Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 688 The promised photo

Chapter 688 The promised photo

ps. The author suffered from tenosynovitis, and his typing speed is relatively slow. However, after taking medicine, he has improved a bit. At present, he can maintain the update, but the speed will definitely be slower than before.

This situation will probably continue until the end of the year. The doctor said that it may take so many days, and the update should return to normal after the new year.

Please bear with me for the inconvenience caused to book friends, and I apologize to everyone here.


"Capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped. Don't try to get away with it!"

"Yes, you have to get something out, otherwise how will you survive the next long days?"

"I don't care, I just want to watch new things, not necessarily just songs, anything else is fine."


Having been with Luo Quan for so long, the fans have long been familiar with her character of being soft and not hard, so most of them still speak in a eager tone.

Luo Quan himself really does like this, and it's really not suitable to play like this for a month

"Okay, didn't you say that you will take a photo album for everyone? Although a lot have been released, there are still some left to be taken. Let's make up for everyone this time."

As Luo Quan said, he dug up some photos on his phone and put them in front of the fans to mix them up:

"These are the clothes I'm going to shoot next. The clothes are all in my room. After the shooting tomorrow, I can show them to everyone in the evening, so please look forward to it."

"It doesn't seem particularly revealing."

"Some look good, but I'm still picky."

"Haha, but it would be really nice if you can really have a few sexy styles, and I think Luo Quan is suitable for this style."

"May I ask what style Luo Quan is not suitable for?"


Sure enough, as soon as the clothes came out, someone made an inch of it.

However, considering that Resident Evil 2, which has a lot of benefits, is still in theaters, and Bilibili already has video clips of highlights, she doesn't need to do anything more.

After all, this is for the physical and mental health of the fans. Luo Quan feels that he is doing the right thing, and he can be called a light of righteousness.

If the fans knew her true inner thoughts, they would probably shout directly: Please don't think about our life and death at all, how do you destroy us!
The teaser has come out, and this time the photoshoots are both Chinese and Western.

The one that belongs to the Huaxia style is a long dress that is white and snowy, and has a fairy air.

The other is a princess dress full of flowers.

The former is subtle and soft, while the latter is warm and gorgeous.

But you can't tell how beautiful it is just by looking at it. People depend on clothes, but clothes also need to be worn by people.

The next day, Luo Quan found his royal studio in New York.

Many of the employees here are old acquaintances of hers. They were also asked to cooperate with the previous few movie posters, and there are also some photos of her personally.

Luoquan's habits are well known to the employees.

Bring your own clothes, draw your own makeup, and design your own poses.

They just have to fix the lighting and press the shutter.

There is no more worry-free guest than Luoquan.

I remember that the last time Luo Quan came here for a photo shoot, she was still wearing a costume. She played a peerless female role that made people cry.

But because they are all foreigners, everyone didn't know what this look was at first, and the makeup was also different from the usual ones, so they didn't really get her beauty, but they just felt very amazing.

But this time, it's obviously different. Luo Quan's first look doesn't have any aesthetic threshold.

After she came out after changing her clothes, she still looked so dazzling under the bright lights.

Dressed in white, she has an indescribable aura in her gestures.

That is a kind of temperament that can hardly be seen in the west. If it is in China, it should be described as Xian'er.It's like being independent from the world.

Luo Quan just stood there, and a group of employees felt a sense of inferiority rising from the bottom of their hearts.

Because she is so perfect, perfect just looking at her makes me feel ashamed.

"Why are you standing still, start working."

Fortunately, Luo Quan is still the same Luo Quan. Clothes may change her temperament, but she can easily change it back.

After speaking, Luo Quan seemed a lot more approachable, unlike the thousand-year-old ice on the top of a snow mountain like before, which made people dare not approach at all.

But this kind of approachability also makes many employees lose their achievements in an instant.

In fact, they also wanted Luo Quan to remain aloof, because that was the state in which Luo Quan was closest to a goddess in their mind, and also the most beautiful state.

It's a pity that no matter how beautiful a goddess is, she has a mouth.

