Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 690 Influence

Chapter 690 Influence

ps. The author suffered from tenosynovitis, and his typing speed is relatively slow. The update will be delayed for a while. You can wait for a later refresh, or refresh the next morning, but it’s just later than usual.

This situation will probably continue until the end of the year. The doctor said that it needs to be delayed for so many days, and the update should return to normal after the new year.

Please bear with me for the inconvenience caused to book friends, and I apologize to everyone here.


Although Luo Quan only intends to be a casual player in World of Warcraft, he can just play on his own.

But unable to withstand the constant instigation of the barrage, a fan union was finally established.

"So what's the name? Since it's a trade union established by everyone, it's up to everyone to choose the name."

In this matter, Luo Quan does not intend to act arbitrarily, and wants fans to play freely.

And the result of free play is exorcism.

What are "China's No. [-] Female Boxer", "The World's Strongest Female Warrior", "I Love Luo Quan", "Luo Quan Loves Me".

There were all kinds of things, and Luo Quan couldn't bear to see them.

In the end, it was unanimously decided on the barrage, and the name "I love Luoquan" stood out and became the name of the union.

Luo Quan, as the president, is nominally in charge of the usual affairs of the union, but most of the time she must not be able to spend on the game, so she is just a name, and the one who is really responsible for leading the fans to start a group to play the dungeon is nicknamed "" Protect Luo Quan's life" deputy head.

The deputy head is also a ten-year fan of Luoquan, and has been in the live broadcast room since a long time ago.

Although he didn't give many gifts, he never gave up no matter what rhythm he encountered, and would speak every time he was live broadcasting. Luo Quan was also quite familiar with him, so it was more reassuring to entrust him with the trade union affairs.

After the "I Love Luoquan" trade union was established, the number of application pages for joining became 99+ in the blink of an eye. Luoquan didn't make a distinction, but agreed in batches in order until the maximum number of people was reached.

There is no way for those who are slower, the trade union can only have 5000 members at most,
Of course, there is only one trade union now, which doesn’t mean it will be the same in the future. “I love Luoquan No. 2” and “I love Luoquan No. 3” can also be made, but these later unions may not necessarily have Luo Quan himself.

But the intention of building this guild is to create a platform for fans to communicate together in the game, so that everyone can find a home-like feeling here, and get in touch with those friends who speak well.

The significance of socializing is actually greater than chasing stars.

Of course, at present, everyone is not completely fascinated by World of Warcraft, and it will take a lot of time to produce the above effects.

After the union was established, it didn't bring about any particularly big changes. Those who should pass the plot should pass the plot, and the ones that should be leveled should be leveled.

After playing World of Warcraft intensively at home for three days, Luo Quan finally reached the full level.

Since the war she triggered three days ago ended, no alliance players came to snipe her, but there are quite a few teams called "Team to kill Luo Quan" in the team channel.

Driven by curiosity, Luo Quan himself joined the one with the largest number of people, and entered the YY chat channel according to the instructions.

Then, the most effective live broadcast since the beginning of the year happened.

There are hundreds of alliance players in the Yy channel, blatantly analyzing Luoquan's leveling route, where is the best place to attack, how to defend the corpse after killing, and the retreat route.

And all of this was heard clearly by Luo Quan, including countless fans in the live broadcast room.

I don't know who yelled in the channel: "There is an inner ghost, Luo Quan also came in to eavesdrop!"

Afterwards, everyone stopped talking like a thief, and exited the chat channel in unison.

Although he heard that these people were plotting against him, Luo Quan himself laughed from ear to ear in the live broadcast room.

The main reason is that these people are so funny, each of them is as serious as discussing military and state affairs, and she has tens of thousands of ears to eavesdrop beside her.

If someone hadn't discovered it in time, it is estimated that after the planning is completed and put into action, countless tribe players will have been waiting for them to throw themselves into the net for a long time.

And this incident has also become a big interesting event in the annals of World of Warcraft, known in history as "Ansu's walls have ears".

After finishing the plot, Luo Quan temporarily fell into a Buddhist state. He didn't play dungeons and Zhou Chang, but only occasionally looked at the scenery in the game.

