, a dream too wonderful to wake up from.

Originally, Luo Quan thought that after getting so much money, she would immediately live a luxurious life.

Every meal she eats is still simple and plain, and she eats as much as she eats, and she has never done the stupid thing of eating half and half.

She had also tasted those expensive high-end dishes, and she didn't feel that it was very delicious. After eating it a few times, she got tired of it.

As for luxury goods, jewelry, and luxury cars, she has no interest at all. After suddenly becoming rich, Luo Quan's life planning is extremely simple.

People who have suffered from hunger and hardship are not used to spending money lavishly. Many times Luo Quan doesn't even realize that he has basically left the level of needing to bargain with the owner of the small shop, and he is still careful when spending money.

This is probably her most valuable quality. The so-called rich and noble should not be promiscuous, and it should be someone like her, Luo Quan thought shamelessly.

If she finds an opportunity to donate some money to charity, then her image will definitely be more perfect, but will it be too deliberate?
Luo Quan shook her head with a smile, feeling that she was really enough. Although making a fortune is a good thing, her current assets are probably a little worse.

"Lolo, look, tonight's sunset seems a bit strange!" Wen Xia's uncertain voice pulled Luo Quan back from the dream of bringing good people back.

Luo Quan looked up and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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