But fortunately, they had a mouth to remind them, otherwise today's work might not be able to continue.

After the photo shoot of the first look was finished, the second piece, the flowery ocean dress, followed immediately.

This skirt is an exclusive birthday gift customized by Chanel for her, and there is currently no plan to sell it on the market.

As a birthday gift, it can be said to be quite thoughtful.

But as clothes, it's too bulky.

Good-looking must be very good-looking, the fabric is top-notch, and the handwork is even more exquisite. Every flower is embroidered lifelike. If you don't look carefully, it seems that she is really wearing a skirt made of flowers.

But it is precisely because of the weight, it is only suitable for important occasions, such as awards ceremony.

Wearing this at ordinary times is equivalent to doing weight training for yourself.

In addition, Luo Quan put a layer of plastic wrap on himself when wearing it.

The main reason is that the clothes cannot be washed. In order to wear them as many times as possible, the best way is to separate the body from the clothes as much as possible.

Although she doesn't have a sweaty physique, sweating is essential after a long shooting time and the clothes are so heavy.

There is only plastic wrap, which can isolate sweat well without affecting shooting.

But Luo Quan did this kind of thing alone in the locker room, and the other employees didn't know about it.

The main reason is that it is a little too petty, and it sounds a little funny.

But she is the only one who can come up with such an idea. If it is put on the Internet, it will probably be ridiculed by fans and netizens.

Of course, after getting dressed and coming out, Luo Quan once again became the most beautiful existence in the entire photo studio under the decoration of the gorgeous flower skirt.

The graceful and luxurious shape reminded a group of photographers and makeup artists of the Victorian era.

The heyday is the biggest feeling that Luoquan's shape brings to people.

There is nothing better than this appearance for a queen in full dress.

After the two sets of photos were taken, the photographer happily wiped the sweat from his forehead.

To be a photographer for Luo Quan, to be honest, the pressure is very high.

As the witness and recorder of every new shape in Luoquan, he must preserve it perfectly.

Luo Quan's every look is perfect, but if the final effect of the photos is not good, it must be his responsibility.

He felt that this responsibility was really too much for him.

So every time Luo Quan came to take a photo shoot, he wanted to push it to other people, fearing that if he messed up, he wouldn't know what it would be like.

But every time I asked him to shoot by name, I had to bite the bullet and do it myself every time.

How many photographers in the world can have this opportunity to take photos of goddesses?

Leave it to a colleague, unless he's out of his mind!

So the pressure is great, and the work of taking pictures of Luoquan must not be given up on stability.

After getting the photo data, Luo Quan took it home and did some photoshopping.

Other people's PS is usually for thinning the face and whitening. Luo Quan just adjusts some backgrounds and adds some special effects.

As for the self in the photo, there is no need to make any modifications at all.

After finishing everything, Luo Quan waited until eight o'clock in the evening to release all the more than 20 photos.

"I'll go, Fairy Chang'e!"

This is the first impression that fans have when they see the first look.

In the photo, Luo Quan's cool and pretty image is indeed like a fairy.

As for whether it belongs to Fairy Chang'e, it is a matter of opinion, and some people who like to make trouble call her Bodhisattva in the comment area.

The second set of styles has a greater influence abroad. After all, both kinds of clothing have extremely strong cultural characteristics.

In China, she is called Fairy, but in foreign countries, she is called Princess directly. If she is older, she may be called Queen directly.

"Luo Bao, you can design your style and clothes well."

In the living room, Wen Xia took a photo of Luo Quan and admired it.

"That's right, it's like Chang'e flying to the moon." Su Yu also nodded violently.

Luo Quan smiled proudly: "It depends on the person. After all, not everyone can have such good waist and abdomen strength as me, and can make such natural movements when hanging the wire."

Wen Xia was surprised when she heard this: "You took all these photos hanging in the sky?"

"Not all of them." Luo Quan shook his head, "Only this picture of Fei Tian was hung up to shoot, the others are all on the ground."

"But I feel that most of you are suspended?" Wen Xia was a little confused.