In her previous life, she had already spent a considerable amount of time repeatedly brushing and brushing in this game, and each version was repeating the same actions.

It's not that she has already vomited, but if she is asked to do it again, the desire will definitely not be as high as when she first met.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan suddenly felt a little emotional. Isn't that the repetitive work in many people's lives? From work to retirement, it is such a job.

Although people hope that their life can be colorful and keep new ideas all the time.

But in fact, this is a right that only a very few people have.

Most people can only choose a cookie-cutter life, and even an occasional vacation has become a luxury.

This is actually the reason why Luo Quan refused to take pictures of the back waves of station B a while ago, because that is not what most young people in Huaxia look like.

After she became sensible, she rarely showed off her wealth in the live broadcast room.

Like the necklace full of gems that a friend gave her before, it has been kept in a drawer and has never been taken out for fans to see.

In addition, the Lamborghini Poison also ate ash in the garage for a long time.

Doing all this is actually just to make fans feel that they are not so far away from her. In fact, what she has always wanted to do is to be an idol that can make all fans feel kind and familiar.

And Houlang's overturned car today also proved how correct her persistence has been all along.

Extreme sports, casual travel, visiting famous seaside resorts, tasting world cuisine, and seeing famous historical sites in various countries.

In fact, it is the life of a few people.

What's more, it's actually the body that has been abandoned for a long time to study, the embarrassment of wanting to travel to beautiful places but giving up due to lack of funds, the rough food on the construction site, and the repetitive work that may be repeated for several years.

These are actually realities.

At that time, station B also wanted Luo Quan to give a speech.

If you just look at the 5000 million views on the first day, if she really gives a speech, it is estimated that it is very likely to break [-] million, and the popularity can be called the most popular station B!

But soon, the unreasonable part of this video was picked up by netizens, and then there was bombardment from the whole network.

The reason for the bombardment can be summed up as completely inconsistent with the reality of most people.

And subdivided, there are too many, and it can spread to almost all walks of life.

Such a high popularity overwhelmed the brilliance of World of Warcraft, directly reaching the top of the hot searches on all major platforms.

Everyone was talking about Hou Lang, including Luo Quan.

However, she was passively chatting after being asked by fans.

Everyone asked her in the live broadcast room, what do you think of the video "Houlang"?
At that time, Luo Quan was controlling the beautiful blood elf berserker, holding two big swords thicker than her waist, and rushed towards the enemy.

However, as soon as he rushed to the enemy, he died after holding on for less than a second.

"What do you think of Houlang?"

Luo Quan fretfully clicked to release his soul, waiting for the resurrection.

Faced with such a problem, she only thought for a short while and said: "If many people are not born in the back wave, there is a high probability that it will be difficult to have a life in the back wave for the rest of their lives.

So let’s study, take the college entrance examination and get into a good school, that is your only chance to become a back wave, or let your offspring become a back wave. "

This is quite pertinent, and at the same time, it also recognizes the life in the video in a disguised way, which does not represent the point of view of most people.

Then the barrage began to ask questions:
"Luo Quan, what kind of wave do you think you are?"

Before Luo Quan could answer, just as she was thinking whether she belonged to the front wave or the back wave, the shrewdness in the barrage made her laugh.

"I know this. It should be that the big girl doesn't use oars to row the boat, but relies entirely on the waves."

"One thing to say, the figure is really wavy."

"That must be a big wave."

"It's just a back wave, it can't be compared with our Luoquan, she belongs to the tsunami."

"Indeed, Houlang is only traveling abroad, playing with high-end electronic products and the like. There are only three Steinway pianos in Luoquan's home."

"They are both back waves, but there is a gap. Compared with Luo Quan, those back waves are in the majority."

"Haha, it seems to make sense."


Fans are good at having fun while suffering, or maybe it is here in Luoquan, they can temporarily forget all the troubles in reality, and get the comfort and relief of their souls from her.