"Look at it this way." Luo Quan's phone was placed horizontally on the coffee table, "I was in this position when I took the picture."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Wen Xia was stunned for a moment, then flirted with Su Yuxiao.

It looks like such a fairy photo, but I didn't expect the shooting method behind it to be like this.

Wen Xia thought about the scene of Luo Quan lying on the ground. From this angle and distance analysis, the photographer should have been hung in the sky by Wia.

Thinking about it this way made me smile even more happily.

"What's so funny?" Luo Quan curled his lips, "For the effect, it is really necessary to shoot like this, you just haven't encountered it yet."

"No, I just think the contrast is too great." Wen Xia waved her hand, saying that she was not targeting her.

Su Yu also nodded: "I think this photo is outrageous when I look at it myself, but the story behind it turns out to be like this. It's really hard to bear."

Luo Quan snorted lightly: "Sooner or later, I will let you lie on the ground and take some photos!"

After speaking, put away the phone.

Soon, the news about Luoquan's photos became the number one hot search.

When the melon eaters on Weibo were shouting how beautiful it was, on Douyin, many people had already begun to imitate Luo Quan's clothes and posture, and made a high-quality imitation version of Chang'e Flying to the Moon.

They will imitate every pose, and some people are willing to spend a lot of money, hang up with wires, and shoot in the air.

Some people even had a whim, shooting underwater, and the atmosphere created was no worse than Luoquan's original version.

But apart from Ben Yue's shape, the other shapes always feel that they lack some flavor no matter what.

Probably no one thought for the time being that these photos were taken by Luo Quan lying on the ground.

In order to avoid too sharp contrast, all the imitators were very careful when shooting, trying to restore the situation of Luoquan shooting as much as possible.

It is precisely because it is too serious that it ignores that perhaps Luo Quan used such a simple method when filming.

It wasn't until later, after some spoofing videos of Luo Quan's photos came out, that everyone realized what was missing.

No wonder those clothes can spread out like a flower, and the feelings are all lying on the ground and pressed out.

After knowing the truth, fans and netizens probably couldn't help but feel a little bit amused.

On Luoquan's side, the promised photobook is considered to have completed the task, and those cosplaying characters at the concert have exceeded the task.

Although there are no benefits that everyone likes to see, the quality is still too high to say anything.

If you want to see high-quality benefits, you can meet them but not ask for them.

Forced demands are definitely not acceptable, but with Luo Quan's personality, maybe one day when he has nothing to do, he will make a swimsuit photo album for the big guy on his own initiative.

And, it's still quite possible.

Wasn't it like this last time in Hawaii? On the last day of vacation, I directly broadcasted the pleasant time on the beach to everyone.

At that time, the mobile phone was held above the head, and the infinite scenery was on the dangerous peak.

That is to say, Luo Quan has a high status in Station B. If he changes to another anchor, he will be warned the first time and sealed the second time.

Of course, the probability of wanting her on a whim is not high at present, and it needs to be done when she is free.

Originally, I would be free after filming, but who made "World of Warcraft" open beta?

After half a month of internal testing, World of Warcraft received a high score of 9.9 on IGN. Except for some dungeons that are too difficult, other places are almost perfect.

The double explosion of word-of-mouth quality, coupled with the bombardment of Penguin's full coverage of sea, land and air, World of Warcraft has already had more than 200 million pre-orders in China alone.

Seeing what Penguin means, it intends to promote World of Warcraft as a popular game like League of Legends with the participation of all people.

Judging from the current wind direction, the possibility is really not low.

The domestic agency is Penguin, while the foreign agency is won by a company that has never had any cooperation before, that is, the famous Microsoft.

As an Internet giant that started out as a software company, Microsoft actually has a huge presence in the game industry.

Especially in Europe and America, it occupies a near monopoly position.

If World of Warcraft wants to become popular abroad, choosing Microsoft as an agent is a very good choice.

In addition, Microsoft also gave her an undeniable price.

The pre-order volume of World of Warcraft abroad as high as 556 million also proves how correct their decision is.

(End of this chapter)

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