Perhaps out of excitement, Luo Quan wrote four vigorous and heroic seven-character poems in his notebook with a pen:
"The westerly wind is blowing all over the courtyard
Core is cold, fragrance is cold, butterflies are hard to come

If I were the Qing Emperor in his age

Newspapers and peach blossoms bloom together! "

The rhyme is catchy, the poetry is full of domineering, and the writing of this word is even more ink-like, and it is a pen to write the feeling of everyone with a brush.

Only then did everyone remember that Luo Quan's paintings and calligraphy had also been praised by professors of Chinese studies at Tsinghua University.

The calligraphy of "taking dreams as horses" that she left behind at the Tsinghua job fair is still one of the treasures of the Tsinghua Calligraphy Department.

And the words written this time are quite different from the original ones, they seem a lot more insolent, but they are indeed worthy of such poems.

There is also no culture in the barrage, so I can only use shit and good poetry to travel the world.

It was only then that she remembered that there seemed to be no yellow nests in this world.

Of course, she didn't write this poem to rebel, after all, she couldn't find a fox who would shout Chu Xing.

In fact, the meaning of writing this poem is to express that I am rich and honored and not to forget each other.

Even if she has money, she will not forget about charity.

In addition, there are actually some inspirational meanings, after all, this poem is really inspiring.

However, if you read it in depth, you will get some bad things.

Fortunately, there is no yellow nest in this world anyway, and this is the first time everyone has seen this anti-poem, so after she wrote the poem, she quickly reminded everyone: "This poem is to encourage everyone to study hard and not forget their own. In the beginning, don’t give up on yourself because of a little setback.”

At this time, the barrage was still praising her because of this poem, so I didn't think much about it.

Soon, this poem became a popular question on Zhihu.

"How do you evaluate Luo Quan's "Inscription on Chrysanthemums"?"

With 3000 million hits, it is second only to "Houlang", which is the number one hit list.

In the past two years, Luo Quan can be seen in many popular events at Station B. It can even be said that Luo Quan has single-handedly made the activities she participated in at Station B rise to the level of big hits.

But this time is obviously an exception. She did not participate in the Houlang incident, and it is said that the speech position was originally hers, but she refused.

Netizens started their analysis with this as an entry point:

"I can only say that Luo Quan is very wise, I guess after watching Hou Lang's speech and video, he noticed something was wrong.

In fact, she has always been a very positive person and down-to-earth, and she often said a word: art should not be too divorced from the masses.

How could a creator with such an idea participate in the production of Houlang? "

"Haha, although Luo Quan is indeed worthy of praise, but the brother above doesn't seem to talk about poetry, which is a bit out of order.

First of all, there are many over-interpretations and violent comments about this poem on the Internet.

But in my opinion, Luoquan actually told us a simple truth.

Are you envious after watching your life in Houlang?want it?If you want it, hurry up to study and work hard, and when you become Qingdi, you can have the beautiful life you want!

I think this is what Luo Quan wanted to express, and it was also said during the live broadcast, so netizens should stop speculating, so as not to cause trouble for her.

In addition, as far as poetry is concerned, the quality is quite good. The first two sentences are desolate and depressing, while the second half directly expresses Ling Yun's ambition.

It is a good poem full of passion, and it needs a person with a big pattern to write it. Of course, the mind and pattern are sometimes the same thing, so I am not surprised that Luo Quan wrote such a poem.

If she lived in ancient times, it is estimated that we will have to recite a few more poems in our Chinese texts. "


The hot discussion about Houlang eventually faded away with the passage of time.

After complaining, life has to go on.

One week after World of Warcraft was launched, the number of point-card paying users has reached 300 million, breaking the historical record of point-card online games.

As an online game, its popularity has exploded.

Similarly, the number of people cheating is also very explosive.

In just one week, World of Warcraft blocked tens of thousands of users who were cheating.

Point cards only need to charge 15 yuan to play games, and the cost of committing crimes is really not high.

But Luoquan has always had zero tolerance for cheating, and Penguin's anti-cheat team is in charge of this business.

As for how ruthless Penguin is against cheating, it can only be said that he understands everything, so the current game environment is still healthy.

(End of this chapter)

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